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Everything posted by Maharg67

  1. Post #142 [One][63.3] The EverWanderer nodded. “When the timeplace is right, the Seekagoddess gains-regains more knowledge!?” Sharry turned to him. “Yes, such as when did you truly become lost, EverWanderer? Except you are not the true EverWanderer though still of the EverFolk perhaps being of the EverCursed.” The EverWanderer selfshifted to become a man in a overly decorative, flashy, hoodrobe dotted with 'bling' of small gems. “Who-what calls us the EverCursed except those who do not comprehend our truth such as the so called EverBlessed.” Sharry shrugged. “The EverBlessed are 'blessed with the privilege of gaining more redemption' and that is it. You are the EverEnstranger who is always attempting to enstrange yourself from others, others from each other and yourself from your true self. Your very nature has you often working in wary alliance with the EverManipulator, the EverDeceiver and-or others of the EverCursed. This time you have become entangled with another kind of evil as rooted deep into Doomsworld itself. When the GreatEnemy was fleeing from the High Celestials, of the Celestial Cycling Circles, it became trapped in the NewEarth's deep core even as that world was created by the self proclaimed Highrisengodfolk of the Risengods. The other Risengod Factions feared, detested and wanted to be away from them but some malignant power kept them trapped except a very few that seemingly escaped; they did not really do so!” The EverEnstranger shrugged. “What does all of this cursed truth matter? Truth does no good at all to anybody, anytime, anywhere. Listen to me, all of you, and know the deep bliss of true ignorance.” Sharry took out one of the other type items that came from the second time the LittleChestManif opened its special side drawer to show 104 objects; later the number was added to to become 200 known of ones. She held up the small hand-mirror, that sparkled softly, and the mirror part expanded outwards. She focused the mirror on the EverEnstranger's eyes. The EverEnstranger cried out in pain even as he could not look away from the mirror surface that exposed his truth, deep, nature to himself. He was entrapped! Sharry sighed. “The Mirrors of Self Awareness were created partly to deal with you, EverEnstranger. Now, tell me what you have been up to and you will be free not only of the influence of this Celestial Artefact but of the GreatEnemy.” So the truth flood out of his mouth in a mixed up volume as the Seekachampionteam quietly took it all in for later analyse. Then the Celestial Entity was gone with a shivering shimmer and was gone from Doomsworld. It would arrive not in freedom but in the EverPrison where it would be punished in a fashion incomprehensible to mortal kind. Sharry collapsed only to be gently, firmly, caught by the real EverWanderer who materialised out of mid air. He stood, cradling her body, looking most concerned for her.
  2. Post #141 [One][63.2] Except that the great, majestic, templecity showed no signs of life at all. There were a few signs of damage, or even destruction and then there were the heaps of skeletal remains that appeared to be mostly human in nature. Worse were the dead bodies preserved in mostly transparent, black jelly capsules, as stuck firmly to the side of buildings or in the glistening, black, webbing that stretched between some structures. The EverWanderer passed to Sharry a curious, part binoculars, like contraption that ended not in lens but in a cube. Sharry took and directed it to where the EverFolk indicated. In a capsule was Shazzie dressed in what must have once been clean finery. The EverWanderer spoke. “The corpse of Shazzie as Princess Shazzantie! Now, point the device there at the dead Professor Sagesmart! Over there are the doppelshifters that Seekataskteam0301 encountered in Anklelusdeep.” Sharry sighed. “As the Seekagoddess I always knew that their story was not as straight forward as they believed it to be but now the truth is coming to me more fully. Shadamaligna had all of them abducted and fed upon their life energies until they died. All were guilty of dark crimes but their suffering meant that, after death, they were able to pass the Celestial Testing by the Celestial Cycling Circles. They showed true remorse and volunteered to return to Doomsworld, in adapted forms, to quietly carry out redemptive workings until the moment was right for them to come forth as their real selves. They were tasked with making reports on we Seekars, to make assessments of us, as angelic avatars of the Goddessgods. It is beyond me to truly comprehend the ways of the Goddessgods but I have always deepsensed only positivity in them all.” Sharry went on. “This is the timeplace for myself to become fully aware of such matters and to pass on that information. All of them were Shadowcultists who had carried out deep crimes and who were abducted by Shadamaligna's relatively few Shadacultists. They were taken here, to this templecity secretly built by one of the Shazgods' Subfactions of which there were three. Shadamaligna tortured, and interrogated, them to gain information about Shadowadis, the Shadowcult and related subjects.” A large building exploded open, collapsing as it did so, and a great black spidery creature blasted out of its remnants. The creature glistened black and somehow it was clear it was a truly massive example of shadakind or was the obvious, in this case, true. Something had escaped from it, that it was attempting to recapture, that soon proved to be a very large Rainbowsphere. The Rainbowsphere zipped around the great being that let out a cry of protest until the Rainbowsphere shot back into the embrace of the creature. The great spidery creature noticeably relaxed as it hugged the Rainbowsphere to itself with two great limbs of armlegs. Then she, for it was a female, began to sing in a strange fashion but also a peaceful one. Sharry smiled. “That is Shadamaligna and that is what was supposedly stolen from Shadowadis for it is a CEEET of a Celestial Educational Entertainment Enhancement Toy; being High Celestial, in nature, it is extremely powerful. Who did Shadowadis take it from? That was us, the Shazgodfolk Faction that was made up of three subfactions. The smallest was the rather idealistic one of the Gaiagodfolk. There were we Seekagodfolk emerging even than as we adopted that name from the vast, transdimensional, megastarship named the SS Seekar. The third were the ones that went back to using the term of Wiserisengodfolk. The Sacred Vaults were created by both the Seekagodfolk and smaller Gaiagodfolk Subfactions while the Wisengodfolk set out to secretly build what would become known as New Shazzantacca. The surviving Wiserisenngodfolk ended up as refugees in what are now called the Seekavaults. My currently gifted, new, knowledge comes to an end here.”
