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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Basement level is complete. No pics for you guys :P


    I have an idea and I'm going to bounce it off you guys.


    -As soon as you load up the basement level, you'll be in a room.

    -You'll lose control of your character and gas will start filling up your screen.

    -You will fall down and just before your eye's shut you see a man in a gas mask kneel down and say just one word "Perfect."

    -You'll wake up in one of the small rooms (still no character control) the screen will pan over tot he window where the mysterious man is about to hit a button

    -For no reason you see him flee (you gain control of your character) and you hear him explode.

    -(if i can get this implimented) you'll see a flash of the girl that was held there.

    -The door will then unlock and you are able to continue on.


    If you can pull it off I am all for it :biggrin:


    you can take whatever liberties you want with the whole Faction / little girl / experemental vault story, just keep me updated so I can make sure me, you, and Quetzecotle are all on the same page quest wise.


    I was going to post up a backstory of the Faction, but I got distracted yesterday and didn't end up getting the thing typed...




    I like the idea of crazy hallucination flashback kind of stuff, I just wouldn't have a clue on how to implement any of the stuff inside of the Geck.


    I have also thought about doing flashbacks by using the whole Tranquility Land / Anchorage thing, but haveing you go to sleep in a normal bed and haveing it be a crazy dream. But I figured it would be too much work at the moment and distract me from getting the more immportant things done. But it is still a possibility later on, time permiting.

  2. :thanks: now i have something to look forward to :thumbsup:


    and I will thank you for giveing me the adoptable child idea :thanks:


    Utterly Impressive! Such a description shows that you are serious and I believe this mod can become a reality. Thank you for this wonderful Idea. I shall help if I find something that I can. You have my full moral support. A thousand kudos isn't enough for you and your team!



    It is just a matter of how long it takes me :wink:


    I got caught up a little on the windows on the exterior of the house, but that is all good now, shouldn't take too many more hours of work to get the first couple of building meshes up, I just got distracted by typeing this whole thing up, and then working on quest ideas for Quetzecotle



    I'm getting better at this 3Ds Max stuff, so it is only a matter of time now till I start getting these meshes made, from armor to centisheep to houses and such. (mabe even armor on centisheep :ninja: ) I'm thinking of trying to make some hair if I have free time this week.


    Only thing I am going to have to learn is how to put meshes into the game, unless someone out there is willing to help out.

  3. Well, if you want feedback on the dialogue, I can do that.


    So far, it really seems quite stiff. It's kinda like:


    PC: "Hi there!"


    NPC: "Oh, hi! Goodbye!"


    The conversations are waaaaay too short. If you want an idea of how to write PC to NPC relationships and dialogue therein, then download this guide to the Baldur's Gate 2 romances. They (the romances) are incredibly well written, some of the best writing in any video game, and are very similar to what you are attempting to accomplish. They involve meeting these characters, getting to know them, and pursuing a romance if you wish. Now, I don't expect your mod to be that good, it's just a good thing to base your dialogue and stuff of of, and to learn from.


    Thanks for the reply


    I will try to work on the whole stiff dialogue thing, and I will deffinatly look at that guide, I am a huge Bioware fan, but never got around to playing Baldur's Gate. But it was Mass Effect that gave me the idea to try this for the relationship thing in the first place.



    but as far as them being short, that is kindof what I had planned, considering the how many conversations there are going to be, and that at the moment Quetzlsacatanango is the only person putting stuff in the GECK, and that other than me he is the only person who has done any dialogue as well...


    I would like to have them longer, but with the current number of people we have for this mod it just didn't seem practical. If people come to volunteer later on, then I would deffinatly expand things, but I feel that if I tried to go too far with the conversations it would probly end up never getting done.



    I do however have a few of those that will be longer and more in depth, but it won't be for every single day



    Sounds awesome. I'll be book marking this and keeping an eye on it. Definitely a must download when its finished. I'd offer to help, but I'm not much of a modder and I can't write either (well maybe a bit).



