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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. All the mods you're used to in previous BGS games don't just spring up instantly. The FO4 GECK isn't even out yet. The community-made tools are rudimentary at best. FO4 modding is far from matured.



  2. Boethia is a... complex identity. The Book of the Daedra tends to gloss over many of the nuances of the Princes, and seems to be more focused on the political line of the 8(9) divines than any actual information on the Daedra themselves...


    Boethia is about the betterment of the self. Becoming better than you are now. Struggling through adversity and coming out stronger on the other side. This is best embodied by Her/His favoured children, the Chimer/Dunmer.


    The easiest route is, of course, violent... But Boethia's greatest champions were also shrewd diplomats and great leaders. Veloth was even a great healer. In fact, it seems that there's a limit to how far violence, of a physical sort, can take you. But that starts to push into CHIM territory...


    Anyway, Boethia's schtick with the overthrow of authority is about the rejection of law and the service to ones self. Authority is a rule of law, an establishment of hierarchy and social status, whereas Boethia demand one stand by their own personal merit. The overthrow is a test of that merit.


    Hmmm, so Boethiah is like a patron of the Ubermenschen.

  3. TES Wikia is about as reliable for information as a blind skooma-addled khajiit. I recommend you use UESP if wikis must be consulted, or The Imperial Library for something a little more definitive.

  4. To me, it seemed strange that they used the term "unlawful" overthrow of authority as opposed to just saying the overthrowing of authority. It's not about the appeal either. I mean all the deity like beings appeal to someone but not all of them are considered good by anyone.


    ...Is there any other kind of overthrow of authority? Even just and benign authorities probably don't take kindly to being overthrown, and I highly doubt that a despotic authority wouldn't make an explicit law banning their overthrow. Legality and justice are not one and the same. The former can be twisted to violate the latter.


    Whether a Daedric Prince's purview is "good" or "evil" is entirely a matter of context. Some are definitely harder to contextualize as "good" than others (can anyone even think of a case where Molag Bal's purview is a good thing?), but in the case of Boethiah... yes, "unlawful overthrow of authority" is a good thing in the right context. Boethiah gave lie to the Aldmeri twisting of Ancestor Worship when he showed how Trinimac's followers were made unto pariahs when they were orc-ified after Boethaih shat Trinimac back out as Malacath.

  5. Boethiah's sphere would appeal to people tired of living under a despot.


    It's also said that Titus Mede II weilded Goldbrand in the battle to retake the Imperial City from the Dominion Army in the Great War. And Lord Naarifin, the Dominion commander, was dangled in a crow cage at the White Gold Tower for a month or so before a winged daedra reportedly carried him off. A plausible theory is that he asked a favor of Boethiah and Naarifin's soul was payment.

  6. Blame not USKP, but whatever else is interfering with the briarhearts. USKP fixes the gray body, and also does a fix that doesn't make any bloodstains on the body disappear by only causing the removal of the heart seed bit instead of the whole body swapping when you pull the heartseed. If you are unaware of another mod that alters the Briarhearts, then that would be the cause. TES5Edit would reveal the culprit as well. In any case where it looks like USKP is the culprit, it probably isn't, and for us on the UPP team to seriously consider USKP or its DLC expansions to be at fault, evidence needs to be presented (not "looks like it" but "verifiably is it").


    And I do hope you weren't making any saves you intended to keep with the Patches removed...

  7. There is interference between a mod that alters her facial appearance, and another mod that alters other aspects of her NPC_ form. You'll need to learn TES5Edit to truly resolve it, or make a choice between which of those mods you want to keep.

  8. In response to post #27532749.

    LittlePip2 wrote: What are Hidden Gems?

    In this context, mods that got overlooked by hotfiles or the pop list. In my survey form, I noted the "Undiscovered" category on deviantArt as a reference to a way to dig them up more easily for more people to see.
  9. In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224 are all replies on the same post.

    Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
    Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

    Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

    Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
    crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
    MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

    Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
    Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
    Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
    SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png

    Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

    You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
  10. In response to post #27187839.

    FurAfterDark wrote: Who would DDoS a modding community? isn't that kinda an oxymoron move? o.o

    Petulant little twerps do it. Particularly ones who wanted to turn this place into their own personal playground but were denied.

    If you run across anyone elsewhere on the 'Net that claims they were banned from the Nexus network "for no reason", ask their handle and search that forum to see the "no reason".

    Did Bethesda or Todd Howard say why they took so long to release their next Bethesda Game Title aka Fall Out 4 after Skyrim


    How long inbetween did they release a TES Game and a FO Game in witch how long are we going to wait for TES6


    Is it one team that makes TES and then FO


    I heard its because they wanted to wait out on the PS4 and XBOne Consoles

    If you take into account things on a corporate level:


    Finding the right people "talent" and rehiring that talent for specif tasks?


    you might know why it takes so long to rebuild from scratch.



    Are people still conflating Zenimax Online with BGS? :facepalm:

  12. Can you deliberately induce the CTD with reliability? Does it always end with that bit of script log? The script logger cannot record the cause of a CTD, as it crashes at the same time as the rest of the game engine. It can offer clues if it's always having the tail end of the log being largely the same after each crash, but nothing definitive.

  13. even still, if he moves the capital back to windhelm, and the moot meets and hes elected high king, why the hell would he leave solitude under the rule of someone who despises him lol.

    Because removing Elisif and putting in some Stormcloak yes-man will make the hold despise him even more.


    And Eastmarch wouldn't be "jarl-less". Torygg's personal hold was Haafingar. It's why that hold is the typical seat of Imperial-allied kings' power.

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