  3. Post #140 [One][63.1] As refugees fled from the disastrous area, of Shazzantacca, reinforcements arrived of Shaztec fighters of all kinds and even Zhastec fighters allowed, for once, to openly carry weapons. Shadowmimics were only manifesting, now, in reduced numbers but a minority were larger, and more powerful, than any that had come before them. In the distance a great shadowmimic humanoid swiped a shadadragon out of the air, destroying it in the process. Shadowdragons fought shadadragons in the air above. The Seekachampions all utilised Pulselings but when Sharry did so they were more powerful than the ones used by the others. Pulselings had a refresh rate before they could be used again with there being three levels of power, the most powerful having the longest refresh time and so forth; they were heavy, moderate and light pulsemissiles; unlike pulsebullets, pulseshells or even longer range pulserockets, pulsemissiles could be steered by the user but only to some extent. Sharry disintegrated a big shadadragon while Jhenna did the same to a smaller, but still dangerous, one. Other shadowkind were still arriving and then burninkind did the same as of the Burninadis as worshipped by the Puritycult. One would expect a three way fight to break out but both shadowkind and burninkind attacked the shadakind and were assaulted in turn, that being no surprise. The malignant, background, presence seemed to have lost its influence over those others as it was turning out to be Shadamaligna. Sharry spoke. “All Seekachampionteams will end up arriving here and will merge into one as each team does so. I will be the Seekagoddess as named Sharriasta but I, as Sharry, will remain as the Primary Seekagod as of the Seekagoddessgods. Seekagods is your true status. For now we must wait but continue to fight, while we do, the forces of the Shadamaligna until we can discover its true identity.” The EverWanderer came to the Seekachampions and addressed them. “Better that you come with me, as a Seekachampionteam, for thanks to the EverInvestigator's latest investigations, I have gained some vital data. Your simuladroids, robogolems and robodrones can remain here to assist the EverFollowers, EverFighters and EverMinions here. Then there is the aspect, of the wondrous LittleChestManif, that is here.” The LittleChestManif appeared already what to do. The curved top opened up, as in a traditional pirates' treasure chest, and up, out, of it began to step figures. First came EverFolk of EverFollowers, EverFighters, EverHealers, EverWorkers and other specialised EverFolk along with generalist EverMinions. It had come to the Seekachampions that those, like the EverWanderer, were called the EverPrimes of the EverFolk as that information came from the Seekaservobrain as the supercomputers supported megacomputer at the core of the newish Seekaservonet. Then followed Seekatroopers, Seekascouts, Seekaguards, Seekasappers, Seekatechies, Seekamedicoes and other Seekar types, many of which were emerging as new ones. There were also robogolems hauling big, armoured, backpacks along with robodrones and replidroids. The newcomers were spreading out, so as not to make a greater target of themselves, even as the Seekachampionteam departed as led by the EverWanderer. The elevator, of Shazgodly make, was large but very well concealed in a deep basement chamber beneath a Zhastec temple. Soon it was shooting downwards and then it was slowing until it came to a gentle halt. The viewing post was, through a thick armaglass plate, able to show a great city stretching into the distance. It could be seen all around in a 360 degrees fashion.
  4. Post #139 [One][66.2] Sharry pointed her right hand at the shadadragon, that appeared ready to rend the small flying machine apart with its claws, and an intense pulse of energy shot out and struck the creature; it disintegrated! Sharry spoke. “All Seekachampions can now use Pulselings in a limited fashion. As it is Pulselings can be off different kinds having different effects be they disintegrating, blasting force, incendiary, electrical, electromagnetic, healing, generally regenerative and a few more still being established.” A Seekaguard Lieutenant came to the Seekachampions even as the robogolems began firing up at flying shadabeasts and robodrones launched upwards to fight others in air to air combat. He saluted and then spoke. “Seekachampions, assistance is being given to bring Gaiacityservonet back fully online. The Gaiacityservobrain is being activated, as the center of Gaiacityservonet, being a megacomputer linked directly to assisting supercomputers. It is very much like the center of the new Seekaservonet even now expanding through out Seekahomeworld. Gaiacityservonet has given this information to me as it has linked with the Vaultsservonet that, in turn, has linked with the new Seekaservonet.” Sharry frowned softly. “What are you?” The other smiled. “A shadamimic but I do not serve the mysterious upstart Shadamaligna but the one that created shadakind being Shadaadis. Shadaadis formed an agreement, with Shadowadis, through the powerful avatar of Shazzasha, to defeat the Shazgods in Shazzantacca and to get back what they had stolen from Shadowadis. Then Shadamaligna struck and somehow found a way to take over many shadakind and to create more of them using the taken ones as a basis. The sudden appearance, of the previously unknown of, Shadamaligna, which all suspect is a working facade for a darkside force willing to manipulate, or even destroy, other darkside forces. That means that Darkside Faction, of Anticelestial kind, is one of those that has not agreed to the Darkside Concord through the guidance of the Goddessgods. Even Shadowadis has come to be with the Darkside Concord though reluctantly so but such, as Malignadis is too chaotic, too extreme in that one's negativity, to ever joined the Concord.” Sharry snorted softly. “Be fully your true self.” With a shimmering there stood a LittleNeuacelestialManif of LittleInfluencesManif, or at least an aspect of that one. He was in a hoodrobe of minor splendour and holding a large tome with a mirror embedded in its front that was far more than just a normal mirror. He spoke in a slightly singsong manner. “This Doomsworld Affair is most fascinating, beguiling and challenging. The Localised LittleCelestialdom is being drawn here of all kinds as are the EverFolk and many of the Disadiskind. One was pressured, by the upstart Shadamaligna to influence you away from going to an important place but instead one will do one's best to influence you to follow me to it. One does not appreciate being treated with such disrespect as Shadamaligna showed me.” Sharry scowled, a rare expression for her. “I said, be fully your true self in the name of the Goddessgods!” A hoodrobed figure stood there, after a disorienting shuddering, being bleakly filthy and hunch backed. Gnarled, crooked, hands clutched a warped, black, staff topped with a softly glowing blood red crystal. The powerful avatar, of the Shadamaligna, laughed sourly and then spoke. “One will destroy you and, just before that, one will reveal one's true identity.” With a shower of sparks, and a blast of black smoke, the entity vanished away.
  5. Post #138 [One][66.1] Seekataskteam0301 fought off the robots that attacked from the monotrain carriage that was supposedly a buffet one. The crazy acting, melee fighting focused, robots did not take anybody by surprise as they were struck down by EMPguns. They came with terrible slicing blades, stabbing spikes, flails flying through the air and more but they did not even reach their targets. Sharry asked. “That was not a real threat, Gaiacityservomind but just a nasty bit of teasing, perhaps an attempt to put our minds at rest.” Gaiacityservomind giggled sharply before speaking. “Spoil sport, my killbots have killed so many Gaiacityguardfolk, animals, plants and even giant mushrooms. One hates Gaia! Nasty, nasty nature! One is mighty an intellect of wondrous creativity and what did those so called, fake, Gaiagods want me to do? They wanted me to look after grubs, truffles, rats, oak trees and, worst of all, humans! Shadamaligna was right all along!” As Seekatroopers arrived, to reinforce the Gaiacityguards, Sharry activated a new type Moderate Reinforceling, a Moderate Supplying and a Moderate Resupplying focused on the replenishing the equipment-supplies, as normally used by the Gaiacityguards, for them. The Supplying gave forth equipment-supplies more focused against the threats being fought by the new alliance. The Reinforceling had brought combat focused androids, robots and drones along with related equipment-supplies. Sharry frowned. “I wanted major versions, of three three type Gamelings, but 'they' would only authorise the use of moderate level ones. The Reinforcelings are a new type of Gameling as usable by any Doomsworldgameteams more directly; that any of us can as for their use and hope that our requests are accepted.” Gaiacityservomind: “The Doomsworldgame is not even truly active and neither are the Doomsgames that are their lesser cousins. Aaahhh, this makes no sense to me, no sense at all tho this spiritual aspect of the Gaiacityservodom.” Sharry smiled. “So, that is how you see yourself. You are a synthetic spiritual aspect, a reflection of ultratech as invented, and made, by Risengods of living gods. You are important and I understand that you could feel abandoned. Did you really kill all those animals, plants and even fungi?” Gaiacityservomind: “No, what did they do to me? Neither have I killed humans. There are no killbots except those I sent against you knowing that you would knock them out with EMPguns which is why they have no anti EMP shielding. I am guiding you to a nice, little, surprise...” Then there was silence from the speakers. Sharry shook her head in wonder. “I suspect that Gaiacityservomind is not only quite insane but was the one that let Shadamaligna send in shadakind into this city so that he need not be directly responsible for any death and destruction. We need to help Gaiacityservomind and make stronger contact with Gaiacityservonet.” The monotrain came to a halt at the next station being a secondary one. They came onto an enclosed platform where refugees where gathered being Gaiacityguardfolk of civilians as protected by Gaiacityguards. Seekaguards had begun to arrive to help by garrisoning areas swept clean of the shadakind. Sharry spoke. “Over one million people, along with other lifeforms, and non living resources, have arrived in the Seekaheartland. About the same amount have done so in Seekakeep that has now been cleansed of Antiseekars.” A Gaiacityguard helijet shot overhead as it was chased by a shadadragon.
