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Everything posted by Allannaa

  1. I got tired of having a bunch of bowls of fire salts, void salts, vampire dust, and the like sitting around the cottage, because every time I took a deep breath, I knocked a bowl off a shelf or table. Then I got tired of having chests full of ingredients sitting around, and I got tired of "sorted" chests. Soooo.... I made "Flora" -- a Bowl of Apples, a Dish of Fire Salts, and so on. This way I can still have the look of all that neat stuff, without having it fall to the floor when bumped, AND without having it disappear when used. Possibly I should have made them activators, but I'll get to that in a minute. As "Flora", and with no "bigger harvest" mods employed, the player gets 1 apple, or 1 Fire Salt (or whatever) each time she "harvests" the dish in question. (I used the over-ride command to make the activate text say "Pick up" or "Take a pinch of" -- you get the idea) However, I want the player to get more than one item -- 3 apples, or 3 pinches of Fire Salts -- when they "harvest" the dish -- and either have the dish pretty close to unlimited item resources available, OR, refill itself daily (instead of the usual 3 days for respawn). I'm actually not even sure that Flora does respawn, so that's an answer I'd also like to have. Can that be done with a simple script? Or, should I have made Activators (using the NIFs I created for the Flora) instead? If the dishes should be Activators, would the following script be the way I need to go? If not, am I at least on the right track? (I've actually never been able to get a script to work -- EVER. The only one I use (other than the stock stuff of course) in any of my mods, is a "Firelighter Script" which was provided by a friend. If that makes me sound as if I'm as dumb as a box of skeever tails, well, there's a reason for that. I am that dumb when it comes to scripting. I've tried to learn, I've followed the Wiki, I've gone through tutorials, and everything else, but the whole subject confuses me and makes me want to jump off Bard's Leap or something.) scriptName AllaHarvestIngredientScript extends objectReference Message Property EnptyMessage Auto ;Message to say that this dish is empty MiscObject Property Ingredient Auto ;what you get from this dish, such as Fire Salts, Salt Pile, or whatever int Property ResourceCount = 3 Auto ;how many resources you get each time int property ResourceCountTotal = 999 Auto ;how many resources this dish has before empty int property ResourceCountCurrent = -1 Auto Hidden ;how many resources currently remaining in dish objectReference property objSelf Auto Hidden ;objectReference to self event onActivate(objectReference akActivator) ;player is accessing the dish If ResourceCountCurrent == 0 EmptyMessage.Show() EndIf endEvent Function giveIngredient() If ResourceCountCurrent == -1 ResourceCountCurrent = ResourceCountTotal EndIf If ResourceCountCurrent > 0 ResourceCountCurrent -= 1 If ResourceCountCurrent == 0 EmptyMessage.Show() Else If Ingredient (game.getPlayer()).addItem(Ingredient, ResourceCount) Endif Endif EndFunction Obviously, that would be for the ingredients, such as the Fire Salts. For the food, such as Apples, Carrots, etc, I'd use "Food" everywhere I used "Ingredient" above. I thought about making "containers" instead of Flora -- but then the Activate message is hard-coded as "search". Which sounds kind of silly... Search Bowl of Apples? Really?... That's goofy. UNLESS -- is there a way to change the Activate message for these containers ONLY and not globally, either directly, or with a VERY SHORT script that doesn't require a quest-container? Any help and advice is very much appreciated -- with one exception. Please don't recommend YouTube or any other video tutorials. For various reasons, none of which I want to go into, I am not able to use video tutorials of any kind. Thanks!
  2. Thank you, Chaf -- this is exactly why this thread exists. I'm so glad it's useful for you!
  3. Please STOP linking video tutorials. This thread is specifically designed to help people who CANNOT USE THEM, so please don't clutter up the thread with such links. This thread is for NON YOU TUBE TUTORIALS. As stated in the OP, there's a very good reason some of us can't use video tutorials. Linking them here doesn't help much and only serves to make it more difficult for people to find what they came here for. Once again, this thread is for TUTORIALS WITHOUT YOUTUBE or any other type of video.
