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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. No problem. I still haven't learned to mod. Just too many RL tasks, but it's still on my "wanna do" list, lol I just came by to wish you a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, whichever applies :o)
  2. Hey Trandoshan! Just rolling thru to wish you a very Merry Christmas! :o)
  3. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Naomis! :o)
  4. Just coming in to say- メリークリスマス私の友人! :o)
  5. Couldn't let Christmas go by without wishing you a Merry one my friend! :o)
  6. Feliz Navidad mi amigo! :o)
  7. Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas to one of my favorite clothing modders! :o)
  8. Just stopping by to say- 즐거운 성탄 나의 친구! :o)
  9. If you ever get back to Nexus, just know I stopped by to wish you a Merry Christmas! :o)
  10. Just popping in to say- Joyeux Noël mon ami! :o)
  11. Just rolling thru to say Merry Christmas my friend! :o)
  12. A very Merry Christmas to you Yut! :o)
  13. Just buzzing by to say- С Рождеством Христовым мой друг! :o)
  14. A very Merry Christmas to you Girl! :o)
  15. Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas Meogron! :o)
  16. Forgot to say, love the new pic! On Thanksgiving, my family and I played a new game called "Would You Rather." The player losing the round had to pick a challenge card. One of the challenges was to belly dance for 60 seconds. Thanx to you girl, I was proud to get up and do what I'm sure was a very poor, but fun imitation of you :o) It was so fun, even tho I got more laughs than applause, lol
  17. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas sweet gypsy! Have a good time starting on the 26th. I'm sure being united again is going to be the best present ever :o)
  18. Just popping in to say- Joyeux Noël mon ami !
  19. Just breezing through to say- メリークリスマス私の友人!


  20. Buon Natale il mio amico! Just dancing by to say Merry, Merry! I'm about to try and tackle adding the dance animations to Fallout 3. I've already got my song picked out for my first FO3 Umpa Dance video :o)
  21. I hope all is well with your modding and the band. Just breezing thru to say Merry Christmas my friend! :o)
  22. Merry Christmas up there in Bruma, lol :o)
  23. Vrolijke Kerstmis mijn vriend! AND Frohe Weihnachten mein Freund! Didn't know which one to choose, so you get them both, so it's twice as nice :o) Yep, you haz starz, all five of them, lol
  24. Puuuuuush! Long time no talk to. Just popping in to wish you a very Merry Christmas! :o)
  25. Never on the weather! I'm hoping to get Zumba and Just Dance 2 for Christmas. Should be a dancing good time :o)
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