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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm98/Supernaut14/normals.jpg




    This is currently what the low poly looks like with the normals on it, needs a lot of work

  2. I would give it a shot if it wasn't so fuzzy, it would fit pretty well with my mod.


    Too bad fuzzy and furry things are such a paint to get looking right...

  3. So someone got butt-hurt that the game runs good for you and not for them? Lame.


    Last time I told someone that my game never crashed up untill I started loading it with mods they accused me of being either a lier or trying to spread Propaganda because I work for Bethesda... :teehee:


    But if it wern't for people like that, then this place wouldn't really be interesting, now would it.

  4. Hey man ;D




    I'm a big fan of Fallout Tactics... And the BoS PA from FoT is the best one ever!


    I allways dreamed on seeing this PA in Fallout 3...


    To bad that you can't work on it now... The 3D Models were simply perfect!


    I would help... But i'm not good on making textures... I just know how to edit they...


    But... Anyway...


    Me, and a lot of people would be very happy to see our dreams become truth ;D


    Thank you so muck... And... Steel be with you! xD



    Textures arnt the problem, it is normal maps...


    The reason it takes so much time is because I have to teach myself the skill to make normal maps work right in order to finish this. If I already had the skill it would only be a matter of sitting down for an hour and it would be good.

  5. jeezo, are u still doing this wookie.


    your commitment is comendable ;)


    whats the progress :)


    thats the problem, there hasn't been much progress...


    I keep going through different ideas on my models and that should be done soon, maybe later this week if nothing unexpected comes up. I just need to finally make up my mind and stop switching whether I want to make more modular peices or keep each building a unique mesh...

  6. No modern RPGs have perfect stories... most don't even have good stories... No one even attempts to have interactive dialogue anymore, more or less have good interactive dialogue. Dragon Age has a few memorable conversations, and Mass Effect has a few more, but that is about it for the entire Publisher based indstry as well as the Indie game industry.


    Truly good plot and dialogue isn't seen as immportant by the mainstream game publishers, and the indie guys know that it is too large of a task for them to take on without totaly bankrupting their studio and themselves in the process.


    What you are asking Fallout to be is something that isn't really possible in the year 2010. You can't delay the release date on your game and ask the publisher for more money because you want hair animation and more dialogue, they would laugh you out of thier office.




    You can't just look at everything from an idealistic perspective of how you wish games were. No game can stand up to your vision of a perfect game.


    It just isn't possible to have the interactive dialogue of Fallout 1 and the complex animations of Vampire Bloodlines and the FPS mechanics of Metro 2033 and the meele mechanics of God of War and the finely tuned 3rd person camera of Mass Effect and the detailed character models of Final Fantasy 13 and the polished environments of Call of Juarez and the engine rendering capabilities of Crysis and the lighting effects of Resistance Fall of Man and have it be as open worlded as Grand Theft Auto and with as polished a story as Final Fantasy X and also make it able to be modded...



    It just isn't possible, that is all there is to say, it just isn't possible.





    But anyways, I will save you some time by telling you that I am done here. If you want to respond do it because other people may read, but I don't plan on coming back to read it. Not because I have anything against anyone, I am just tired of dicussing this and I have games to make and mechanics to tweak and models to build.


    so have a good day


    I just compared Fallout3 to Fallout1 and 2. I don't care about real life on this topic as it's about "shortcomings of Fallout3" (I care about my life when I'm not writing on this topic :teehee: ). I am not a game designer, but I'm a professional when it comes to knowing the positive and the negative. I started playing games on the Commodore64, so I know a lot about how a game should be. I probably played thousands of games and most of them were not what you would call a bad game. Most of them were gross games, but I played because of the music, or the story, or just because I wanted to catch something good. That's what makes me a professional on immediately deciding the good and bad about a game.


    So by your logic I am an NFL Quarterback and know how to tell Peyton Manning how to do his job :laugh:


    You can see the finished product, but you don't understand the thought process behind why they make the decisions they make.



    But anyways, I would be willing to bet that Fallout 1 and 2 had a far large budget alloted to dialogue and writing than Fallout 3 did. Maybe if Falout 3 cut all the lypsyncing animators and the voice actors they could bring in a good writing team. The only problem with that logic is that there is absolutly no way a publisher is going to allow you to make a game with no voiceovers in todays market.


    As sad as it is, dialogue and writing is an afterthought in the modern game industry. Publishers control the money, and they want you to produce what sells, and good dialogue is not it.


    Whether or not you or I agree, the truth is a game without voiceovers would be destroyed by critics while a game with cheap dialogue will get a 9 out of 10 for haveing an immersive story.



