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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Not sure if I can toggle collision on just one NPC. Probably not, it likely works the same way as the other toggles, like TAI.


    I've got 3/4 sets of apparel now, for the witch, the Ayleids, and the soldier. I just need a suggestion for some (Possibly tattered?) nobleman's clothing.


    Well, in game, if you click on one person, you can target just their collision. I do it all the time on this one guy that gets stuck in the Talos Plaza garden... And doesn't the console work similarly to the CS? At least in some regards.


    Nobleman's? Hmm... I'm just looking through my mods folder. Does it have to be clothing, no fancy armor? Could check out Trollf's Collectors Guild, adds tons of content. Don't remember if there's anything regal though. Um... Slof's Robe Trader? Tegeal's Robe Pack? Maybe something similar to this or this, though they both add an SI dependency. And Hemingwey's Capes always add a nice touch. Afraid that's all I can recommend, I play mostly female characters, so my mods are almost all for those, or are armor, rather than clothes. Hope something here can help!


    Oh, or you could maybe retex the Emperor's Robe?

  2. Hmm. How about some scripting so certain NPCs can walk through walls? Just replace a wall with one with no collision for a second, let the NPC through, and chase down the PC.


    Is player-only collision possible? Or should I just add on a script on a nearby triggerbox to reenable the collision if the player gets near?


    I'm no scripter, but upon spawning the enemy, would it also be possible to also toggle collision?

  3. Never played it, but that sounds like an awesome idea. I'll add that to the repertoire of making people scared silly.


    It's definitely worth playing. For me, it kinda defined "horror mods." Entire place was pitch black, so you'd just have a torch or spell, and somehow these things would sneak up on you, so you're just walking, and suddenly there's a skeleton on top of you. Really good atmosphere, I recommend checking it out.

  4. Where are some of the places to start the quests added by OOO/FCOM? For example, I found the Sylvan one, but have no idea who to talk to. One of the main reasons I installed it was for some new quests, it'd be nice to be able to find 'em.
  5. Ogres, because they take ridiculously small amounts of damage at a time.

    Liches, because I hate having my enchantments knocked back onto me.

    Any of the above mentioned things that just don't stop following you.

  6. Okay, I have permission for some awesome armor for the warrior type. Now I need one for the witch (Jumps up and screams at you thing), one for the nobleman, and one for some Ayleidic conjurers.


    Any suggestions? The conjurers I've looked for some armor for them, and the best I see is Slof's Warhammer robes she made for Kieranfoy, but I think she kills people who reuse her things, and I'm kind of afraid to ask. So I'll ask if anyone's seen a good conjurer/sorcerer robe, preferably not too revealing (Like having a thong showing or something, too undignified for an Ayleid).


    You could try some of Gizmodian's stuff. Her mods are among my favorite equipment mods out there. So did you get permission for the Daethic or what?

  7. These buggers live in my room... Nasty lookin' SOB's. They're not poisonous, though I hear their bite's still extremely painful. I'm more worried about my cat than myself, though. I had one that was easily a couple inches long just sitting on my rug, and the cat just kinda stared at it.
  8. no, unfortunately not i have tried this, it is not the mod i am looking for......


    Hello i cannot find the Drow Races of Faerun mod anywhere I think it has come down to someone sharing it back to the community it appears that the only site that had it was tesnexus and it's not there anymore at all. I am looking for this mod because i lost it awhile back reinstalled oblivion and am dying to use it again.


    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,


    Chris Pruitt


    I'm not sure if the mod you're looking for is in this compilation, but it's got an excellent Drow race that I myself use, and it showed up when I searched for yours, so....

    Xenius' Race Compilation



    Hmm... Well, here are the other Drow mods I can find.



    Meh. The others come from sites outside the Nexus, and what with the copyright laws, I dunno what I can post. Just do a google search for "Oblivion Drow Mods" and you should find some stuff. Can't find the Faerun mod though. Others have asked...




  9. Hello i cannot find the Drow Races of Faerun mod anywhere I think it has come down to someone sharing it back to the community it appears that the only site that had it was tesnexus and it's not there anymore at all. I am looking for this mod because i lost it awhile back reinstalled oblivion and am dying to use it again.


