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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. Appoint himself as jarl of a hold that hates him AND appoint his successor at his old hold to be someone with a bad case of wanderlust? Windhelm is the ancient capital of Skyrim in the times of Ysgramor anyway, and since he's playing the Good Old Ways card for all it's worth, moving his capital to Solitude makes no sense. It is not the next logical step.

  2. Canis root, Imp stool, Mora Tapinella. Paralyze + Lingering Damage Health. Sap them while they're down even if you don't directly harm them after the dose.


    The imp stool is the key ingredient. Netch jelly can be subb'd for Canis root. Orange dartwing or slaughterfish bits can sub for the tapinella. DON'T sub swamp fungal pods, as it'll add a counteractive Restore Health effect.

  3. In response to post #24859404. #24859729, #24859924 are all replies on the same post.

    MikkHep wrote: You know what? If Bethesda decided to continue creating DLCs for Skyrim I would gladly pay for them.
    But the concept of letting mod authors charge for their mods would be a downfall for the modding community.

    However, Skyrim is a game with immense potential, imagine the extreme profits they could make by focusing a small team on creating DLCs for the game again. Personally, I have always thought that they should have just dropped ESO and instead focused on expanding Skyrim even more.
    TES V is a game that could live forever. Like really, I have dedicated well over 700 hours to the game and I still play it...
    pokenar wrote: I do agree I wish they'd have made 2-3 more DLC packs instead of making ESO, but I am excited to see what 6 will bring
    lereddit wrote: Given how casualized Skyrim is compared to the older titles, I fear for the future of TES.

    Let's just hope it won't be streamlined further

    Gaaah! How many times must this falsehood be squashed? Bethesda Game Studios did not develop Elder Scrolls Online. That was done by a sister studio, Zenimax Online Studios.
  4. Gah! Stop using the bloody OBJs, people! They're an ancient obsolete mesh format!


    Are you ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN you partitioned everything correctly? There can be NO overlaps between the BSDismember partitions whatsoever, and ALL faces need to be in a partition. Use the "Sel Unused" and "Fix Dupl" buttons to solve that.


    The problem arises in that it's an unhandled error, which Max resolves by crashing.

  5. You need to select them with the prid console command, or by clicking on them with the mouse while in the console. Use the mouse wheel to scroll through the FormIDs to get to the NPC.


    MFG Console has a big expansion of console display functionality that may help.

  6. On the subject of notifications, it seems that the "X hours ago" text is the same color as the darker gray entries. They also apparently cannot be highlighted, making it impossible to see how long ago those notifications were made. On Skyrim Nexus, they're all lighter gray, but it seems that it alternates on Dragon Age Inquisition Nexus. I haven't checked any other sites to see how it behaves there.
  7. In BGS-made games as far back as at least Oblivion, there has been a console command, "Quit Quickly and Quietly", or QQQ in the console. It exits the game right then and there (and without any illegal op errors when working perfectly), making it as quick at exiting the game as its name suggests.


    Is there any sort of similar console command for DAI? It gets somewhat tiresome having to go to the main menu first to exit the game.

  8. What makes you think that mods from Steam Workshop are somehow not at fault but mods from Nexus could be? :ermm:


    It looks like Pinky textures, which are warnings that textures are missing. And it looks like it's on the misty parts in the load screens. Do you/did you have any mods that alter that?


    When all else fails, blank-slate the entire Skyrim install (including the stuff in the My Documents/My Games folder) and see if a barebones unmodded game works. Be sure to do a file integrity check beforehand to make sure that's in order as well.

  9. Err... what is making you think it only has a chance of causing an aurora? If there was, there'd be a slider or some other value controller to affect that chance.


    The Clear Skies shout will always cause an aurora if it's the right time of night.

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