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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. My favorite shows are all cancelled =( Arrested Development and Black Books were the funniest things ever. Been meaning to get into Firefly too. I also love South Park and the Colbert Report. Pretty much anything satirical. I don't watch a whole lot of TV, though, but those are the few shows I do like.
  2. I just realized... If anyone's interested, we should post our gamertags for XBL. It'd be cool to have some Nexus rounds of Halo or COD or something, no?


    If there's any interest, I can also add a list for PSN and/or Steam usernames, too.


    ***Updated List of Users***


    Nexus User Name - Gamertag

    Raithfyre - CielErrant

    XxDragonSn1p3Z - XxDragonSn1p3Z

    Katashy - JackalQueenston

    AliasTheory - TheAliasTheory

    wilne96 - wilne96

    Amoramor - aijakap

    Ranokoa - Ranokoa (Banned from Nexus)

    Kieranbhoy - DeAdLy ScOp3Zz

    LordFrostcraig - LordFrostcraig

    Genzel - Akantai

    Sepherose - Tear3

    Martinbhoy - Deadlyspartanzz

    Magentagoose - MAGENTA GOOSE

    TragicTwinkie - TragicTwinkie



  3. I'm so excited for this game. Pre-ordered it, getting release date shipping. If I may ask, what's everyone's gamertag? It'd be cool to have a Nexus matchmaking thing.

    Mine's Raithfyre, if anyone is interested.

  4. Heheheheheheh...


    "Is that.... a troll?"

    "Nay, its a body!!! RUN!!!"

    *Crushes old lady who says run*

    *other person*



    ehehehehehehh... anyways, That DB thing sounds sweet. If alonso isn't doing a thief thing, I can make them sneak throughout the shadows if anyone would like.



  5. or make pratys of fg folsk into some rnadom ob gates when they attempt to close ti themselves when suddenly you run by and rgab the sigilstone infront o em = Or put parties of FG folks into some random Oblivion gates, and when they try to close it themselves, you just take their sigil-stone. Basically stealing the Fighters Guild's glory.



    And what Uberman and I meant was... Never mind, haha. I'll explain later, when it's more relevant.

  6. Isn't there a whole topic devoted to console commands?


    Yeah, there is, but I didn't wanna check it =D


    And, I'm not sure exactly how radiant the AI is, but perhaps the enemies just attack your horse since it's weaker? Or, it could be part of the prey faction, which is even worse than the player faction, I would think.

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