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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. There's actually a mod that sorta does that... It's not as... Subtle as you'd mentioned, which is what I'd prefer, which is what I'd prefer and therefore why I don't use it, but it's out there. Just... Really.... In your face.



    Here's the Nexus thread, has screenshots. *Warning: Nudity*


    Whoops, guess I was lying 'bout the download link! Guess I should try before I post. I'll keep looking, the mod's called "Oblivion Sexualized Monsters" if you wanna try it find it yourselves.

    Wow, that IS really in your face :). Not exactly what I had in mind either. While I'm a big fan of realism and so like mods such as Slof's Horses that have anatomically correct models, that shouldn't be the whole point of the mod! The mod you mention above almost looks cartoonish, it's so exaggerated.


    As such I do think this work should be a lot more subtle, especially because it needs to appeal to most people who use MMM or FCOM - and that's a BIG list.



    Slof - I'm glad to hear you're thinking about it! Given the work you've done on your Horses mods you'd be a great person for the job. I'd love to see you convert your Dogs mod to the same idea. And then there's all the Vanilla creatures to deal with, not to mention the new ones that MMM adds...wish I could help but believe me, it's best if I just stick to scripting.


    Like... Some bad Japanese hentai cartoon. Like... A pornography magazine. Like... The old image share?


    Yeah, I much prefer your idea, with like, size and whatnot, rather than actual anatomy. Looking forward to it, Slof!

  2. Try disabling some of the modules in MMM. I've found that some modules, particularly Extra Wounding, always cause CTDs on my setup. But as soon as I disable the one or two offending mods it's perfectly smooth.


    Yeah, Extra Wounding seemed to make all my enemies turn green.... Something about the blood spatter, I think. I wanna say I disable all modules except the ones FCOM required, though.

  3. Presumably you used BOSS to sort your load order?


    "Presumably" is the right word, haha. Any time I run BOSS, it seems to mostly work, but I get some error message. I'm not sure if has to do with 7 and administrative privileges or what, 'cause my computer doesn't really seem to believe I'm an administrator.

  4. I've tried FCOM a couple times, and MMM on its own a couple times too. Inevitably, I'm foiled by something. I don't know why, but MMM always causes CTD's. I've even tried making it the only active mod. But, I'll get to various places where I get the "Loading Area" message, and the game crashes. I'm sure it's MMM, but I don't know why it refuses to work, even when it's the only mod. It's certainly not my computer. I can run over 200 mods, including Qarl's, on Ultra High quality, with barely a hiccup in framerate. It seems to just dislike that particular mod.
  5. I know what it looks like when a texture is missing (item is purple) and when a mesh is missing (yellow error), but I have run into some invisible armor (such as worn fur leggings on bandits). I have extracted the default textures and meshes from the .bsa and put them in my data folder and it fixed one missing texture (that was purple), but the leggings are still completely invisible. I have used Archive Invalidated and googled some help, but I don't know how to handle missing/invisible items.


    Do you mean that when worn, that part of their body goes invisible? Or it just appears that they didn't equip the item? If you mean the first, that's what happens when the game can't find the mesh for the armor or clothing piece. Try reinstalling your meshes, or moving the mod down in your load order, and it should help.

  6. It's also possible that it's neither of those, though I can provide no fix. I sometimes have the same problem, where various instances of different creatures will appear black, and sometimes, within the same game-session, others are fine. Often, if you use kill and then resurrect console commands, it'll fix it. Sometimes it fixes itself. Sorry I can provide no other solution, just wanted to let you know that it could be something else, unfortunately.
  7. I am making the assumption that it is the Dibella mod that is the problem. I have an exclaimation mark in the temple in IC. Also I see NPCs walking around w/ bikini bottom and legs, head and sholders however the torso and chest on the females are missing. Suggestions?


    Which "Dibella" mod are you talking about? That'll help, for one. Also, install FormID Finder and use it on the exclamation mark in the IC, as well as on the missing body parts of NPC's, and post what mods those are from.

  8. How can I place the lightbulbs for fake lights, I know how to litreally place the fake but not the light itself help please.


    Go to World > Cells > Interiors in the CS, and find the cell you wanna change. Then go to "Lighting," and just increase the ambient lighting. Unfortunately, this means there are no "lightbulbs," so your ambient lighting will affect the entire cell.