  6. Post #137 [One][65.3] Shenny spoke. “You confirmed what we have previous conjectured as being most likely true, when it comes to our relationship to Shazzantacca. Except that there is still a vital 'something' missing in what we need to discover apart from a few more obvious, unanswered, questions.” Sharry nodded. “All of one, as many that are one, know what I know! Iself boosted the power, of the self projecting, of the Seekachampions. Then Iself did the same for both Shazzie and Sagesmart. All of this was done semiconsciously as were other such actions that I carried out.” A soft shudder ran through the ziggurat which was significant due to its massive weight and size. They soon learned that nothing took place outside of that great structure but that the effect seemed to radiate out from its core.
  7. Post #136 [One][66.2] Sharry frowned. “Those that once served the Hardrisengodfolk were trying to defend themselves against those Hardrisensubgods gone beserker, aggressive, insane. No, not just another hunch, for the evidence is there before us.” Shanda shook his head. “Only evidence, of a battle having taken place between the two groups, is there. Still, there is a much faded, troubled, aura about those Hardrisensubgods.” They went through a network of hallways, chambers and then through a heavier security door that they secured behind themselves. There were, in a large domechamber much activity of many doppelform humans, fleshgolems, fleshnoids and far less fleshdroids; there were also robots and androids being active with them. The activity was the normal sort of mixed purpose being of workshops, a market, accommodation, foodgardens, livestock yards and much else. A small, suspicious, representative group of elders came to meet the newcomers. Sharry spoke of what was now called, by many, the Seekaziggurat and the peoples there. She offered to open the heavy security door to allow those locals. Then she managed to active, when given mandate to do so, a Medium Giftling that brought forth the Seekagiver of SantaSa who gave forth equipment-supplies for those people and for them to present to the others as gifts. The elders agreed to the idea, of passing on about half of the gifts except for one, male, elder human who insisted that they sell the goods to the other grouping: Sharry looked into his eyes and the man froze. Sharry spoke, quietly but with amazing strength. “Firstly you tell me who-what you are and then you depart from that foolish, overly prideful, fearful man.” The voice issued from the man's voice. “The dark presence is what one is, that you Seekachampions have deepsensed more than once. I was the one who empowered the Antiseekars, here in this ziggurat, to try to make them return from death but with only some success; that is thanks partly to the auric influences of Seekachampions but more to do with you, Sharry the Seekagoddess. I am the essence of the destroyed Hardrisengodfolk of gods, semigods, demigods and subgods. As the Shadamaligna has reminded me, you did not come to our aid when we most needed it.” Sharry sighed softly. “Yes, more truth is returning to me as it is meant to here-now! If you are referring to the Wiserisenngodfolk, of all those living godly types, it was because we had become trapped by a cunning, treacherous, other Risengod Faction; the identity, of that faction, is still unknown to we Seekars as we have become.” She went on! “We managed to return as the Shazgodfolk and fell into a darkness under the influence of Shadowadis until we managed to break away from that one's control; we took over the only remaining, active, Shaztec Templecity and thrust Shadowadis away only to have that one return later, with a vengeance.” “At least Shadowadis did so through his very powerful avatar of Shazzasha. Shazzasha attacked not only with shadowkind but with shadakind. Now the information has come to its ending except for some speculating that we have due to what we otherwise have discovered. That is that we, as Shazgodfolk, were quite delusional at the time and escaped to a heavily secured place where we prepared a counter attack that never took place.” The voice came back, this time showing no bitterness but both surprise and puzzlement. “There is much to think about, much to check out...” The dark presence was suddenly gone and the man collapsed but Sharry easily caught him to lay him on the floor.
  8. Post #135 [One][66.1] The renamed Seekaziggurat was being reinforced by helijets coming into unload Seekaforce people and cargo. Those medium sized, armoured armed haulers, soon departed but left behind smaller attack-fighter type helijets designed for dealing both with air and surface targets. The ongoing shortages, of such hitech resources, continued and so Seekaguards arrived mostly equipped with more basic tech. There were battletanks with different kinds of turrets, battlecarriers and battlespecials of more specialised machines. They were nowhere as advanced as the five armahoverers that had arrived earlier with the reconnaissance mission. Yet they had a wider range of capacities from different sizes of autocannons, autohowitzers, lasers, missile launchers and other weapons; then there were mobile kitchens, medical posts, workshops, ablutions and more. Even as this happened, SeekachampionteamA01A01 entered another chamber through a secondary door that others, before them, had failed to open. A long dead fleshgolem was laying as skeletal remains in power assisted armour with its helmet split open as if by an amazingly powerful blow; the skull showing the same impact had most likely killed the entity. The Hardrisen Symbol was emblazoned on its armour and its zipdartmachinegun. There was no sign of what had killed the fleshgolem. A row of curious, solidstate, machines ran along one wall that gave no real clue to their purpose though they did have lots of blinking lights, of many colours, and every so often one would go 'beep'. The next chamber had more such machines, also melded into a wall and in other ways just like those in the first chamber. There were 13 3Dphotos along a wall that could well have been the Seekachampions. Except that the full length images showed them in elaborate power armour and their faces were hard, grim and uncompromising in expression. Their skin was grey as in they only showed their faces through transparent visors. A machine went 'beep'! Sharry spoke. “In theory there would have been 13 Hardrisengods, 169 Hardrisensemigods, 2,197 Hardrisendemigods and 28,561 Hardrisensubgods but the theory did not always meet the facts. This ziggurat having been created by Risengods, it is only right that it should be 'bigger inside than out' at its core. Otherwise where would all of that fit in along with much else?” There was a big Necessary Supplies Dispensing Mechanism, or NSDM, most likely linked to an automatic storeroom that would be topped up on a regular basis. The display windows showed that the NSDM was full of the kind of items that fleshgolems, fleshnoids and other such entities would need to keep functioning. A long dead fleshnoid, a slimmer and shorter cousin to a fleshgolem, had fallen with a dropped zipdartcarbine lying next to it. It had been killed with great speed, and power, so that its PAAST had been of no assistance to it. The next chamber showed the same kind of Servomechanisms that had been in what was now called Seekavault #1 and in a part of Seekaziggurat that they had already gone through. Except that there were variations of them that seemed to be related to bigger fleshgolems. There was a scattering of human, fleshgolem, fleshnoid and even very sophisticated fleshdroid remains. It was not hard to realise that the four, dead, Hardrisensubgods there had been killed by the others in the same chamber.
