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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. Agreed with you species5478. Some others stories I've seen are great ones indeed but sometimes they are too much descriptive and technicaly wroten and so tend to be a little annoying for a novice or non English native reader like me.


    [iMHO] To be clear, comprehensive and pleasant, those criterias make the story being most immersive and there is also something fresh I found here : some good frame of mind. :happy:

  2. Wish granted, but then you're so much overflowed by the other's mind that you will not be able to make new topics in Nexus forums now. :blink:


    I wish I could find better quotes to fit in my sig content.

  3. Chapter 3: An unexpected detour


    “That was humiliating.” I responded away from the store owner.


    “I can tell she’s going to be a riot.” He responded back.


    Hilarious! The hassle's begining for the hero...


    Your story is really good. Keep it up, I'm going to be an addict of it for sure :thumbsup:

  4. So you are inclined to find answers about the philosophy of life too... Your question seems to have some interest into psychological insight, I think. This is the way I understood your topic at last.


    I would be very concise for the sake of time as I have my cup of coffee waiting for me... somewhere, and I must find it before it's cold.


    Well, nothing would be strange here, you can consider by seeing your bottle half full or half empty the optimistic and pessimistic ways in your mindset. By thinking half full you get your hopes up, I'm an optimist one and I go on with that choice.


    So, where I've put my half full mug, by the hell... that's the question. :laugh:

  5. foo was here :biggrin:


    foo : definition

    Varying meta-syntactical structure ("Variable métasyntaxique" in French) if you have a better translation please help me...

    For not being rude to the others Nexus members I would stay on that version : forward observation officer or may be this one : File Or Object :whistling:


    Fi : definition


    I will maintain it secret for the moment, just to keep it suspenseful :happy:


    Ban Netwit2008 for trying to find my secret : am I a nutcase :laugh:

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