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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. I hope you had a good Easter Granny! I've been out ill, but I'm back now. Hugs!
  2. Thank you for those Easter wishes! I hope you had a good one as well. I've been MIA for a couple of weeks, it was nice to see your greetings when I returned :o)
  3. Happy Belated Easter and thank you for that precious hug. I've been out with medical issues, so it was right on time to make me feel better :o) Back at you sweet gypsy!
  4. Hey Rebel, Rebel! I've been away ill, but I'm back to leave you a hug and say, hang in there!
  5. Why thank you kind sir *blush* :o)
  6. Yes you can. It's easy. Go to http://www.tesnexus.com/ On the right side of the page, you'll see "Site," under those areas, you'll see "Files." Second to the last of the files areas, you'll see "Tracking Centre." Click on this. You'll be taken to a page that shows a calendar and drop down menu of all the files you're tracking, as well as a feed of the latest changes to files you are tracking. You'll see "Manage your favourite files," at the top of the page. Click on this. You'll then get a list of all the files you are currently tracking. Each one will have a red X next to it. Click on the x in front of the file you no longer wish to track. You'll get a confirmation prompt. Confirm that yes you'd like to continue. It will remove the file and refresh the page showing this- File tracking disabled The tracking you had active on this file has been disabled. Tracking Centre Keep up-to-date with your favourite files and authors Return to managing your favourite files Return to the tracking centre Simply choose "Return to managing your favourite files" to remove another. Keep this up until you have purged all the files you no longer wish to track. It's that easy :thumbsup:
  7. Hello Sugar and Spice! I'm glad you peeped my way :o) I hope you're feeling better by now!
  8. Well now it's hot as hell! :o/ 70s-90s everyday. Trees are all bloomed out and gorgeous. Watch it snow again and kill everything off, lol But seriously, what a time for my air compressor to go out, you know I don't have any AC in the van and it's HOT! lol I've been MIA, but I'll PM you sometime this weekend, got some news to tell you. I'll say this ahead of time....*meh!* :o(
  9. Well that is damned exciting news! Remember what I told you about Microcenter. You should be able to get a good deal, even online. Bout time, lol Hey did you see Ree's birthday was Thursday? She's legal now, lol Got a big nite planned for her tomorrow, but she doesn't know what. Should be a fun time.
  10. Hey Sage! Sorry I've been a bit MIA this past week. But my oh my aren't you the handsome one! It's nice to be able to put a face with the name :o)
  11. @CC, man the light is very creepy! Sounds like that place is definitely haunted. You should submit it to one of the Ghost Hunter shows. It always amazes me how EVERY place they visit just happens to have "paranormal on demand" activity, lol DunmerMaiden, you have certainly had your share of scary things happen! Does your demon protect you from those encounters? I wonder only because logic would say the negative things were caused by demons, hostile spirits or poltergeists. I will say, imho, Christianity is not for everyone. Organized religion is not for me so much. But belief in God and evidence of His power and protection have been really evident in my life. Been given a lot of strength to get thru some really difficult things. I think much damage has been done in the name of organized religion though, so I can understand your allegiance to your helpmate. Keanu that is wild! I know in my family room which is a renovated basement, there are always orbs in any pics taken down there. I've for years, passed them off as dust. Although if I really stopped to think about it, why is there always that much dust flying around, in that room only? o_O Wow Sync, seems as though you and that girl had almost a telepathic connection! You must have been one good boyfriend ;)
  12. Ok Rev, you had me rofl!! Good one :thumbsup: For Silver: The Gentleman, because ever since I've known him has always come across like a cultured intellectual, and perfect (well almost, you did ban me recently, lol :tongue: ) Gentleman! Song: "Theme from 'An Officer and a Gentleman'" Music by Jack Nitzsche and Buffy Sainte-Marie Performed and Arranged by Lee Ritenour
  13. Oh Lord Weather Girl!! It was 91 degrees here today!! THEN, this evening, it literally rained hail!! I was so afraid it was going to bust a car window. I'm scared to look at our vehicles tomorrow by the lite of day. I know they had to get dented. It was a dangerous weather day, with thunderstorms, 60 mi pr hr winds & tornados. Kinda makes me think twice about spring, lol Forgot I was in Kansas!
  14. Part II of the Castle Trantrivaylia Trailer vid is done and posted. Take a look :o)
  15. I knooooow, lol! You're about as ghost-ish as that companion I made in your honor! Thanks for checking out the Castle Tant. vid. I just finished part 2. I am EXHAUSTED!!
  16. Wow! That is outrageous! It's a wonder you didn't relieve yourself all over yourself, lol Gotta admit though, that is a beautiful building. We have a state hospital near my home town. Also outside of another little town. That place always LOOKED creepy beyond words. I never knew my Grandmother, but my Mom said she told stories of them still having folks down in the basement that were so disturbed they had to slip their meals under the door like you see in the horror movies. I've often wondered what kind of tales the staff there would tell if asked. Good one CC! @DunmerMaiden, man that's very spooky. To have actually seen the spirits like that! I believe people can and do have gifts like yours. We used to hate it when my Mom would say she'd had one of her "dreams." That usually meant someone in the family was going to die. It quit happening when I was in college I think, but it was so scary when it was going on. When people start talking about their experiences, it is amazing how many folks have had things happen that just defy explanation. Even looking at my paltry little experiences makes me feel like -wow! I can't believe that happened. I agree with you, if someone warns you, even if you don' t believe, it behooves you to at least be a bit more cautious!
