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Posts posted by Fifoo

  1. Yes... Big nostalgia... At this time, there where only a few having TV at home. I remember when I was young, my Grand'Ma was the only one having one in black and white with only Dutch Channels, not even the ORTF, and we took the car on sunday for coming at her home. I was three years old.


    As Maharg67 said it in his previous post, we had to listen to radio emissions first. And now we have hudge plasma screens.


    In 1976, my Dad came with a strange black box at home... and what a surprise : we've met... PONG! My very first personal video game. :happy:


    Yes I am that old...



    Time is running so fast :confused: but what a nice time dear Buddah...


    I remember the first time I played Flight Simulator on an Amstrad CPC 460 with a monochrome monitor and a magnetic tape deck... I had to wait a long before playing the game.



    I'll keep the best on next post, it wasn't my first game... let me try remember it. :sweat:

  3. - - Report from : Fifoo - -

    - - Location : Bermuda Triangle, Secret Laboratory - -

    - - Level : Top Secret - -


    - - Object : Snow-virus - -



    Sunday 04/18/2010, 01:02 AM


    ... Unfortunately, a glitch in the Continuum moved the snow-virus to the location of Bermuda Triangle where I actualy made some experiments about the Hutchison's effect. And due to the abnormal electromagnetic field's high activity, a vortex suddenly appeared at the same time and swallowed up the snow-virus before it expand on earth. The weather forecast and solar-wind activity regained then their peaceful state and the vortex disappeared as fast as it came.


    All is on a normal state now...




    - - End of Report - -

  4. Liberty, Equality and a Nice Pair of Shoes!


    Unknown but most likely a woman.

    That's a good one :laugh: thanks Maharg67



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