    Whether you like it or not, publishers control everything, and the market isn't even in the same ballpark as it was when Fallout 1 and 2 came out.




    I can only name one company that has been able to produce good interactive dialogue in recent years, and that is Bioware, and you can't expect everyone to live up to their standard, they are simply at the top of what they do.

  8. This little budget game from 2001 called Darkened Skye has better animations than Fallout3



    See for yourselves. There is proper body movement in the this game. When you look around in the game, your waist actually turns naturally. Even the hair is animated.


    Wanna guess which game has the higher budget?


    I see you are comparing a strictly third person shooter with Fallout3's third person option IMO that's not really a fair comparison.


    But someone who has never tried to fine tune a game mechanic before would have no way of knowing that, so his ignorance on the matter is pretty understandable.




    You add too many variables into you mechanic and it ill just blow up in your face, I have learned that from expereince.


    Videogames by their very nature want to be one thing, and one thing only, and trying to make something that is everything is such a monumental task that it makes my head hurt just thinking about trying to fine tune something like that.




    And for the record, it isn't really that the animations are that much better, but that the mechanic actually allows for different animations based on stuff like moving in a 3/4 direction or backwards and jumping. It isn't the animators fault if the mechanic doesn't trigger a new animation when the player hits the S key.


    The waist turning naturally would be because the bone has a linked constraint that makes it face in the direction of the cursor, and has nothing to do with the animator. (at least that is how I do it in Unity, I don't know thier exact process, but I know for a fact that they didn't aminate the waste turning in Maya or 3Ds Max.)

  9. You know, the problem is, people are expecting too much from Bethesda. They wrote dialogue that is used by the hundreds of characters in Fallout, dozens having totally unique dialogue. Now, when you say that the NPC's should react to mass murders when your are talking to them, that's asking to much. You're essentially asking Bethesda to record and write hundreds of new dialogue for the certain quests, all of the NPC's, a fool's errand I should say.


    The thing is, I don't think anyone who is insulting Beth for the dialogue has ever even attempted to write interactive dialogue.


    Some people just seem to love throwing out judgement over things they havn't tried to do or even tried to understand, and that doesn't just apply to this topic, but life in general.

  10. Compromise: Mass Effect-style third person. :biggrin: In Fallout 3 I rely heavily on first-person in interior spaces, but the third-person camera in Mass Effect worked pretty well outdoors and in.


    That is deffinatly the direction I would go...


    But you can't expect everyone to be as good as Bioware.

  11. I think people take for granted that Fallout gives you the option to change, which I personally like because I switch between the two a lot. But the mechanics do suffer for that.


    True. I guess I don't really see the benefit personally since I only use first person.


    I guess this sort of sums up everything bethesda was doing. Making it "decent" in a wide variety of categories without going indepth in any one area.


    That is pretty much the point I was trying to make :smile:


    You don't have to like Bethesda's decision to choose to add in a 3rd person camera and the like, that is all a matter of opinion, no one will EVER make everyone happy. I just think it should be taken into acount when yo judge the ability of the game studio.


    Enstead of saying that Bethesda is lazy and bad at what they do because certain parts arn't great, it is more appropriate to say that they spent too much time on features that you don't really use to the rest of the game suffered because of it.


    I don't think everyone should agree with what Bethesda did in areas, I just wish more people would appreciate that even though you might not agree with some of the design choices and compromises they made, the designers are not bad or lazy. You may not see them as your favorite or one of the top studios, but I don't think it is fair to think that they don't know what they are doing and that they didn't do everything withing their power to make the best game they could.




    I don't know anyone from Bethesda personally, but I do know several people that work in the game industry, and I can tell you that pretty much everyone that makes it as a game designer is very passionate about what they do. People don't put in the work to become game designers just because they think it is an easy way to rip people off and make money by selling you carp for 60$ a peice.


    All the people that I have met out there are doing the best job they possibly can do within the limitations they are given. No one is ever completly satisfied with the final product, but everyone does the best they can, not to turn out another game and make money, but because they want to make the best game they possibly can.




    I am always happy to discuss how a different choice of mechanics could make a game better or whatever, but as someone who is trying to become a game designer I personally find it offensive to see people just ripping on how bad and lazy a company is.




    But that is just my opinion, take it for what it is.

