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Posts posted by Yamcakes

  1. Post-black metal is a lot different than post-metal.




    I'm starting to like Boris more and more.

    Yes, I know this. :P Incidentally, I was just posting what I was currently listening to.

    Incidentally again, what I am currently listening to happens to be some post-black.




    Boris is fantastic. Saw them a few months ago with Russian Circles.

  2. Calm down, kiddo.

    Here's one solution. This is something I do.

    It's recommended that you only do this with mods that only add models and objects to the game. Don't try it with anything that alters gameplay, has quests, uses scripts, etc.

    Open the construction set.

    Check off all of the weapons .esp's that you want to install.

    Don't select an active file.

    Go to tools -> combine loaded plugins.

    If any of those esp's are dependant on an esm, make sure you hold onto that .esm.

    Now save your new plugin. Call it whatever you like.

    You now have just made X amount of mods a single mod.

    Take the .esp's you loaded, and put them in another folder somewhere for safe keeping. Remember not to remove any .esm's you loaded.

    This is how you conserve space.

    In case anything doesn't work out, you should still have the original .esp's somewhere.

  3. Does anyone know of any good combat mods that enable dual weapon wielding? (like so your character can wield a second weapon in their off-hand instead of just a shield)


    I think Unnecessary Violence was supposed to do this but for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. I didn't like that mod anyway, way too many bugs, very outdated, and the creator has obviously abandoned it.

    This is a very disrespectful and ignorant thing to say about someone's mod, and although I didn't make it, it offends me as a mod author myself.


    Too many bugs? Name them from your personal experience. I'd like to know what you've seen in your game so far.


    Very outdated?! What the heck are you talking about? It's the latest dual wield mod out there! It's also the most comprehensive with more features available compared to others, and if that means a little bit of a learning curve, so be it. All you have to do is read the readme. Not only does it explain everything in detail, it has a troubleshooting section. Let me guess, you didn't read all of it did you? I'm willing to bet no, since you stated yourself you couldn't figure it out.


    Also, you obviously don't know the author. He had worked very hard on UV1 and has been working on a new UV2 version that is nearly completed, which would be why he is not supporting UV1 anymore. But honestly, everything that has a potential problem is in the readme for solutions. There are also patches available for some of the more persistent problems.


    That's fine if you don't like a mod, but refrain from stating crap about it that you don't know! It's junk like this that makes mod authors keep things private! :verymad:

    I know what you mean! If I don't like something and want an alternative, I'll just state that I'm aware of that mod already and leave it at that. Being something of a modder myself I know how much time and effort goes into things, and words like that would never even pop into my brain. The nerve of some people. There's been a few people popping in here recently with a bad attitude towards mods, like they're trying to browse for wallpaper! They don't seem to realise that mods aren't made for their personal pleasure. I'm not inclined to help them.
  4. Well the b/w strategy depends on the textures you work with. If you want the entire thing to have just one color, go for it. Playing around with the contrast settings helps too.


    But eeek, the Tricorn? O.o What color do intent to use for that thing O.o I mean - even the glow maps are blue. *imagins yellow tricorn*

    You can change the colours of the glow. c:

    I myself have made a gold one, and a black with teal glow version for saints and seducers in the SI. I set it up so the ones that patrol the isles ride them.

  5. Hi, new to game and would like to try the mod called "Life" which was reviewed on a site I saw as part of a links list. Like ao many links on the big link lists, the link was no longer good, and while I have been able to find many files here and elsewhere which have the word "life" in the title, they are entirely different mods.


    I am guessing that the mod may have vanished forever when the original linked site went under, but if someone can find it archived elsewhere, I'd be thrilled.

    What did this mod do, exactly? That can help us find it better.

  6. The game-world has a few very boring, very empty areas. Most notably the far west (between Anvil and Chorrol) and far east (everything south of Cheydinhal; east of Bravil/Leyawiin) of the map. I find I never go to these parts of the world because there is nothing much of interest, sticking more to the centre and north of the province. They make Anvil and Leyawiin seem like boring locations that I generally avoid too. Surely, with so much free space to make use of, there is a wide variety of mods pitching into that prime real estate, right? I would like to add some settlements, so there are places to sleep and people to trade with, but other point of interest (eg quests) would also be worth considering.


    I tried Bartholm, but did not really like it --- I felt it did not fit the rest of the game and stuck out like a sore thumb. I also tried Shezrie's Towns, but only got as far as Pell's Gate when I realised it was not for me.

    Shezrie has several village mods, did you try them all? Also, you can find a quality selection here. http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Find_A_Home/Villages/villages.html

  7. Hello this my first time posting here...and I was wondering if there is a mod for kos-mos' armor...or maybe a request. I love Xenosaga and kos-mos is my all time fav!!

    This is a thread to locate things that you already know exist, but are having trouble locating. Like seeing an outfit you like in someone's screenshots. c:


    You can request mods here in this nifty forum.

  8. i don't like Japanese mods in my western RPG. Why does everyone make them lol? there are not too many weapons/armor/races/hair mods that look normal next to the environment.

    "my western rpg", i bet i just responded to a somekind of troll post but no one asks you to download them if you don't like them in your game. :)

    I don't like extreme anime mods because i think they are creepy (i saw some doll mod and i didnt know what to think xD) but if you say moonshadow elves is an anime mod then you have no idea what some japanese sites are sharing.

    I hope you're not referring to me, because my dolls aren't inspired by anime. :c

  9. I know for sure that Armamentium has EC support, as I use it for myself.

    Remember, any mod that uses HGEC, Exnem EC, TGND, etc all use the same UV maps, so they are all intercompatible. That's not a word, but it works. c:

  10. Does anyone know of any good female body replacers with good texture replacers available? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


    The HGEC body and it's variants. Personally I would use the TGND or THEC variants. The author of the THEC body's character is rather thin inthe racial settings, so I would look at the user uploaded images to get an idea of how it looks on vanilla races, and most you would download.

    I also use the textures below.


  11. Could anyone tell me about the race/textures used in the picture?




    I like the creepiness and ive never seen something like this before for Oblivion. :thumbsup:

    That's actually one of my creepier porcelain dolls races. She's still creepy when not annoyed. http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/7084/tesconstructionset20110.png

    They aren't complete yet, and parts of their their body textures among other things are from other modders with no permissions to release. I might share it secretly one day, but they still need a lot of work. :P

  12. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but since I don't know what is causing the problem, I don't want to have to post it all of the relevant forums. There are some weird black splotches on my weapon. They seem move around randomly every second, probably in relation to the animation. I'm not sure.

    Here's a screenshot.


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