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Everything posted by Deleted1205226User

  1. I believe this due to the German version having gore disabled. See if this does help: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20689
  2. :smile: I make a Map in my usual graphic app (Photoshop CS2), save it as bmp and use a free external program, DXTBmp to add it to my existing Normal.
  3. There is no S_map in FO3. The specularity is handled by the Alpha layer of the Normal Map. In a DXT5 DDS Normal Map, the whiter the Alpha, the brighter the object. In conjunction, the Gloss, in NiMaterialProperty can be tweaked: the higher the value, the more pinched the shine will be.
  4. You should update. There is a perfectly legal GOG version of New Vegas, it was even offered as giveaway by Nexus!
  5. The book goes much more into the scientific parts, the spiritual one is only coming in the end and is easily skipable. The good part in the Video is the analogy left part of the brain = serial processor/ right part = parallel processor which, at least to me, explain a few things related to the Potential of the Human Brain. But yes, Love and Peace on Earth has become some outdated concept or even a ridicule one for some.
  6. I suggest, for those interested, a reading of Jill Bolte Taylor's book: "My stroke of insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey" It offers some clues about what's is going on in there. Some are already given in her talk.
  7. I’m a user of Windows XP up till today. While asking for the date released of an announced 32 bits version of an essential tool for Modding, I’ve been, kind of, mocked for being the only one in this world still using it. After making some researches, I found out that I’m not the only one. :smile: XP is 16 years old. Microsoft stopped providing security support on April 8, 2014. According to statistics from Net Applications (April- May 2017), it's actually the third most popular operating system globally, with 7.04% market share. http://www.businessinsider.fr/uk/windows-xp-third-most-popular-operating-system-in-the-world-2017-5/ https://www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=10&qpcustomd=0 That means an out-of-date, unsupported operating system is more popular than any version of Windows 8, any version of Mac OS X, and Linux. A three-year old studies suggest there are around 2 billion PCs in use around the world - a number that is sure to have gone up since then. Even so, that would put the number of machines running Windows XP at a staggering 140 million around the world. Part of it might be ATM and other closed system but still… I can’t afford to buy a new computer, really. But if I could I’m not sure I would. When my system will die, Modding will be over for me. I’m Modding FO3 exclusively, I’m playing NV from time to time and the other games I’m playing are old 32 bits games. Everything is particularly stable. When I see the countless threads with problems regarding the use of FO3 or FNV with 7, 8 and now Windows 10, I feel quite blessed. My box, with no Internet connection and thus plenty of useless Services disconnected and no AV, is running smooth. I don’t need to update it, so it’s kind of “optimized”. Every program I use is compatible and provides the tool I need. I don’t need newer versions. My outdated closed system has never prevented me to play, Mod , helping people or create resources and share them. So, should I feel bad for it? My specs:
  8. Look at the dates of OP post, it is the use around here not to revive old thread (more than 6 months), it's called necromancy. Better to start a new one explaining your problem in details.
  9. You're posting in a 7 years old thread. I can't understand what's the problem and I'm not even sure it's about Fallout 3 game.
  10. Pure question of taste. Nothing prevents you to make your own mix, even.
  11. That's what I understood. I haven't test the tool but it says "batch DDS to TGA converter'...
  12. Could this be a solution? https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=190908
  13. Isn't this thread about Vortex development?
  14. I see many esp mixed with esm. I always been told that esm should go first and esp after. Esm with multiple esp dependencies should be ordered like DLC.
  15. Make a Message: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Message Make a script using this function: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=ShowMessage Attach the script to your trigger. Go in game, pass through the trigger. If message shows, problem is with the (previous) script. If message doesn't show, problem is with the trigger.
  16. No warning when saving the script? Using Geck only or PowerUp? Have you checked the trigger itself? (making a debug note appearing when going through) You didn't leave the ";" did you? If none of these question help you troubleshooting, you might have to wait for someone more qualified to answer.
  17. Far from a script expert here but if I to write that script, I would get rid of && and close the if with an endif. scn VAALegionAmbush Begin OnTriggerEnter Player if GetStage AAAMorganQuest 60 AAAPrimeLegionary01Ref.Enable AAAPrimeLegionary02Ref.Enable AAALegionaryRecruit01Ref.Enable AAALegionaryRecruit02Ref.Enable endif end
  18. As pointed by DubiousIntent, the sound of a collision is handled by Havok Material Properties in a nif and is altered in Nifskope. This includes the sound when walk upon, dropped or hit. But it doesn't handle the sound only; it combines it with the particles emitted when hit or shot as well as the decals associated. These combined Havok Material properties are hardcoded, you cannot create new ones. I found 96 different Havok Material properties definition, but only 32 are used by main object in game, they appear in a drop down list in Nifskope. Their naming is sometimes misleading. I have a table I can share that should help a little (have to find it a my place and come back to post, give me a day) I have also a test room with all the Havok Material set up to test in game. Made for FO3, so it requires you to have it. If you alter the nifs for your mods, you will have to include them in your upload. Two ways of doing: - If the items are replacer for vanilla item and should affect the all game: place the modified meshes, keeping the original naming, in loose folder reproducing exactly the original folder structure. You shouldn't make any change to your esp/esm to have the new meshes active. - If the items are specific to your mod and should coexist with Vanilla items: place the modified meshes, with new names, in a folder structure specific to your mod. In Geck your are creating new uniques instances of the items to have them included in the esp/esm.
  19. Thank you both for the information. I'll add it to my coming tutorial. I don't intend to use 64 bit tools, I'm still modding on 32 bit OS ! But we might see new sort of problems appearing regarding nif in FO3 or FNV. I want to be ready. Many people assume that a newer version of a tool is always better than the older.
  20. If two NiTriStrips are under one NiNode, depending on the import settings, it will appear as one object in Blender (Don't know about Max)
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