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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. I like the High Imperials best, followed by Xenius' Drow. Mostly because I don't mind so much about roleplaying as sheer aesthetic appeal, and those are some of the best looking out there, I think.
  2. Well, the first one sounds like BTMod, I think, except for the potion changes.

    The first armor was actually the topic a few posts up; it was determined to be a most-likely private version of the Blackwood Armor, I believe.

    No clue on the third one, unfortunately. You could try sending the mod-makers a PM?

  3. Does anyone know of some good bow mods that doesn't exist on Tesnexus? I've been browsing through there but found only a few I liked. If it's not part of a weapon mod I might have missed it though.


    Yes =/ But I can't tell you on which sites to find them. Because there's ripped content on many of them... If you look around on foreign mod sites, especially Russian ones, you can find a lot of stuff not on here. More than that, I can't tell ya, sorry...

  4. The second disk should install in the same place as the first one by default.


    That's what I thought, but it didn't seem to =/ DLC Shivering Isles didn't show up in my list, nor Knights, and OBSE told me to patch it. But, I'm running CCleaner now, so thanks for the help!




  5. Definitely not pirated; I have the GOTY version discs. My problem is that, when trying to run either the second disc or the patch installer, I'm not given the option where to install to, I just have to agree to an EULA and hit "Next" a few times. The SI disc at least seems to work, and tells me it did, but no good. If I try to use the patch .exe's, it attempts to run, tells me it can't find the .bsa's where they're supposed to be, and aborts =/
  6. Both are fine; like I said, I get some of them, just not all. It's not a huge deal, since I spend all my time on here anyway, but still. I would imagine other users are experiencing similar issues.
  7. Well... Character building, chances are, you'll want some new races. Look up Xenius' Custom Race Pack, Ren's Beauty Pack, Cute Elves, Corean Mod, and Moonshadow Elves. Those are some of the most popular. As for leveling guides and recommended mods, check out here and here. Lastly, nice items generally come from exploring and doing quests, or more often from installing mods, so just look around, in game and online, and you're bound to find something good!

    Hope to see you around on the forums, and welcome!

  8. When I open Wrye Bash or OBMM or even the vanilla data file manager, all sorts of things show up. However, they're not in my actual data folder, or at least not visible, which makes cleanup difficult. Anyone know what's wrong? I'm running 7, but I'm an administrator, and even used a command to take control of that folder, but still, nothing shows up. What gives?
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