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About VisseNekku5746

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    Star-control II The Ur-Quan Masters, and I'm sure to make you know it.

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  1. It took some effort, but I think that actually works! Been fiddling around with that and now there are occasional ambushes to deal with. It works pretty much exactly as I hoped it would. Thank you for the suggestion!
  2. Oh I see, "Marked for Termination" is almost what I want. But it does way too much. It appears to have quests, additional characters and dialogue. And even a companion that you are apparently stuck with. Also the terminator hunting you is modeled after either Nora or Nate, depending on who dies in the beginning. Maybe I'm being picky for wanting something lighter. But it's really close. Maybe if there's no other option, that mod might scratch that itch.
  3. Hi! I'm looking for a very simple mod and I can't figure out how to make it. At bare minimum I'd like a mod that randomly spawns a Courser in the game world. It would try and hunt down the player character. You can kill it but another one would spawn soon after. In addition I'd wish that they spawn far away from the player and then walk up to them. And yes indeed I'd love it if they always walk, never run. That way you might see them coming for you in the distance, so you could try and avoid them. Or lay traps if you're so inclined. Also I'd like it to be a proper buffed up courser for the full Terminator experience. Could be optional files for extra buff courser. Maybe this would only happen if you vilify the Institute. And they stop coming when you destroy the Institute. I was inspired by some of Nerbit's challenge videos on YouTube, where he tries to beat the game while being chased by someone. In one case it was Mr. Burke in Fallout 3, in which case he was always walking. And it was terrifying. You never knew how far behind he was. And any time you go into a building, you risk being caught up to. Thank you for reading the request!
  4. I already have a hotkey for that. But let me show you what I mean right here.
  5. This is an issue that needs fixing and I'm surprised that it hasn't been fixed yet. For some reason in Fallout 4 you hold every gun way up in your face in first person. Some guns cover almost half your screen. You can of course tweak your FOV but that's not a good solution. Best would be to just have player hold the gun half a meter lower. I would love to do something about it myself, but I have no idea how. Is there anyone out there who can at least show me to the right direction?
  6. It's a shame this hasn't happened yet. As far as I see at least. Fallout 3 had that option, so it feels a bit clunky when it's taken away.
  7. I think I can get used to this. Sure I can. But the image viewing is just bad. I make comics and my comics are not shown fully there. It's annoying
  8. Very nicely written, even I had no trouble reading it all the way through. :woot:
  9. That's some mighty fine army you're building :D
  10. That's cute. Those predators, whatsoever ,may show up days after deers are gone, so look out. :) Cool vid, with a good long credits list :D
  11. Found this older picture, didn't really meat to use it but now it fit's here perfectly (It's unresized but works) http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/5169/winterphoto1.jpg
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