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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. I had that happen to me once, when using a race with a mesh that didn't have either any tri, or egm files. Make sure to check all of the files that race is using. If these are vanilla races, you may have a another mod that changes what meshes they pull from, having them look fine in game, leaving their unused default files in a shambles.
  2. I tried googling it, but without really understanding what I was looking for, I didn't have solid search terms. I looked at guides for taking good screenshots, but the information wasn't present. I'm aware that there is an ini setting that affects the free camera when you use the 'tfc' command. What the setting does, (Or rather, what I want it to do) is allow it to get close to a character or object without piercing the mesh before actual contact, and showing you it's hollow insides.
  3. I think I've seen something similar to this on SHY before, does anyone know where I can get this japanese styled clothing with very long sleeves?


    Any kimonos I search for are either a minor edit of vanilla robes, or a coat of some sort.

  4. These dresses are quite possibly the greatest clothing I have ever downloaded in the history of my Oblivion gaming. c:


    Because you have fun with pretty retextures..hmm? :P

    Of course! I can't take my tablet off of them! And I got them just in time for my new dolls. They fit so perfectly.

  5. AGH! SO BEAUTIFUL! I want to know where to find this dress. NOW. Please and thank you. c:




    OurDestiny, the person who posted that, is very friendly, so why not chuck a PM her way? She may be able to point you in the right direction.

    I avoid pestering people whenever possible, No matter how polite I may word something, I'm always afraid of annoying/offending someone, and that they might not be receptive. I just sent the PM. *Crosses Fingers*

    Also, still searching for this porcelain-doll-ish race. No luck on my end. WARNING: Teets.

    That's not the mini-Lop Ear elf?

    It certainly uses the lop ear meshes, but I was more interested in the textures. Anyways, since that post I was inspired to make my own porcelain dolls. A bit based on porcelain, and a bit based on those expensive dolls people obsess over.

    You know, these things.



    AGH! SO BEAUTIFUL! I want to know where to find this dress. NOW. Please and thank you. c:




    OurDestiny, the person who posted that, is very friendly, so why not chuck a PM her way? She may be able to point you in the right direction.

    I avoid pestering people whenever possible, No matter how polite I may word something, I'm always afraid of annoying/offending someone, and that they might not be receptive. I just sent the PM. *Crosses Fingers*

    Also, still searching for this porcelain-doll-ish race. No luck on my end. WARNING: Teets.

  7. I'm new to Blender, I've been working with it for several days now. I've been doing a lot of editting of vertices. I've exported several editted vanilla objects successfully. I open up something new altogether with the same settings, and I get this error upon export. Google didn't help me. What are I do wrong? :c


    Blender NIF Scripts 2.5.5 (running on Blender 249, PyFFI 2.1.6)

    niftools.blender.export:WARNING:Merging materials 'm_074' and 'm_059' (they are

    identical in nif)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1227, i

    n gui_button_event


    File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1579, i

    n gui_exit


    File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 4538, in co


    exporter = NifExport(**config)

    File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 407, in __i


    root_block, root_object.getName())

    File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 1153, in ex


    self.export_tri_shapes(ob, trishape_space, node)

    File "C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts\export\export_nif.py", line 2447, in ex



    File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\formats\nif\__init__.py", line 6850,

    in set_triangles

    triangles, stitchstrips=stitchstrips))

    File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\formats\nif\__init__.py", line 6861,

    in set_strips

    self.strip_lengths = len(strip)

    File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\xml\array.py", line 70

    , in __setitem__

    return self._set_item_hook(self, index, value)

    File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\xml\array.py", line 10

    5, in set_basic_item

    return list.__getitem__(self, index).set_value(value)

    File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pyffi\object_models\common.py", line 180,

    in set_value

    raise ValueError('value out of range (%i)' % val)

    ValueError: value out of range (152228)

  8. That's part of a quest and it's about a corrupt imperial officer. The quest takes place in Cheydinhal or the Imperial city.

    I'll edit when I found the quest.



    Edit: Found it. It's called Imperial Corruption and it takes place in the Imperial city.

    Here's the link : http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Imperial_Corruption

    When you talk with Ruslan he says: "Hey stranger, can you spare a few coins? I've just been shaken down by that bastard watchman and he took my last septim." There's the option with "Take three, I have plenty".


    I knew about the "Imperial Corruption" quest, but I coudl've sworn I saw the same dialogue with Simplicia the Slow on a screenshot of a mod.


    Maybe I was imaging it?


    You may talk to any of the beggars in the IC. c:

    Also, I am really interested in that dual axe mod from a couple pages back.

  9. I had gotten a hold of some DKNCproject things a while ago, but it certainly didn't come with that. I've been aware of the rose set for quite some time, ever since they made the sword and shield, but I have never been able to find it. :c
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