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Everything posted by dirk45

  1. When I said "an Elephant's vajayjay", I meant "a Rhinoceros' crotch chasm". I should have hedged and said "a pachyderm's nethers" although it's an alien creature so that's not a correct classification either. I apologize, I didn't realize the mic was still on when I went to the rest room. Good night- day I go to sleep nao..................../>,/mn,.badh;vgbbdi[ga'sfg
  2. I know things when I'm tired. I just can't type them sucsessfu;;y.
  3. RAKK come out of a giant weird elephant's vajayjay though, so that makes them way cooler than cliff racers. :geek:
  4. Thanksgiving is pretty much the same here as Canada except for here we have the airing of grievances, the aluminum pole, and the feat of strength on Festivus too. :biggrin: Basically the pilgrims were starving and then they got desperate enough to seek the guidance of the native Wampanoag. The Wampanoag taught the pilgrims how to work the difficult New England soil and they became friendly. So this one time they got together and ate some turkey and cornucopias of junk and stuff. Then more white guys showed up and they gave the Wampanoag some smallpox blankets and then many years later let them open a casino... or something. Anyway that's the origin of the American Thanksgiving tradition. Abraham Lincoln was the first US president to institute the holiday, although it wasn't a 'get off work' holiday until the nineteen thirties. The Canadian holiday just comes from a sort of end of harvest ritual common to many cultures when faced with a long and hard winter. It's very practical. They started observing it as a national holiday in 1957. We get four days off (Thursday-Sunday)and Canadians get three(Saturday, Sunday, Monday) so it's worth the wait. For Thor.: OH SHIZ I forgot, The reason we don't celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time is because we celebrate that Italian guy who worked for the Spanish guys and stumbled ass-backward into the Dominican Republic.
  5. Yeah, we get an extra month of farming in before the last harvest. It used to be, before FDR made it a federal holiday in1939, that it would just be the president issuing a declaration of thanksgiving any time in the fall and people in the city would have their turkey and junk. The farmers would wait until after their last harvest - sometimes even just lumping it in with Christmas if the weather wast especially mild. It also used to be about more than Christmas shopping. Hell, Christmas used to be about something else too, but I can't remember what it was. Something about a magic baby and farm animals. CBS Cares. OH and not everybody celebrates Christmas in this country so it's not really that big of a deal for those that do.
  6. Canadian Thanksgiving is earlier.
  7. Yes, I do. Don't worry, I am a sociopath.
  8. :laugh: HAH! Wall sphincters, gets me every time.
  9. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/411/949/f0d.jpg This is true, so true.
  10. A horse, my win for a horse! EDITED because I'm going to bed and I haven't gotten into an argument all day: :armscrossed: I don't like this statement. Sorry that's my super Bioware fan coming out. Lol You misunderstand, I am a BioWhore too it's just the bells and whistles that we've been fine without since the launch, that they are adding out of the blue make me question their relationship with EA as far as release schedules go even more. I agree about the arguments(and this will be my last because the proof is in the pudding of shame), but you pretty much said it yourself, "if you can ignore the ending which was fixed anyway." The game was release too early for whatever reason, this is not an opinion, the quality of the finished product is an opinion, but through all of their marketing and 'support' BioWare has proven that they are still finishing the game.The free DLC is nice, but I would have preferred it on disc rather than it coming out as a bandage on BioWare's injured integrity. I mean since when has BioWare or EA passed up a chance to nickle and dime the frick out of their games, like the gratuitous number of DLCs for Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2. It's just really frustrating to see THE one company that I had full faith in for most of my gaming life, fall short in such an epic way because they released a game too early.
  11. Yeah, you can't really teach tolerance in schools, that is unless you remove outside forces such as parents, religion, the internet and entertainment, but then that's just brainwashing.
  12. So I thought it was just Mass Effect 3's single player that was left unfinished at launch but it seems the multiplayer was rushed too: http://blog.bioware.com/2012/10/04/mass-effect-3-retaliation-multiplayer-dlc/
  13. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/330/790/8e1.gif
  14. Am I the only one that finds her incredibly attractive, especially when she brandishes the knife? What can I say, I have a soft spot for cripples, bastards, and broken things.
  15. Did somebody mention a slow and painful death? Sign me up! :thumbsup:
  16. I miss the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned Dlc for Borderlands. I hope Borderlands 2 has something like it.
  17. Dub wub wub-a-dub let's eat grub.
  18. http://i.qkme.me/35rzlc.jpg It's 96 degrees Fahrenheit but it feels like 96 degrees centigrade here.
  19. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/218/710/i8zci.gif
  20. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/217/817/Amazing_Timed_Photography_26.jpg
  21. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/148/690/memes-chuck-norris.jpg
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