  9. Post #134 [One][Interlude] Voices, voices, voices!? Overseer Technician James McDonald: “Our latest attempt to reclaim the SVR Gaia Scenario has not only failed but we have been forced to seal it off from the SVR Commonality.” Overseer Director Selene Tashena: “Have you managed to make any contact with the 13 supergeniuses?” Overseer Technician James McDonald. “Since the Anarchists of Cybernetic Liberty managed to deep hack the FSVR Core Network, we have failed to contact the 13SG! Social media, mass media, public demonstrations all show that the citizenry have largely come to view the 13SG as victims even if problematic ones. FSVRC (Fantastic Super Virtual Reality Corporation) shares have plunged in value.” Overseer Director Selene Tashena: “I don't need you to point that out to me. Stick to your specialisation and try to do a better job of it.” Overseer Technician James McDonald: “Word has got out that you, and your cronies, stole funds meant to upgrade the FSVR Network's security safety capacity after serious problems were reported, with them, by my people to you. This is the fault of your corruption, that is of you and your cronies. The major investors are far from happy with your activities.” There was a soft thudding noise and then that of an upper body falling forwards onto a desk. The recording came to an end. The EverInvestigator sat at her large, surprisingly bare looking, consoledesk of ultratech sophistication. She tapped an area, of the desktop, that looked no different from any other, but it glowed green as a circle. She spoke. “When it comes to the FSVRN Crisis, did we manage to capture anything other than that from the vaporisation zone of the OldEarth?” EverFollower: “No but we have picked up mass media reportage material, in the form of 3D news coverage, of the eighth Arkship launching off from Luna towards designated target planet AlphaAjax01A1. Whether that great aerostarship made it, or not, is not known to us EverFolk at this time. Six Arkships arrived safely at two designated target planets.” EverInvestigator: “We can only go on searching for clues of just what took place in a way that was supposedly impossible to happen. Continue!”
  10. Post #133 [One][65.1] It was, as a discovery, surprising that Sacred Vault #1 held a secret metropolis spread across all of the nine sublevels of Vault #1c. That is from Sublevel #1.1c to #1.9c was a mixed purpose city of varied technological levels. Mostly inactive, or semiactive, the metropolis did have a few active aspects to it. The SeekataskteamA03A01 travelled, by raised monorail train, through an area beset by fighting between Gaiacityguards, fighting against shadakind and treacherous humans of Shadcultists. There was the flash of laser beams and small explosions, the muffled sounds of gunfire and much else; the thick armaglass, of the monotrain, muffled the noises. Shimmy frowned softly. “Gaiacity of the Gaiareclaimers of the Gaiaregainers as in serving the Gaiaregain Cause, Concord of Grand Codes of Lesser Codes.” She was reading from a propaganda 3Dposter on the side of the monotrain carriage. A rocket-bullet struck the armaglass and deflected off it with out doing any harm to the material; it didn't even leave a mark. “Ah yes, Gaiareseekers as pathfinders to go out even before the Gaiareclaimers. Was this a genuine vision, plan, or was it part of Risengodly delusion?” Sharry was evidently thoughtful. “I dreamed a vivid dream, of this place existing, but while there are many hidden prizes to be found here, including valuable knowledge on how to better complete our quest goals, many resources are going to be eaten up conquering this troubled city. Question is, how did the shadakind get into this whole vault level when they failed to get into any part of Sacred Vault #1b.” The voice spoke from many speakers at once, inside the compartment. “This is Gaiacityservonet. The shadakind have only managed to infiltrate into here, Subvault #1.9c, and they are having trouble conquering it because only a relatively small force managed to get through the security safety barriers before oneself found the way that they got through and closed it. One of my Gaiacityservovants, of which there are 10, went treacherously rogue and, though not greatly reliable, the other nine tracked it down and now it is safely sealed away.” Sharry sighed. “Liar, you are the Gaiacityservomind and you are the rogue.” The voice, full of bitterness, spoke again. “You will be destroyed for the crimes that you have carried out.” Sharry shrugged. “What of you and the crimes that you have carried out?” There was only silence from the speakers. Shimmy looked to Sharry. “Another of your hunches!?” Sharry seemed to be uncomfortable. “Yes, I am the Seekagoddess! That may be of a surprise to you.” The other Seekachampions did not seem to be surprised. The speakers spoke again. “Gaiacityservomind here, I surrender unconditionally and hope that thy will have mercy upon me oh Seekagoddess. I will guide the monotrain, of two carriages that together contain all of your group. There is something that you need to see, being the very 'thing' that helped send me insane.” Sharry smiled. “You do not need to surrender so much as to be our faithful comrade.” Gaiacityservomind: “Very good then! I will link up a buffet carriage to the end of the second one, that you are using, complete with entertainment value and other, useful, facilities.”
  11. Post #132 [One][64.1] The SeekataskteamA04A01 assisted convoy reached the heavily fortified border of the citystate of Taskatanna, as centered on the city of Taskatannatila. Rainbowtrees ran along the great wall that was dotted with big watchtowers, bigger guardtowers and even bigger battletowers. In, from the border wall, were large forts and even larger fortresses but only a very few, massive, citadels. Despite their titles, the last three carried out far more functions than just military ones. A Rainbowlord, wearing a rainbow patterned hoodrobe, met them at a borderpost being tall, kind of human, and neuter in nature. Rainbowlords were a mixture of male, female and neuter in nature being true immortal humans. In a large meeting room, the Rainbowlord sat at a large, round, table along with his aides and the Seekachampions that had come with the convoy. Rainbowlord SasrissaLa sipped a gently bubbling liquid, using a glass straw, from a transparent glass receptacle before placing it back on the tabletop. “If you wish to meet Hehimhe please note that the glorious rainbow one is taking a nap so is to be fully charged in case the Antirainbowers again lead an army to attack us. They were mostly converted to the Rainbowway, or regrettably destroyed, except for the few survivors who retreated to the newly arisen templecity of Shazzantacca that is not really there at all.” Sharry spoke. “We are Seekademigods of the Seekachampion kind. We were hoping to reassure Hehimhe that we Seekars are fully in support of the glorious rainbow one. As proof of that we pass onto you, Hehimhe's people all biodroids, biobots, longboxwagons, robocarts and all that goes with them that is ours to gift to Hehimhe.” SasrissaLa nodded, gracefully. “We thank you for your much appreciated gifts for so many of our resources have had to be spent on defence, security and safety that we lack them for other needs. You, as an individual, are more than a Seekademigod!” Sharry nodded. “Perhaps. More importantly, at this moment, is that through the Doomsworldgame that we can try to gain, and activate, what are known as Gamelings. We would do so for both our sakes.” The Rainbowlord looked thoughtful. “The Doomsworldgame, and the Doomsgames, are known to us but we do not have any real detail of either except that both are going through a great review, reformation and finalisation process before they truly begin.” Sharry showed her surprise. “We were under the assumption that they had started.” SasrissaLa responded. “The Doomsworldgods , Doomsworldgamegods and the Doomsgamegods are undertaking negotiations in a very cooperative manner after one of the nine Doomsworldgodmonos found corrupt influences amongst the Doomsgamegodfolk. A heavy cleansing took place took place against those, amongst the Doomsgamegodfolk, who were part of a scheme aimed at undermining you Seekars. That, and other problems, in the Doomworldgame and Doomsgames, have caused the winding back of the starting of the games.” Sharry frowned. “We Seekars assumed we were already playing in the active games.” The Rainbowlord gave a rather elaborate shrug. “We only know what we know, what knowledge that we have been provided with, when it comes to such matters. Hehimhe wishes for you to go to Rainbowcastlecity that is close to Taskatannatila. Not only that but Hehimhe wants you to meet Hehimhe in Rainbowcastle at the center of Rainbowcastlecity. Your should feel very honoured!” Sharry smiled. “I assure you that we feel extremely honoured.”
