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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. Dear Keanumoreira, this video could be a good introduction about your seeking.


    You know sometime music has much to say than words, it looks like you're entering in a new dimension and oceans are so vast, perhaps could you find some

    in it...





    Viewing this video on full screen is way better for a total immersion.

    Pink Floyd's song has a duration of 24:38 in full version - it's a cut off here.

  2. Ban Netwit2008 for reading our thoughts and trying to find how's the nutcase :woot:


    Ban Thor. for teaching us about gram... ahrr :sick:


    Ban Ancient Aeon for showing us that they have burned the Joker's card in the video. By the hell, that's nonsense... I mean, it's a great challenge for playing cards now :blink:

  3. It seems you have not understood me on what I wanted to say in my previous post. I'll try to be more precise then. I know my posts have to be more in-depth here but the lack of time and my poor English language haven't made that easy.


    Sorry for that, Retribution.


    This story just shows us a way to help for melting those both.

    If I understand you correctly, you are saying something about people trying to lessen the difference between retarded and non-retarded people. Sorry for being blunt, but there is no way to fully connect with someone who is truly mentally retarded. I can't even connect with stupid people, much less retarded people. I probably sound heartless, but it's the truth.

    You are certainly a kind person with good meanings and this topic is not intended to enter in a conflict between our differents point of vues nor to say whom says the truth. You have your own vision of it, it's a personal view and I respect yours, but you can't say it's "the truth" as you said. I probably may be viewed as a fussiness one, but your propos are inappropriate here. Please don't be offended by that, It's a rhetorical question.


    We have our own vision of our own world. It depends on what level we are involved in it. Our vision of the world changes with our own experience of life and what we have to face or fight it out. You can't denie that, never. Please, keep that in mind, and don't be so one sided. It's not an accusation but a friendly piece of advice, take it as is.


    If you have understood this topic, LHammonds only wanted to show us something special about our world and how some people have to live in it and to face it. And what kind of response could have been brought in some cases. They have to deal with that question, and this is a real world that even the most of us will never have to encounter... and I wish you'll never have to face it because some times it's a real every day's battle. What I'm saying here is not directly adressed to you as I really wish it for any one. But if you have to face it, do it the best you can, to the hilt, with all the others people offering help, unless your child (Shay is a symbol in the story) will be abandoned in the lounge.


    (Un)Fortunately (both may be true, depending on what side people see that thing - I will personaly take the positive side, if you don't mind) some people have to defend a reason. There are few people trying to give adaptive responses at a given problem by not rejecting the illness as being a fatality - to "fully connect" as you said (your words are incongruous) and to give a real helping hand.


    We talk about the necessity to consider those "truly mentally retarded" persons as Human beings even if they are different from us and to accommodate them in our society to the best we can. If not doing that necessary thing then we are commiting a trully genocide. And this ugly thing is inconceivable for civilized people. It's a human behaviour meaning some thing for me...


    Now, I heartily hope that the topic will give you the keys for trying to have a better knowledge about the question. If not, it's your choice and I couldn't do more for your understanding. The ball is now in your side and it's a question of goodwill.


    Friendly yours. :sleep:

  4. Yes indeed, the second video isn't much erotic as I said "mature enough". But we have had to pay attention about LHammonds Ban-Hammer. Without some censorship it would have in results some catastrophic consequencies for the Birthday's cake integrity. (Lol) :blink:


    Holy... This is the "Bee Gees Beatles" cake!!! (Roflmao) :teehee: :laugh:

  5. Agreed with you both LHammonds and eXoduis.


    Just wanted to give honestly some precisions about this topic.


    People with severe mental disabilities have a rough future ahead of them as they will likely be spending most of their time being dependent on family to keep them from harming themselves,

    I don't understand the logic of "Well, he's going to have a hard life so let's not bother treating him like a normal kid, because he may get all happy and stuff and then he'll just have to deal with disappointment later."

    They didn't treat him like a normal kid.

    They just gave him a chance to be happy and not being rejected by the society. No more than this. They all have understood that Shay is different. But they have to accept it first and then to deal with that. And what they made here is a true gift for Shay. That's all.


    Basically, the problem is simple : when I saw some previous posts made here, those made me believe that perhaps some people couldn't or maybe wouldn't understand the bottom of the story.


