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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. Listening to Tusk again. Some underrated sludge. This band has some of the best utilization of feedback that I have ever heard. The transition of "Life's Denial" into the next track "The Lewdness and Frenzy of Surrender" made me come buckets. Couldn't find a link for the latter tack, but then again, it is over 15 minutes long. Shame though, that's where the real magic is.

    Holy f***, that's amazing. Thanks for posting it.

    Aside from these two tracks on that particular album, there isn't anything else that innovative from them, sadly. :c But otherwise a pretty solid band.

    I'm always on the hunt for obscure sludge recs, if you have any.

  2. Listening to Tusk again. Some underrated sludge. This band has some of the best utilization of feedback that I have ever heard. The transition of "Life's Denial" into the next track "The Lewdness and Frenzy of Surrender" made me come buckets. Couldn't find a link for the latter tack, but then again, it is over 15 minutes long. Shame though, that's where the real magic is.


  3. Hey you Mod Detectives, it's me again :/ I recently saw these armors on the shy uploader and I have no idea where they're from.

    http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups22100.jpg (Just the armor... I know about the helmet)

    http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups22002.jpg (Looks like recolors of some sort of vanilla armor, the shoulders looks pretty cool and I haven't seen anything like that on vanilla armor)


    http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups22005.jpg (more specifically, the two in the top right corner)

    http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups22004.jpg (the last two rows)

    http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups22001.jpg (2nd from the end on the bottom row)


    Also, someone asked about this armor but no one had replied about it http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/700901-1297421674.jpg

    If you could identify anything, that would be helpful. Thanks.


    22100 is the a variation of the vanilla glass armour. Tweaked a bit to remove the tasset, and add a thong.

    The rest of those are armours from Waalx Animals and Creatures, except for the one from the Nexus.

  4. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/37104-3-1297534510.jpg


    That's my character, Sabre. Her race isn't up for download anywhere and never will be, as she didn't pass the hentai test. (Quick explanation: if you want to share your character, ask yourself if you are comfortable seeing them being given huge boobs if female, and used in hentai screenshots. If the answer is no, they do not pass the hentai test, so do not share them.) Also, I can't share her textures as some parts come from a Morrowind mod and I have no permission.

    I feel the exact same way about things I make. Kudos to you.

  5. Threads like this are better suited for the Mod Requests forum. It's a nifty place where you will find people looking to fulfill requests, like-minded people who may work on your mod because it's something they want to see too, or other helpful people informing you of similar, pre-existing mods, or even what you're looking for, if it already exists. There are people with all kinds of expertise here, so you may find a scripter, a quest-maker, or whatever else you are seeking.


  6. Hi, looking for a mod to steal equipped items off npc's. I looked under "steal" and "items" and neither had any type of mod like that. I don't know if one already exists or not, but google hasn't been able to find one for me so I'm asking around. Also, I would like to apologies if this request has been made earlier, I really didnt feel like looking through 852 pages of posts to find out.

    You really only need to look at the first page.

    This thread is actually for help locating mods that you know already exist.

    When asking if a mod idea exists, you can post in this nifty forum. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/266-oblivion-mod-requests/

    The people there are very friendly. Some people might take up your idea and create it, and other very helpful people will let you know what already exists, or is similar to what you're asking about.

  7. You found the right place. It's on the WACshop forum with all the Realswords. You'll need to register to read the forums, but it is well worth it. Realswords is included, as the bandits use those items, and then some. It doesn't include them in shops unless you want them too. It's a very modular mod if you're particular about the things you want. Tons of options. You don't need to worry about any of them if you don't want to. It's very user-friendly. c:
  8. I really hope to see more diverse blunt things. I have always played a nord with clubs. And I mean vicious spiked clubs of ass-kickery. They only had one club in Vanilla oblivion, and every other blunt was either a hammer of some sort, or Axes. Which was silly. :c
  9. Removing acrobatics is a bit strange since skyrim has lot of mountains I expect having to jump to cross a gap in the mountains or something.If by climbing a mountain in skyrim means walk a path all the way up it really doesn´t sound much fun.I hope they make parts where we really need to climb but then again if they addd something like jump grab a ledge and pull the character up they would have mention it as it would be something new.Since it´s long way to the game release maybe they make something like that don´t know.

    Well, perhaps those types of actions like jumping and climbing will be determined by agility and strength. It seems like something that would be a natural part of your characters abilities, especially in a terrain like this. I think it would be a given that you'd need them, so maybe they increase passively, rather than putting all of your points into them.

  10. You can duplicate Vilverin again (With all of your work). Rename it to something you can remember.

    Save, and close out of the mod. Open it up again, and next to the active file button, there is a details button. You'll see a big list of things. You can delete Vilverin (Cell), and this doesn't actually delete Vilverin, but deletes what you've done to it.

  11. I spent 1 week to read from page 483 to now and only seen one person ask, but no answer, so here it is again.




    Pictures 20 to 25 using scar board as kind of shield, anyone know what kind of spell, animation or anything about it?


    It is what I have spent so much time to look for, but no answer.


    That is an SPB pose mod , I can't rember which one though sorry. you will have to use google, I don't think it's here anymore.




    edit: Where and what is these mods : (the axe and house) or where can I find them :<, or what can I search for, please. Thank you.

    House certainly strikes me as the interior of the Romuska Fantasy Store. The axe could be from a newer version of it.

  12. ^This. I remember when I was first playing, and I enchanted some weightless pants and reverse pickpocketed it onto someone. It was enchanted for fire damage, and I had called it "Pants of flaming diarrhea". It seemed like a 'crappy' way to die. Bwahahahahaha.
  13. I'm pretty sure the unofficial patch takes care of the problem with that DB quest where you need to kill that family. The captain of the guard lady who had infinite grapes, I can't remember her name. :c
  14. There are plenty of mods that have absolutely nothing to do with anime. If you looking through the hot files section, it kind of tells me that you aren't looking for anything in particular, only for what other people think is cool. If you actually put in some efforts into a search, via a search engine or keywords of something you are interested in, you would come up with plenty of blogs, lists, and mods dedicated to what you're looking for. Sure, there may be a lot of 'anime', but a lot of the people currently drawn to oblivion are people who view it as artistic platform. It's quite possibly one of the most moddable games out today. There are plenty of people who make fantastic mods that aren't anime related, and are continuously doing so, and their mods are still there, whether you are distracted by anime or not.
  15. It's an alternate Moonshadow elf texture, the creator's a bit reluctant on releasing it publicly even though it has the PERFECT amount of eye shadow IMO...


    I agree...and it's a pity the people who are making superior content for Oblivion think they are more superior if they are the only ones who have it. Some kind of egolomania(yes...I just made that word up) :down:

    If you put work into something for your own personal use, and were very proud of it, you might be content in the fact that you are unique. Wanting to feel a tiny spark of being special is not "egolomania", nor does it mean you think you are superior.

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