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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Granted you got the letter "a" but the cookie monster ate it


    I wish for nutella on toast!




    Wish granted since i am the HIVE mind i control you into thinking you reallllly hate Nutella and i trick your mind into thinking you like Peanut butter instead, but it has real nasty side effects off turning you into a Zombie. You died of Allergies. Of course that was all my doing :whistling: :whistling: :devil: Plus the Zombie part.


    I have complete control MWUA HA HA HA HA.


    You all laugh with me :verymad: .


    I wish for a 3ds that's coming out next month.


    Granted, but there are no games out for it yet.


    I wish The Elder Scrolls V was to be released tomorrow.

  2. Can anyone tell me what mods were used to make this outfit? I really want to know what cape and those legs are in that pic.




    And can anyone tell me where you can get this hair?



    Thank you


    The armor in the top one is at least partly Jojjo's Lich King Armor. I don't think the greaves are, though the cape might be. I didn't really pay much attention to it, but I know there's one attached to this armor.

  3. On the multiple accounts, be sure to let the staff know as soon as possible as multiple accounts are forbidden. Get caught and all will be banned as attempt ti circumventing the system.


    Don't bother Dakrk0ne, but see which staff members are on line and pm them.


    How exactly does that circumvent the system? I've always wondered. I mean, it seems the most you could do is give yourself Kudos or something, and that ultimately has little effect...

  4. Hello, ive only recently began modding my oblivion and Im looking for a certain mod and have questions about another.


    Im searching for a mod that makes a female character act more female, in her movements and maybe attacks.

    I also want an good eyecandy mod that only shows up if i take the characters clothes off.


    First one: Pretty Woman


    As for the second, what do you mean? Like, one that removes the character's underwear? Or there are also pose mods out there, depends on what you're looking for. Body replacers, the first one mentioned, change the shape of the whole girl's body, making it more or less bulky, and uh... Making... Certain parts... More noticeable.

  5. So, I recently posted this thread, and in the topic description I said it requires a Kindle. I realized that's not necessarily true; Amazon released a free Kindle app that you can get. I wanted to post an update since I assumed the topic description for the other one might discourage a few potential users, so please, don't let that bias your opinion! Link to the app is on the other thread, and please check it out. Thanks!
  6. Hi! I'm looking for any Wheel of Time based mods.


    I'm afraid you may be out of luck -- I've looked for some before, only thing I've ever found were some new classes. Which, unfortunately, aren't the most content-filled of mods.

  7. I'm curious, how do you go about changing a person's name? Is it as simple as just changing the words in a box?


    Yes, the steps above take just a few minutes but for EVERY name change we make public, we get tons of inquiries about it.




    Why not just not announce the name change? Perhaps have searches for the member's old name redirect to the new one, if that's possible?

  8. Well, I guess not my English teacher. But, an English teacher at my school and one whom I know better through a non-academic relationship. Don't take that the wrong way. Anyway, her memoir is out now, unfortunately only for the Kindle, as I said. Paperback in December. It's her story of growing up in an abusive household, and some of the things she got into. Of course, that's a gross summarization. But, please, check it out, each and every download means the world to her. Thanks.



    Also, for those that don't have a Kindle, here's the official, downloadable application for Windows and Macs: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311


    Streetwalker: http://www.amazon.co...f=cm_cr_pr_pb_t


    A review, that summarizes better than I did:

    "I bought this book for Kindle at a friend's suggestion. I wasn't sure what to expect. What I found was an open and incredibly honest memoir of a young girl's experiences in an abusive household and her attempts to remove herself and her foster brother from the situation. I had trouble putting it down. Some parts I felt didn't go with the "story" but it was part of her experience in being a teenager. All in all, I found it a very captivating read. I recommend it."

  9. Hi peeps i've been seeing all of vid of all the different mods and wow


    Wow indeed. There's a ton of mods out there, especially for the Elder Scrolls games. If you're interested, there are a bunch of lists of mods here on the site that might help you find what you're looking for in specific if you'd like the link?

  10. Definitely. The mods here are efficient... Almost to a fault. Good to have you here, and I think I speak for all users when I say welcome, and we hope to see you around the site(s).
  11. Odd. I can't think of which of those mods would do that. You can try my method: time consuming, but effective. Just go through, and little by little, disable a couple mods at a time, then load your save. Keep doing that until your clothes are visible again. Then, just go through and one by one reactivate all the most recently disabled mods, until you figure out the culprit. But, as far as I know, none of those should change clothing, at least judging by file names... I recognize most of them.
  12. MMM caused CTD's and BOSS didn't work, and someone said that Windows 7 doesn't like Oblivion being in the Program Files. So, I reinstalled it to somewhere else. But now, when I try to install the second disc and patch my game, it doesn't work. Says it installed and everything, but the install is a lie. And, since it won't patch, OBSE won't run. Any ideas?
  13. First I should say I am not a modder, I am looking for someone to build a particular type of house for me. I have Millstone Cottage COBL, and love everything about the resources to the house. However what I would like is a larger house, built for a Nord character. I would like to be able to have all the resources you find at Millstone. The cooking, the crafting, the pottery making, the forging, the painting, the alcemy, the weaving, the fishing, the outhouse, the garden, and the stables, etc... All set up to work the same way as Millstone. I would like the house to be more along the lines of a viking type hunters house. Located somewhere where it snows. I know that might make the garden seem out of place, but perhaps the garden could be in a green house type of set up. Like I said I don't mod so I have no idea how complicated it would be. I do know about Shadowcrest vinyard. I have that as well. Again the location is all wrong, and I do prefer the way Millstone cottage kitchen works, as well as all the other resources work. If anyone could help me with this I would deeply appreciate it. Also I asked for permisson from Korana and this was his answer. "You have permission to use it's resources as long as the readme has been checked and credit is given thoroughly. I barely have time to finish my own projects at the moment, so sadly I cannot take on any requests. Best of luck with your project! " I assume that is for if it is uplaoded to the Elder Scrolls Nexus exchange. Thank you, and I hope someone is willingto take on the project.


    Edit: One thing I did not concider until just now was the fishing, and a place to find clay. Not sure there is any water in the mountains..I do hope this is not an issue, if so perhaps a solution can be found.


    You know, Korana herself did something pretty dang close to that.

  14. Pardon me if this one has been done, but I've done all the searches I can think of and came up dry. I read about a mod that makes items that are more powerful depending on your level, level when you do, so you don't have to hold off on getting deadric artifacts and the like if you want them to be any good. The link I saw for it was dead, anyone know what I'm talking about?


    Quest Award Leveler

  15. I got this mod, adds literally like, 100 weapons from WoW. But I can't post it here 'cause of copyright issues. Send me a PM and I'll try to email it to you.


    This has earned you a ban. Giving out links to illegally converted content is just as bad as uploading it yourself. How about instead of encouraging losers who rip content and spend almost no effort, being more supportive of those who take the time to re-create similar content or make new content.


    - Vagrant0

  16. @barfo3No we can't.

    Posting a link to this kind of stuff here would be against the rules (and the laws).

    (and maybe even against the sweet and delicious cookies waiting for us in an antic forbidden Pandora box *.*)[/offtopic]


    Why is that? I mean, we can post links to body replacers that contain nudity, can we not? Why not a mod such as that? Sorry, just curious.

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