  4. Oh and the whole "only one percent mod" and "only eight percent use mods"? Where in the name of Alduin's litterbox did they get that crap? Skyrim alone has sold over 10 million (legitimate) copies, with about 15% being PC version (in other words, 1,500,000 PC). So one percent of that would mean that only about 10,000 people world wide make mods? And only 80,000 people use mods? I call nonsense. Loudly. According to the Wikipedia article, over 20 million copies of Skyrim had been sold by 2013. And as far as mods themselves? "Todd Howard stated in an interview [...] that 'Skyrim did better than we’ve ever done on PC by a large, large number. And that’s where the mods are. That feeds the game for a long time.'" So which is it? You embrace the modding community? You want to "support" the modding community by charging for our work, and keeping more than half of what you charge? Or you're a bunch of wet-bottomed liars who failed miserably with your onliner, and want to use us to keep your profit margin up? Oh and -- THIS. This, a thousand times this. MisterGibson
  5. I missed most of this controversy, and I'm glad I did. The most amazing thing about TES to me has always been the fact that I could mod my games (specifically Ob and Skyrim). I didn't like something? Mod it. I saw a fix to a bug or glitch (that the company would never have fixed)? Mod it. I wanted to add content? Mod it. I wanted armour with the "basic" stats but a different look? Mod it. (Allannaa's Stained Glass, remember that one?) I couldn't mod it? Look for a mod that did! I created I don't know how many mods for Oblivion, and I've made something like twenty mods for Skyrim -- some available on the Nexus, some just personal stuff (like horsehides or colours of flowers, you know -- little stuff). Never.... NEVER.... NEVER did it occur to me to charge MONEY for what I did! Yes, many art programs are fairly expensive -- but I already owned them. Yes, modding is time-consuming -- but so is gaming itself. Yes, modding is not easy -- but neither is getting up in the morning. Yes, breaking into the gaming industry as an artist, writer, tester, or anything else, is difficult -- but so is getting any OTHER job. I get that there are modders who, for whatever reason, are so good that their mods have been recognised by Bethesda, and that some of them have even been HIRED based on their mods . If that's a person's method for job hunting, that's perfectly fine, but why expect others to pay for it? If you think your mod is pretty amazing, by all means, make a "donate" button with Payplop or whatever the current fad is. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. But beyond that? Not no, but HE___ NO! And Steam/Valve of all entities? One of the biggest collection of ripoff and scammers in gaming history? Give me a break. They claimed they wanted to encourage people by getting them compensation? Really? Then why was Valve going to keep 75% of the profits? Granted, I may have that wrong. It may have been Bethesda that was going to keep that much. Or it may have been both. But either way, what a crock of absolute dragon droppings. I'll go on record right here and right now as saying this -- If it ever becomes mandatory to pay for mods posted anywhere, I'll freely post my personal email address, and anyone who wants any of my mods will get them -- via return email -- FOR FREE. Because even Steam can't censor my personal email. Though I bet they wish they could.
  6. The location(it is under "World Data") needs to have the following keywords LocTypeHouse, LocTypeDwelling, LocTypePlayerHouse. Right, and that's what I told her but she's having issues, so I was hoping one of us had a tutorial or a lnk for her.
  7. doh *hands you aspirin* Where's your walkthru so I can link it for folks?
  8. Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make a given house into a "Player House", so that children and spouses will recognise it as the home? I know it has something to do with Locations and with keywords, but I can't for the life of me remember how to do it myself, and someone has asked for instructions on this.
  9. This point was addressed by a site moderator as soon as it popped up, but it bears repeating. If you mean "non-steam" as in, you bought the actual computer disk, then you don't need to worry about it. That's still "steam", and you're fine. You can work in offline mode, as many of us do. If, however, you mean a pirated, cracked, hacked, or otherwise illegally obtained copy of Skyrim or any other game, then the answer is a resounding NO. This thread, this site, and this particular member will never, under any circumstances, support or even answer questions about such pirating. Pirating is theft, and that's not only illegal, it's disgusting. If a person can't be bothered to legitimately purchase a game, then we, as modders, teachers, and players, can't be bothered to acknowledge that person's existence. TL : DR ? Don't even bother to ask for help with pirated games. Period. Full stop. End of line.
