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Everything posted by Deleted1205226User

  1. I believe all the DLC esm have to be first in your load order and in the correct order, that is, as they were published. What is "enplczru version of fnv"?
  2. Very unlikely. Porting from one game to another is illegal. The closest I know is from Molten Clouds Project : the Pip-Boy 2000 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/images/98489
  3. I regularly experience something similar with custom sun and night stars but haven't found the cause, yet.
  4. Thank you, Gentlemen, for your kind and comforting words.
  5. From the suggestion above there's two point I don't agree: Better game performance is NOT generally recommended by knowledgeable modders, test extensively first: some reports of minor slowdowns or worse, to include CTDs and corrupted saves. Best used with a "merged patch" or left out Purge cells buffer is more a debbuging tool and should not be included in a game play load order
  6. If you want to dig more into resizable Primitive, I suggest to join the NifSkope Discord server and talk to Jonwd7, the developer of NifSkope V2. He probably have all the knowledge/explanation about it. About the last line, I don't know myself :ermm:, I have self-esteem issues lately, just ignore.
  7. Nothing that haven't been done before, just my own version, but thank you. :) I hope it works for you. 1. I don't think that's a possible feature for an ordinary nif, and if it is I have no idea how, sorry. But why aren't you using a collision box as an activator? It has all the feature you want. 2. I guess you raised the Alpha in NiMaterialProperty. 3. Same principle, go to the NiMaterialProperty of the EditorMarker NiTriStrips and bring the Alpha down to 0.5 I'm glad I could be useful, for once.
  8. Here you are. http://www.mediafire.com/file/c8c1mfekdb4x4v7/PixInvisibleActivator.nif Place and resize to your liking. The texture used is 64x64 (found in textures/shared). The mesh is made invisible by nullifying the Alpha of the NiMaterialProperty To add an Editor Marker to a nif it must have the following structure: A NiNiode named "EditorMarker" containing a NiTriStrips named "EditorMarker:0" Nomenclature has to be respected. The Shader of the NiTriStrips must be a BSShaderNoLightingProperty with SF_VertexAlpha ticked. The Color of the marker is changed by altering the Vertex Colors in the NiTriStripData. Bit 5 (Editor Marker Present) has to be ticked in the BSXFlags. That's about it. Let me know how it goes. I might consider to upload it as a Modder's resource along with other little things supposed to facilitate Modder's life. :) Thanks for suggesting.
  9. What is the recommended water height for Interior cells? What is the difference (in game) between Reflection & Refraction? How do I make clear, calm, pond type water? Which settings to tweak?, where?, which rippled map? Did anyone have created custom placeable water? (or have knowledge to share about it). Thank you.
  10. Unfortunately I'm not at my place and won't be before tomorrow, so a little patience is required :) I'll leave a note on how to add a marker to a nif.
  11. I have made an invisible activator with an editor marker (easier to spot and move in GECK), should I share it? Also, any texture would work (like a 4x4 in DXT1), it doesn't need to be transparent (DXT5), just bring the Alpha of the NiMaterialProperty to 0.
  12. Does this fix the notifications resetting randomly and sending everything by mail?
  13. They have promised us flying cars, Sentient robots and houses on Mars Maybe my child, said the mirror So we stared at our reflection Hoping that the world will continue to spin like a giant atom.
  14. Every type of collision has a sound (or several) that relates to it. The sound is triggered when player interacts with objects (and their collision). Interaction could be: grabbing, dropping, kicking, hitting, shooting, walk over. For objects, the sound is depending of the Havok material chosen for collision, this can be tweaked and changed in NifSkope I believe that the sound for terrain is hardcoded, I didn't found any way to change things at Geck or NifSkope level. The only way I know, would be to replace the sounds themselves. At the animation level, something says "trigger step sounds", but then according to which terrain you're over, this type or that type of steps sound will be played. I short, it is not what you're wearing that generate sounds but what you walk over. At least, that what I understand of it...
  15. Try to toggle ArchiveInvalidation OFF then ON again in your Mod manager. Does it help?
  16. I don't know if it helps, but since its brainstorming... SetDestroyed is used in Destruction Data to end the addon sequence and make the object inert and non responsive to further damage. It basically says "this object cannot have its state modified, it cannot be interacted with anymore".
  17. When installing new mods, especially those with meshes and textures, is it recommended to Turn ArchiveInvalidation OFF then ON again to allow the created material to replace the Vanilla one. Most Mod managers (FOMM, MO, NMM) have this function integrated. If you use a Mod manager, don't use an external ArchiveInvalidation, to avoid double use and confusion.
  18. Interesting subject. I feel that the need to compare and evaluate Languages in term of superior/inferior is artificial. There's nothing like this, only complementarity and demonstration of the richness of human mind. There is no naturally pure logographic Languages, Chinese has non logographic elements in it, similarly we use logography each time we write a numeral with its symbol instead of words. Also, see the use and abuse of Logos and symbols in our modern communication. One advantage of logographic Languages is that one sign = one phrase or one concept. Combining several logogram can convey the complexity of a thought when a book or two would be needed to approach it. The Logogram system is older, "richer of experience" with many philosophical and Spiritual researches made and transcribed centuries BC. Logograms are no produced or designed by chances. One can understand the growing of complexity of the thought process because it is illustrated by the growing complexity and combination of the signs. Logographic and Alphabetic languages are processed by different parts of the brain. The more we combine these two approaches the more we enrich ourselves. My bet is the future language (100 -200 years from now) will be and hybrid.
  19. I suggest to repost your problem here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/355-new-vegas-mod-troubleshooting/ You'll have more chances that some competent people will help. Alternatively, you might want to contact a Staff member and ask to move this thread over there.
  20. Not that I'm aware of. GoG version comes with the game and the Geck prepatched for 4Gb and work indeed better. Sounds too good to be true? :D
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