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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. You guys have seriously misunderstood, or not read what I said haha.


    I'm not saying I want to avoid it. I'm just saying that there's so much of it and I haven't seen any cool new normal armors in a while.


    And Tony, I clearly said that I KNOW THAT. Your comment was unnecessary. If you read what I said, I'm not complaining about the mods, I'm just saying I wish that people would take on other things seeing as to how we have so much of the same mature content going on over and over. There's so many body type mods and kinky clothing mods out there already.


    @OHWceta Yeah I guess that kind of makes sense that they would work with tighter clothes.


    By the way to everyone getting so worked up about this. I've made some clear statements as to specify the fact that I'm not complaining about their work, it's called contructive criticism. It's a simple suggestion, and I posted to see if anybody was feeling similarly rather than to attract people who disagree. If you disagree then just ignore it and move on, I'm not attacking anyone so there's no reason to try and attack me.


    This section of the forums is general mod talk, and that's what I'm talking about. Mods in general. :P


    Oh, but I forgot about the title; my mistake it does seem a bit hostile. I was just trying to attract people's attention to if they were thinking the same way as I am.


    I did not misunderstand you, I knew exactly that you wanted people to make other stuff other than just adult content


    and I still, knowing that, think you are totally out of place makeing a topic about it




    If you want something else, make it yourself, but it is just rude to come on here and act like people should be spending their own time makeing what you think as opposed to what you want. Sitting around judgeing what others feel like doing is not helping anyone.


    I don't care that you want new cool normal armors, if people want to make them they will, but if not, then STFU


    (and that is comeing from someone makeing a mod that is completly not adult content...)

  2. Look, before anyone starts to try and rip at me for this, you're right I don't mod so I can't really do anything, well anyway back to my point.


    Exactly, you don't make anything, so stop complaining about the people that do...


    at least they contribute something to the site other than complaining about other peoples mods... :whistling:

  3. don't get me started on Walmart tales... because saddly, I work there...


    the sad thing is, as a Walmart employ, no matter what a kid is doing, you can't say anything... because if you do, the kid runs to their mom, the mom beleives the kid that you were just picking on them, the mom runs to your manager, and no Walmart manager is ever going to beleive an employ...


    so in the end you end up getting called into the office and coached "Walmarts way of threatening your job" for telling a 7 year old kid not to be playing with a glass jar of pickles



    and yes, I have actualy seen that kind of stuff happen before... that is why Walmart associates always just sit back and do nothing when stuff happens... and that is why Walmart just plane sucks...

  4. this is exactly what I wanted to avoid... :confused:


    political discussion on a Fallout Modding site is a little out of place


    and really, starting off a discussion calling people "assholes" really doesn't make people want to take anything else you say seriously




    I am not going to comment about any peoples political views in any way, I am just saying that this is not the right place to discuss such things

  5. as long as you have a seperate texture for your doors or windows you dont have to pack them on the same uvw as your building.


    when you have a nif containing multiple meshes, just plug in the seperate textures to each seperate mesh in the nif file. Each seperate mesh has its own UV unwrap.



    Got it :biggrin:


    thanks for the help, I havn't really used nifskope before



    now if only I had my Wacom I could get these textures done a whole lot faster... :confused:

  6. i recommend this mod: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5981


    to Tony the Wookie: how do you quote? ive never been able to do it. only in my mail.


    at the bottom of the post is a button that says reply, that will automatically have the quote from whatever post you clicked


    but anyways, did you really read this? because if so, why did you give him a recomendation? i personally don't think we should incourage such rude behavior with recomendations or anything of the like... it is kind of like buying candy for the kid who was screaming for 20 minutes in line at Walmart, you just don't reward such behavior...


    but anyways, good luck with your future quoteing :smile:

  7. How interesting. I felt exactly the same way about Bush/Cheney supporters. Only the very rich ones seemed to know what they were doing. The rest are now blaming Obama for the bed that they made.


    Though I agree with what you are saying, I don't think bringing up politics on a forum about anything other that politics, leads to anything but a whole lot of trouble :closedeyes:


    especially when it is not discussion about policy, but just straight foward attacks on those that see things from a different side than you


    that is why I chose not to respond to the first post that mentioned politics, I was hopeing it would just go away

  8. I would have thought that most women would be uncomfortable playing a game so overloaded with men, but then honestly I can't play the game unmodded myself. Fixing this inbalance is always the first thing I do.

    In my opinion,as long as I get to control a female character I don't mind if I play a game with mostly all male characters. What would make me feel uncomfortable is if the game has a bunch of women in skimpy outfits or exaggerated melon boobs,now that'sgeared towards males.


    Come to think of it,wouldn't a girl be more likely to play a game with all male characters since they would be nicer to look at in a girl's point of view?


    I know that as a guy I would rather play a game that was filled with a ton of hot girls as opposed to a game filled with a bunch of macho army guys...


    but then agian, that is obviously not a universal opinion, otherwise we wouldn't have all these games like Gears of War and such...

  9. you can't make outfits in the GECK


    but anyways, that concept looks pretty much like this...







    I'm having a bad time trying to use G.E.C.K. in Vista. :(


    As you're from California, maybe you can help us in geographical issues, like, apoint some small citys near D.C. who could be used as backgrounds for those refugees I writing.




    first of all, I have never had any problems with Vista and the GECK, so I doubt Vista is the problem, though Vista is an easy scape goat for anything that goes wrong


    and second of all, California is nowhere remotly near Washington D.C. you would be better off just looking at a map ;)


    But. I have many problens with VISTA, so, I think it's really him the problem. Of course I don't blaming the VISTA without reason, because I tested G.E.C.K. on XP PCs and there, no problem.


    And. I don't said: "This is a work from him to the MOD, but, it's one of his works.".

    And seccond: As I am from Brazil and Washington is part of your country, it's FAR more easy to you speak something about it to me, than I try to get it.

    Just it.

    I don't need a map to know where is Miami, Seattle, Colorado, Phoenix or Washington.

    I just asked you to help us in geographic issues, never said anything about where you live is near or far.




    Can I count on you?



    Count on me for what?


    I havn't seen your concepts yet, so I don't know how much work it is going to be

  10. Yeah give me some great mods, got 2142 one so far, also need link for archiveinvalidation, and a link to achielles rifle.



    Get the link yourself... and while your at it, go search for your own mods....



    No offence but damn man sound a little less of a buttface.



    Thats just plane epic :biggrin:

  11. you can't make outfits in the GECK


    but anyways, that concept looks pretty much like this...







    I'm having a bad time trying to use G.E.C.K. in Vista. :(


    As you're from California, maybe you can help us in geographical issues, like, apoint some small citys near D.C. who could be used as backgrounds for those refugees I writing.




    first of all, I have never had any problems with Vista and the GECK, so I doubt Vista is the problem, though Vista is an easy scape goat for anything that goes wrong


    and second of all, California is nowhere remotly near Washington D.C. you would be better off just looking at a map ;)

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