  10. I'm trying to do exactly this -- Create a worldspae of my own, similar to (for instance) the way Dayspring Canyon is a separate place from "Tamriel". I've tried following the steps you listed -- I opened World > World Spaces I right-clicked Eldergleam Sanctuary world, and "duplicated". However, the CK still hasn't actually duplicated that worldspace, so anything I do will end up "editing" the real Eldergleam world instead. What am I not understanding, or what am I missing?
  11. To all those wondering if the thread is still active -- Yes, very active indeed. I do apologise for not keeping it updated as well as should have been expected, but sometimes real life can be... well... a real witch. Points are addressed in no real order: Yes, factions can conflict. I'm not entirely sure how to fix the problem, though. I'll look into it. I'm glad you find the thread useful! The above link leads to a site that is blocked by several anti-virus programs as "Reported Attack Site". Again, never mind! I found a great tutorial over on Steam, you know, the only "legitimate" place for Skyrim. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SkyrimCKPublic/discussions/1/828936719032529962/#c648814845359515625 I have been trying to use this tutorial for a while now, however I seem to be... missing something. The tutorial says to add a particular keyword to certain objects (beds/chests..) however I have no idea how to do this. I do not see anywhere in the CK where I can add those keywords to the item on any of the tabs (does that make sense?). My best guess has been to put it in the "Location Reference Type" box, but the "SpouseBedKeyword" mentioned under the Spouse section of the tutorial does not show up there. I know how to set the ownership of the item, I just can't figure out the rest. Maybe it's the markers in general that confuse me. It says to "add a marker with X keyword" but what marker do I use? I guess I'd like a version of this tutorial made idiot-proof ("Select this object type, go to this tab, put this keyword in this box" sort of thing..) Also, whether or not someone can help me with my particular issue, THANK YOU for making this thread. I have a form of OCD where certain sounds really irritate and frustrate me, so it is very very difficult for me to watch video tutorials. Thank you so much. <3 Look in the Keywords section of the CK Object window. Find the one you need, and drag it to the Keyword section of your bed, chest, throw-rug, whatever. You can also right-click in the Keyword section and select ADD. Then you'll get a drop-down so look through it for the Keyword you need. I can't begin to explain logically how Keywords work, though -- I'll leave that to people like MoonSweets, Sjogga, Ishara, or SpectralDragon. Linked on the opening page. The problem with that is, any time you TOUCH something in another cell, you "dirty" your mod. Even if you do absolutely nothing other than duplicate the items, you place a change flag on the item, and that means you have a dirty mod. You then have to clean it, or a lot of people won't want any part of it -- and cleaning is more trouble than simply making whatever it is yourself. Mattiaswagg -- I can't speak for the other modders in the thread, but yes, you may definitely link the thread topic, and you are more than welcome to list my name (Allannaa, and yes, it's my real name) in your credits. Thank you, Salaa! Linked on front page.
  12. Happy Holidays, folks. I'm sorry I've not been keeping us updated as well as I could. My only excuse is that I was getting the new novel squared away for publication. It will be available in February or March. (No, it's not Skyrim-based.) On a quick run-through and to address several points that weren't otherwise answered, here we go --- Shadow, check the tute for makng a new food item or ingredient -- It's pretty much the same procedure, although you may have to create a spell effect (which is also pretty similar) and tie it to your new spell. I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer your question! Believe it or not, I didn't see your post until today. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You could do that by linking through a door into a world you created. You can also do it by attatching the script to a given area, but remember, if you're building a player home, you'll still have to link to the inside of tht home, and, you will also have to nav-mesh the area, or followers won't work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dwiss, incredibly helpful, thank you! Ash, yes, people are incredibly interested, and wow, what a lot of work you did. That's awesome!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, as time, modding, and real life allow. Sometimes they don't. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Georgie, if you'll tell me how, and that page allows it, sure, I'll do that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Little confused here -- Skyrim IS through Steam, whether you play with Steam in offline or not, whether you bought hard-copy as I did, or simply downloaded the game as one of my kids did. Either way, Steam WILL correctly update your game. It does take a few minutes to an hour sometimes though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basically, Nevarakka, you'll have to do one of two things -- Re-texture an existing boned model, or create the bones for a model and apply your rag-doll to them, then go from there by making a new race in the CK and adding your rag-doll as that new race (same as adding any other new race, at that point.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the links, or the in-thread tutes in this thread are step by step. But I'd need to know a little more about what you want in order to give you a precise step-by-step. Can you be more specific? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The link to the Skyrim Modding blog changed to: http://tesmods.blogspot.de/search/label/tutorials Mal -- thank you for the heads up! I'll change front page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. DRM is a nasty joke and always will be. It's not against the law for me to give away a blouse or a pair of jeans I've outgrown. It's not against the law for me to give away a puzzle or a doll that my child no longer plays with. But somehow it's illegal for me to give away a game I no longer play, a song I no longer listen to, or a video I no longer watch? Huh? And regardless of what Steam and Valve try to tell you, yes, indeed, they most assuredly DO practise DRM. As someone above me pointed out, free does not equal no DRM.
