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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. Watch All of Kobe's 81 Points in 3 Minutes :thumbsup: full performance by Kobe Bryant on Jan. 22, 2006 as the Lakers defeated Toronto, 122-104.


    Sorry but media integration is deactivated on demand by NBA, here's the link...


  2. Thanks Thor for adding it :thumbsup:


    So, my vote is made for "Count it", hehe... Oops! Do we need to keep it "secret's secret"? And I've seen that we have the option for deleting our vote, Lol :ninja:


    There are a lot of funny forum games in here, it's very hard to make a choice sometime... :sweat:

  3. [Off Topic]


    Water-cooling is incredibly effective at lowering the temperatures of core system components. Such a cooling system could be a must-have in the (early) future... It's up-to-date for some high-end self-build rigs, especially when it comes on OC and/or SLI.


    But water-cooling isn’t exactly like a walk in the park, and it demands some time and effort to design one that feet your PC system, the other challenge is to solve putting it together. But we are enthousiast people, don't we? :blink: :happy:


    For some advice, be aware that removing the genuine cooling rad from a GFX card will cost you the end of the manufacturer's warranty.



    [On Topic]


    So, what's about the new Nvidia GTX 480... When I see my high-OC rig with no more than 13 air-cooling fans in my Antec Nine-Hundred case - all together counted, a water-cooling system could be the sine-qua-non solution for an upgrade without cooking my system internals. Lol!


    Some benchmarks have showned that the Nvidia GTX 480 card will get hot, very hot with 85/95C in full charge and 50C in idle Temp use. Of course the specs have a threshold at 105C - Nvidia says 107C, ouch! :sick:


    I'll don't mention here the question about using this card neither with a dual-monitor nor in 3D Surround Vision (three multi-monitoring gamming config - only two dual-link DVI connectors per card, you'll need mounting two GTX 480 cards in SLI mode) until Nvidia could solve these Temp issues with better drivers (Beta release), etc...


    And for passionate overclockers, please be aware that something changed with GTX 480 cards. The Core and Shader frequency are tied together, both will follow automatically based on a predefined ratio and underclocking memory is no longer possible. :ermm:


    Don't forget that these benchmarks are made in optimal conditions, and in real world usage (actually playing a game, real in game benchmarks) the Temp in a room could easily reach 25/30C in summertime, and even more - these Temp are frequent in my country (France), and I certainly wouldn't buy something that could be an "Only-Winter-Use-Device".


    Each buyer should compare these results to determine the best choice for compatibility, efficiency, performance and cost. 95% of the test environments are perfect and not a real world scenario, never have been, never will be. So look at these results as the products optimal rating. It's not being unwised to say that we must be patient before buying something new, solutions are coming, it's just a question of time.


    NVIDIA Solves Multi-Monitor Temp Issue on GeForce GTX 480 GPUs



    Wait! Nvidia has the solution, wow! Nvidia joke - funny video :laugh:





    Now let's talk about DX11 implementation. Nvidia is half a year late to the market as Ati did it since the HD-5800 and HD-5900 series. With the release of their new Catalyst 10.3 driver, the new driver brings significant performance boosts throughout the Radeon HD-5800 and 5900 series. And happily the same thing will happen for Nvidia with new drivers.


    What's the difference between Ati and Nvidia. Ati is at her 6th level of generation in Tessellation, but Nvidia seems to be better for DX11 performance with the choice of putting a HW tesselator in each SM (shader cluster)... We have now two choices in distinct architectures between Ati and Nvidia, that's good for our 3D applications, for sure.


    PhysX... and CUDA. On the compute side of things the GF100 should be impressive, these are nice feature to have. But for gaming experience we must wait 'til we could see something fully implemented, the market is at a larval state for the moment.


    GeForce GTX 470 & 480 review a link to a complete review about the subject.


    The author says in his conclusion that the Nvidia GTX 480 is probably the best single Gpu card in the world... :thumbsup:



    Another alternative...


    The choice of an XFX HD-5970 – until Nvidia gets back into the ring, this high-end dual-GPU monster is king of the hill. Of course, this beast has a price - and what a price, we are talking about 600/7OO$!


    Here is the deal: 100/200$ more than a Nvidia GTX 480, and sometimes it's hard to find one on the market, but yes: it's a killer card. Why the choice about XFX brand ? Because their technical support is better and they give you a Lifetime Warranty on the card and not a 2 years limited.


    See it just as an example here. When it comes to a PC build you should not only focus on a budget, but what your goal is with the build to ensure you get every inch of performance out of your hard earned money. Only two words: common sense! I would never spend money on something unless I know what I am spending it on.



    Some usefull links.























    Sources and credits: guru3d.com - maximumpc.com - legitreviews.com



    Sorry for the long post and thanks for having read it 'til the end. :sweat:


    - Fifoo.

  4. @ginnyfizz : hmm... an other level of what we - the so called "human beings" - are capable in such ugly things.



    ... funny to see that nobody has given yet a mention on what's really goes on with all that stuff, something that makes a big difference between "animals" and us, "human beings".


    Do you all really think it's intelligence ? Or instinct ? Maybe, but it's not the most important in my opinion : what do you think about the biggest rule that makes our civilization so "brilliant", and in some way leads our way of life ?


    Did you ever heard about "business" and the "king money" ?


    A good example here, just for staying on topic, as we could find plenty of them :


    Too many people are taking profit with contraband animals, stereotyped needs and all the in thing... without to consider what is dangerous or not, or without thinking about dramatical consequencies for humans - and animals - on both sides.


    Those people are condemnable !



    "Our earth relies on a balance in which every being has a role to play

    and exists only through the existence of an other being.

    A settled fragil harmony that is easily shattered."

    - Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

  5. I want to say only one thing. We have already too many licensing requirements and most of them are because of the regulating system itself that retires the responsibility from individual shoulders. Mankind is learning to depend on rules and laws to drive the life instead being a limit not to be reached. The difference is not even subtle but I let to you figure it by yourself, what hopefully you already did.

    Good point.

    I agree and kudos to you both.


    @ stars2heaven, we can pursue with this golden rule, what's freedom: your freedom ends where other's freedom begins, and this apply and meet to all life's requirement.


    I would say that in our today's world we are putting too much regulating systems, and too much laws kill the law, of course we may need some of them because we are living in society, but the problem is that many person yet wanted to find the responsible of a problem without to remedy the causing.


    I sincerely think that putting to much licensing don't resolve the heart of the problem... here about parenting, by licensing you put a limit without solving on what's really going on: the parental responsability.


    It's like an ill health person, you give medications to cure him/her from disease, but without to remedy the cause of his/her illness. That's why licensing is inappropriate for parenting.


    We have to meditate upon our society models and their drifts: poverty, precarity, quality of life, education, and so on... instead of trying to find a so-called solution that couldn't really match.

  6. But just like I've seen so many people link media about how 2012 is real and will happen, I wanna link this compile I made of how it won't happen, so enjoy:


    ;D ... I love your idea of a countdown and wish that it wont overburden cardiologists with extra work when reaching at 0000:00:00:00.

    :mad: ... and sincerely hope that any charlatan of all sort never make profit by people's fear and credulity.


    This said, we have to go when it's time anyway and just havin' fun for what we are: simply human.

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