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Everything posted by Deleted1205226User

  1. You'd better contact one of the Community Manager and solve it in private.
  2. The Obj Import function is not working in V2 (and was super buggy in the previous ones).
  3. You did a good job with solving your problem and at explaining it. :thumbsup:
  4. I feel I have to correct a few things Specularity, glossiness and reflection are three different things. Speculartity has to be understand as the how material react to light. Is it shiny or dull? Is the shininess diffused over the material or is it pinched? The first question is dealt with the Specular Map, the Alpha layer of the Normal Map. Dark zones will be dull, clear ones will be shiny. So you draw your Normal Alpha layer according to which zone you want shiny and which is dull. The second question is dealt in the Material section of the nif with the setting "Glossiness". The lower the value, the more diffused the gloss will be. Environment Mapping or Cube Mapping is a way to simulate what is reflected on your object. A special kind of texture is projected on your object. The slot for these textures is second to last, the naming convention is Name_e.dds There's a few EnvMap provided by the game. You can create your own. EnvMap is projected equally over your object. If you want some part not to be reflective, you'll need to add an Environment Mask. The darker the mask is, the less the CubeMap will go through. Naming convention is Name_em.dds, its slot is the last one. Inside the nif, at Shader level you have to enable SF_Environment_Mapping flag for the CubeMap to work efficiently. There's a couple of other settings related to it. If you enable SF_Environment_Mapping flag without referencing a CubeMap, game will put one in default. More about Environment/Cube Maps https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Photoshop_environment_mapping https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Photoshop_cube_maps_in_Fallout_3
  5. I had a quick look at your nif. While I admire your way to work around the NifSkope limitations and the cleverness of your montage, I would probably go another way: After cleaning and optimizing, the display counter would be a nif with Data destruction embedded. (one hit, fake explosion, glass shard flying and dust, model swap with destructed glass part). Inside the display would be a movable static version of the object with an unmovable collision, once the explosion has occurred, object will swap for a pickable version. The swap is dealt with script and enabling parent. So, when the glass part is intact, object is labeled but not retrievable and will not move during destruction. It can be pick up after it. The whole intact/destruction/destroyed display thing would be made with Destruction Data.
  6. Hi YanL, I'm not totally sure to understand completely the problem, may I suggest to share the nif and elaborate a bit. Either here or by PM, as you prefer. Thanks.
  7. Sorry, I'm very used to NifSkope 1.1.3, these notes have been made with it. In NifSkope 2 the Collision Flag is chosen in a drop down list. Value 1 is now ACTIVE. Ignore the "Paste over" thing and proceed as usual Copy Branch - Paste Branch.
  8. I assume you refer to the last point of "Creating convex collision in NifSkope" I've never used this manipulation myself, it is straight copy/pasted from an explanation I received. "Paste over" means copying an element in one instance and pasting it directly over the existing similar element in the other instance by Rclick. Context menu is not involved. In opposition With "Paste" or "Paste Branch", which require to access the context menu.
  9. When using Scale vertices to transform, there's one more step to do: select the NiTriStripsData of the node you've transformed, RClick, update Center/Radius. Otherwise the game will still cull the object at its older size. Scaling Collisions can be tricky. If you want to scale a complete collision, the bhkCollisionObject has to be converted into bhkCollisionObjectT (select, RClick, convert) then used its Transform settings. Some collisions can be adjusted that way in combination with changing the dimension of the box, like you did. Other times building a new one or creating a convex one is a better option. (Procedure described in the notes sent)
  10. Apart from the Mass not set to 0, several factors might make your mesh move as if it was possessed: - The Motion System in the bhkRigidBody should be set to MO_SYS_FIXED for a Static. - the NiStringExtraData UPB having a string Data "Unyielding = 0 ". Either remove it or set it to 1 (to be experimented) Also, but not related to the moving issue, the Radius in the bhkConvexVerticesShape should be of a value of 0.100, always. I've sent you a PM with some notes.
  11. Destruction Data & Damage states are baked into save games (which can cause bloat save if too much are used). "Extended" collision can appear when the object has been resized/moved via transform into NifSkope but the transformation has not been applied. Or if the Collision object is much larger than the mesh. I'm heading home now, where my Modding compy is, I'll study your mesh and let you know what I've found when I get back.
  12. Try setting Mass & Inertia tensors to 0. I'll look into your nif in the meantime
  13. The OnLoad is an excellent suggestion, thanks for that! (It's a looong time since I scripted anything)
  14. Must be the 01Ref. I've read it countless time: don't start Ref id with number... :dry:
  15. This script is placed on an activator and reset object placement upon activation. I can't compile it and I don't understand why. Any idea?
  16. This is not a correct information. Most nif are using NiTriStrips (Static, clutter, prop, weapon, Vfx). Only weapon make exclusive use of the NiTriShape, as it can be seen by looking at Vanilla nif. You can use TriShapes in non weapon nif, but it will be slightly less optimized. Never mix TriShapes and TriStrips inside one nif. (random CTD) NiTrishapes cannot be Scoled. NiTrishapes can support texture animation as this is decided at the Shader level.
  17. According to Alan Moore, Magic has something to do with Art & Words (Grimoire = grammar, book of spell is literally that, a book where words are spelled.) In the Dark Ages, those who had the knowledge of words were Magicians, because words can change someone.
  18. Upload your nif (and texture if need be) to a file sharing site (such as mediafire or googledrive) and post the link here or send it to me via private message, as you prefer.
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