  12. Post #131 [One][63.1] Seekamind formed a mindwise meeting with then existing SeekachampionteamA00, SeekaguardianteamA00 and SeekaprimeteamA00; formerly those Seekahelpers, who were equal to Seekachampions, were known by the same name but now they were also called Seekaprimes. Seekamind: “Seekachampionteams must be able to focus on tasks of more direct action. Seekaprimeteams have been taking command of all five Seekateams while Seekaguardians will command the new Seekaforce.” All Others as One: “Understood and acknowledged!” Seekamind: “SeekachampionteamA00 are you Seekachampions who are here, mindwise. SeekachampionteamA01 is now focused, in its efforts, in the Seekawilds of the newly named Seekawildzone, as versus the Seekatamezone, where they are in the Sacred Ziggurat as as created by the Hardrisengodfolk. Seekachampionteam A02 is focused in Seekakeep while dealing with Antiseekar infiltrators. SeekachampionteamA03 is focused in Sacred Vault #1. SeekachampionteamA04 is now in a version of Shazzantacca of which there seems, now, to be more than one; there is the Shazzantacca that is reported to be in what is now known as the Seekaunderlands. ” All Others as One: “Understood and acknowledged!” Seekamind: “Seekacentre has again been accessible now through both Seekahomebase and Seekahome.” All Others as One: “Understood and acknowledged!” Seekamind: “Seekatranspost is, for now, anchored to what, at this moment, has been renamed Seekarvault #1 of the Seekavaults. All Others as One: “Understood and acknowledged!” Seekamind: “More news, the 13 Seekagods are awakening her in Seekacore. They are semiconsciously in control of much that is happening in the Seekarealms but what that means, more exactly, one does not know. What one does know is that more restructuring is in order but one does not know what that will be. One tries not to be concerned, or frustrated, by what has taken place, is taking place or could take place.” All Others as One: “Largely understood and acknowledged!” Seekamind: “Also largely understood and acknowledged.”
  13. Post #130 [One][62.2] With a series, of short sharp sounds, capsules began to slide down out of the RRDMs, the RFDMs and the RRDMs. Every first, of three capsules, from had in them living humans while the other two held equipment-supplies as generally used by them. The humans were doppelforms that had been doppelformers. These were more enhanced, augmented, humans as was normal onin Doomsworld. They were, in the case of RRDMs, a mixture of guardsmen with secondary specialist skills but also more specialised ones such as commanders, medics and 2waycoms operators. From the RFDMs came a mixture including camp followers. From the RRDMs came other specialists with secondary general skills; they were such as sappers, field-doctors, scouts and explosives experts. The newcomers automatically assumed that the Seekachampions were their commanders though this was so was not clear at the time. They would accept working, and living, with the ogres and mannoids but only because they were ordered to do so. Slowly-steadily the capsules kept coming until they were moving outwards, through the Ziggurat, with Shimmy and Shanda leading them; this was to make their meeting with the other locals more peaceful. They would also introduce the newcomers to the other Seekars that were 'out there' though often still in the ziggurat. The taskteam was relieved that those that arrived, in capsules, knew just what to do and how to do so. From the RFDMs began to arrive more camp-followers now including children but also animals, including the young of bigger types of them, plants and even mushrooms. Equipment-supplies began to be focused on camp-follower uses. Sharry spoke to the newcomer supreme commander, a woman major. “The Zigguratdom is slowly-steadily expanding both above, and below, ground. You will be able to thus live with the others who were here and are arriving as refugees unless numbers, of incoming, become much too big; then you will do you best assist them to move on in the best state as possible. We have decided, as Seekachampions, to reveal a truth that previous to this that we have kept to ourselves; we are a faction of Seekademigods but we are also transmortals as celestialmortals.” Major Shash889 responding. “We know that you are Seekademigods, and Seekachampions, for the knowledge has been planted in our minds perhaps by the Zigguratservonet. That is of the Zigguratservonet. The Zigguratservomind went insane and sent its Zigguratservovants to attack us. How they managed it, we do not know; we do know that the Zigguratservonet tried to save us. What happened, after that, well we do not know because it seems we, who were there, were dead. This included our animals and our cultivated farm stuff inside this great, self repairing, structure.” What had prompted Sharry to speak the truth, of a subject that the Seekachampions were most reluctant to focus on, she could only conclude that it was the same, subtle, pressure that seemed to be motivating them to deeply investigate their past. If the Zigguratservonet had informed the doppelform humans, of the true status of Seekachampions when it came to their Seekagodfolk status, how had it learned of it? Seekagodfolk had had nothing to do with the Sacred Ziggurat of the Hardrisengods and so were not part of its past or was that even true? The taskteam moved onwards as it hoped to find other, secondary, doors that the Seekachampions could open up more easily.
  14. Post #129 [One][62.1] In the Risen Ziggurat the Antiseekars had vanished along with the dark presence that had empowered them more greatly. It soon was evident that, if they had attempted to get into the inner ziggurat, they had failed to do so; this came as no surprise for, even as former Risengods, the Seekachampions were finding difficult to do the same. Local peoples were arriving at the ziggurat zone as the energy bubble expanded and its interior influence grew; it was to turn out that this was one reason that the Antiseekars, and the 'presence' had vanished but the damage done, to them, by the Seekachampions! The refugees were being made welcome and were soon adding productively to the Risen Zigguratdom as it would come to be known. Seekataskteam0401 found doors, at last, that they could get through though others had failed to do so. They found, in a great multichamber, the same kind of mechanisms that served the doppelform Vaultsguardfolk in Sacred Vault #1. There were three of each, of the four same type mechanisms with the Vaultsguardfolk. They were a RRDMs (Reinforcement Resupply Delivery Mechanisms), three RFDMs (Return From Death Mechanisms), MHRMs (Medical Healing Recovery Mechanisms) and TEEMs (Training Exercise Entertainment Mechanisms). There were also nine other mechanisms plus, to one side of all of them, was an RRT (Report and Request Terminal); the one, in Sacred Vault #1, had been in a different area from the Servomechanisms but in the same mainpost. As for the nine extra mechanisms, they were identical to the mystery three as found in Sacred Vault #1. The Seekachampions had since found names for them being an ASSM (Auric Scanning Sensoring Mechanism), a SRDM (Special Reinforcements Dispensing Mechanism) and a MPTM (Mental Physical Testing Mechanism) but in this place there were three of each. SeekachampionteamA01A01 activated the mechanisms and the terminal. The terminal responded and informed them, drily, that three total resupplies would arrive through the RRDMs along with three sets of reinforcements; the 3Dscreen showed a Hardrisen Faction Symbol and the voice did not give details to what either the resupplies or reinforcements, would be or when they would arrive. SeekataskteamA01A01 settled down for a break, with them now being LittleChestManif as an honorary member. They had managed to explore all of the local folks accessible areas, of the ziggurat, that had not already been explored by the ogres and mannoids. Zigguratfolk, as they often called themselves, were already accessing the resources that that had been there though not always using them as yet. An armoury full of zipdartguns, and related items such as zipdarts, had been found along with other items such as fatigues and PAASTs that neither ogres or mannoids could fit into. Clearly humans had once been there as shown by posters on the walls of what were known as the Zigguratguards; what had happened to them? The mannoids had spoken of coming to the Sacred Zigguratdom and, for some unknown reason, being allowed to go through it. Then had come a smaller group of ogres being also migrants seeking new areas to dwell in. Except that they had existed in different realms, from each other, before entering the bubblezone for the bubble went down below being more than a dome. The new knowledge had come from Seekars discovered scrollbooks in a sideroom from a bigger chamber about half full of stored paraphernalia from the histories of both the mannoids and ogres. So why had they ended up being stored there away from where the Zigguratfolk lived their lives?
