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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Yeah, I agree... I mean, if you enjoy that sorta mod, great. It's just kinda disappointing to see so many other mods get relatively unnoticed. It was just by chance that I checked the FOTM and saw the Wolven mod. I mean, as far as I can tell, it didn't even get its run in the Featured Mods. I'm glad that right now things are a bit more diverse. Oh well, I guess a lot of people like the BBB stuff, and that's what matters most in a free-sharing community.
  2. Hi all, I was wondering if there was a mod that added more sounds to the game, like rattling chains in prisons/dungeons, blades/axes scrapping against stone in ruins or places that have undead or even the screams of distant agony or terror in the oblivion gates or hisses or whispers or even unseen footsteps or breathing in places where there are ghosts or just in random little places like caves, or the chattering of voices within the cities or towns that grows ever distant/closer as you travel into, near or away from them that makes the places feel more safe and friendly but make everything more lonely or grim as you travel away to another ruined building or cave.


    I've seen a few mods that add more sounds like birds chirping and the like but i haven't really seen anything that adds sounds like what i'm looking for.


    Or if there's nothing like that, I was wondering where I could find this race or hair mod. http://www.tesnexus....ge.php?id=42662


    As for sounds and whatnot, try Symphony of Violence. It doesn't necessarily add new sounds, but at least improves upon the ones that are already there.

    And the race might be Wolven Anthros, look in the Top 100, or past files of the month, I don't remember which. It's pretty new, though.

  3. Also, I've noticed some weird things with dogs and wolves. Sometimes other creatures, but mostly those. When in combat, they occasionally end up inside rocks and boulders. Not sure why or how, but it happens. It's possible he got stuck outside the boundaries of where he should be. I recommend using the placeatme command to make another one.
  4. I used to have a mod that added some store, I think in the Blackwood area? The shop itself looked a lot like the Inn Of Ill Omen, at least the shape, and I think there were three or four merchants. They sold a bunch of robes, suits, and weapons. The only ones that I remember by name were "Robe Of Azura" and then a bunch of claws, like Giger's. Sorry this is really vague, but I can't even remember a single word in the name... Kudos to anyone that can find it.
  5. A must for evil characters is the imperial guard disguise mod, which can be used to switch guard uniforms all over and they wont recognise you, and your bounty will only be on the disguise you wore. And the RenGuardOverhaul is also a must! Very awesome for evil characters. The populated cities is great fun, almost endless killing sprees!


    Populated Cities? Which mod? Sounds useful...

  6. Actually, just going off that idea... What if you couldn't start it 'til after the main quest? And then perhaps you fought shades of significant people. Shadow Uriel, Shadow Jauffre, Shadow Baurus, etc. And perhaps with each of the other major guild chains you complete, it unlocks some other ward or wing of the dungeon. It'd be a lot of work, but I think it could be really cool.
  7. Is there anyone here that managed to get the DL for Aion Weapons before it was taken down that can PM me so we may chat? :ninja:


    Hey mate, just a heads-up, but you may wanna edit that... I got temporarily banned for a post involving ripped content and PM's...

  8. Is there an Oblivion mod that enables me to edit NPC races & appearances in game? I know I can edit mine by the

    console command SHOWRACEMENU but is there like a mod spell or something that lets me edit other NPC in the same way? Thanks :-):-):-):-)


    In game? Not that I know of. But, you can do it in the Construction Set, if you know how. Also, there are a few mods out there that edit them to the author's tastes, but I don't think you can change them in-game.

  9. I really, really like the idea of vampirism. But, it just seems like too much of a bother in the end... There are some mods out there that make the experience a lot better, but honestly I've never been able to get past the cosmetic issue of the old-man-ifying.
  10. You should attach collision boxes onto the creature statue mesh, like a shield, and only make a few vulnerable parts on it, like cracks glowing.


    That'd be an interesting challenge for archers... But make for a really tough battle for melee, it seems. Maybe on like, a boss creature...

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