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Everything posted by WarKirby3333

  1. simplicity. normal people don't understand computers. i've worked with tons of them. that "desktop" thingy with all those pictures is confusing. Start button? start what? oh god what is all this text. how do i play my email. where is the email button. when you want to play a game on console, you open the tray, put it in, and it works. every time. usually it just starts up immediately without navigating any menus. when you want to play a game on pc, you start it up, sit through several screens of confusing text about bios's and memory and cpus. then you wait for windows to load. Then you install the game you want to play, usually sitting through a process of 20 minutes or so of more confusing text. Install location? I want to install it on my pc. where is the button for that. Once installed, you fiddle with confusing graphics settings the average person knows nothing about. If you're lucky it works right away, else you might have to update drivers. that's assuming that your pc can even play it at all. Ever seen someone complain about their fancy 3D game not working on a crappy notebook with no video card? I'm an IT technician and programmer by profession. I've been at the front lines, dealing with tides of people who watch tv, play sports, go clubbing, sit at home knitting, etc, rather than spending their free time on computers. People who struggle to find the power button and think that the monitor is a computer in itself. People who have never even heard of a "forum". These people make up at least half of the world's population. They are the majority. And they are why consoles exist. it doesn't matter that a pc is better than a console. most people don't understand how or why any kind of computer is different from another. If you ask what kind of pc they have, they'll say "a white one". It doesn't matter that pcs can use joypads, because their pc didn't come with one so they have no idea it exists. It doesn't matter that their pc can run through their TV. Because adverts on TV mention nothing about this, and show only consoles being used in such a manner. You might call these people stupid. Certainly, some of them are, a large part of the world is stupid. But for the most part, they're just "not computer people". Their lives haven't exposed them to much technology. The simple fact is, we are geeks. And we do not represent the population at large.
  2. i agree here. The time to stop developing graphics happened about 4 years ago. we have more or less photorealism now. it's time for excess computing power to be devoted more to advanced AI processing.
  3. maybe? certainly. go for t. Go on, get started! don't call it elder scrolls though, the lawyers will get mad. but by all means get started on a procedurally loading engine. get enough decent programmers to work for free and it might just be possible. then you just have to handle liasons with hardware manufacturers to make sure it doesn't fail horribly and crash a lot. Hire a large art team, a few writers, level designers, fifty or so voice actors, some foley artists, a world-renowned music composer, and enough funding to make them all turn up and do what you say. surprisingly, no. Modders cannot make a triple A game like skyrim. it takes such ridiculous quantities of work that it's pretty much im,possible without a ton of funding to get all the right people onside, and keep them. that's what zenimax media does, and it's why every game conmpany has that board of evil execs running the show behind the scenes.
  4. why does it have low quality textures? it doesn't. what are you talking about? the world looks pretty to me. you guys are just spoilt. as to the LAA, it was shut down on DRM grounds. It's quite simple really. some rich exec got mad and threatened to fire someone unless they made it "harder to steal". So the poor programmers, even though they know better, did as ordered because the boss puts food on their table. blame management.
  5. this has nothing to do with anything. An engine optimised to render terrain, and nothing but, issn't relevant to a game engine which is designed to run within console memory limits.
  6. what? this is just retarded. the game imposes speed and stamina penalties on you for wearing heavy armor, for a reason. this rule is arbitrary and makes no sense, it would slow down the game to complete boredom. to be honest, i'm not a fan of most of them. I like roleplay, it's why i try to create explicitly focused characters and go for appropruiate quest lines. But all this walking everywhere doesn't make the game slower paced. it turns it into a "holding W simulator". the fact that the default walking speed is inhumanly slow is one good reason for that.
  7. you can find one in the ratway under riften, in a room near esbern.
  8. the rest of us do, a lot. you are doing something wrong. scripted is the wrong word. Dragons that are spawned by quests are "scripted". Those are nesting dragons. They are scattered around the map, and they all live in specific spots, and fly around near them. nothing beyond their location is scripted. They are in addition to the randomly spawning ones You're not looking around enough. Even IF you never get a random dragon, there are enough nesting ones around for you to kill til you're bored to tears of dragons. Ask any inkeeper, or jarl's steward for work, and they'll frequently tell you to go kill a dragon this is really not nice to say. If the game isn't working for you the same way it works for everyone else, I strongly suggest undoing the modifications you've made to make it work differently. it would have served you well to try this before insulting the developers. ok, that out of the way, i'll give you what advice i know: 1. dragons only start spawning once you've killed the scripted one at the western watchtower. I presume you've already done this. 2. Dragons like open space. they tend to spawn most often in and around "open towns". ie, places which contain lots of tasty npcs, but aren't walled off in a seperate cell. Places like winterhold, dragon bridge, rorikstead, morthal, etc. 3. Dragon spawning is quite possibly based on time. They spawn frequently after fast travelling, which causes many hours to pass at once. probably compounding several spawn checks in a row.