  12. and tuned it to a set 3rd person camera over the shoulder,


    Noooooo!!! Don't take my first person away, it's the only way to play! :blink:


    Well, then be glad I am not making the game :smile: (if I did however own Bethesda you would be out of luck though :ninja: )



    First person is however about 10 times easier to tune the mechanics for, and if Bethesda would have stuck with that then the final product would have been a lot more polished and fine tuned. There is a reason that games like Call of Juarez and Call of Duty only allow first person even though they have all the animations needed and all the ability to give a 3rd person option. The mechanics between first and thrid feel too different and they don't want to mess with fine tuneing both.


    Same reason Gears of War doesn't offer a first person mode.


    I think people take for granted that Fallout gives you the option to change, which I personally like because I switch between the two a lot. But the mechanics do suffer for that.

  13. Gamebryo is far from perfect in a lot of way, but the point I was trying to make is that you can't blame the engine for Game Mechanics. Having physics is far from neccessary to have a good FPS. I just find it funny when people blame Gamebryo for something that is the fault of not very well designed mechanics.


    I was blaming bethesda more than the tools they used. If, indeed, gamebryo is not responsible for the terrible game mechanics, then it means that the problems are more easily fixable (as they are not inherent issues with the engine) and that bethesda did an even poorer job than at first glance. I had simply been giving bethesda benefit of the doubt, as it would be more understandable that they don't want to overhaul the gamebryo engine.


    I don't think you understand the process of fine tuning a game mechanic to perfection, makeing a FPS mechanic on the level of Call of Duty or something is every bit as hard as fixing a game engine. The only difference is a game engine has a pretty clear correct answer, but with a game mechanic everyone expects something different.


    The idea of trying to tune first person shooter mechanics and first person meele mechanics, as well as not only makeing a 3rd person camera that can be adjusted on the fly but haveing to make sure that the mechanics still feel good for shooters in 3rd person near, shooters in 3rd person far, meele in 3rd person near, meele in 3rd person far. Then ontop of that tuneing the mechanics to work with a large multitude of different stats and weapons that can change the entire feel of how the game is played.


    It isn't an easy task by any means. If it was up to me I would have just thrown out Meele entirely and tuned it to a set 3rd person camera over the shoulder, because I think that haveing too vast a number of variables made the thing incredibly hard to tune correctly. The different camera positions really complicated things. (I don't think many people realise how big a part camera placement plays when it come to mechanics)


    I am by no means saying that Bethesda is great at mechanic design, I would say they are about average, not horrible but deffinatly no great as well. They just bit off way too much to make everything as fine tuned as a game like Call of Juarez or something, especially considering they don't really have and FPS experence as a company.


    You just shouldn't underestimate how hard it really is to tune all of those mechanics if you have never been inside of an engine and tried to make something feel and play good. It is every bit as hard as programming an engine, just more right brained then left.

  14. I gots no MSN, sorry. Maybe someone else then. I do gots Skype though. You should probably start by DL FOMM. That may be the most useful mod of them all.


    Download FOMM


    Download whatever mods you want


    Copy the Meshes, Textures, and ESM files into the Fallout Data folder


    Open FOMM and check the mods you want


    Play Fallout

  15. Well actually the X-Ray engine used in stalker as well as the "Modified' X-Ray engine used by 4a games for metro2033 both use physics on the bullets (im not completely sure about the latter but if it really is just a modified version which it looked like then i would think it would have the physics but maybe not because it does use physX). You get bullet drop, ricochet, and penetration. And those engines are both much better then gamebryo on pretty much every level AI, Environment, Physics,


    Sounds very interesting, if not just a little overkill. I should look more into that. I guess it could be usefull to have bullet physics for long range sniper shots and the like, though no one would even notice the difference in a close quarters gun fight with smgs and assault rifles shooting up the place.


    But I guess with the stuff programmers pull of today it probly doesn't end up taking up any more processing power than the old way.


    I guess I am just out of date with my engine technology. Lately all I have been working with is Unity, and as good as it is for a free engine designed mostly for web games, it isn't up to par with these engines profesional game studios have. Attatching bullet drop and the like to the projectile still works fine for me.




    But anyways, your probably the first person to actually blame Gamebryo for what Gamebryo lacks, as opposed to things that really have nothing to do with the engine. It annoys me to no end that when I place stuff in an outdoor environment the sun shines straight through my roof... though honestly as a play and not a modder I would probably have never noticed.


    Gamebryo is far from perfect in a lot of way, but the point I was trying to make is that you can't blame the engine for Game Mechanics. Having physics is far from neccessary to have a good FPS. I just find it funny when people blame Gamebryo for something that is the fault of not very well designed mechanics.

  16. you can increase your speed in the GECK though


    .1 is a bit overboard though, but I have played at .4 before and upped my character speed.



    I usually play at .9 and up my speed to be slightly faster than average.

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