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Posts posted by Madcat221


    The higher-level ores seem to be found in out-of-the-way places and at higher altitudes. It's much better to buy the ebony, quicksilver, moonstone, and malachite. It's also quicker and easier. Oddly enough, the smiths have no issues finding the stuff. Lucky for us!


    I did find the ebony ingots at what I thought was a far lower level than I though I should have. Seemed Belethor and his ilk (the generic traders) seemed to have a bar every time I'd swing by after about level 18 or so. So I'd buy them when I found them and had a stockpile when it came time to build my Daedric stuff. I think it was about level 18. I could be wrong. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif

    I found Ebony at level 10 on the way to Riften, there is a settlement that has a Mine with Ebony


    here it is if you want the location





    If you have USLEEP, it is an iron mine as per the dialog of the miners and that one of them will buy iron ore. Tangential, but it also has the red mist that was described and all the people husks the spiders gathered were removed since "no one's died yet" according to the foreman guy who hires you to kill them. There seemed to be quite a disconnect between the BGS writers and the level designers there. Northwind Mine a bit farther north on that road has instead been converted to be an ebony mine.


    The orc stronghold with the ebony mine is Narzulbur. The mine itself is Gloombound Mine.


    Once you clear out the draugr problem from the depths of the Raven Rock Mine in the Dragonborn DLC, you get free pickings to mine whatever ebony you want from there.


    There are also a couple veins on the very peak of the Throat of The World.



  2. To the OP:


    TCL will not work if you have anything selected as a target in the console. Click on something again to deselect it.


    Disable will not work on anything tied to an enable parent. Use "GetParentRef" to see if it has one, and then PRID that. Be advised that other things will disappear too. The enable parent in turn might be tied to an enable parent of its own.


    EDIT: Oh my, this thread has been necromanced...

  3. It's because you aren't supposed to have any of the old Unofficial Skyrim Patches active along with the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. What you are getting is USLEEP's nag screen. If you saved in any play session subsequent to such a popup, then that save is corrupted. Uninstall the old patches.

  4. First, revert to a save before you reached the pedastal, because all that you did has completely FUBAR'd your save. It also cannot be one that was mutilated with a save cleaner.


    Second... try approaching it from different angles.


    Do you have any mods that might alter that room or the lexicon pedastal?

  5. I have some. I've been sitting on them for a while. Check my Dawnguard Arsenal mod in a day or so. They're basically slightly more conformal Dawnguard armors.


    I don't use UNP so those won't be available from me. The CBBE body I use is one that another modder made strictly to the shape of the Vanilla body shape that I then worked off of to my own ends, so there'll be a straight Vanilla one as well.


    I even fixed the non-lack-of-sleeves on the red DG armor so the gunshow can be shown off at the 100% body slide end (if you have the Sporty or equivalent normal maps).

  6. I dunno what USLEEP is. I use TES5Edit for cleaning mods, but no idea how to use it to check what mod might be touching the DLC's in weird ways.


    THIS THREAD is what I used as a guide for difficulty mods this time, though I've tried other combinations as well.


    You don't use any difficulty mods? Any chance you could post your load order?


    EDIT: I looked up USLEEP. I have the Unofficial Skyrim and DLC patches, but do not use USLEEP. This is the first time I've heard of it.

    If you haven't heard of USLEEP before now, what version of USKP and the DLC patches were you on?

  7. In response to post #37675895.

    lasse1001 wrote: Thank you for caring about us Dark0ne. :) Whitelisting Nexus here again then. It's a good thing that misbehaving Ad providers gets a kick in the but, at least one time. Don't they understand that they kill their future work? I don't mind common Ads usually, but when they hijack me or plays stupid sounds, I hit the block button for my own sanity and safety. Thanks again for your great site. :)

    Wait 'till Saturday to do that.
  8. In response to post #37678400.

    beladan wrote: A site (Echone?) or something like that just hijacked your page and tried to fool me into downloading 'flash' from them.

    Sorry. Adblock is going back on for this site. I'm quite shocked to see this occur on the Nexus and had unblocked you to support the site. This has changed my mind, guys.

    Edit: You know what, I'll make the donation you suggest. That seems win/win

    The switch has not happened yet.
  9. In response to post #37642095.