    I'll try to explain you what I mean on this fact, please take no offense as I'll never want to blame nor pointing a finger at anybody. I'm only trying to show how it's easy to misunderstanding the story and his goal. Or perhaps that's me... But we the so called "normal people" haven't the same perceiving process than others like Shay... just because, as we are living in our saying "normal" world, Shay and others people like him have their "own" world. This story just shows us a way to help for melting those both.


    Often times it demands a very hard work to do so, and sometimes you'll have only poor results, maybe none. But if you have the possibility and/or the ability to help and making it real : simply try to do it.


    We don't need to have a warm feeling for understanding that.


    And for those who are convinced that's intended to give in this particuliar situation a certain normality, you may be wrong and way aside about some reality in many instances concerning what's happening in their quoting days. We just couldn't tell about normality as it's very specific and depending on the level of situation you have to handle. Often times it demands an appropriate approach and/or specialized formation for dealing with it.


    Sorry for being a little rude here, and accept my apologies if I have shoked some one by my terms, it wasn't intended to. So, please, take no offense, but there are only a few people having the capacity, patience, devotion or love enough for coming along with such different people and children. Of course the truth may be rude about that, and some families involved here have to deal with it. And for that, I admire them... for their courage and patience.


    Let me conclude here by a professional view : that's why we have a code of ethics and an adapted formation in there, for helping those people, their parents and family, and trying to make it at the best we can, with true honnesty and only one watchword : to serve.


    And we don't have to give in it more emotions as needed to. It's a lesson of life.




    Some grammar and structure corrected (trying to do so), sorry for my bad English language.

  6. :laugh: GETbacon, you're a genius. Loled so much.


    Found : 'WHY DO I Get Acne? Well, now I'm not concerned about the question : I'm 49th.


    This sounds better : WHY DO I burp? Try to burp quietly and cover your mouth. :sick:

  7. awww...MHM i too wanna ruin something...( is it still U?)

    @Unavi : for the moment rules have changed, please take a look on Povuholo's post


    What about Count to 20 before I lock the thread a forumer is banned someone who joined in 2006 or earlier posts? :biggrin:

    Please note that U/u are not yet involved for the present game sequence (I think so). It would be clearer if Povuholo had corrected it in the title of his topic.


    @MonsterHunterMaster : please take a look, my previous post and your's following, so as I was on 2, you were on 3, and Unavi's post on 4.


    So we are now at 5

  8. But still he is a beautiful person and the whole family loves him so much, and we all get love back from him. :blush:

    Agreed, MonsterHunterMaster. And you're a very kind person and family for making it true.





    This story is a true lesson about love and fraternity... It shows us a way to lead for growing in mind, and here, there is only one victory, but a great one... It's a victory upon our self-perception in comparison of other people's opinion : the mutual understanding.


    We all must take a look at the father's words, how they are beautiful and so true-wised :


    "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection."


    "I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child."


    And now seeing how fast Shay runs. He put his heart and soul into running, without retenue, totally. He don't calculate, he won't do so : Shay is just happy to be here, playing with others, being a part of a team. Just being here and having the possibility to enjoy himself to the full, in conclusion : to exist in the others eyes...


    It's here that the other people and the teams have to guide him, to acclam him, and to keep him up... The others have to simply love him, truly, with honnesty, so Shay could have a chance to live as the others do : just like a true human being...


    Believe me, when you have the chance some times to move in such situations, and to mix with people and children like Shay, you'll never forget that. This is one of the numerous reasons I love my job.


    And I have no doubt on how this lesson could be true here too, between us, all members, in Nexus Community.



    Thanks LHammond and Kudos for sharing this great story, it's a beautiful gem and a lesson for us all. :thumbsup:

  9. [on topic]

    More challenging? It sounds good. Please, Povuholo gives us your words of wisdom... :happy:


    [off topic]

    An other point I would talk about, but it's only my personal view and I'm the only one involved here by the decision :


    Sincerely, from the heart, it would be unfair and being selfish to have a kudo gained in this game and being the only one wearing that gift. As we are a team and without a team we never won this game, we have fighted all together since the beginning, I wanted to reward all of you for your involvement here.

    Even our "adversaries". Without them we never had a challenge to deal in this game.

    We needed all of you for having a goal to reach and that's how life goes on, that's why we are all together a great Community, IMHO.