    You could always try to write something, and if it sucks then I will just laugh at you :biggrin:

  4. okay, thats great

    I'll be a mechanic thats puts stuff together and repairs it (though sorta like the Paradise Falls trader, with not liking his bosses)

    a sorta hi tech band of raiders would be kinda neat, though whats there connection to the town, besides cuasing trouble and a mention from the mayor

    disgruntled someone from when the town was founded starts the faction to break away, and it warps into this over several generations?


    other than the fact that they have occupied the vault that has the water purifier, I really havn't gotten too far into the story, I will get some more stuff later when I get a few more ideas



    so, no one wants to help with dialogue?


    it is really easy... only take a minute or two...




    a few funny conversations would be great, because this mod is a bit lacking in the humor section at the moment :confused: I need to come up with some more smartasss coments and stuff





    Can someone PLEASE tell me what you think of the dialogue I have come up with so far... i'm not sure if it is comeing across the way I wanted...


    would you actually want to read the dialogue, or would you just skip over it because it is boring and I can't write? don't be nice, if it sucks PLEASE tell me, because if the dialogue falls apart, then the whole relationship thing will fall apart...

  5. could you use me?

    I could be a..... something, I'll have to think on it


    don't make the faction too high tech, maybe make their stuff kinda grimy, not perfectly clean and new



    o, they won't be new or clean and stuff like that, they will be very peiced together and patched and such. They are just going to collect technology by raiding vaults, stealing from the Enclave and Brotherhood, or locateing lost manufacturing facilities.


    they are just raiders that have risen to a higher level of raiding sophistication (if there is such a thing)



    But you can be one of the Faction

  6. This is the basement level of the Raiders Vault. I haven\'t added any finishing touches and nothing is final. Love teasers no?


    Here is a few pics.


    That is looking pretty cool


    Tony all I have to say is WOW. Your vision for this MOD is amazing. I'm soo glad I registered to this forum and have seen this thread. I'm also really happy I decided to go with the PC version of FO3 so I have the opportunity to play something as wonderful as you have laid out.


    I'll be watching the progress of this mod closely. Best of luck and I can't wait to play your DLC.



    Allways good to see that people actually appreciate my crazy ideas


    now I just have to make sure I don't disapoint the eagerly waiting fans of my idea :wink:

  7. Idea #1


    Don't make topic titles in all caps...


    Idea #2


    Follow Idea #1


    Idea #3






    Though the stuff does look pretty cool


    You should have some story behind why there are people in the jail, and mabe give the player the option to bring them food or something like that

  8. Hey Tony put the link to this thread in your Signature! Free advertisements are the best!


    Man, my job allows a lot of free time during this season :sigh:

    I look at the forum and notice my name as the last poster and it reminds me of that rull where posting in every thread isn't needed or something like that >.>


    how is this signature?

  9. Are you planning on creating a new race for "The Faction"? For example robotic eyepatches (texture only, like Billy Creel) and other "cyborg-enhancements".


    Btw, I could help with simple image-stuff like creating posters for the town or help isgod101 polishing the screenshots.


    I was actually thinking of designing a helmet type thing for them, which just so happened to have a cybernetic scope type thing covering the eye, but I havn't really go into too many specifics on that right now.


    But you can help with the screenshots as well, you can never have too many


    You can also make signs and stuff for the town too, either old pre-war posters (make them funny) or hand painted signs for the Tavern or General Store or whatever else.







    But anyways, IceDragon said he would work on the Vault, and Ryann122 said he has a base that he will let me use for The Faction's main base.



    I will leave the whole Faction thing open ended and not have you finish them all off at the end of the quest, that way other people can expand on the group later if they want to make quests and such.



    I will give anyone that helps out The Faction armor as soon as it is complete, as opposed to waiting untill the entire mod is done. I am hopeing to get it modeled and textured in the next week or two.



    I will also be getting the house textured, I have had it unwrapped for a while, but I was waiting untill I get my new Wacom tablet to really spend too much time on it. The Wacom should be comeing in the mail today or tommorow so I can get to some serious texture and concept art work.

  10. We can skip voices for now :-)


    Tony, your mod is exactly what I want to do, so please, if I can do something to help you just tell me.


    I am really beginner at G.E.C.K. but I can learn, just tell me what to do ok ?



    GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    can you write dialogue?