  9. I've had this same problem before, and never actually found a workaround because I wasn't quite sure what was wrong either. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could help. But what I've heard people advise, is using Wrye Bash, change the race mod of your custom race to a .esm, then create your character and do everything, and then change it back to a .esp. Hopefully that'll work; like I've said, I haven't tried it myself, and I'm afraid I forgot some step or another, but I'm not sure. Anyhow, go ahead and try that, I suppose, if you know how?
  10. There's actually a mod that sorta does that... It's not as... Subtle as you'd mentioned, which is what I'd prefer, which is what I'd prefer and therefore why I don't use it, but it's out there. Just... Really.... In your face.



    Here's the Nexus thread, has screenshots. *Warning: Nudity*


    Whoops, guess I was lying 'bout the download link! Guess I should try before I post. I'll keep looking, the mod's called "Oblivion Sexualized Monsters" if you wanna try it find it yourselves.

  11. In my opinion, the look of the PC in RPG games is important. And I am not sure the hair from Oblivion gets a 10/10 in this aspect.

    Also I noticed that almost every hair/wig mod for Oblivion is like very influenced by ... Final fantasy (lol) and almost all to be a "nice sexy looking elf". I mean , they are cool but...


    Where are the dreeeaadloooocks (for human races) ((real dreadlocks, not like the cats' , lol))? The pigtails all over the head? Mohawk for human races (i mean realistic mohawk)? Or some more short hair variety? That kinda old things.


    I looked for dreads everywhere, and for some other hairstyles, but ... nothing D:


    I don't know much about modeling/texturing, but i know about the CS, i would love to find someone who can help.


    Please, we all need them! xD , many thanks.


    I guess you could try Corean hairs. They're not that fantasy influenced, I think. I don't remember ever seeing any dreads, though I think there are some pigtails in there.

  12. Yeah, I always use COC myself. However, it doesn't take you to the map marker necessarily. Like, I once used it to go to some Ayleid ruin, and it spawned me inside, outside of the architecture, so I was just kinda floating/falling.
  13. Ah, yes, that does make more sense. Unfortunately, I dunno of anything that does that. Hopefully, 'cause it would be useful to me as well. Best I can think of is.... Copy your data folder, and then go through and delete anything you don't need, and leave the originals in there place. Kinda like cheating the system, maybe? Still a lot of work, but I guess less than manually locating each and every file.
  14. I sent you a message about my email and I don't think that is the shrouded armor hood because the face is shadowed and the shape is a bit different.


    I'm almost certain it's the hood, 'cause the texture is so similar and it looks about right, I think... I could be wrong though. As for the shadowing, that's not actually shadowing. If you zoom in, it looks like he's just wearing a mask . The best mod I can think of that adds a mask is "Apophis Armory of the Silver Dragon." Check out the stealth gear from that mod. Adds some masks. Also, just search for ninja mods on the Nexus, you'll find a few more.

  15. Yeah, the new textures arent loading, people are invisible. As for the archive invalidation, dont know how to do it, installed the auto archive invalidation thingy. Didnt do anything. Idk what i did wrong.


    EDIT: Allright....OMFG....The Data folder of the mod and main data folder in the darn game files are both the same name....So, whenever i try to put the data into the main Oblivion folder, it doesnt work...Ahhhh...I dont understand this, i thougt every mod had a damn installer, thats what i expected. But yeah, regardless, i need help, my textures are making people invisible...:D....


    Nope, not all have installers, unfortunately. What you wanna do is just merge your two Data folders. Anytime it asks if you wanna merge folders, you wanna say yes. Well, almost any time. In the Oblivion Data folder, there will be folders labeled "meshes," "textures," and similar things. You're gonna wanna put the matching folders from your mods in there. Say "yes" to merge the folders, like I just said. Your .esp file will just be in "Data," no folders past that. I'm not sure about the invisible people, though.


    THANK YOU, its working now....Allright...now, im a bit disappointed that this applies for all NPCs...I just wanted it to work on my toon. My most concerning question is: How do people do things like this? ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeJyXyzANOA I would really like it if some of these mods could only apply for my character. I wanna create some more detailed faces of my own...And clothing/armor, whatever you wanna call it, this looks so fun!


    Also, the thing that compells me most to start modding is this one guy one youtube (who unfortunately closed his account ,and i cant show you guys the video) who had the eyes of his character look really glossy/amazing, i mean, the face, wow...excellent job. I wish i could modify the body aswell...Ever since i played APB, i automatically thought of Oblivion. ...So, basically guys, which other visual mods/character mods can you recommend, and, how can i get started, i wanna get into this, this is just awesome! I SO wanna make my own armour.


