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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/148/690/memes-chuck-norris.jpg
  2. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/264/184/946.gif
  3. CAUTION: RANT with PARAPHRASINGS abound. I'll save you some time: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/321/801/302.gif
  4. HAH! :laugh: Pitbulls are made of rubber, true story. :mellow:
  5. http://lolvirgin.com/wp-content/uploads/harrypotter_gif_funny_twilgiht4.jpg
  6. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/001/007/wat.png
  7. HEY! Who said I was a filthy mortal? Get your facts straight, parasite! BAZINGA! I am a mortal.
  8. If you start to sparkle in the sunlight.... I'm going to use this banana as a stake and find some garlic butter to do what needs to be done. CBS Cares.
  9. HAH, I was deepthroating enjoying a banana just as I saw this. Weird timing. :laugh:
  10. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/232/114/e39.png
  11. HEY! how did you get in here! I'm not wearing any pants. I spilled grape juice. Also in Florida = Fresh air is hot and not fresh. CBS Ca-uhoooooooorllllllllll- Cares. CBS Cares. Thanks for the sympathy, in all seriousness. My cats/dog are indifferent to my plight. They too refuse to kill me, apparently there isn't any sport in it if I'm sick.
  12. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR don't dear god, no milk. Somebody kill...... me......... I can't possibly throw up anything else. :sick: :yucky: The chain of events went something like this: Two Tuesdays ago: Head cold ----to--> Sinus infection on Friday----to---> Chest cold on Saturday----to----> bronchitis on Monday -----to------> Wed ness-day feeling better I go to the pharmacy to get more Nyquil, mmmmh Nyquil--> ALL BETTER on Thor's Day! --------> head cold from allergy related sinusitis on Friday----AND NOW------> THE FLU!. "BUT DIDN'T YOU GET A FLU SHOT, JACKWAGON?" no. "WELL, YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN ONE, NANCY FACE." ok........ but............BARF...... RALF....... UPCHUCK..... well, there is the Nyquil capsule or one of those little green army men heads I can't tell, they both look similar half digested. I'll be your best friend if you kill me.
  13. But everyone knows the win = win = win outcome is the best. So you can take this cookie.... and give it to a kid who doesn't have cookies that often.
  14. I bet it is, judging by the narrator's accent. :laugh:
  15. I beg to differ, since I've done it twice, it was kinda fun the second time. Coming back was not.
  16. Still wish I was dead. :biggrin: ......... :mellow: .............. :ohdear: ........... :sick: .......... :yucky:
  17. Me too. Only make it spinning as well. :sick:
  18. I feel like the morning after shore leave. :facepalm: :sick:
  19. I was going to type a long thing about how cool what Vindekarr said was but then I accidentally fell asleep on my keyboard. :sleep: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash3/41591_312655709319_5196216_n.jpg
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