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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. Unfortunately, it's not about looks. I'd be happy to grant them human status. Hell, I'd be happy to grant Codsworth human status, since he obviously went sentient enough and transceeded his programming enough to be able to lie to you. (Seriously, he misleads you at first, until he's sure he can trust you.)


    BUT, and this is a big BUT, Synths have some properties that make them a huge risk. Something which the black slaves in the south did not have. Namely:

    - a recall code

    - a code to re-activate memories and a personality they didn't even KNOW they had (see, Harkness)

    - the ability to have their memories and personality up- and down-loaded quite trivially, even with pre-war tech

    - optionally, a chip that allows them to be teleported from anywhere (see, Kellogg's final memory)

    - optionally, chips that activate only under specific circumstances (see, the courser aim module)


    All of which make them some potentially lethal sleeper agents for anyone who has a list of codes. Even if said synth doesn't WANT to betray you. And don't think you're out of the woods if you nuked the Institute. Dr Zimmer, and possibly others, are still out there.


    Humans don't have that. Black slaves in the south never had that. The original railroad wasn't creating a security risk that a bunch of ex-slaves would turn loyal to their former slave owners if they just hear the right word.


    So, anyway, here's some of what someone with a list of codes could do:

    - deactivate a sentry, or better yet a commader, in a crucial fight (see, Gabriel)

    - put a hidden set of memories as a fanatically loyal courser, and reactivate THAT set of memories when they need it

    - key that to happen automatically via one of those chips that only go online under specific circumstances (e.g., next time they're near the Prydwen reactor)

    - teleport one of your synths back, download all they learned in that time, then send them back without you being any wiser



    Again, humans don't have that. You can do a heuristic that someone wouldn't, say, betray you to his former slave owner for the runaway slaves in DC. But a synth has no control over that. You say the code, and you own them, no matter how much they wouldn't want to be owned again. Harkness didn't want his old memories and personality back, but he got them anyway. Gabriel didn't want to go from badass leader of the biggest raider gang to slave, but that's what he got. You know the code, you own them.


    So, yes, sad to say, Maxson was right to want Danse dead. It doesn't matter how nice a person he is now, how devoted, how altruistic, etc. Anyone who knows who he is, and what his code is, can just take him out in a crucial fight, flip his memories to being a fanatically loyal Institute soldier, download his memories with all the BOS knowledge he acquired, etc.


    And that's not even taking into account that he could be faking it. Yeah, he's a nice guy. Very much so. But one constant of ALL synth infiltrators is that they act MUCH nicer than the originals. That's how the Goodneighbour guards find them. Or look at Warwick. He turned so much nicer that his family and friends start wondering WTH happened. But he's a loyal infiltrator all right.


    A much more thoughtful and pragmatic look at the dilemma of Synths, instead of "ZOMG INHUMAN ABOMINATION" that is all feeling and no thought. That is the one and only reason I cannot side with the Brotherhood: Fanaticism. I do not abide it. Maxson was right to want Danse dead... but for the wrong (un)reason.

  2. I'm on my first playthru and I had my first encounter with them and was irradiated pretty bad. I came back later when I remembered... I had a HazMat suit in my inventory. Their horrendous rad damage is reduced to scratch rad damage in that thing. Every hit only brought out a "<1 Rads" warning instead of the alarmingly huge rad hits previously. No stompy tin can required.

  3. I found the issue: I had not in fact extracted all the textures; it was unable to find the envirocube maps. Once those were pulled out, all was WYSIWYGy with it.


    I progressed rather well in figuring out the weapon mod system, and got it implemented and functional in-game... mostly. What governs the order in which weapmods are listed? And also, what governs what a generic named weapon will be called with the mod attached?

  4. I have done much of this rodeo before in Skyrim, FONV, FO3, and Oblivion. I am only unfamiliar with the novelties in FO4 modding.


    All typical rendering options are enabled. Oldrim NIFs properly WYSIWYG for me (I just checked again to make absolutely sure).


    I opened the unaltered vanilla BGSM for the sniper barrel with the material editor by Ousnius and all textures appear properly pathed.