    When you say "like this," what are you referring to? I didn't actually watch the videos, admittedly, but do you mean the bouncing breasts, or just making the armors in general, or there characters, or what?

    Some mods that improve characters: Sorry, I'm too lazy to actually link them, just search on the Nexus. There's Ren's Beauty Pack, Capucine's Character Expansion, Natural Faces, Beautiful People, and Better Bouncing Breasts are some of the most popular. As far as body replacers go, there's HGEC, Exnem's Eyecandy, Fantasy Figures, The Girl Next Door, Robert's, and many more, though I can't think of all of them off the top of my head now.


    As for making your own... Well, that's a lengthy process. It's best to start by learning to retexture. Creating new meshes is much trickier. You're gonna wanna learn Blender, as well as a few other programs. Some guides can be found here. I recommend looking up tutorials on the CS Wiki, they're really helpful. Good luck!

  16. Nonsense, Pavy. Poke into my business in this thing all you'd like.


    Right, so following this tutorial:


    I've made the animation in Blender:


    But after importing it into the game, it doesn't work. The character uses the normal idle rather than this one. What could be some possible causes?


    At this point, you may be better off posting in the "Mod Troubleshooting" forum. Anyhow, I hope it works out! This is something I've really been looking forward to.

  17. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. But, if I do... What I do when I want to use an item from another mod is activate its file, but don't set as active. Then, find the item you wanna use, and change the EditorID and then create a new form. Then, just deactivate the mod in your Data list, and you'll still have access to your copy.
  18. I am fairly new to mods (i started like 3 days ago) but I feel I have caught on fast. I spend alot of times with computers and consider myself comp savvy. I've seen a couple mods that increase graphics, but I was more interested in cool mods like new locations, houses, fighting animations, and such. At the moment Oblivion looks pretty crappy, I don't have any mods for graphics and am using Bloom lighting. Trees look almost 2d and really untreelike in the distance :P. Now, I can't find all the graphic enhancing mods that i remember. If some1 could list the good mods for graphic enhancing mods, I would appreciate it. Anything from plain making oblivion in general look better, or far away objects and trees.


    As far as new locations go, just search for "Unique Landscapes." There are too many to post here individually.


    Home mods: Vaernlor Manor and Aranmathi are my two favorites.

    Animations: DMC Stylish

    Other than that, there's a list of lists of mods, that can be easier to find what you're actually looking for.

  19. That is rather odd. One thing: to allow screenshots, go to My Documents > My Games > Oblivion, and there should be a text file called "Oblivion." Open it, and be very careful. If you edit things here that you're not supposed to, you could permanently mess up Oblivion, or worse. Use the "Find" command to find a line that says "ballowscreenshot" and it should say = 0. Change the 0 to a 1 and you're good to take screenshots.


    Aside from that, are you using a legit copy of the game, from a disc or an official download? If so, try installing all the latest patches and whatnot, maybe that'll help?

  20. Oblivion just crashes upon start when I have it loaded. In OBMM it loads last just like the readme states, and I have OBSE.


    My load order goes like this:



    Custom Race Fix

    Shivering Isles

    Roberts Male Body Replacer

    Roberts Female Body Replacer

    Active Inventory

    Vexend Race

    DMC Dantes Cloths

    Druid class

    Devil May Cry Weapons

    Druid Tomb (puts druid armor in the imperial city)

    Slof's Snow Leopard Race

    Dante's Scythe

    Deadly Reflex


    As far as I know, all files are in their designated directory. I've tried disabling all other mods, and still nothing.


    Do you have the "HorseCombat.esm" in there too? Generally, if a mod requires a .esm which isn't activated, Oblivion CTD's on startup.

  21. Hey, first of all i'd like to say how lovely the Midas Magic AddOn is!


    I downloaded the latest version of Midas Magic, and when I go to the shop, I cant find the Tyrael Armor/Wings etc (Don't even have the spell versions).

    I've checked everywhere upstairs the closets etc and I just can't find it.

    Does anyone know what the problem might be?



    Uh... Midas Magic doesn't add Tyrael armor or wings. It could be one of the spells, but it's certainly not an actual item in there.

    Since I'm not sure about them being a spell or not, here's the wings, and here's the armor, as standalone mods.

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