  9. most of these are various balance changes that definitely don't belong in a seperate difficulty mode. some of them wouldn't even make the game harder, but easier. i think you should rename the thread to "my half-assed list of stuff i want" :P
  10. your reaction is over the top. Whether there is autoaim here or just large hitboxes is quite up for dispute, and that alone means it's far from excessive. If autoaim is there, it's subtle, and i personally have no problems missing enemies i wanted to hit. Especially when trying to shoot fleeing wildlife.
  11. lv81 is an insane amount of grinding. most people will only reach lv 40 or so on any particular character. also, mages guild. You have to cast a spell to get in as you know (it can actually be one of severa, i got magelight and firebolt two seperate times). you also have to cast a spell in saarthal to break the wall. in Mzulft to adjust the machinery, and you do end up using a big staff too.
  12. valenwood. because moving tree-cities is an epic idea/
  13. i'll pay her 25 gold to do Age of Oppression now! ^_^
  14. what are you talking about? No! You stand in one spot, hold W, and press Z at the right time. It's two keys, and no mouse input required. you are doing it wrong
  15. this would bring a lot of legal hassle with bethesda. The majority of modifications, as the name implies, are alterations of bethesda's intellectual property. Only they are legally entitled to profit from that and they would probably be upset unless you got their permission first. Mods that add completely new, original content, using their own models, textures, etc, would possibly have less legal issues, but i doubt they'd escape it entirely. although it's definitely illegal to sell your mods, I don't think there would be a problem with paying for the creation of them. Eg, someone pays you a few grand and you go work on a mod to their specifications for a few months. As long as the finished result is either distributed for free, or not at all, I doubt any lawyers could have a problem with it, and they wouldn't even be able to prove it happened. there could still be problem areas. If for example, the administrators of this site were the ones commissioning mods. They could be seen as profiting from them by hosting them on a site with advertising. And even having a donation button is legally problematic too. Creative successfully shut down a third party developer who was making better drivers for their products, on the premise that he was profiting because he had a paypal donate button where he hosted the driver files.
  16. re: Health regen. Simply make health regenerate only when you're well rested and fed. And also have it regenerate faster when sleeping. There's a reason hospitals have beds. And time is the best healer! starvation stops health regen.
  17. Wow, this guy really is rude. If it's true what he is saying, I think I'll pass on the next bethesda game. no i fell for it sorry, it's a troll. DCDeacon is the real account. bethesda are still awesome, don't hate <3
  18. ok i smell troll. someone should probably contact bethesda about that account.
  19. nope, i got trolled. The account is definitely fake.
  20. i made a castle mod in oblivion before. i doubt i can be bothered doing it again. maybe though.
  21. yes the armor system is broken. I realised this a long time ago. it was in Oblivion too. the best armor system beth has come up with so far, was the directly quantified DT system in Fallout: New Vegas. Where each point of armor caused you to directly take X less damage from every hit. that system also included armor piercing bullets, and a minimum damage of about 20% of each hit that was unblockable. (which kind of nullified the system somewhat.) I would point everyone's attention to the armor system in Heroes of Newerth. Each point of armor increases your Effective HP by 6%. So although your damage reduction percentage appears to be going up by smaller and smaller amounts with each point, your survivability is actually increasing linearly and it works fairly well. It's the same system as skyrim, but with less broken math. I'm designing a game myself just now and i've done a great deal of thought on this concept. To my mind, a direct quantified system of reduction works best, with the inclusion of armor penetration mechanics as necessary to avoid marginalising weak, rapid attacks.
  22. These things remind me that if i ever make a game of this genre in future, i would implement a fear stat. based on your equipment and past deeds, fear should affect the success of intimidation, and how (or if) intlligent npcs choose to engage you. i'd add temporary massive increases for killing people infront of their friends, and in general try to make bandits behave more like they ought to. Against the dragonborn, i'd expect most bandits to run away screaming after you cut through a few of them.
  23. i tried the oblivion sex mods and found them to be generally pointless, with badly made animations. and also quite buggy. would be interesting to see what people come up with in the future, although sex mods aren't really a huge priority of mine, i'd probably give it a try ^^
  24. i'd like to try my hand at altering the ai to make a dragon variant that flies a lot slower, but never lands. so you're forced to engage it with ranged attacks.
  25. i found the mages guild really disappointing too. Oh hey we're learning stuff. New spell, cool,. Bam, dungeon. oh well that was ok i guess, can i learn stuff now? bam, another dungeon. bam another dungeon. another dungeon. hey would you like another dungeon ? i swear the college taught me nothing.
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