    I deleted all texture paths in the BSShaderTextureSet in the NIF, for both the regular and copper parts so the BGSM is the only texture info source.


    I even plopped all of those material and texture files in as loose files into the Fallout4/Data folder.


    Still no WYSIWYG, just the diffuse.


    Could something left over from Dev 5 be interfering? Could it just be something wrong with this mesh? I think a few other FO4 mod mesh files that were put in loose appear to be WYSIWYGing for FO4

  5. After a long while, I finally got myself Fallout 4, and am considering my first mod: "Plasma Carbine Barrel".


    Basically, it's gonna be somewhat like the Laser Rifle Long Barrel is a midway between the Laser's Short Barrel and Sniper Barrel. I'm doing it mainly because I just want a "service rifle" type plasma gun, but not have that squirrelly little excuse of a short "barrel".


    I'm aiming to chop up the Sniper Barrel a bit to serve the purpose of the "Carbine Barrel"'s visuals, but am running into some snags. I finally updated from Dev5 to Dev6 of NIFSkope 2.0, and am wondering... how does one get WYSIWIG rendering for it? I tried extracting all the relevant textures and these newfangled BGSM material files mentioned in the plasma sniper barrel NIF to a test folder that is pathed to in my NIFSkope resource list, but I am still getting just a diffuse rendering; no normals, specs, or any other more advanced rendering.


    Also, I have 3DS Max 2010... is there a FO4-compatible import/export plugin out there for it?


    And lastly... why is there a SniperBarrel.nif and a slightly larger SniperBarrel_1.nif file?

  6. Irrelevant.


    The vast majority of mod users download SkyUI for the simple fact that so many authors have made it a requirement for their own mods (which was true long before MCM), not because they prefer its buggy, unstable menu over that of vanilla.


    Frank already indirectly invoked Hitchens's Razor. I'll put in another poke: What part of SkyUI would another mod need "long before MCM"? What about it is buggy and unstable?


    Furthermore, it is entirely relevant. There is a method to revert everything about SkyUI to Vanilla except MCM functionality, and the download count is a drop in the bucket compared to SkyUI. You don't get to dismiss diametrically contrary evidence simply because you don't like it.

  7. And that reason has nothing to do with it being any better of a UI than vanilla, but rather because of the MCM menu that so many mods require.


    As of this post, SkyUI-Away, a fork designed by one of the SkyUI team members for those who just want MCM, has 179,473 total downloads. It does require SkyUI still to overlay on top of.


    SkyUI itself? 14,486,608.


    Two orders of magnitude more downloads. SkyUI-Away has ~1.2 % the total downloads of SkyUI.


    So... not really.

  8. Currently, the Old Skyrim has the better modding infrastructure, though simply because it's been around for over five years. SSE is still developing, though not quite as completely from-scratch as normally when moving up to a new BGS game release.


    Eventually, SSE may overtake. It has the promise of better stability simply because it is a 64-bit program instead of 32-bit like Oldrim.

  9. Does this happen to anyone else? At the last couple days of every month, it seems to skip every other month in the list page for all previous FOTM winners and then fill in with a duplicate of an adjacent month. It's currently doing it now for me. I've seen it do this on several Nexus sites; most recently for Skyrim, Skyrim SE, and Fallout 4 to my recollection.


    Here's a direct link to Skyrim Nexus's hall of FOTMs to see if you have it too: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/modsofthemonth/?

  10. Virtual file shenanigans is why I am sticking with 0.56.1 as well, and have no plans to go beyond. Unless a version comes with it off as default, NMM is only there for Fomod-equipped mods too complex and option-embellished to install manually.


    After seeing all the headaches that MO's "Unpack the BSAs" insanity has caused us on the UPP team, I'm staying away from it too. That's doubly why I'm averse to the prospects of this new NMM; a MO dev is on board.


    I'm quite content with Wrye Bash. :smile:

  11. In response to post #46414175.

    balwick wrote: My only complaint goes to Dark0ne, for referring to GMT as UTC, whatever the hell that means :p

    Eli has every right to be a little short with people; the level of entitlement some people display is beyond belief, and couple that with a hail of "how do mod???" every time she releases something, and she would be in her rights to be a whole lot 'meaner'.

