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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. Fifoo

    This or That?

    Girl-friend of course - makes me think where she is (looking at the soccer world championship?) :biggrin: politically correct or definitively indecent?
  2. -1- We have developed an annoying side effect due to teleporting... Ack *burp* Ack!
  3. I have a story in my oven... But it is not yet complete, a story I promised to some Little Fairy... It's been six months maybe more I work on it. :sweat:
  4. Fifoo

    This or That?

    My soul and my conscience as a therapist (regularly) :whistling: Proceed to jump further, or jump for the Future?
  5. These words appeared to me while I was reading your beautiful text. :happy:
  6. Lots of potential in you, Pushkatu, have you written any other passages? :thumbsup:
  7. A cry... A cry in the night... But nobody to hear, no one to grasp, to understand...
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIHMCqBjMXw&feature=related
  9. Of course, it is difficult and inappropriate to address this issue based on (hypothetical) statistics, statistics tell only part of opinion. By cons, what can be observed, these are facts encountered and specific cases that might show how certain conditions lead people to react and act differently from their principles. It is these features that, by their uniqueness, make the subject is interesting on several points, and give food for thought. For in the world around us, many factors can act in this direction... An interesting case is the duty of disobedience. Seen on the occasion of a documentary (it was not that long) on a French television channel, called "Game of Death" (Wednesday, March 17th on France 2), when a (false) game show presenter asks players to deliver electric shocks (up to 450 volts) for each wrong answer to a candidate. Despite her cries, 81% of players continue electrocution! Result chilling: the mere submission to the authority of television can transform ordinary people into potential murderers! This proves that the packaging of individual citizens can neutralize all moral considerations. The anguish about the idea of breaking with the authority means rebellion is an event that most people are unable to cope. Disobedience would surely be the proper way to resolve the internal conflict between torturing a stranger and his conscience. The staging of authority sufficient to overcome any scruples. This experiment in social psychology helps explain the behavior of cowardice that was observed during the Holocaust, and the attitude of the police during the raid at the Vel d'Hiv. On the other hand, there are testimonies of men and women who risked their lives, saved thousands of Jews during the war. Farmers, industrialists, Muslim or Catholic, they hid, fed, employed Jews. They made them cross borders or procured false papers. The risks were terrible, some have paid with their lives. But their belief and conscience were stronger than fear. "Obedience begins with consciousness and consciousness by disobedience." This slogan inscribed on the walls in May 68 gave food for thought. As the words of the philosopher Herbert Marcuse: "The duty to resist is the engine of historical development of freedom. Without this right of resistance, we would still at the primitive barbarism."
  10. @Pyrosocial For now I did not request one, but if you want, your honor, since the idea came from you :thumbsup: [On topic] An another nice picture... with flames. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm117/Dragenfly_photo/Dragon.jpg
  11. @ Pyrosocial Thank you for trying to help out, I myself am not a modder (maybe one day) so if it was possible to obtain permission from the artist to use his concept, perhaps that asking for help to the Nexus community could be a good idea. This is something to follow in any case. @ Maharg67 :woot: I... I think I'm falling in love! :wub:
  12. I would have liked to vote for both... :confused:
  13. I think this shows that many people have not escaped the general malaise of our society. By forbidding, you find yourself facing a sanitized society in which the individual as such has no place if it does not fit the social mold. Also a society model dominated by money, it is the recognition, the money has taken a disproportionate place in our society. Especially with the easy money. Compensation for work often seems dwarfed by the easy money collected by speculation or luck. The disgusting lifestyle of young dealers or gains games on TV make fragile the righteous speeches about the need to work to succeed. And these are just a few examples among many others. The game shows are multiplying, offering quick money, trips or cars out the wazoo... Heeded the desire of the viewer who identifies fortune necessarily the one who plays. Fortunately, in some cases, kindly obliges, earnings are paid to a charity or some humanitarian associations. Today the National Education must confront the difficulty of young people to admit that their studies will secure their future. But now the problem is likely to increase. With the opening of online games in 2010, a kind of virtual casinos, the gambling will be everywhere, including in your home. The moral that wealth is the result of work does she risk not being undermined by promises of cash as exciting as illusory? So do not be surprised to see people confused, having no solid benchmarks, or hope, sinking into alcoholism, drugs, suicide or delinquency. If it is certain that some things need a total ban, because it does not respect the fundamental principles of human rights, such as slavery (good point, evilneko), for other things, before trying to ban everything it should above all try to find remedies to cure our sick society of all its excesses. And this is no small matter...
  14. Wish granted, but for this to work there should be a better translation tool. Because in French "to wish", "to hope for" and also "hope that" have the same meaning: "souhaiter". I seriously wish for a better tool apart Google's one to succeed to express wishes for a much better way. :rolleyes:
  15. Thanks Maharg67. Nice, really nice. Do you think we can tame it the same way as the Dragons of the North? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh0Nb_DPNWk&feature=related
  16. Wish granted, now you live in a hermetic bubble that protects you from all external allergies, but not those located within it. I hope that all go for the best in the best of worlds. :confused:
  17. The freedom ends where someone else's begins... This concept is not easy to implement, and leads often to conflict situations, and will not be easy to manage. You might say we should simply ban this or that. But in many cases it will not work. Because the problem is that when you prohibit something, there will always be more people who will also pass this ban by illegal means or hidden action. And of course you will then create parallel or illegal markets that you can not control without further increase your blood pressure by actions rebuke, which will result in an even higher increase of the negative effect of the ban and bring you inevitably towards a more confrontational situation to manage, a vicious circle without end. This is the snake biting its tail ... Rather than prohibit, we must educate. Educating by raising awareness in the field of Health and the public, media, news, school and street. Educating by providing the means to help those affected by alcoholism plague that is affecting more and more young people in our society... Educate to empower.
  18. As usual in such cases, it always ends with an incessant and infernal legal battle, which lawyers, experts, plaintiffs, and judges are passing the buck - if I may use that expression - by dint of arguments legal, applications expertise and cons of second opinions, only to find anything to circumvent those laws through their complexities, especially in the field of International Law, and thus hope to avoid harsher sanctions, or even most of the time, to get by very cheaply. I do not criticize the work done by the men of law and lawyers, they know very well how to do their job, and they are paid for it, but ultimately, it was the cat who will eat the mouse, and not vice versa, if the slightest false-legal maneuvering will come to them...
  19. Teleport (ninja smoke teleport) - To go anywhere, anytime... and try to get out of all possible situations. :ninja:
  20. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    My Ban "consequences"... for teleporting (the best ninja power).
  21. @ Pyrosocial The artist who created the illustration for the cover's magazine HeavyMetal is James Ryman and the graphics is called Cyberhunter. The artist is particularly known for having greatly contributed to the illustrations for Dungeons&Dragons, Warhammer Online, WarCraft, and Doghouse. Unfortunately, its graphics are copyrighted, and it will ask permission to make a mod for the weapon and armor that interests us. [0n topic] Let us talk about Dragons again... Smaug - by Matt Dixon. http://www.heavymetal.com/images/galleries/full/9/Smaug.jpg
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