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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. I have discovered that restarting stabilizes my SSE game sometimes when it starts getting randomly crashy. If on Win10, open Task Manager (keyboard shortcut: Shift-Ctrl-Esc), go to the Performance tab, select the CPU performance display, and look for "uptime" to see how long it's been since the computer has had a hard restart/shutdown. You can also check this if you are diagnosing someone else's issues and they claim to have already tried restarting.

  2. A couple days ago, I discovered I could not drag'n'drop files out of a 7z archive. I'd get the little Circle-slash cursor when attempting. I tried reinstalling the latest version of 7z 64-bit (v19.00), and then restarted. The drag'n'drop functionality returned.

    Except now it's disabled again. I tried restarting, but I am still unable to drag'n'drop extract files from a 7z archive.

    Is this a known problem? Is there a remedy?


  3. Okay, it's a layered mesh with effect layers on top of it (not counting the billboard glowey thing) and somehow the innermost layer that's the crystal surface is not rendering.


    It's using a BSEffectShaderProperty for whatever weird reason (that's used on all the other parts that are visual effects, not mesh surfaces, go fig). I spliced one from an unreleased Multilayer Parallax mod to it that I had laying around forgotten since Oldrim that had a proper BSLightingShaderProperty meant for surfaces, stripped out the MLP effect (not dev intent! Keep with the mission!), enabled other shader flags, matched settings, re-integrated the emissive multiple animation controller, and tested it in the CK. It's working again.


    Curiously, there is a full diffuse/normal/glow texture set for it, despite the fact that, as-configured, the BSEffectShaderProperty wouldn't use them.


    I need someone to test it out in-game, because I am not too far into my first SSE playthru and only just now got the Dawnguard recruitment call.


    Here's the nif. Put it into meshes/DLC01/Clutter.



  4. I looked at the DynDOLOD comments on Skyrim Nexus (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59721?tab=posts) because I saw there were two comments on the comments page and wondered if Sheson made another sticky, since I knew from previous visits the comments page was locked. Instead, I found a post by an ingrate who, instead of following the plainly visible link to the STEP forums where (I presume) Sheson wants forum support centralized, found out how to circumvent the comment lock to post that instead. I figured out how too, as evidenced by my response: simply click on the Forum Thread button and post.


    Is this intentional? If not, is it possible to wholesale lock mod comment page threads Forum-side as well?

  5. Ehrm... what? The Railroad will flip their lids at you if you don't pull the emergency evac lever.


    Furthermore, the stuff Amari does is entirely voluntary. It does in fact sit uneasily with some members. Glory isn't keen on it, yet... look at her. Die-hard Railroad heavy.


    </factual reassertion>

  6. In response to post #64241181.

    Robbie922004 wrote: Vortex is more of a headache than running other mod managers in tandem with LOOT. I would highly recommend against using this if you're a new mod user. Try Wrye, MO, or NMM + LOOT instead, and save yourself some hassle.

    Manual load order adjustment is the most basic feature a mod manager can have, and Vortex doesn't have it. I know that you guys are committed to Vortex and, for some reason, this way of doing things. I just hope that you don't remove NMM completely to drive people to Vortex. I hope that you leave it up for download indefinitely.

    Due to the lack of manual load order management, I cannot call Vortex a mod manager for BGS games... just a fancy UI wrapper for LOOT.
  7. How did I (think I) join(ed) the UPP core team? I just basically did whole-fix ticket submissions enough times. I found and diagnosed the bug (conclusively, which most people do not), and then planned and implemented a solution. All Arthmoor had to do with my tickets oftentimes was just integrate the materials I included on the ticket into the Patch. Eventually, I ended up just being inducted into the core team.


    Like Arthmoor said, there is no formal process. This is just the path I took.

  8. I was pointed to this Paint.net alternate DDS plugin that can handle the newer BCn format:




    Keep in mind that you need to rename the file extension to DDS2 so Paint.net differentiates from its native DDS read/write functionality that does not have BCn capability. Change the file extension back once it's ready to go again.


    As for which DX10+ format for what... Use BC7 for Diffuse and Specular, and use BC5 for stand-alone normals. DXT1 and DXT5 still work for those. This module can also open ATI2N normals that FO4 ships with.


    In SSE, BC7 for everything short of dedicated specular maps used beside obspace normals (IE: naked body normals) and BC4 for the dedicated obspace specular maps.

  9. I asked about this to Matt Grandstaff in a PM at the old BGSF once. After he asked around the office to the devs, he returned stating that Serana was locked away during the late Second Era, during the Interregnum.




    And from the PM itself:




    I have a question on clarification on Elder Scrolls canon... It's not quite as inane as "Fawkes Is Male" or a few others (I hope...), but there really is a question on this one due to vagueness.

    When in the timeline was Serana stashed away? "The Empire... from Cyrodiil" and a few other comments in dialog with her seems like it means way back before even the First Empire in the early First Era, but other things she says as well as some other evidence (Castle Volkihar being a bit too refined in architecture for that period, a few books that couldn't possibly have been in Valerica's lab if she also went to the Soul Cairn in the early 1st era, Serana being unfazed by seeing a Dark Elf) seem to suggest late second era before the Third Empire.


    In short, we are unsure if she was put away before even Alessia figuratively kicked the Ayleids in the balls way back in the early First Era, or right before Tiber Septim started his grand campaign in the late Second Era (after whatever was left of the Empire in ESO is gone), or even between the fall of the Alessian Empire and the rise of the second, Reman Empire.

    Sorry if it sounds kinda inane, but I don't think there's any definitive answer. So I decided to get the Word of God on the matter.








    I can ask and see if there's an official answer.





    Talked to some folks. The intention was that Serana went to sleep in the late second era, between the Reman and Septim empires. Her initial dialogue is just her surprise that there’s an Empire in Cyrodiil, as there hadn't been when she went to sleep.





    Alright. I had a feeling it was that, as pre-Alessia seemed just waaaaaay too long ago.


    Jeesh... nearly four years ago.


    And Fawkes is male. :P I can prove it: Look at the seam pattern on the tattered remnants of his vault suit. That was a man's vault suit, not a woman's.



    Still, it was rather strange that my character could not refute DiMA's assertion as to this possibility. Though it would be highly unlikely that we were a synth after everything that has happened.



    There is one line I recall about a female Sole Survivor who had a one night stand she regretted in college, brought up in a conversation.


    This, and Kasumi not actually being a Synth makes me think that DiMA is just grasping at straws with making humans think they're actually synths. Neither the Institute or Railroad have any such record about Kasumi.


    Furthermore... why would the Institute regard you as human? The typical Institute member's track record in regarding synths as people is clearly absent. They have an entire bureau dedicated to upholding this DoubleThink, denying their personhood while simultaneously dedicating significant resources to dealing with the logical progression of such maltreatment: cognizance of their plight and desire to escape.

  11. Weapon bashing never seems to do much damage at all for me, even with weapmods that enhance the damage. Is it supposed to be weak? Do I need to get the Basher perks to do any meaningful damage with them? Does weapon weight have a factor? Energy weapons tend to be rather light compared to slugthrowers.

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