    *deleted nevermind*
  12. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940, #46379215, #46386540, #46389205, #46389595, #46389810, #46392420, #46393260, #46397745, #46399790, #46400835 are all replies on the same post.

    Kevin843 wrote: I love your mods, just wish you were a little nicer in the comments
    RaffTheSweetling wrote: I agree. Talent and arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand sometimes.
    LanceHolland90 wrote: Shes a very popular modder and is constantly barraged by stupid questions. Over the years it has taken it's toll - and the result is what you experience today.

    I am no fanboy, but I respect her work, and as you have so eloquently put, talent and arrogance do often go hand in hand.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Nah, that's no excuse to be arrogant with everyone, Make mention of her attitude and she presses the safe space button and bans you from her content.

    I guess it's too bad for her that you can only do it to someone once, Someone's on a power trip.

    It's refreshing to see that so many others, whether just snide comments or genuine distaste for the person, acknowledge what she is.
    Ombragine wrote: Indeed

    I have experimented this with her. I posted a comment about her attitude because her answer to someone was very harsh and sadly i got a ban from her content.

    This is not a good way.
    Viorotica wrote: Yeah she's like a less dickish version of DDProductions, and we all know what EVENTUALLY happened to him.

    But whatever, no excuses for a bad attitude really, just because some people act like bellends doesn't mean you should treat anyone with even any slightly negativity like one.
    Kastrenzo wrote: In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

    Thats what's always kind of astonished me about Elinora, first off was how completely hostile she is to the slightest bit of criticism, and how she takes advantage of The Nexus' complete lack of involvement and interference with individual bans from an authors content,

    in other words. An author can choose to ban individuals from their stuff. and Nexus won't do anything about it, and they say you have to sort it out with them. She takes full advantage of that and bounces anyone who even so much as breathes funny on her it seems.

    And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

    I'm just really surprised to see that she is STILL doing it.
    Purgey wrote: I'm liking some of the people here :)
    jim_uk wrote: @Kastrenzo You are not a customer or consumer, she's willingly sharing something she created for free, she is under no obligation to put up with people making demands, whining and generally being arsehats. As for bans, the mods belong to the author and if they don't want an certain individual having access to their mods then that is their right.
    Ethreon wrote: Whether you like the modder or not, best would be to not start a huge argument here about it. Eh?
    Dark0ne wrote: If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.

    In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

    Elianora isn't selling anything, so your analogy is completely moot. The Nexus is not a storefront. It's not a seller/consumer environment -- at all. If it was then yes, of course, there would need to be some accountability and I'm sure Elianora and others would understand that and revise how they choose to respond to the more negative elements of the community more accordingly. But it's not, so there's no point even discussing that line of thought.

    Relevant analogies to the Nexus are free content distribution platforms. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on. Guess what they all have in common with the Nexus? They provide the original authors of content with the tools to moderate their own content how they see fit.

    And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

    If you don't care about her content, how did you even manage to get a ban? What were you doing on her pages in the first place? Seems really silly to me. Why waste your time if you don't care? That's a rhetorical question, really. You obviously do care, else you wouldn't be mentioning it here trying to "out" her. So lets just move on, and stop being silly.
    LethalThreat wrote: "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it." A rule that only applies to users and not authors. I don't understand why authors are given a free pass and are allowed to be assholes to their users while the users are the ones to get punished. There's no reason authors can't be a little more respectful and less rude to their users. If "you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it" should be reminded to anyone, be sure to remind the authors too. No reason for the rudeness, if the users get on their nerves it isn't hard to ignore them or delete the comment. You'd think they would be more kind and helpful, it's unfortunate that finding a kind and helpful author here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

    I suppose the most simple solution for common users is to not engage with people here anymore, just get your mods and run - because no matter what, it will always be their fault. Sad to see this is where we're at now.

    Then again, no one can really do anything here. Authors will continue to be arrogant asses, users will continue to be ignorant asses. Just a shame the users get a punch in the face for something harmless while authors are given a trophy for being pricks.