    I don't mean putting it into the GECK or anything, just in some sort of word document, and sending it to Quetzlsacatanango and letting him put it into the GECK


    there is going to be a massive amount of dialogue required for the NPCs you form a relationship with, and if you want to help out, that would be great



    there is going to be one "relationship" conversation a day, so even if you just help with a few individual conversations, that would be great, because right now I am planning on haveing between 30-40 per character, and that is just way too much dialogue for one person, considering there are 8 characters to consider...


    if people don't help out with that, then I would have to cut the amount of dialogue available, which would make it seem less realistic




    also, if you want you can help by placeing items and stuff for the house interiors if you know how to do that kind of stuff




    I sugest posting in my topic, because that is where I will be updateing stuff on a regular bases, and then the other people working with me will know what you can help with

  11. So you and I have definitely bounced ideas off and your mod in itself is impressive. If you're still looking for a quest line for the the key I would be more than happy to give you some ideas. I enjoy doing that kind of stuff, and I'm fairly good at it. Just let me know if you're interested and I'll send you some. Until then, I'll get to writing some drafts.


    I'm always happy to take more ideas, I really just have a basic idea of reteriving the peices for the water purifier at the moment, but it could deffinatly use a lot more refinement and stuff.


    Really, the important parts are


    1. you go find parts to fix the water purifier

    2. getting those parts earns you a home

    3. there is a faction of high-tech cyber raiders named after people on the forums

    4. you have to save the little girl that they kidnapped, and then you can adopt her


    Where you expand from there is all up to you.




    You could also work with the backstory of the town if you like, throw in something a bit more interesting and whatever, mabe put in some more tie ins with "The Faction" or something like that.




    Looks awesome. Wish I could help but I have no modding experience. I could make screenshots or a video maybe? Got my settings on ultra-high with better textures and stuff.



    ok, when we get some more stuff done I will send you the file, and then you can upload pictures up to this site




    I wanna be a Cyber Ninja! They call me . . . The Dragon. . . The Cold Hearted Dragon.




    Anyway Love the work man!




    I was hopeing to put a little humor into "The Faction" by putting the people from this forum in as characters, and then brutally murdering them. I will deffinatly put you down as one of the characters, as well as anyone else who volunteers


    Depending what I do for the helmet, I may even let you design the character to look like you


    Do you have any certain thing you want to do for the faction?


    right now I have


    Dr. Zeon (Zeonic Glory) - performs experements

    The Wookie (Me) - gaurds the gate

    Ceta (OHWCeta) - sniper who calls himself the one hit wonder because he never has to shoot twice

    The Dragon (IceDragon987) - assasin dude

    DigiCrono - something

  12. This is what I have so far, copyed from my mod topic


    if you want to see the whole topic, it is here





    So, the story goes, as you come into town, the mayor tells you of the problems they have been having with the water pump. Since you are from a vault, he figures you would have the ability to go into a vault and retrieve the pieces necessary to fix the purifier. The mayor offers you the small empty farm in town if you complete this quest for him.


    So you, wanting the chance to have your very own house, will eagerly take on the quest. So you get the map marker for the new quest and you head out to the vault. Inside the vault you find the remaining forces of the new faction that have stayed behind in order to raid the rest of the technology from the vault. You can talk to them and buy the pieces off of them, or just kill them all and take the pieces you need. But while in the vault you learn from the various computers, holotapes, and talking to the members of the faction of what happened when they first got to the vault. The faction broke in and killed all the people in the vault and raided the place, however, when they though they had killed everyone, in the labs on the basement level of the vault they found the experiments going on. Pretty much every one of them was dead or close to it except one little girl, who was sitting in a cell full or radiation but with no effects whatsoever. The faction took this girl back to their base to experiment on how the people of the vault could genetically modify a human to not be effected by radiation.


    So you get your stuff, and information on this faction and the girl they kidnapped, as well as a map marker telling you where she is. You return to the town and get your house, but being the hero you are, you can't just leave this kid captured by this new faction. So off you go again to your new map marker to break into this base and find out what is going on and rescue this kid.


    So you can either use speech to get in, sneak in through the tunnel in the back, or just shoot the guard and plow your way inside. You get to rescue the child and get the chance to set up a bomb to blow the base to nothingness. Afterwards if you saved the girl and adopt her as your own daughter.




    I was planning on having the new faction be a kind of more advanced raider tribe, more like technology pirates that raid anything of technological value to improve their own power. I wanted to give them some sort of light plate armor, maybe a bit cyber ninja like or something.


