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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. I raise my glass up high in honor of the goodness of your attitude - wait... where is my glass? :P
  2. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban Pronam for nothing. :whistling:
  3. ... such as a Mercantilism system? :rolleyes:
  4. Fifoo


    Your story is a very touching one... I love the end with the concept of peace and serenity that surrounds it, the detachment that a man can have on the vision of his own world and to disregard any materialism, is it the beginning of wisdom? It is both sad and noble. Kudos given. :thumbsup: However, just a little criticism on the structure of it if you don't mind. If I understand well the story, there is a technical incompatibility in its evolution between the fourth and fifth stanza, unless the subject that I lead by example is not the same character in the story and in this case it would be good to be a little more specific in the narrative technique to avoid doubt. If that is the same person in the highlided quotes, it would be better to write in the fifth stanza: "He tried desperately to crawl towards him to help," or, perhaps: "Jumping over obstacles with his one good leg, he tried to help him," or better for showing the character's determination: "Jumping over obstacles despite his injured leg, he tried to help him, but in vain, he ended up with..." and so on. You see, there are several possible narrative techniques and styles, especially when you're not limited by the number of words.The hardest part is finding the style that goes perfectly with the spirit in which you want to tell your story or set the hero's psychology: dramatic, lyric, etc... Keep up the good work! :smile:
  5. Nice answer Sly, I'll be proud to have you in any team or to make a trip with friends - a thumbsup for you, kudos already given previously but you desserve a second one for sure :)
  6. Thank you all for your replies and contributions here. I'll be the apostle of the devil in you with this message, but do not misunderstand my intentions. Consider that I am neutral in this debate, at least for now, because I do not want to influence those who wish to contribute to the discussion. Some people already know me well enough to know what would be my position on the subject. :whistling: Do you think everyone is willing to put themselves in danger (literally as figuratively) to help someone? I will be very hard, but the majority of people, or almost all, always takes the side of the strongest. And it starts at school. We also see it in our workplaces and in our everyday life... Someone who has enough charisma can be regarded as a leader in the collective unconscious and it is enough to tell any nonsense, "flogging" someone, etc ... so that his followers do ask no questions and acquiesce without flinching.
  7. Everything is a question of monopoly. Despite laws against monopolies that exist in some states, as is the case in the U.S., from the moment the Trust-companies have a great influence on the economy of a country, they create some kind of indulgence from the policy. And nothing will prevent them from continuing to ignore everything related to the deterioration of our planet. In most cases, for large companies the only thing that interests them at the highest point is to make profit. That is the harsh law of the market and how the liberal world economy works. So of course we can be indignant about when this kind of disaster happens, and indeed it's very unfortunate, but in reality nothing will change as attitudes remain the same point. This is the least of their worries in their policy of exploitation, and anyway the insurance will do the rest. Their great concern is to recover maximum crude that continues to escape from the leak, not to bemoan the consequences of the accident that have, anyway, a strong impact on the environment. The oil "is spread over a 320 km radius around the wellhead, where it is leaking right now, and it is not a monolithic sheet," said Thad Allen, commander of the guard U.S. Coast. "There is literally hundreds of thousands of small webs". The CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, said that about 10,000 barrels were collected daily through the funnel installed Thursday. This is "probably the vast majority" of crude escaped, he said. It is unclear however how much is discharged each day from the well since the explosion on April 20 and then sank two days later from the Deepwater Horizon platform, operated by BP. The estimates are between 2 and 3 million gallons per day. - Quoted from Le Monde's article of 06/06/2010: BP ensures that the funnel gets the "vast majority" of oil leakage. I would not wish to throw the first stone, but the media in France have discussed the case by disclosing, by the confession of the said company that the operators of the drilling platform have neglected the principles of safety when alarms were triggered by three times, before the disaster happens, leading to what are known. As luck - from the moment the U.S. has demanded that "light be made" on the causes of that disaster, the company leading this oil revealed the facts of growing concern, as and when as the days passed. What a mess, and what did they have to gain? To be an indictment for a possible court appearance. Then, of course, one may wonder whether cooperation would be the same if this had happened in a part of the world where population facing less pressure, and more geographically remote, or even a country lost to the other end of the world. Of course, for the oil-company, economic issues are not the same... Do you really think they can take the risk to stop any exploitation of the deposit and so losing their investment? Well, by force of circumstances, it is ultimately the disaster that was responsible for putting an end to exploitation of this deposit, and optics to continue the operation of the so famous and precious black gold will be seriously compromised there, for a long time if not more, and the U.S. are considering now challenging the operation of these resources under certain conditions - at least near the coasts of the United States. But make no mistake, energy demand is increasingly growing, and the drilling conditions and resource exploitation are increasingly difficult as the years pass, which necessarily increases proportionally the chances of accidents and the seriousness of these, needless to say... But history will repeat itself and we will forget all this soon enough until the next disaster. :dry: All that the world has earned it, is one more ecological disaster on our hands over to manage with all that entails negative. Thank you to those who are responsible, and too bad for others who have to suffer the consequences... There is food for thought and in any case, it is a good lesson to think, because we're all involved in it to a greater or lesser degree, this concerns us all without exception.
  8. Thank you, Pyrosocial. And great idea! :thumbsup: I must confess that I found them quite impressive by their graphic beauty. This is one reason among many why I wanted to add the illustration to this selection. I will go and do some research on the identity of the artist who made this picture, so why not someone to emulate them.
  9. Very true as reasoning, Aurielius but myrmaad has right to raise the issue because everyone can interpret the concept of weak differently, so here are some details. The question is very simple, are you ready to defend (the) minority (s) or will you choose for your store to benefit the majority, even if it is contrary to your principles, but in this case understand that you might want to bear the consequences, this is a matter of choice to do... Obviously the answer to give is less clear because of its ambiguous nature, and the term "weak" could confuse you. One must understand the word low in its proper sense, as figuratively, where that person does not represent the majority and could be in conflict with it, or need help ... I leave you to think.
  10. @Maharg67 Some videos are not viewable on other sites - limited authorization by YouTube integration. I left the video in my previous post to get an idea of its content. [On topic] Here are a few illustrations created by talented artists, they were used for the covers of the famous illustrated fantasy magazine, HeavyMetal. They represent the Dragons to part of the subject, except the second picture in the middle, but I found it too pretty not to be ignored in my selection. Enjoy it. :wink: http://www.heavymetal.com/shm/images/0789.jpghttp://www.heavymetal.com/shm/images/0110.jpghttp://www.heavymetal.com/shm/images/1102.jpg
  11. Perhaps they are too busy with their terran activities... Ack, Ack, LoLol ZAP!
  12. lap siding = drink like whey (milk), a metaphor in French (boire comme du petit lait) for "easily assimilate, absorb and enjoying." Ex. "She drinks his words like whey"... you see now what I mean? :)
  13. Question about sociology. Are you the type to put you on the side of the weaker and minority or more strong and majority, even if the majority are not more in line with your principles? The majority does it always right?
  14. If you need some advises take a look at those links. Bben46's site Reinstalling Oblivion http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheStormRavenLibrary/topic/1446421/1/#new Bethesda's Unofficial Technical FAQ http://forums.bethsoft.com/?showtopic=561101&st=0&p=8103714entry8103714 Might be a good help for you. :wink:
  15. That's true Chaosblade02. If I have understood your quotes, public opinion could be easily manipulated by unscrupulous medias and poll institutes... just for giving a few examples. Take a look at this article from the well-known* newspaper Le Monde - Suspicions of collusion with the power method challenged, biased questions...**, sorry but in French. Thus, it is sometimes very easy to make people believe a lot of things, manipulate, distort, and corrupt opinions with facts truncated, censored, or not proven valid and real, as long as people are gullible and in this case fall into the trap. But we don't need to be at a Second Graduate Level nor being in Hight School to have a good understanding and tell apart opinions and facts. It is well acknowledged that it depends on your own level of education and intelligence - some people already have it at a young age in comparison with others.*** Just my two cents. :whistling:
  16. Another wish drifted away by the Butterfly Effect... :blink: I wish for a huge lifejacket or lifebelt - everything but not sinking.
  17. Well done and creative work. Brilliant! I lap siding your great story, really. :thumbsup:
  18. Fifoo

