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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. To Tony.: Sorry i think i misunderstood your very first post in this thread. I thought you're learning how to make hairstyles, and once you feel ok, youll be making some.

    But i just want to politely ask you, to try and make a bobcut, sometime, anytime, just dont forget it, please.


    I know everything I need to know about makeing hair meshes and textures, I just havn't made any yet


    I have had very little time to work with 3Ds Max latley, and what time I have had I've spent working on the houses for my mod and learning the proper edge loop techniques to build people... Because unlike a lot of people, when I want something done, I spend time learning how to do it myself




    But anyways, is this the kind of hair you want?








  2. I'm a girl and I recently got addicted to Fallout 3 (I've seen the commercials but I always thought it was just another "War Game" oh boy was I wrong..). My 12 year old sister is even more addicted to Fallout 3 than I am and just a few days ago I told my 22 year old sister about it and she began playing and she liked it so much she told my mom about it. xD


    it is good to hear that there are actually girls out there that are intersted games not made by Nintendo

  3. wow... I just told someone this morning that I have never heard of anyone requesting this kind of thing before...


    but anyways, it would take new animations and such which would be a total pain to do, I guess it might be possible in theory, but I would imagine it would be pretty hard

  4. I have heard dubs so bad that they make me want to stick a 44. Magnum in my mouth and blow my head off...


    but then I just turn them off ;)




    I will make some more stuff if Ceta or someone else will put my gun or helmet in game, but as long as no one is going to do anything with them, I won't bother doing anything new

  5. I am, however, somewhat puzzled by the manner of your response. A single link would have been enough, but ten more times? I would perhaps understand this if I was a repeated offender of my mistake and continually blatantly disregarded any advice that was pointed in my direction, but as you might have noticed, I am new to these forums and this post of mine was in fact the very first I made. Now, I don't wish to start my life on these forums on the wrong footing and I acknowledge my mistake I wish to offer you my apologies for having seemingly offended you with my ignorance. However, I would like to suggest that in the future you might find that correcting the mistakes of new forum members can be done slightly more tactfully. That said, you have my blessing for going all out ballistic on repeat offenders and those who simply refuse to take advice. :thumbsup:


    I was actully attempting to be funny


    There are at least 2 or 3 posts every single day like this, and day after day me or someone else has to point to the top of the thread... over and over and over again.


    If you stick around for a while you will see what I am talking about and see what I was trying to get at in my post





    but my sarcasm does get me in trouble quite a bit, because people assume that I am serious, but I still have 2 strikes left before they ban me :biggrin:

  6. right gonna sound stupid as hell for this iv had a bit of a search and cant find out how to do it lol. but where do i find the esm/esp's for download content so i can put them in fomm.. a few mods dont work because i dont have them in there and as im a tard some times im stuck lol..


    allso i have all download content before any one jumps to the conclusion i havnt downloaded them


    mabe you could have put that in the title... enstead of something generic...


    this is a modding website... everything has to do with mods... so saying "help with mods" is like saying "this is a topic" or "I am typeing stuff for you to read"




    because who knows, mabe someone else will come along with the exact same problem, and they won't see your topic to find the answer, because it doesn't say anything about ESMs and DLC or anything like that... it defeats the purpose of haveing a search feature...





    but anyways, if what blackbelt said doesn't work, then you are out of luck... at least as far as I can help you

  7. first of all, I don't see what your problem is... it is as simple as logging on, searching tailor made, and opening it up again...


    if it isn't that simple, then you need to explain what exactly you are talking about better





    and second, you get the reward for the worst name for a topic I have ever seen...


    seriously... it is a FALLOUT 3 Forum, and you are asking a question NOT about Fallout 3 exactly, but you name it Fallout 3...


    I'm not trying to be rude, im just curious, what exactly were you thinking when you decided it was a good idea to name it that?

  8. If you searched for it, and you didn't find it, then it probly doesn't exist ;)


    I thought it was a little strange since it seems like it would be something that a lot of people would like to see


    ...I havn't seen anyone express any desire to play a a super mutant untill right now


    and if you are wanting to request the idea, then there is a request section for that

  9. I have tried various search strings on that site and on these forums but it just seems to elude me



    mabe you should have tried looking at the top of this forum, where it says


    What Mod is This?

    Fallout 3 Mod Detectives


    it is the very first topic you see when you go to "Fallout 3 General Modification Talk"









    but since you obviously don't see things in plane site, I will give you the link 10 times, and mabe you will see one of them





















  10. I have played through 2 playthroughs as a custom race, and the only problem I had was when I got to the begining of Broken Steel, but I am pretty sure there is a fix for that somewhere on the Nexus (I just swapped my race for 2 minutes and put it back and everything worked)



    Yeah, you were lucky, but 2 playthroughs are not an insurance that it will work fine under all circumstances. The more custom pc configs and softwares out there the more errors that can happen. But i dont have anything against a custom race, i just mentioned it might be not safe to play with yet.


    luck has nothing to do with it, I could play through 20 more times and it would still work for me :wink:


    now on someone elses setup, I wouldn't know, because I don't make a habit of breaking into peoples houses and playing Fallout with custom races on their computers


    Tony, go go learn some hairsmesh basics for me >.<


    I already know the basics of makeing a mesh for hair, so I am not quite sure what you mean by that...

  11. I have played through 2 playthroughs as a custom race, and the only problem I had was when I got to the begining of Broken Steel, but I am pretty sure there is a fix for that somewhere on the Nexus (I just swapped my race for 2 minutes and put it back and everything worked)
  12. I know.... but still I want it back :(

    Mostly because I guess my computer is crap and I lag when im the the rivet city market. Plus it was fun to go on unsaved killing sprees when Im bored.


    should have thought about that before blowing it up :whistling:

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