    As far as the armor goes, I can probably just take the model I have been making for practice, since it has the basic muscle structure made, and making plate armor is simple if you just modify off of those basic muscle shapes. It needs a lot more refinement, but here is what I have so far. It is just a start.



  13. Oh, man. I was listening to screams and other sounds to add into the level at points. At night. With the lights off. I had to put on some happy music afterwards to save myself from the nightmares.


    Yeah, this mod will freak you out. I hope I don't wet myself playtesting it...


    sound fun

  14. Ok, so I hope I am not totally going overboard on the scope of my mod by adding this, but Quetzlsacatanango said he would make the quests, and I would just need a base and a vault to finish things off.


    But I was thinking of adding a new faction that would be involved in the quest to get the key to your house, as well as saving the child that you can adopt.





    So, the story goes, as you come into town, the mayor tells you of the problems they have been having with the water pump. Since you are from a vault, he figures you would have the ability to go into a vault and retrieve the pieces necessary to fix the purifier. The mayor offers you the small empty farm in town if you complete this quest for him.


    So you, wanting the chance to have your very own house, will eagerly take on the quest. So you get the map marker for the new quest and you head out to the vault. Inside the vault you find the remaining forces of the new faction that have stayed behind in order to raid the rest of the technology from the vault. You can talk to them and buy the pieces off of them, or just kill them all and take the pieces you need. But while in the vault you learn from the various computers, holotapes, and talking to the members of the faction of what happened when they first got to the vault. The faction broke in and killed all the people in the vault and raided the place, however, when they though they had killed everyone, in the labs on the basement level of the vault they found the experiments going on. Pretty much every one of them was dead or close to it except one little girl, who was sitting in a cell full or radiation but with no effects whatsoever. The faction took this girl back to their base to experiment on how the people of the vault could genetically modify a human to not be effected by radiation.


    So you get your stuff, and information on this faction and the girl they kidnapped, as well as a map marker telling you where she is. You return to the town and get your house, but being the hero you are, you can't just leave this kid captured by this new faction. So off you go again to your new map marker to break into this base and find out what is going on and rescue this kid.


    So you can either use speech to get in, sneak in through the tunnel in the back, or just shoot the guard and plow your way inside. You get to rescue the child and get the chance to set up a bomb to blow the base to nothingness. Afterwards if you saved the girl and adopt her as your own daughter.




    I was planning on having the new faction be a kind of more advanced raider tribe, more like technology pirates that raid anything of technological value to improve their own power. I wanted to give them some sort of light plate armor, maybe a bit cyber ninja like or something.


    As far as the armor goes, I can probably just take the model I have been making for practice, since it has the basic muscle structure made, and making plate armor is simple if you just modify off of those basic muscle shapes. It needs a lot more refinement, but here is what I have so far. It is just a start.






    I was also thinking that since the people in the new faction will all be useing code names, I could use people off the forum if they want. So I would make the graurd at the gate named "The Wookie" and he would yell "hey, you can't come in here" right before you shoot him in the face.


    So if anyone else wants a cyber raider person that gets killed brutally by the player character named after them, just tell me. You can even do the voiceover if you like.




    But really, what I need is a vault and a base, anyones "my first vault tutorial" vault world work just fine, I just really don't want to take time away from my other stuff in order to build stuff for quests...

  15. Ok, so I am looking to see if anyone has a Vault or Base mod that they are looking for a quest to go with.


    I am currently working on a mod, and I have a few quests that will involve going into a mod and getting peices for a water purifier and another quest that involves you going into another base and rescueing a kid that has a genetic modification that makes them immune to radiation, and is being used in experements.


    I am capable of makeing this stuff myself, but I have a whole lot of other things I need to be doing from my mod. I am makeing tons of different meshes and everything, includeing a new light plateing armor for a new faction I will put into these quests if everything goes well.



    So I was just wondering if there is anyone out there with a My First Vault Mod, or any sort of Base Mod or whatever, that is just sitting there, and you would allow me to use it in my mod for the quests that I need.



    I don't have the story for the quests complete yet, because I wanted to know more about the locations I would be working with, but if you want to know more I can post it on here. I am not being secretive about anything in my mod, I just don't usualy post stuff still in the draft stage of things.



    If you do offer to help me, I will also give you access to the armors and stuff in my mod as soon as I complete them, as opposed to haveing to wait for the entire mod

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