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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. I'm know I'm not the first, and it would be asinine to hope I'll be the last, to have some random error with the CS. For some reason, any time I try to edit the aspects of an NPC's face, the CS crashes. Only file I've got loaded is the Oblivion.esm. Any solutions? I get random crashes for many things with the CS, but this one kinda takes the cake.
  2. Where do you have Oblivion installed to? If it's in your Data Files, try installing it elsewhere, My Documents for instance.

    I had a similar problem -- For some reason, my mods would save to a temporary files folder or something like that, which I couldn't figure out how to access. Try reinstalling elsewhere is my best advice. It'd be a shame to see potential go to waste over something like this =(

  3. Yeah, try without SI and see if that works. However, I can't imagine it being official DLC that would cause an error like that =/

    Sometimes, what I have to do when I have mod issues (which is frequent) is just start from the top of my mods list and work my way down, deactivating a few at a time until I figure out which one it is that's causing the issue. Time consuming, but effective.

  4. Sorry, didn't see your last post. What you have to do is, after loading the CS, go to "Data" on the very top left, and that should open up a list of your mods. Check the box for the High Imperials and click "Set as Active File."
  5. Unfortunately, that does require scripting, to change the soul amounts. Tell me the specs you want on the weapon and I'll make it for you.

    So, what weapon should it be based off of, what should the name be, what enchantment, and how many uses.

  6. well there are some even better mods out there


    but one that was discussed was (sadly) never developed


    "The Adoring Fan's Goblin Brothel and Sex Change Clinic"


    every time you enter,


    the adoring fan (proprietor) is a different . . .


    and sometimes decked out in a red heart dress





    Definitely. Who was the author going to be? We should beg them to finish it =)

  7. Nah, it isn't actually from Valve, but it uses Valve's physics system. Open source, I guess? If you Google Vindictus, read the little blurb thing beneath it.


    "The official site for Vindictus, the ultimate FREE fast action fighting massively multiplayer online game built on Valve's Source engine."

    My bad, I guess "Source" is the name of the engine, but still.

  8. Having a good friend who's suddenly become caught up in competitive gameplay, I keep hearing over and over about various new MMO's and other multiplayer games he comes across. I'm not usually very impressed, but I must say, Vindictus has certainly done just that. Like the description says, it's a game using the physics engine made by Valve, who have made games like Half-Life, Portal, and Left 4 Dead, if you don't know. Basically, it's got a really, really great physics system. But, what I think is the best part is the graphics. They're beautiful, and not just by MMO standards. For a free to play game... These rival Oblivion's, are even better, I think. Perhaps that's nothing special anymore, I'm not sure, since I haven't touched an MMO since giving up WoW a year ago. But damn, this game is nice. I really recommend checking it out. Character choices are limited at the moment, but the ones that are up are not only amazing looking, but fun to play. And the whole thing starts off with a beautiful cinematic (!!!!). I highly recommend checking it out. Even if you're not usually an MMO fan, like me, you may like Vindictus.
  9. So, if you can't have multiple accounts, why isn't every ban an IP ban? Is it just like a "if we don't catch you you're okay" kinda thing or what? It just hasn't made sense to me, if a user gets banned, they create a second account, which is subsequently banned, accompanied with a threat of IP ban. If they can't create a new account anyway then what difference does it make if their IP is banned? Sorry, just a bit confused about the reasoning here.
  10. Eh... Not practical, I don't think. There are some places where TLB doesn't really make for a dramatic difference in the appearance of the landscape, but in some places... It does. I don't know how often you use it but the ground sometimes turns into this pea-soup looking stuff, I'm not quite sure why. But, the main issue is that it... Expands? If that makes sense. Like, there will be no collision, but you can be up to your neck in colorful nothingness. Makes fighting small enemies like wolves nigh on impossible.
  11. There is a mod that can't actually be linked to, since it contains ripped content, but it has a lot, and I mean A LOT of weapons from WoW. I unfortunately can't even remember the name, but it does exist on Megaupload and likely somewhere else. I know this is vague, but forum rules necessitate it. But, persevere, and you shall be rewarded!
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