    This or That?

    Coffee of course - didn't I previously gave this answer in an other topic... I'm really addict :sweat: Right-hander or Left-hander - sorry for the question... off the top of my head, it doesn't matter for me.
  19. Agreed with you, grannywils. And your way of seeing the topic, with all hindsight that it deserve, is truly valid. Perhaps it would be good to precise that I wasn't personally outraged by the quotes of Vagrant0 and Retribution, as we all have our own holes in and thoughts about the way we may and should act. Of course we have - fortunately - some various point of vues to subscribe to each other and that's food for thought in a good debate. The finality here is to be able to understand each other and - why not - eventually attempt to know better one another and to help one another... :happy: We could find three behavior patterns of people, those who are selfish and egocentric (some of them have mostly no materials hurdles in their everyday life), those who are uninterested (for numerous causes or some reason), and those who are selfless, open to other ones and give help to each other. All is a question about our choices in daily life, our deeper motives, and what we want to share. Let me conclude by this saying I cherish, making it my daily bread to the best I can: "No one has more need of a smile that which has none to offer." - Chinese Proverb.
  20. Nice one, really, as your previous selections. :thumbsup: Have found something very special for you all... The Last Guardian Trailer - Dragonheart theme an E3 trailer of Team ICO from the PS3 game. The Randy Edelman's theme and the clip fit well together in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNK4OJMZ5EA
  21. Granted, it's been ages since the potty-chair is waiting for you and you'll have to do it for a very long duration - no need to have global warming for leveling-up the sea-level - incredible Gormonk. :laugh: I wish to find a sea-boat for now. :sick:
  22. For PC games. A complete Camo outfit for airsoft and fishing activities... would perfectly fit for a few war-games. :ninja: And of course some business suit and vest had better go for playing any Leisure Suit Larry's episode - the only one item I don't have is... the fabled leopardskin string. :laugh: Something missing... *searching in the childhood trunk* :confused: where did I put my Knight outfit for playing Oblivion... It must be somewhere about - *founded* Yes! :woot: *humpfr* Unable to close the hounskull... need some help please, LHammonds.
  23. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :happy: Keith Parkinson was an American fantasy artist and illustrator influenced by Frank Frazetta and Roger Dean. To be more precise the previous illustration here is a poster called The Druid Stone and one of my favorites. If you're interested by more works take a look at the official Keith Parkinson Online website.
  24. Blue Dragon - illustration from Keith Parkinson http://fantastique.canalblog.com/dragon_bleu_et_femme.jpg
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