    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,


    Chris Pruitt


    I'm not sure if the mod you're looking for is in this compilation, but it's got an excellent Drow race that I myself use, and it showed up when I searched for yours, so....

    Xenius' Race Compilation

  10. I've never heard if a death linked to water moccasins.


    But Steve Irwin was not killed on dry land. A whipray impaled him through the chest with a very large poisoned barb. And you can find those pretty much anywhere with warm shallow oceans.


    And you'll have to forgive me but I really dont understand patriotism-or nationalism. As far as Im concerned we're all human till we start shooting at other humans simply for diagreements. Some people very easily stand up and go into a raving fervour about their homeland. I dont understand this. It's most common in america and europe-and in very small countries. So I often wonder if those patriots would be half as zealous had they been born in somalia, or cambodia.


    I just can not empathise with it at all, this hyper possesiveness over a patch of rock you didnt even evolve on. Especialy when it's a puny rock. The one's I understand the least are nations like north korea. Pitifuly weak militarily, with an outdated military and a seemingly rather unreliable nueclear program as liekly to blow themselves up as us, but still constantly howling imposible threats and raving about their "undending might".


    I agree, man. I was just kidding about it all anyway. I mean, I'm personally not a huge fan of my country at all. Yeah, it's great for some things, but others... Eh, not so much. Sorry if I came across as overly zealous, I just meant it all in good fun.

  11. OK, let me say this about that: For one, it may not necessarily be MMM, or even a mod-related CTD. Oblivion's just a naturally unstable game. Did you try a few times, and get the same crash? What I recommend doing is just disabling all the MMM mods entirely, load your game, and see if it works. Make sure you duplicate your save first, though. If it does, then it is MMM, in which case I recommend going through and disabling each plugin 1 by 1 until you find the culprit.


    As for the others... Natural Environments *should* be alright, since, as far as I know, it doesn't add any new content, just modifies the old. UL, though, might be problematic. Especially some of the larger ones, like Entius Gorge and whatnot, that even change elevation. Depending on what you care about more, just adjust your load order to prioritize between the two and see which you care about more.

  12. a lot of good screen shots have a really blank background and appears to have great lighting.


    like this



    theres a lot more screenshots from different people that use the same background, so I could assume that its a public mod...



    I dunno about the house, and I'm not even sure about this, but my guess would just be that it's a normal screenshot, and then the background is just Photoshopped to be empty.

  13. i press the screen shot button, and it said it saved the screen shot. i looked in the oblivion folder. no pics. i have the screenshots enabled. no pics.


    I've had the same problem. What operating system are you using? Also, are you using Wrye Bash? If you are, just click the screenshots tab and it'll take ya there. If you're on 7, like me, and perhaps others have the same problem, I recommend just using the Search function to search your C drive for anything with "Screenshot" in the name, and that should hopefully work.

  14. During some recent modding I must've accidently deleted the files for Metal Tankards, because whenever I am in an inn or someplace similar, I see a lot of the corrupted saves, so I'm pretty sure it's the tankards. If anybody knows how to fix this it would be nice, but otherwise can someone please post the files for Metal Tankards or a Metal Tankard replacer? I searched the TESNexus files but I can't seem to find anything. Thanks.


    Unfortunately, since that's a default Bethesda mesh, we're not allowed to upload those here without copyright issues =/ Do you know if it's the mesh or texture that's gone? Meaning, does it show up as a big yellow exclamation mark, or purple-pinkish?

  15. If my personality was the same in real life as Oblivion, then I'd be very worried that Law Enforcement hadn't caught me yet.


    True that.


    My characters never have a real set personality; everything's sorta spur of the moment. If I think that's a nice looking sword that dude's got there, then I'ma kill him and take it. Conversely, I don't (often) just go on a rampage and start stabbing random people. It has been known to happen though.


    In real life, I'd like to say I'm a fairly moral, law-abiding guy. No Thieves' Guild or Dark Brotherhood for me.

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