    JerichoCAL wrote: I just want to take a moment to say how impressed I am with your service to your community. Not only are you NOT exploiting your user-base by basically forcing them to pay to get rid of shitty ads, but you are also risking your revenue for the betterment of your user's experience. Bravo. I can not stress how impressive and admirable that is. If anything should move people to donation for premium, it should be this, and I myself definitely see myself donating in the future.
    Thank you! I believe the world should consider you and the Nexus team a group of saints for the dedication you offer!

    Would you be surprised to know that he's turned down offers to buy the Nexus network?
  10. In response to post #37641220.

    TheAkula wrote: Not sure i understood this

    Ad provider was doing a shoddy job weeding out the bad ads; some of them so bad that they were attempting to install malware. Dark0ne got the statistics to this effect through the (relatively) new "report ad" function, and got ticked off enough to do something about it.
  11. In response to post #37618235. #37618805, #37624150 are all replies on the same post.

    jim_uk wrote: My Premium upgrade has been worth every penny and more, all of this has passed me by unnoticed.
    PlagueHush wrote: This :D
    lued123 wrote: Exactly. I am glad to hear that standard users won't be having these problems though. I was one of them once, and the ads were literally intolerable.

    Yep. All us prems are all like :whistling:
  12. In response to post #37622915. #37623255, #37623405 are all replies on the same post.

    FurAfterDark wrote: Waaaait, there was ads that had the possibility of giving people viruses??? that's a little unnerving lol
    mannygt wrote: Yes, especially mobile devices where some ads can activate unwanted "premium services" on your phone number without your agreement even if you close the banner. It's happened to me months ago where I discovered a payment of 5€ on my SIM for an unwanted service.
    Psijonica wrote: Are you kidding? It is the one of the top ways you get viruses.

    This is why I don't call it an "ad blocker", but a "malware vector blocker".

    In any case, I'm a Perma-Prem here, so my malware vector blocker isn't needed here.
  13. I was attempting to post a link in the comments of a mod:




    I BBCoded it up and everything since comments posting doesn't do that automatically. However, because it has a colon followed by a D, it ends up as this in the comments view mode.


    http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim :D eath_of_a_Wanderer


    (No spaces around the emote in the actual Scunthrope'd link, IPB seems to undo the emote)


    The IPB view of it does not do that.


    To those not familiar with the Scunthorpe Problem: If Nexus's censor system had the original problem for which this glitch is named, it'd read "S****horpe". :ohmy:

  14. Let's have another go.


    Is anyone able to identify this armour, please?


    The texture is CaBaL120's alt black retexture of Elven armorin the AMidianBorn set. Not sure how it's on a skeleton mesh, though.


    And now a case for me:


    I have in my mods a mesh that alters the Red Mountain ash plume into a full cone instead of just a cheesy backdrop thing. The problem is... I have no idea where it came from. I thought it was from The Ruffled Feather, but it seems that has a particle system. I managed to tweek this ash plume of unknown source to have better transparency falloff, and wanted to give it to the original creator for their consideration. Does anyone know of mods that add better Red Mountain ash plumes besides Ruffled Feather?

  15. Even though I believe in Ulfric's stated cause, I do not agree with Ulfric himself. 2 things that leave a really bad taste in my mouth with joining the SCs.


    1. Ulfric's attack on Whiterun cannot be justified under his stated cause. Whiterun is not an enemy to Ulfric, nor is Whiterun an ally to the Empire at the start of the game. But what's more, Whiterun is the only city in Skyrim to openly allow Talos Worship out in the streets.


    2. After Ulfric's victory speech in Solitude, he turns to Galmar who says "Nice touch about the High King, It's a foregone conclusion you know" (Referring to saying he won't take the position until the Moot) Then Ulfric replies with "Oh, I know." Meaning Ulfric wasn't being sincere about taking the position as High King but just going through the motions to make it look good for the Jarls. That really pissed me off. After All I did and all I betrayed for him to say something like that? If the game let me, I'd have killed him on the spot for that. So from that day forward, I will never join the Stormcloaks. EVER!


    I too believe that the children of Skyrim has some valid grievances with the Empire. But to resort to violent sedition was absolutely the wrong way to air those grievances. It just affirms the "savage nord barbarian" stereotype. That is the sentiment of many pro-Empire nords in a nutshell. You might find yourself more pro-Imperial than you believe.

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