    Credits and Kudos given to (in order of apparition) :


    - Povuholo (the Fargoth Worshipper and creator of the game),

    - Sarya (the Silence and 1st poster, thanks for her kindness and bravery),

    - Skotte (the Mod Freekie and 1st level boss),

    - Omeletter (the Enthusiast and "e" winner),

    - Trandoshan (the Fan, also a great strategist),

    - CommanderCrazy (the Police Chief and "Hey" man),

    - Thor. (The All MightyTM, standing for Avatar and Sig Contest),

    - Pronam (the Premium Member, Knight of the White Castle),

    - DarkeWolf (the Faithful poster and Jedi Knight, he came back to the Light side of the Force),

    - Maharg67 (our Great Celtic Bard, thanks for giving us the required bravery with your songs),

    - Ancient Aeon (the Self-Proclamed Clown and Portal modder),

    - brokenergy (the "great" Enthusiast, he never lost his faith),

    - slygothmog (the Enthusiast, our joker in the battle),

    - BrujahWarrior (the Journeyman and great blood bumper),

    - katashy (The Quick Black Fox and Premium Member),

    - Pushkatu (our Bar-Keeper, without him we were dying of thirst),

    - maafiaman (the Great Meh...Designer :>),

    - Hangadog5 (the Enthusiast and MOO biological phenomenon),

    - Fonger (the Fan, the great Sea Warrior),

    - AzirAphale001 (the Guardian of the Eastern Gate),

    - DeathWarrior (the Enthusiast and our best spoiler in game)

    - Nexus Set (the ohai Fan, a high-level ending boss ),

    - Aurielius (the Enthusiast and awesome "reseting" fan).


    And finaly, last but not least, the incredible :


    - MonsterHunterMaster (the Police Chief's Assistant and high-level final boss)... :sweat:


    If I missed someone, ban me in the Lounge Topic (Kudos previously given to Trandoshan, Thor, Pronam, brokenergy, Pushkatu, have a ++ cookie my friends)


    Thanks to all of you. :thumbsup:

  10. Wish granted, but the last time you snaped at a human's neck, you were so starved for blood that you didn't paid attention at the kind of your victim : it was a monk and he escaped from your bite with his holy bible... eternally fixed now at your fangs. :blink:


    I wish I could have a nice girl phone-call today (for improving my non-native bad English) :sweat:

  11. Please don't take offense about my ban grounds, it was merely in gest, forgive me. :confused:


    But I discovered yet that my avatar is more perceived to fit on a feminine gender... what a dilemna for me as I love this one. Oh, it doesn't matter so much, aren't we equals, both genders?


    Netwit2008 banned for trying to fill my head with philosophical thinkings. :laugh:

  12. Gawd, what was the name of that other one he used to play...? Liesure Suit Larry, or something like that.


    I was gonna post about pong, but decided on posting something else. I remember a box, and two paddle controllers. I sat in front of the tv for several hours watching two bars and a square dot moving back and forth, lol.


    I remember back when nobody in the world ever dreamed that anybody, much less everybody, would be walking around with a phone in their pocket, being able to talk to anybody from almost anywhere. And now, some of these kids, you can't pry that phone from their fingers! Text freaks!

    "Have a drink at Lefty's bar"... Leisure Suit Larry 1... Sierra's first adult game for mature gamer (Lol). What a difference. Nowadays it's just hilarious :laugh:

  13. Lol i thought to myself why would i play a pc game when consoles where better.


    now the amiga cd32bit now that was a console.

    Agreed. Consoles are optimised for games. At the beginning of PC era, we have to enter into battle with Dos commands and batch files before playing a game. Sometimes it was off-putting for a beginner just to configure the keyboard and sound, and also to handle conflict entries (Lol).

  14. Sorry for this time I'm learning about a tutorial and I have only downloaded Blender but not used it well.


    But you can try to find help on the Blender Official Site : http://www.blender.org/education-help/ it looks like you have changed something in your preferencies or keys configurations, have you deactivated your numpad, etc...


    I found a Tutorial here on Nexus but your configuration may be different.




    Learn how to manipulate the view in Blender. With my configuration, I am able to hold the Middle mouse button to move the view camera, and Shift+Middle mouse to rotate the view. Scrolling the Wheel zooms in and out. NumPad 5 will switch between Orthographic (no distortion) and Perspective (distortion based on angle and distance) views. NumPad 1 sets the current window to the Front view; 3 sets it to the Right view; and 7 sets it to the Top view.


    Your configuration may be different. Try to find a Blender hotkey reference online.


    If you select part of the model and drag it, that part will translate depending on your view. If you haven't worked in a 3D environment before, getting the right perspective could be a challenge. Don't be afraid to experiment.


    I wish this may help you. :happy:

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