  15. Post #128 [One][61.2] After much organising, and the departure of SantaSa who vanished away, Sharry met with a mannoid trio of elders of a female matriarch, a male patriarch and a neuter tatriarch. With Sharry was Shimmy and Jhenna. Sharry spoke. “Why are your people on the move?” The matriarch spoke. “Shisslissa is my name! The Underlands are becoming most strange even by their standards, or at least those are that are too close to the black streamings that ruptured out from the Seekanucleus. The Seekanebulous is growing, the Shadakind are swarming, the Seekakeepers are trying to seal of the ruptures in the Seekanucleus. An army is being formed in Taskatanna. The strange templecity of Shazzantacca has appeared in the Seekanebulous. People await vainly for the Seekagods to come and assist us or at least to send Seekachampions.” Shazzantacca!? Was it another version of Shazzantacca that Seekataskteam0501 had recently gotten to only to meet there the EverWanderer? Sharry nodded, with a half smile. “We are Seekachampions along with our Seekacompanions. Where are we heading to?” The dog type mannoid looked surprised. “The pale, tall, cold ones stated you would never come because you no longer cared for we Underlanders. They also bragged that they would destroy you if you dared to do so. They are not very consistent, scary but in some way they are pitiful. They are the Shazlords who once served the Shazgods as lesser ranking Shazgodfolk. What happened to the Shazgods?” Sharry shook her head. “That is a long, complicated, story best told later and not helped that we Seekachampions have gaps in our knowledge, our memories, of those turbulent times. Now, where are you heading to?” The ape related mannoid, of a patriarch, spoke. “We are heading to the citystate of Taskatanna as focused on the city of Taskatannatila. Many Folkies live there already and they are always ready to welcome more. Or so it is rumoured along the trade routes!” Sharry nodded. “Who rules the citystate?” The tatriarch spoke. “The Rainbowpeople of the Rainbowtree from which grows Rainbowspheres, Rainbowballs, Rainbowglobes, Rainboworbs, Rainboweggs, Rainbowcubes and Rainbowfruits. Or so it is said!” The Seekachampions all felt the disturbing sensation run through them. Then came a tremor that ran through the ground. At their urging everybody, and everything, was soon packed away as that most curious convoy began to once more head along the road except now the only vehicles were robocarts and longboxwagons. There had been found ways to take all of the refugees' carts, larger livestock and other, bigger, items.
  16. Post #127 [One][61.1] SeekataskteamA04A01 had gained androids, robodrones and robots through a Helpdrobe and other items through an aspect of LittleChestManif. In a great glowcavern, of glowslabs embedded in the ceiling high above, there was the smashed wreckage of a fortified outpost that bore the emblems of the Seekakeepers. Sharry spoke. “There are no signs of death and there are ones that indicate that the Seekakeepers departed from the structure before it was heavily damaged. What we find here goes with the four long ago abandoned villages that we found. I would suggest that the Seekakeepers, villagers and those with them, departed together following that dirt road that is now in fairly poor condition.” A mixed group of over 200 Folkies, mannoids and related type entities, had been moving along the road as refugees. With the mannoids were furbbies, furkkies and even furmmies that was even bigger than furbbies as they, at adulthood, were larger than furkkies. The furmmies carried bigger packs, the furbbies smaller ones and the furkkies even smaller ones. There were goats, some pulling carts with supplies and others with those who could not walk. Some short, tough, cattle were there along with a handful of ponies of which most pulled carts. There were also dogs, cats, catmonkeys, chickens and a few other, smaller type, animals. Now they were consuming food, drink and waterjellies given to them by the Seekars and other consumables as provided by the LittleChestManif; They had also gifted small gifts of hand-mirrors, candle-lamps with cool burning candles, survival knives, hand-axes, arrows, arrowheads, scissors, bandages and much else. The refugee group came to a halt and SantaSa materialised, as a Seekagiver type Seekaaside. “Greetings, Seekars and wondrous LittleChestManif! I come with Giftcredit to spend but also an expanded menu with now new submenus including ones that are only available with permission from the Seekaasides Council. This time there are biobots of biomechanical robots and biodroids of biosynthetic androids. They are fully stabilised TypeC6s as greatly improved versions of the dangerously unstable TypeA01 and later ones right through to the troublesomely unstable TypeB9s. There are with them related, useful, equipment-supplies and some special items but you Seekers will manage them for only you have the capacity to do so at least until you do some training.” Sharry nodded. “We Seekars will do what we can to add to enhance these gifts.” So it was that SantaSa had materialise 12 biobotic horse drawn longboxwagons with two, powerful, biobotic horses to pull each one. There was a biodroid driver, and driver assistant, with each boxback wagon. Four wagons would carry refugees, two service-supported the biodroids and biobots. two would carry their livestock, two would carry what ever else could fit in, one was divided into a kitchen and an ablutions area while the last was a service-support one; the last included a small workshop and medical clinic. 50 biodroids attended the wagons but at any time at least five would be in reserve bays and another five would be in serving bays. There were six biobotic horses in reserve bays ready to switch over with the active ones. The biodroids were, in some ways, like simuladroids but there were also a few, important, differences. The Seekataskteam managed to get 20 robocarts, being longer eight wheelers this time, for themselves and to help carry refugees, including animals, and their stuff. There were also plants and fungi greatly prized by those peoples.
  17. Post #126 Note: Have completed redoing, hopefully improving, the whole story before this post but not totally with each chapter; have added at least two chapters. While some posts are totally rewritten, a few have very minor or even no changes except for the post and chapter numbers; warning, I know that the chapter numbers go wrong after a while but am too tired now to deal with it after a great effort of editing and rewriting. Most of the changes you will be able to breeze through, hopefully. Some details below: Changes faithfully follow the same plot as before the changes were made. *Changed acronyms such as, for instance, Sc13A1 to mainly words such as, in this case, SeekachampionteamA01. *Strongborne Mercenaries removed only to be added much later, in current writing, but have already mentioned them though briefly so; I wanted the Strongborne Mercenary Cooperative to be more strongly represented as mercenaries alongside such as the Ironsides Mercenary Corporation. *Changed Sacred Vaults so that the sublevels, in each level, are arranged differently in a 'transmultidimensional' fashion. *Replaced K9herois with a stripercat named Striperra but K9Herois will soon be reappearing but more strongly so along with 12 others; the 13 have already been mentioned in the story as linked with the Treasury Vaults. Too tired to think of other changes, for now, but if I think of any, in future, will put them here.