    *Not applied to all authors. Sadly the popular and arrogant authors have given the reputation for all mod authors (or popular users) to be arrogant assholes too. Which not all of us are!
    Ethreon wrote: Not applying to 95% of the userbase here, author or user. Trying to generalize further involves a lot of ignorance from the person generalizing.
    jim_uk wrote: Mod authors are human beings, they're not machines who can keep ignoring all the crap some have to put up with.

    Someone puts days, weeks or even months into making a mod, hundreds of hours of unpaid work could have gone into it, they upload it and what do they get? I want this, I want that, I don't like this, I don't like that, do this, do that, questions from idiots who haven't read the readme or those so thick they have to call customer services to get instructions on how to turn their PCs on.

    Most of us will only get annoying comments under our files once in a blue moon and it's easy to deal with that, the major modders get a lot more and it's enough wear anyone down.

    The rise of automated tools like NMM have seen a decline in the knowledge of the average user, they don't have to learn so they don't bother, they shove more and more stuff into their games until it breaks, then they blame the modders. There was a time when users could make simple adjustments to mods or fix mods themselves, these days they throw a hissy fit at the author and demand the author does it.
    Ombragine wrote: A lot of users are not assholes and a lot of authors are really kindly and are doing their best to enhance experience with all what they do for end users.

    This is apply to a small part, always same people i like to say and it is really fun to see that this applies between authors themself too.

    And, sadly, she is inside. A good way will be for her to change all her mod pages and remove agressive contains, disclamers, etc.

    Look yourself : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2829/? and it is not the only one.

    It only gives a bad picture for both, authors and users. Is it good to be like that ?

    EMS60 wrote: @jim-uk: Thanks. Your comment should be highlighted.
    phantompally76 wrote: It's no secret that users and authors are subject to two completely different sets of rules and guidelines on this site. Several of the most "prolific" authors are habitual offenders of policies that would result in permabans for any single user, yet they are shielded by the site owner and moderators, because those authors generate clicks (ad revenue) for the site. It's a massively hypocritical and transparent double-standard.

    There are exceptions, of course. Not every single "prolific" mod author is a jerk. I would never lump someone like Chesko in that category, because he goes out of his way to be courteous, even when a user is trying to flame him. Even at his worst (which rarely happens), he still treats people the way I can only imagine he wants to be treated himself.

    A philosophy I wish other mod authors would adapt. Users as well, if I'm honest.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Yeah no, I'm not going to accept that authors can have free reign to be rude and obnoxious where users have to kiss their feet and that we should feel thankful for their mods when it comes at the cost of them throwing fits and getting away with it.

    @ Dark0ne

    The analogy to a seller/buyer, still applies. just with author/end user

    Also, she banned me from her page after I looked at one of her compliation mods and made a comment on her attitide. AFTER that, I couldnt care less about her content.

    So I insist, I don't really care. I had forgotten she existed until this came up, and when I saw others complaining that she's a toxic individual. I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon too.

    All in all, I saw a comment someone made about thinking most people should just treat Nexus as a "pick up and go", get your mods and get out, because the community here is surprising toxic. I'm still laughing at that guy who shut down all of his mods to Protest Donald Trump during the US election on the Skyrim Nexus
    Kastrenzo wrote: @Kevin Careful now, you're speaking a lot of truth. wouldn't want the law to take notice.

    @Dark0ne and moderation in general - I think you really just need to acknowledge, whether to yourself, or to the public, that you decided to feature a very controversial author. That's really all that this is.
    Arthmoor wrote:
    The analogy to a seller/buyer, still applies. just with author/end user

    Maybe when people are paying for the content they can expect this, but not before.
    Dark0ne wrote: No. A seller/buyer relationship is nowhere near the same relationship as a mod author/mod user relationship. Nowhere near at all. The fact you think they are the same speaks volumes on the issues you're trying to raise here.

    @Dark0ne and moderation in general - I think you really just need to acknowledge, whether to yourself, or to the public, that you decided to feature a very controversial author. That's really all that this is.

    We feature, and shall continue to feature, mod authors from all different attitudes, outlooks, creeds, classes, cultures, countries and so on and so forth. Widely referred to as "human beings" and "people" in the real world.

