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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Have you ever taken a look at EdwardNorth's Tantrivaylia mod? If not, this is the place to look for trailers! Got a new video :o)
    1. Netwit2008


      Oh and as an FYI, I used items from over 24 mods to decorate the castle. If your items are among them, never fear, credits to those authors will start in Part 2, so stay tuned!


    2. shadowmadnezz
    3. Netwit2008


      I know, I had to chuckle at that my damned self, lol!
  2. What did the weather person just say about our weather...."It's spring, but it's still snowing!" Yep, I looked out and there is a thin blanket of snow on everything and still falling. They say we'll possibly get even more. *Sigh* Guess I better put the spring clothes back in the closet for now, lol I hope Mama-in-law had some goodies for you today :o)
  3. Hehe! I believe you too, lol!
  4. Oh you are beyond naughty! I thought of that too, but I'd already hit post, lol I'd say I'm going to spank you, but no telling what you'd do with THAT, rofl!
  5. Dang Sheeeeep!! They burned my house down! :verymad: I'll keel them! Lamb chops for everybody!! :turned: To the poster above- Granted! You get a 100 year old cookie tho and it breaks off one of your front teeth :pinch: I wish for a drop in air fare so I can start planning vacation! Damn pirate airlines! :pirate:
  6. See! I knew you'd want one, or already have it, lol! :tongue: So now I say the poster above me has an odd affinity for sequential counting :laugh: @Herculine, yeah it was time for a color change. I've got that sig in so many colors now, lol It's also fun adding new pics to change it.
  7. Being a nurse, we have a strong code about that sort of thing. I'd be more prone to ride your butt about washing your hands than getting you sick, lol

    *ACHOO!* uhh...excuse me? :o)

  8. Because she is speaking in 3rd person, truly IS awesome and a is kind, gentle lady (hehe), Broke delicately steps aside so that NW08 WINS this silly contest! :tongue: Thank you kind lady!!
  9. Granted! But you learn that BE thinks that YOU are the CEO of Apple, thus the source of her negativity towards the company :pinch: I wish for a perfectly made creme brulee! I love creme brulee! :tongue:
  10. Now, now just hold on there a minute. This is not a speedy forum sometimes. If you ask a question, it might take longer than 9 minutes for someone to respond, especially when it's not a game related question. People here are generally very helpful but you do need to have a little patience, after all it's you coming to them for an answer. :smile: Just a word to the wise, requests that come across as snotty and/or impatient won't get you much help around here, at any time. Even if a smiley is involved :tongue: Now as to your question...."Lol yeah I just euphamize my romantic pursuits until i get really disappointed. Lol" First of all, she spelled the word wrong, unless that is a word I'm unfamiliar with. To euthanize, is to put to sleep, like we euthanize stray or sick animals in shelters. So to make a guess, cause only she knows what she really meant, I'd say her statement might indicate that she either sabotages potential relationships, or doesn't always make the best choices in those she is interested in romantically, until she is then disappointed by the results. An example would be saying "all men are dogs..." and then choosing men who don't treat her very well. She can do whatever to try and change them, but they still treat her the same, so in the end it proves her theory right that all men are dogs. It's, imho, somewhat of an odd statement, or way to put it. This could also mean that she doesn't know the meaning of the word, thus she used it wrong and didn't mean that at all. SO, your best bet is to ask HER to explain to you what exactly she means by that. That's always the best way to find out what someone means when they say things we don't understand. If she can't or won't explain her answer, then that is a good example of her doing exactly what she is presumably saying in that statement. I hope that helps :smile:
  11. Feeling better thanks! I'll try not to *cough* on the rest of ya, lol
  12. BAN! to BE for having a cool animated sig AND for "Banius Abruptuous" (yeah I made it up, lol!) aka banning me for no good reason at all :tongue:
  13. I'm not sure I understand the question. When you're in 1st person mode, zooming out puts you in third person with the camera just over your right shoulder. When you zoom back in, you move into 1st person again. Now if you want to center the camera, this little mod here does the trick nicely: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34744
  14. Using the NosCo Companion System I was able to make a companion and change his height with that function in GECK. I changed his height to 1.2 and he looks like he's about 6 ft 5 in. in game. A Monolith of a man, lol You can see a picture of him- Justice Rhys in the picture section of the mod's homepage in the files section.
  15. You don't have to do all that. For me anyway, only the first page of search results will do that when moving back a page. Once you go to the second page and beyond you can go back with no problem. However, it is a reality for the first page. When you want to go to the previous page, do it, then hit your refresh icon at the top of the page to the right of your address bar/box, OR hit F5. Along with the white page, a popup should tell you that the browser needs to retry to send the data again. Hit retry and the page will refresh and you'll be back on page one. Try that, it should work. :thumbsup:
  16. No, you really didn't win.....I WON!! So BAN! to Thor for his presumptious nature, lol! :tongue:
  17. Nope no Vampire-ness last nite, but tonite, all is back to normal, lol As it turned out, I ended up not feeling good today so I stayed in bed all day. Just like a vamp I guess :o)
  18. Yay! for getting the scope out! Did you read about that tail that formed on the sun? I didn't read the whole article, but I'm sure it was a daytime thing. Sloppy here now, with rain. Supposed to snow, we'll see...Stay toasty Weather Girl :o)
  19. I know, that's why I made it small, but then it was too small. I'll work on it this weekend and see what I can come up with :o)
  20. Yeah the rain and spitting of snow started tonight. Too bad I have meetings all day tomorrow or I'd be doing the same as you, lol I hate it when the flowers start coming out and then it snows/freezes again killing them all :o( Maybe tomorrow nite I'll get to answer my PMs. Too tired tonite, so I'm off to bed. Yeah I know, strange, maybe that's why the weather is wonky, lol!
  21. Hooooooowdy Sir :o) And good nite to you. Yep I'm off to bed already, meetings all day tomorrow. Blah!
  22. Well I'm the resident Vampire, so I haven't been to bed yet, lol I'm on my way now, should have been there a couple of hours ago. So my nite has ended splendidly. I hope your day is off to a good start. I'll creep around in the nite again tomorrow no doubt. :o)
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