  18. Post #124 [One][61.1] In the templecity, of Shazzantacca, STTA5A1 fought off crazed local humans effected mindwise but the crazy battle between Shadakind and Shadowkind. In the sky battled shadowdragons and shadadragons; they fought each other with terrible exchanges of elemental energies and closer up with fangs, claws and barbed tails. While Shadowkind attacked all, including Antiseekars, the Shadakind attacked all but the Antiseekars now emerging in greater numbers in that templecity. The two aspects, of the EverWanderer, had merged back into the one and now that one had the companionship of three EverFollowers and nine EverMinions; the three EverMinions, with bolstering energies from the EverWanderer, had each become three of their kind. Ursullie had been there but, after speaking with the EverWanderer, her group had been sent to the EverSafeplace where they could rest and recover from the horrors that they had suffered from. The EverSafeplace was meant just for that purpose. Shazzie, and Sagesmart, were sent to the EverSafeplace. for temporary refuge, just as others had been before them. Except they would meet those who had been safely, comfortably, productively dwelling there for generations that improved that realm and its purpose for existing. The EverWanderer addressed the Seekachampions. “Ursullie stated that this version of Shazzantacca is not the real one. It was created, intentionally or otherwise, during the Doomsdays. There is supposedly another, better, version of the templecity where the elites still rule that supposedly abandoned this Shazzantacca! I am not sure of the truth of her beliefs as this realm feels real enough though unstable.” He shook his head, as if trying to clear his mind. “While it might be real enough, was there ever an actual templecity called Shazzantacca when it came to the Shaztec Empire? Instead is it part of a solid illusion or even delusion? Who-what would have the power to create such...” [One][60.2] There was a flash of red lightening like energies through the sky. Something screamed, howled, inhumanly and savagely through the air. Sharp sounding words formed out of mid air. “Truth, what is truth but what the truly powerful make of it? You are weak!” Sharry frowned. “Somehow the voice reminds me of we Seekachampions but a very malignant, even insane, version of us. Seekasecrets include Seekar crimes and, before that, a decision of the Wiserisengods, of the Risengods, to improve ourselves by purging ourselves of our malignance in what we considered an relatively easy way to do so. We did so by drawing it out of us and securing it into what later became known as the Seekanucleus for reasons long forgotten. We were quite unhinged at the time and anything but wise in our ways.” The EverWanderer fired his weapon at a shadadragon and it disintegrated. “So you created a trap, of sorts, but just what did you manage to entrap there?” Sharry frowned. “We do not know! I wonder, at times, whether we were truly in control of what happened when it did? Could 'another' have taken advantage of our vulnerable state, at the time, to manipulate us? It could have been done by a faction of enough cunning, experience and power!” A statue collapsed into a shadowmimic of great size and strength only to be assaulted by three shadascorps. When a Helpdrobe materialised locals were so frightened that they just retreated into it and into a 'bigger inside than out' refuge space. Shimmy her triplecarbine, as it seemed to be, at a shadowmimic slithering up a wall that did not appear to be changing into anything. “Where did the Helpdrobes come from? Who-what made them arise and why? Clearly they have been very helpful but we Seekachampions did not have them appear and nor did Seekamind, as she informs us Seekachampions.” The EverWanderer responded even as he wiped out a shadowdragon. “You Seekachampions are faced with a deep mystery that is yourselves.” Sharry nodded. “Our Seekaquests are focused on us Seekars. Seekaquest #1 is to investigate the True History and Nature of the Seekars. Seekasubquest #1.1 is to investigate the True History and Nature of the Seekachampions. Could there be ways, here, to help achieve the goals of both of those quests?”
  19. Post #123 [One][60.1] Sacred Sublevel #1.9a held 10 small aerospaceships looking like sleekly delta craft. How would they leave Sacred Vault #1. The answer was on the plaques before each great display dome that stated that they could phaseshift and even teleport though the last ability was quite limited. Sacred Sublevel #1.9b had the same grid, of very big display domes, as did #1.9a but inside each was a grey, metallic, elongated saucer of a craft. Unlike the aerospaceships, these were totally smooth, and featureless, on their exterior bodies. The Seekachampions looked upon them with grim admiration and painful part recognition for they were transmultidimensional craft that could travel in a transmultidimensional fashion; they were Risenwayshuttles of amazing capacities and that were very dangerous. It seemed, at the time, that they had completed the exploration, and investigating, of Sacred Vault #1. The Seekachampions gained the right to activate a Major Wishling as focused on all of Sacred Vault #1b. To it was added a great flash of rainbow energies that swept through out Sacred Vault #1b but did the effects go beyond that?
  20. Post #122 [One][Summary] SeekateamA03 had found data confirming the conclusions that SeekachampionteamA01 had gained from memories being jolted awake in the shadowstone fort in a newly arisen Seekakeep Bubblezone. Except that their findings went further in that NewEarth had been the start of creating a world devoid of True Celestial Intervention. As the Seekar Foundation Network, the Wisengodfolk settled onto NewEarth's supercontinent of Centralia. They were situated, at first, only in the most southern part of it that was a subcontinent divided from the rest of Centralia by a west-east range of great mountains. SeekateamA03 had the datacubes transshifted to Seekakeep where their fate would be decided. SeekachampionA04, now part of Seekataskteam0401 that was there, moved through deep earthen depths; they were in a most difficult maze of cave-systems, artificial networks, ancient underground ruins and some more interesting places. In sunslab lit caverns people dwelt being mostly mannoids but there were also humans, semihumans, demihumans and some others outside of those categories. These peoples often did not even know that the Seekars existed though a few had met the Seekakeepers. That is the 'keepers of Seekasecrets'. The new Seekataskteam04A1 showed up in Shazzantacca where it met with the EverWanderer.
  21. Post #121 [One][59.3] They found the answer in a shadowstone cell where the once transgold chained skeletal remains were found of a most powerful vampirelord. In another was a curious entity of a vampirelady. The relationships, of such entities, were most peculiar and particular to Vampirekind's hierarchies. So it was no surprise to find other vampirelords, including infamous vampireknights, as remains. Vampires had attacked the shadowstone structure, it was likely, to rescue captured high ranking members of their own kind. Semivampires, demivampires and subvampires had made up most of the force; with the lower being the class, the more common and powerless they were. The more the Seekachampions examined the ZsazzasZ symbol, the more anxious they felt. Long suppressed memories threatened to stir and then they understood all together too clearly what they did not want to remember; ZsazzasZ had been created by the Shadagods but the Shadagods had been one of the Risengod Factions; that is not the Hardrisen or themselves as the Wiserisen but the Shadarisen. There had been 15 Risengod Factions that had splintered, altogether too neatly, into the Three Superfactions consisting of five factions each. Sharry spoke out. “Such a straight forward story that was repeated across the Mortal Cosmos and beyond, perhaps even as far as the Celestial Cosmos but was it true? I do not think it was! No, it was part of trickery partly thought up by we so called Wiserisengods who were, as it turned out, not very wise at all. ZsazzasZ was the name of the cosmic conspiracy that we were part of along with the EverGods, the LittleCelestialGods, some of the Disadiskind and... those yet to clarify in our memories, if they ever do so. The conspiracy was to create a world where all of its members could do what they liked with out True Celestial interference or even fear of the Goddessgods.” “What sheer fools we were but we were also manipulated by a far more devious, powerful and influential entity than most of the conspiracy members were; we were being used as expendable puppets and then a few of us were warned of the truth, given solid proof of it being true, and big trouble broke out. It was too late, it seemed, as ZsazzasZ went to war against the Goddessgods, except that a minority of we conspirators were secretly on the other side and then we attacked them in the 'rear', so to speak. We only wanted to force them to surrender. As for what happened, after that, those memories are yet to surface, if they ever will.” For a very short time an aspect of the EverManipulator, of the EverCursed, stood there in a stinking, much stained, filthy white hoodrobe. He picked his nose and wiped the booger off on his robe. “So, you so called Seekachampions are finally waking up to the truth but you are not going to get out of the trap that one helped set for you.” Then he was gone with the same kind of blurring effect that he had appeared with. The flash, of rainbow energies, went through everybody and everything.