    I'm sorry you're upset over the fact we've chosen to feature a mod author you personally disagree with. If our job was to find mod authors that everyone in this community liked/got on well with/enjoyed and used all the work they did then we wouldn't be doing any features at all. You'll note that we've interviewed plenty of mod authors over the past few months, and they've all been quite unique and different personalities.
    jim_uk wrote:
    The analogy to a seller/buyer, still applies. just with author/end user

    Then ask the author for a refund, get the nothing whatsoever you paid her back.
    RetroDaddy wrote: Really, Y'all need to understand the difference between arrogance and confidence. Being a top modder, she gets so many comments by people that don't read available posted information before asking questions already covered. It gets really trying to maintain civility, so put your frustration not on the author but the ones who are too lazy to read.
    wolfrevan5555 wrote: @Dark0ne

    Just wanna reply to this real quick.

    >If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.

    There's a difference between hating on something and criticizing. The Nexus is fond of running a borderline Nazi-Germany type system (in my experience) where if you don't circle-jerk a mod 100%, and instead appreciate the mod but offer *CONSTRUCTIVE* Criticism (IE: Good mod, but I have a problem with <X> and would recommend <Y> as a solution), you're likely to get bashed and *potentially* even banned. Modders turning their comments into safespaces because any sort of constructive criticism "triggers" them is pretty pathetic. I understand not wanting your comments to devolve into unrewarding shithole where you go to to simply offer criticism and report bugs and such and never *thank* the author, instead having it as a mostly positive place, but the way the Nexus handles comment sections is just a complete joke. Punishment for being constructive is dumb. Punishment for being a shithead who bashes someone or unconstructively bashes the mod is dumb.

    I honestly feel like a sort of "thumbs down" system would really help to fix this problem. If people disagree with a mod *so much* and are so sick and tired of seeing that type of mod, they're going to want their voices heard. I think you'd be surprised to hear how many people hate some genres of mods but *can't* voice their opinions on the matter for fear of the banhammer, thus they're stuck in a repetitive cycle of seeing hated mods endlessly and other modders seeing these mods "doing well" because nobody bashes them, thus deciding to make those types of mods (See: Skimpy armor). If people could simply click a "thumbs down" button to express distaste (and if they commented, the "thumbs down" icon would be attached to that comment to indicate what their opinion is) while not worrying about punishment, the quality of mods would greatly improve and the community would become a lot less tense overall. Then again, from the years I've been on the Nexus I've seen it as being this type of horrifying "forced smile" type thing. You have to be positive. You have to be appreciative. Gotta keep that up, can't actually be honest with anything or you could be punished.

    Also, sorry about the oversized rant. Gonna add a TL;DR for convenience.

    TL;DR People need to learn the difference between useless criticism and constructive criticism. Being able to constructively criticize a mod (respectfully) would be very useful and would help to improve the quality of mods on the Nexus, and, in my opinion, help some of the "salty Nexus vets" feel a bit better as they can finally voice their opinions without feeling like they might be persecuted for it. A simple "Thumbs Down" type system, with the thumbs down symbol tied to your comment, I think would help to fix this and would greatly help to show the general consensus on some types of mods, something I feel is woefully lacking due to the fear of being punished.

    Thumbs-down voting option was tried... it was abused. Hence, why it's not around here anymore.
  13. I'm betting the other party realized that if one person figured it out, then someone else could, or that you would inevitably report the mod and they didn't wanna get the wrong kind of admin staff attention.

  14. It may be because it has no 1stperson mesh data in its ARMA. I ran into crashiness when I was altering it to have a proper sleeveless version for female characters in Dawnguard Arsenal, and traced it to that.


    To fix it for yourself, the ARMA for it has the FormID 0200F3FC (assuming you have a correct load order for DLCs), and paste Actors\Character\Character Assets\1stPersonMaleBody_1.NIF into the Male 1stperson and Actors\Character\Character Assets\1stPersonFemaleBody_1.nif into female 1stperson.

  15. I have a bug report in my old Nepalese Kukri mod where the kukri item is not for sale. It was previously when I first made the mod. There are no alterations to Ulfberth's faction list, to the warmaiden's services faction, or to the vendor item keyword list in any of my myriad of loaded modules.


