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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. The Faction


    These guys are pretty much a higher class of raiders. With the exeption of the leader and the top ranks, they are mostly made up of former raiders that joined them because of a hunger for more power. They are a small group, but organized, and specialise in stealth and long range sniping to get the job done. They are only interested in takeing over targets that have technelogical value to them. They want to immprove their own technology so they are in constant search of remnants of old technology they can use. They raid vaults and they steal from small outposts that the Enclave or Brotherhood may have.


    They have research facilities where the Faction's scientists study the technlogy the soldiers bring back to make use of it. Though the bottom ranks are mostly filled with former raiders than only join because of the power they can obtain from the tech, the top ranks have a much different view. The founders of the Faction formed the group based on two things. 1: that there are more raiders in the wasteland than any other group, and that if they were ever united under one goal with the right leadership, they would be able to wipe out the Super Mutants, The Enclave, and The Brotherhood of Steel. And 2: that raiders are very simple minded people with no loyalty or political system, to get them to follow you all you have to offer them is more money, food, and a better chance to survive.


    The leader of the Faction wanted to join the raiders together into a single army and bring a new order to the Wasteland. He wanted to get rid of all of the elitist groups like the Enclave as well as all the other groups that threaten humanity. He wanted to get rid of the raider problem not by killing them off, but by bringing them into his organization and using them as part of the solution.




    So anyways, these guys are the villians that have good intentions but have very brutal and evil ways about getting there. They become the main villians in my mod when you have to get the peices from a water purifier and you go into what you think of as the uninhabited Vault 141.


    You go inside and find that it is full of Faction members trying to scavenge every last peice of technology they can. You can talk to them or kill them, but if you want to get to the basement level of the vault where the water purifier is you will need to eather sneak past them or shoot them. But this ends up being far more than a simple run in and grab the purifier mission.



    So this is where the story is still a bit sketchy and stuff, I am still playing with different ideas and seeing which one I actually want to end up useing.



    But the thing is, Vault 141 was one of the many experement vaults. In charge of the experements is Dr. Zeong, who has one particular specimine that is more valuable than all of the others. (as to what the experement is, I have about 3 different ideas I am trying to decide between) So, Dr. Zeong wants to do more work that goes beyond just helping the people inside of his vault, so he contacts the outside world and secretly meets up with the Faction. He pretty much sells the code to the vault door and the end result of his experement to the Faction.


    So the Faction came in and took the place over and killed and enslaved all of the inhanitants. They kidnapped the little girl so that Dr. Zeong could complete his experements.



    But I didn't want to simply tell this story through dialogue, so me and the other guys working on my mod decided that we are going to have some crazy flashbacks start effecting you when you go into the lower levels of the vault.



    You will start seeing visions of people from the vault and hearing Dr.Zeong talk to you and stuff. There will be three times when you see a white flash of light (like vault 101 at the beginning) and then when you wake up you are no longer playing as your character inside of the Faction controled vault, but you are the little girl inside of the pre-faction invasion vault.


    So, the first one you get to explore the Vault and see how the girl ends up becomeing part of the experement. the second one you are now part of the experement and it will go more in depth into that stuff, as well as show Dr. Zeong talking to the Faction over his secret radio signal. And the third one will be when the Vault is broken into and you have to escape from the Faction and get out of the vault. But once you get to the end you get surrounded and the screen goes back to the player character.


    These will happen in 3 different parts of you working your way to the bottom of the vault to get the water purifier.


    I was also planning on haveing you black out and haveing a childs stuffed animal talk to you in a very zen master, obi wan kenobi kind of way, giveing you profound guidance, as well as other crazy stuff.



    But anyways, you eventually get to the bottom and get the stuff for the water purifier and take it back to the town. Hurray, everyone is happy. But you now have the map marker for the Faction base at which the little girl is being held.


    So you have to break into the Faction base and save the little girl. I havn't figured out exactly what is going to be said dialogue wise, and mabe I will incorporate a few more visions and such, not 100% sure though.







    So, anyways, anyone got any ideas to expand this? Im still working on what exactly I am going to have be special about the little girl that makes her Dr. Zeongs special experement and so valuable to the Faction...

  2. I don't have any plans on putting people in the D.C. ruins, but I have a lot of stuff I am working on out in the western area of the map


    I think the game is quite emptly, and really, overall depressing to think that all that is left of humanity is this... So that is why I decided to make my mod



    I am adding 25 NPCs eventually, all of which will have full dialogue and everything.


    If you want to check it out, the link is here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0

  3. Didn't read the hideous brick of text (try using the enter key a bit more :P). Just curious, why all the sudden interest in Bleach mods for Fallout 3? :blink: This is.. I think the third request I've seen in as many days.


    Ahh, an animu moddin' newb, when will the realize the two don't mix...


    As for you, go jump off a bridge. Don't like anime, anime mods, or the people who request them? Stay the hell out of the threads.


    it was the same guy going around and bumping old Bleach topics, like this one form a long time ago...




    I watch bleach from time to time, but I wouldn't put anything bleach into my game, and deffinatly not spend my time makeing it.




    and personally, I think that the whole idea of a total conversion in general is entirely stupid unless you have a ton of expereince behind you and at least a handful of other modders that you can rely on that have a handful of expereince themselves...