  17. She has a nice Kia, although Vindekarr told me they have a lousy reputation. I know a lot of Korean cars do. It's really a nice looking car, but I do think it has had two major repairs that seem quick for a car like that. I hate dealing with car stuff, it's one of the few things I've purposely learned nothing about, lol!
  18. Very scary stories, both of them! Push's reminded me of something that happened when I was in college. I lived in a small town about 1 hour away from where I went to school. One night I was driving home really late at night, like about 1 am and took "the back way." The back way was the older, original highway to the town and went thru a speck of a community. You also had to cross one of those old fashioned iron bridges. No lights, nothing but woods and farmland on each side. It was foggy that night along that stretch of road. Fog always creeps me out anyway. As I came upon a house that sat off to the right side of the road, I saw a small boy standing by the side of the road up ahead, in the area almost directly in front of the house. I remember thinking "what on EARTH is that kid doing out here by the road this time of night!?" He had on a blue shirt or pajamas, or something. As I got up close to him, the image just swirled into a puff of fog. I just looked straight ahead and thought OMG! What did I just see?!? I still had like 15 minutes to go so I had no choice but to try and put it out of my mind and drive on home. One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me. Still kind of gives me a bit of the goose bumps. Speaking of goosebumps, my daughter saw the movie Insidious tonight. Now bear in mind we are HARD core horror genre movie watchers. Our collection would probably scare most normal folks, lol ANYway, she said she went into the movie thinking it was going to be crap, but she was so wrong. She said at one point she just let loose and full scale screamed! She said it is VERY scary. I was jealous I didn't see it yet, lol Takes a lot to scare us like that.
  19. KevKiev in BE's "What Have You Seen" thread brought something that happened to me recently to mind, thus the idea for this thread. And no, it is not a joke, it really did happen. During our last big snow, my daughter and I were in my bed taking a leisurely afternoon nap. She had been a bit miffed with me when we laid down, but we didn't discuss it further, just went to sleep. Around 5 pm, my sister called waking me up. She was still asleep I thought. After the phone call, I got up to go to the loo. She kind of mumbled something that sounded like "thank you for sleeping by me..." or "are you going to come back to sleep with me..." Made sense, since she was annoyed with me when we laid down. As I was getting up, I said, I'm only going to the bathroom. She said something else I couldn't make out, so I yelled from the bathroom, "I can't hear you!" About 5 seconds later, she came out of my room with her eyes as big as dollars. She said "what was that??!" I said what are you talking about? She looked at me and said "I wasn't talking Mama, I didn't say a word." At that point, I just looked at her and said, are you kidding? She shook her head no. It wouldn't have been so bad, if the voice hadn't come from right in the bed, between us. To me it sounded like her voice, to her it sounded like mine. Either way, something had just been talking and not only had we BOTH heard it, but I had ANSWERED it!! And it spoke back :ohmy: Of course, my mind attempted to go back and recreate the whole scenario, but I couldn't because I wasn't paying attention. It was nothing out of the ordinary, so there was nothing to stick out about the encounter as it was happening. We were pretty weirded out. Then she asked me if I had held her hand in her sleep. I hadn't to my knowledge. When she came up, I actually had my back to her. She to this day refuses to believe it wasn't me that held her hand. After that happened, then I thought back to two incidents that had happened within the past 48 hours. One I had come up to go to bed and heard talking. Just one sentence from my bedroom (she was in there asleep, I have a waterbed and she has arthritis, so she's often in there). I dismissed it as the TV, but at the time I thought to myself, I thought I turned the volume off on the TV. When I went into the room, the TV volume was down, but I didn't pay attention to the setting just pushed the button. It was also a man's voice, and that is not what was on the TV at the time. Then a day before that, I had been in there taking another nap and heard again, just a sentence or two I couldn't make out, but that sounded like the radio. I remembered thinking, hmmm that sounds like a radio. But I was drifting off to sleep and gave it no further thought. Both times I dismissed the incidents because there was nothing to alert me that something was amiss. It was REALLY a crazy thing to happen with the voice in the bed though. All that evening no cats came in the room to sleep on the bed and my German Shepherd kept pacing in and out of the bedroom, although I felt nothing bad or evil. I just made it known that this was our house, had been for a long time, and we weren't going anywhere. So we could live in peace, I'd help if there was anything I could do, but no more surprises and no evil stuff. Since then, we've had no more incidents in my room. But I have to admit, while I wasn't scared, I was a bit wary for a couple of weeks. I don't like surprises, especially the disembodied voice kind! Anybody else had any paranormal or just plain weird, inexplicable stuff happen to them?
  20. BAN! to MNITS for calling a parrot a septim! :blink:
  21. Dang! I thought I won a week ago. :confused: So step back oh user of images from your own beloved hard drive and let me have my rightful place in this thread!! WIN!! :tongue:
  22. Whooa! That does look like a spirit though. :ermm: Had me freakin for a minute, lol But um...I don't see an explanation for that image, only the sound :unsure: Also gives me an idea for a new thread topic, so thanks :biggrin:
  23. His sheep is ridin the storm out, waiting for the fall out.....(REO Speedwagon lol!) :tongue:
  24. I collect wind chimes. I used to collect t-shirts from every place we'd vacation. Also used to collect vintage horror comic books. Still have them, can't bear to get rid of them yet.
  25. Granted! You take back the wish, and it in turn takes you! Now you are missing :blink: Silver wheeeeere aaaaare yooooou?? :tongue: I wish for spring, plain and simple!
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