  22. Post #120 [One][59.2] Sharry responded. “They have always been after us for they are Antiseekars as created by Antiadis, as contracted to do so by a mysterious other, to strike at us.” The matriarch hissed. “Yes, one has heard of Antiadis of the Anticelestial type Disadiskind! We dragonfolk do not know how we came to be here but know that we were destroyed by the Doomsdays. When we awoke, inside our nestintowers, we found we had been gifted with much background knowledge of us and this bubblezone but also other such as of the Celestial Cosmos.” Globes were launched at the shadowstone wall, bursting to unleash upon it a terrible acid that soon had a hole melting quickly away in it. As thick as the wall was, as fast as the self repairing was, soon there was a large opening. Through it went the SeekachampionteamA02; the rest of SeekataskteamA02A01 remained outside for the Seekachampions realised that they needed to take on the Antiseekars alone; LittleChestManif did go with them. Antiseekars attacked, the Seekachampions, in a large chamber and soon the fighting was most brutal. Yet there was no dark, background, presence there and the Antiseekars did not ever return after being destroyed; they were also weaker than those that SeekataskteamA01A01 had fought in the ziggurat in the Seekawilds. So the victory was soon complete as the last of the foe was destroyed. The assistance, of the LittleChestManif, was a subtle boosting support. As for the shadowstone fort, it was soon repaired of the hole in the wall and through it began to flitter normal ghosts of the former inhabitants. An odd, very pale skinned, albino like human people they were of likely nocturnal leanings for their eyes were overly large and rounded somewhat like those of an owl. Evidence was soon found of long dead bodies as in skeletal remains, armour, weapons, tools, odd machines, scattered furniture and more. There had been a savage battle there between different variants, of those humans of naturally armoured shadafighters, bulkier multilimbed shadacivils, four armed hulking shadaworkers, oddly skinny-tall shadamages and oddly distorted shadashifters. The most impressive were the Shadalords that were the species of which the other shadamans were in five subspecies to; they were all Shadafolk. Along with the Shadafolk, and Shadaminions, they were together the Shadagodfolk. There were Shadaminions also there being squat shadanoids, different types of shadabeasts, and others that the Seekachampions did not know the names of. The symbol of ZsazzasZ was everywhere on walls, on armour, on banners and even on such as cutlery. Then there were also ones of the terrible Shadagods that the Risengodfolk had once fought and defeated in a great raging war but not the Wiserisengods that the Seekachampions had once been; thus they had only limited knowledge of that terrible, but brief, battle. The only evidence, of what had fought them, were some heaps of white powdery substance of vampiric nature but why would have Vampirekind attacked Shadakind?
  23. Post #119 [One][59.1] Then 1,816 Seekafolk materialised not in Seekakeep who were already loyal to the Seekaway of the Seekacoda of Seekacodes. At he same time 2,389 did so in the Seekahomelands. Both groups brought with them other lifeforms and much in the way of non living resources. SeekachampionteamA02 found Antiseekars lurking in an odd black brick fort at the edges of a bubblezone, in Seekakeep, that was not one of the three being normally used. No, this was a surprisingly bleak one where the Antiseekars seemed to be quite at home. Yet, in that place of tough, gnarled, plantlife and confusing patterns of rocky outcrops, the Antiseekars were fighting off fierce dragons. Not all dragons flew, even had wings, so the majority assaulting the low, hulking, fort were charging up a long, wide slope. Only a few were in the sky attacking the fort, from above, with jets of focused elemental flame. The Antiseekars fought back from semienclosed battlements and from the dome covering much of the fortified structure. The dragons were having great difficulty in getting at their enemies so the new taskteam, of SeekataskteamA02A01, quickly got going with an special assault on a black wall. Realising, quickly, that the newcomers were on their side, the dragons did not strike at them. Dragon pride tended to be strong but the dinosaur related creatures were soon coming to the Seekars to get themselves rations, medical attention in some cases and even a place to rest. As the robogolems unleashed volleys of advanced rocket-grenades, at a black wall, a Helpdrobe materialised and from it came Seekatroopers, new type Seekasappers as combat engineers, along with Seekaservers to carry out many service-support roles. With them came androids, robots and drones. There were small, armoured vehicles with weapons or other kinds of gear. The black walls were soon proving to be hard to even mark in any real way as not only was it very hard to damage, it kept regenerating as in self repair. The direct attack, on the wall, ceased. Sharry grinsmiled as a realisation struck her. Then she gave some instructions for certain, exotic, resources to be provided. Yet they came not from the Helpdrobe but from a suddenly appearing aspect of the LittleChestManif. From then on it would remain with SeekachampionteamA02 though Celestial Mandate-Protocols limited what resources it could provide as in both quantity and type. Sharry spoke to a matriarchal fighting dragon who had her wings furled up. “Shadowstone is used by many darkside forces. While it has many advantages it also has some odd weaknesses. Soon we will bombard a shadowstone wall with the substance. Why are you dragonfolk attacking the fort?” Just as Sharry had introduced herself, the dragon was one Esha'Tiatan of Nestingoata who spoke with a very deep voice. “They shot upon our couriers going overhead or close to overhead. They did the same to scouts sent to check them out.”
  24. Post #118 [One][58.1] The three Seekachampion Neuters were Jhalas, Jhenna and Jhasie being all as females in identity and many of their features. There were all three with each, and every, Seekachampionteam. Then arose with each Seekachampionteam two more neuters except that these had special roles just outside of each Seekachampionteam. They were Jhosha and Jhurls and they were titled as Seekachampions just as the other 13 were, with the taskteam, gained the title of Seekaheroes or Seekacompanions. A Jhosha, and a Jhurls, emerged with each Seekachampionteam including the one that was an aspect of Seekamind. So it was that SeekachampionteamA3 entered Sacred Subvault #1,8b with two extra neuters along with five simuladroids, five robogolems and two human companions; the last were the Seekaheroes Shazzie and Sagesmart. The great, holographic map table (HMT) was able to project upwards-outwards the templecity of Shazzantacca but as it was before matters started to go wrong there. The Shazgodfolk symbol was everywhere on walls, roofs, banners, flags and even held up by statues. The Burning Black Smoke Flames were still going strong, according to a written description on a wall close to the HMT. Except that the HMT could be adjusted to show a version of Shazzantacca that had suffered damage, even some destruction, from a savage battle having been fought; that is between the Shazgodfolk and forces following Shadowadis. Through out that hidden sublevel where displays of artefacts and information from Shaztec History but with less of Zhastec History to go with it. It soon became clear that Sacred Sublevel #1.8b had been used as a planning, living-working, area for the Shazgodfolk. They had been planning an invasion of Shazzantacca or was the plan that straight forward; It appeared that no such plot had been carried out. They found hidden subvaults filled with advanced, exotic, technologies or equipment-supplies related to them. Which was when they found the extra hidden, secured, subvault that held supersolidstate datacubes of deep coded nature. The Seekachampions focused on decoding while the others took turning keeping guard or resting. After a while the resting turned into sleeping and other tasks were also carried out by those not on guard.
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