    And even so, if I was to put that much time makeing a whole new game I would never do it based off someone elses design. I would want to take credit for what I created as opposed to just copying something like bleach...




    the only thing I would want from bleach is Byakuya's attack, but that would be immpossible

  4. my attempts to be funny usualy end up offending people because sarcasm doesn't carry over as well on the internet as it does in a real conversation...


    I pretty much view the whole costant swarm of noob questions as a big running joke, but not everyone is in on the joke, but I don't plan on lettig that stop me... I will keep going untill it stops amusing me or one of the mods gives me another warning...


    then I will crawl back into my little corner and work on my mod

  5. Ok, this could fall into one of three categories. Since I am not sure if you are even sure whether or not you are asking for a mod that is already made or asking someone to make one, I will just show you all the possible better places this question should have been put.


    So, if you are looking for a mod that already exists, your best bet is NOT to go ask people to search for you, but to go do it yourself. Unless of course you have no hands, but in that case you probly not only wouldn't be playing Fallout but you also couldn't have typed this topic in the first place.




    And if you can't find it there, you could possibly ask the mod detectives




    But if you are asking for it to be made, then it would go here



  6. Oh wow! This kind of sounds like a Rune Factory concept... except for an FPS!


    Being able to create a sustainable living environment while having the capabilities of adventuring out in the wastes, etc.


    I'm totally digging this concept. If you need any custom songs for towns/themes, let me know. I'll go ahead and track this topic.


    What kind of songs do you have to offer? could you send me some samples?

  7. I have to agree with Tony the Wookie, though he put it in a really harsh way ^^


    ok, I appoligise for that


    next time I will simply give you this




    have a good day

  8. come on dude... why do you have to make titles like that...


    the whole purpose for a title is that people have an idea what you are trying to ask, so they don't have to waste their time reading it if they don't know anything about the subject...


    couldn't you have put


    Visually Isolate Items

    Does a mod exist


    and then I wouldn't have wasted my time reading it, becuas I don't have a clue...

  9. I hope you arn't too set on the whole FEV thing, because while I was at work today I came up with a new idea


    everything else will stay the same, just the specifics of the experement will change



    I will get all the details figured out and update you with my new ideas. I think the new stuff can turn out a lot more origional than the FEV thing




    but then again, if my new idea doesn't turn out the way I want then we can just stick with the FEV





    But anyways, sounds like you have a good plan going, just tell me if you need anything modeled or thextured, and if you need stuff textured just make a duplicate base object for me to put textures on

  10. Alright Tony, Quetzecotle still hasn't contacted me and I have no clue how he wants the Vault designed. If I don't have anything in the next 10 hours (i get off work) then I'm going to just start building what I want.


    from what he told me he doesn't need anything specific, and he will work around whatever kind of vault he gets


    so you can go ahead and design the whole thing however you feel works best, only thing I will request is that you have to walk all the way to the end of the vault to get to the basement level, enstead of haveing the basement level door be close to the front. Other than that anything should work.


    and one more thing, if you want me to do any retextures of anything in the vault, make a copy of the base object so that I can change the texture on that peice without changeing it in whatever other vault it came from



    I am completly willing to do retextures for whatever you need in the vault, so just tell me if you need any



    also, did you get the file I emailed you?

  11. ya, that is just the GECK flood light that allows you to see what you are working on


    I will get to the retexture once I get my photoshop to read the .DDS file from the game


    Do you think there's a way to make ALL the NPCs bisexual?


    Well, in theory it would be easy, but that would either mess up the dialogue or make me have to do twice as much dialogue... 8 characters with 2 of them haveing multiple responese based on sex is already a whole lot of work, if I made new dialogue for the other 6 as well that would really be a pain.


    and it would mess up the integrity of my character design


    So I am going to keep it the way it is. But when the file is released, you can always open it up in the GECK and open up the dialogue for both male and female if you like.

  12. I don't think you can


    but there is a rideable creature mod already out there, im not going to go look for the link to give you, but I know it is out there, so go have a look


    you might want to try searching rideable creatures




    but anyways, I am going to try to get a mutated horse into the game, but right now my models arn't quite up to par. But in time I will get it working and try to get rideable horses in the game

  13. Good work on the store :)


    Quetzecotle already has a file with the exterior of the town, so I can send you that file or send him your file to get them put together.



    we already have the layout of a couple of the buildings and have them linked to the outside world, I will email you the file as soon as I am done typeing this message.



    If you can get the interiors done, then that will leave me time to get the exterior meshes into the game and working, right now I am still working with the textures to get the proper wateland look to it.

  14. Ok, so if you don't think there will be any problem with the whole loose player control thing and the flashbacks and hallucinations, then I will start working on some story ideas to implement this kind of stuff. After I see what Quetzlsacatanango thinks about how to work it into the quest.


    What exactly were you planning with this mysterious guy that shows up in the vision thing?


    Just came back to this thread. Wow...


    a little better organized than the last one :D

  15. Is a retex of Liberty Prime to Titan's colors possible?


    you would just have to find the .DDS file and then pull it up in some sort of program like Photoshop and change the colors, real simple if the plugin to read .DDS files works for you... too bad I can't get my photoshop CS4 to read .DDS files no matter what I do...

    What's your Graphics Card? Nvidia's plugin works fine with PS CS4.


    ATI Radeon HD 4800


    I tried the plugin you mentioned, and no luck...

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