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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. lol! Yeah probably. You know I hadn't heard of Portal before, but looked it up for the This or That forum game. It does look pretty interesting. Have you played the first one? I'm assuming you have since you're so hyped about P2, lol Is it just one big puzzle? That's what it kind of seemed like when I read up on it.
  2. Ha! It seems hot here too, lol I saw heat lightening this evening when I was coming home, but no storm. I have a feeling it will miss us this time. It is gonna be hot this weekend! Where's my ocean breeze, lol!
  3. I'm so glad you came to visit! I'm sorry you couldn't see the second video. The one you did see was the best so far though. I know I'll have more soon :o) Those pictures of your mods look fabulous! Come visit anytime, your words always brighten my day!
  4. No worries about the triple post! Look at who has 3 in a row on your page, lol Me! Was LHammonds able to help? You know my "go to" guy at the computer store I use highly recommends NOD32, so I'm hoping that will help you too. It's too good of a machine sounds like, to have to trash. I'm pulling for ya! I'll be checking out the music, thanx!
  5. Are you sure you don't have a virus or trojan? Try Ccleaner and AdAware. Those two are free and seem to find some stuff other programs don't. I do hope you get it ironed out. That kind of fps makes the game not even fun to play. Sure I'll test the music, what kind you working on?
  6. lol! Hey you made the portals, I just abused 'em :o)
  7. Are you serious Girl, lol!? You'd rather be here than in Florida? At least there you can swim everyday, lol Hey thanks for the add btw, I'm honored. Been an admirer of your posts for awhile now!
  8. I live in the Midwest too Illiad and yes the weather right now is a hot (literally) mess, in between the killer thunderstorms that is. I just came back from Florida and I actually think it was better there, lol
  9. Thanks for the visit a while back. Hopefully you'll visit often. Your companions will always end up in my vids. Too versatile and well made not to. Have a good weekend! NW08
  10. Haven't talked to you in a while so just dropping by to say hi! I'm sure you should be getting royalties from Stoker's many appearances in my new video making hobby, lol I hope all is well with you and this note finds everything in your world and with the band just dandy!
  11. P.S. There was a portal over to my page and I dragged you right thru it onto my friend's list, lol I hope you weren't kicking and screaming (muhahahaha!)
  12. Great pics Maharg! I like to write horror stories and poetry. Tried posting some a while back in Druid's but I think my style was not suited to that forum because nothing was lore friendly. I have a feeling you're just a genius, in your own mind and the minds of everyone else as well :o)
  13. Got enough portals on this page? :o) Looks pretty kewl though. Just rollin thru saying hi to one of my forum game buds! So howdy!
  14. Hey Trandoshan! Been missing you in the forum games. I hope everything at home, in the "real world," lets you come back as soon as you're willing and able. NW08
  15. That avatar has always caught my eye whenever you post! I like it, now what is it? lol
  16. One thing I never did was get the texture packs like Qarl's, mostly cuz I was an uber newb at modding & I didn't want to mess anything up. Bben & Dezi really helped me get going, now I'm an uber mod junkie, lol although this video making now takes up a LOT of time. I don't mind though. I'm mulling over my latest idea right now. I keep tellin you to try Meogron's Knights. It's good & easy on fps.
  17. Oh my! lmao, I can just hear that gravelly Khajiit voice saying that! THAT is funny! Guess I didn't miss much, but yeah he does need to update sooner than that. I hate it when he lets the masses say it. C'MON SON!! You know they can't say it as funny as him, lol!
  18. Ok that was HILARIOUS! C'MON SON! you know I appreciate the link :o) (bout time SON!) lol
  19. Oh it's like that huh, lol! I didn't even know there was a separate site, I thought it was only on youtube. Guess I better get off my butt and go check it out. You wrong tho, lol Calling me lazy, dat ain't right! lol
  20. It sounded as though our machines were pretty comparable though. That's why I couldn't understand why you weren't getting better performance. But I know some mods will kill fps regardless. I have a gardening mod for the Anvil house. Boy that one drops fps down to what seems like 0. It could be also the extra flowers I planted from that mod. Good luck on those finals! I'm pullin for ya :o)
  21. You a hot mess is what you is, lmao! No I haven't seen it. You were supposed to send me links for one other one and never did. C'MON SON! Quit bein lazy and hook a sista up, lol
  22. An fps of 10?? Lord I'd go crazy! I get antsy when it goes down below 30. I've got DAO, FO3 & I think Hellgate London installed on mine, but I've only played those a few hours, compared to the year of Oblivion, lol I got my current computer amped up just so I could play any game I wanted with max settings. It worked. :o) But at 180 mods, who knows how much longer it will work, lol
  23. Man that was tough! But you got my vote, lol
  24. ROFLMAO!! Neither can I. What makes it worse, is here in America, the show So You Think You Can Dance, the audition music was that song. I knew every word, lol At least the Pitbull song is not still stuck in my head, lol!
  25. 2 GB?? C'mon Son! You know you can't do much with that. Memory is cheap right now, get you some more, so you can throw down. If you don't get that fanfic finished at least you can throw up a vid or two, lol
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