    Is it a game setting that controls whether or not vendors will sell stuff in their store instead of just stuff in their vendor chest? Is another mod interfering with this, or is it an official bug fix I am not aware of?

  16. In response to post #41272325. #41274465, #41275065, #41275135, #41275585, #41276745, #41277095, #41278320, #41278875, #41281935, #41282870, #41282905, #41301515, #41302665, #41318530, #41344390, #41362530, #41385930, #41395050 are all replies on the same post.

    J Allin wrote: If it aint broke, don't fix it... ;)
    pedantic wrote: Sage advice :)
    sonogu wrote: Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work :)
    HadToRegister wrote:

    Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work

    This is the first I've heard about it?
    sonogu wrote: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12539/?

    These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.
    piotrmil wrote: That is very, very true. I do hope that the authors will give us options instead of shoving the new design down our throats.
    michaelspicer16 wrote: Agreed
    graymaybe wrote: Compared to what it could be, it's pretty broke tho.
    Thallassa wrote: Luckily nexus was pretty broke. I'm looking forward to the fix.
    HadToRegister wrote:


    These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.

    I missed all of those, I was busy doing clinicals at a hospital all that time
    janishewski wrote: Advice for the weak. Everything is broken because nothing is perfect, therefore everything can always be improved. This look far superior to the old site design.
    janishewski wrote: Terrible advice that applies only to the timid and those that achieve nothing.
    pedantic wrote: Nothing to do with being timid, weak, or an under achiever. Neither is it how it "looks" that's important to me (The same can be said for a good game). It's how it functions for everyone which should be a sites' primary concern. Fix what's broken by all means, adopt new technology by all means. But it seems to me, in this day and age, that actions are taken simply because they can be taken and for no other practical reason. So, instead of fixing what's broken a little at a time, we're plunged into months of constant change while the little necessary changes are incorporated into a premature overhaul to make the Nexus look like every other site. I love the Nexus because it isn't like every other site. The new "random" mod idea smacks of PSN and the rest looks just like, as others have said, (ugh..) Bethesda. The download shortcut might cause issues, too, for mod makers. It's a great idea but poorly thought through imho. However, if the shortcut were to take folk to the mod description page, similar to the current preview, then maybe the install instructions, requirements, and README.TXT (which so many don't) would be adhered to more often, leaving our brilliant mod makers to do what they do best. I can see the benefit of the shortcut if, for whatever reason, I'm re-downloading a mod. Hey, there's an idea: The shortcut only goes live if you've previously downloaded said mod - the same way you're not able to endorse a mod prior to download. Me? I love change but not simply for the sake of it.
    EnaiSiaion wrote:
    Terrible advice that applies only to the timid and those that achieve nothing.
    So how's Windows 10 treating you?
    sevencardz wrote: People where I work use this philosophy all the time. Also known as "Don't reinvent the wheel". It's fun to watch them struggle along with square wheels all day while I zoom right past them.

    EDIT: Oh and Nexus, please fix your emoticons. I mean... who wrote the parsing algorithm that thinks my capital D was meant to be a smiley face?
    endgameaddiction wrote: @sevencardz

    It's the reason why I don't use emoticons. And I disable it. But really that's not the solution if you like using emoticons and not having your brackets translated into a smiley face when using it outside of the context of a emoticon.
    HadToRegister wrote: I make sure to put a space in between " and D if I quote something
    BananaPudding wrote: @sevencardz

    That would be assuming the wheel was flawed and square from the get go which it wasn't. The wheel was round, the perfect shape for mobility and thus there would be no need to reinvent it, just add on to it and improve it, like giving it a sturdy layer. Not toss it out the window and replace it with a recolored copy of some other guy's crusty wheel that has fancy bells and whistles tied to it.
    fonv123 wrote: Its not reinventing the wheel its innovating the wheel. If everyone went in with "if it aint broke dont fix it" We'd be flintstoning everywhere

    It is "broke" (as in flawed) because of one critical aspect based on a trend citing obsolete data about users' screen sizes that refuses to go away across the Internet. I for one am glad that the garbage mashers on the detention level will be shut down.

    Even with a zoom of 120%, the current layout still feels so cramped into the middle on my screen.
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