  14. Hey folks, sorry I haven't been around to update the thread, but I got the "FBI MoneyPak" virus, which... well let's just say there's probably a very special corner of Oblivion for people who write things like that. I don't surf what could loosely be termed erotic websites, and I do have firewalls, AVs, and the usual protections -- but this got through. When I rang up Main Gear (the totally amazing people who built my computer) they mentioned that the most common way this virus takes hold is -- Steam Origin YouTube .... and THEN p0rn0grphic sites. They recommended that for a while at least, folks should set their protections fairly high -- What got me was a new incarnation of this virus -- one that was built to get around Norton, AVG, and TrendMicro killers. Also, most AVs don't seem to clean the virus. They will quarantine the *.dll file associated with it, but by then it's too late. It was explained to me as a "countdown lurker", which apparently means that it gets in, and hides until you have done something a certain number of times -- at which point, it goes into effect and makes your life awful. It can apparently also affect penguins -- so Linux users need to be aware too! The only fix we found for it was to create a second "user account with admin privileges" and then -- yep you guessed it -- Try Windows Recovery. If that does not work, then you have to do what I did -- and reformat. But hey, at least I now have updated versions of all the mods I use... right? So word of warning, everyone! Check your stuff, and be careful!
  15. Bio -- I haven't forgotten about your question, and will write and link a tutorial soon.
  16. They're supposed to link to the appropriate tutes in this thread, but since Nexus has seen fit to screw up something that wasn't broken, I'm not sure what the deal is at the moment. Edit -- Oh my gawwwwd..... Okay when I finally forced the site to open the full editor and made it change from BBS (badbullsh!t code) to true HTML, I discovered that it had made absolute gobbledygook out of links -- for instance, it had the URL tag repeated 11 times in the line that linked to Sjogga's Claws tutorial, with some of the tags in the MIDDLE of words (one was SjoURLgga, for instance, ffs....) I think I've cleaned it up but if anyone notices broken links, please say so and I'll try to fix them again.
  17. I made a little "resource mod" to help with console modding. It has a bunch of items, including a WORKING weapon rack, as well as a "book" that lists item codes, and tells you how to use them. You can download it at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32200 (I was going to make that link just a nice clickable word but the nexus staff appears to have fallen in with the usual "if it's not broke, let's screw it up" school of thought)
  18. The so-called "massive spelling error" in the thread title is, I assure you, deliberate. It is meant to A) Avoid any conflicts of copyright and trademark usage and B) provide a little humour, as should have been clearly evidenced by the quotation marks. Not to put too fine a point on it, I was an English major, and I am a published author of both technical manuals and textbooks, and fiction novels, and I generally know what I am doing when I create titles.
  19. I love this thread. I actually mod "for real" but I couldn't resist tweaking the Hearthfire homes, particularly since they're buggy as all heck -- for instance if your follower or steward is "in" an area, the items created at the bench may not properly spawn -- It never occurred to me to console them in till I saw this thread. But, my question is this... I have unique items that I've made, including turning "miscellaneous" items such as plates, into "static" items, which won't fall on the floor every time someone brushes against them. Can these be console-added, if you've got the ESP containing them active? I haven't had any luck thus far with anything that isn't "stock" to Skyrim, Dawnguard, or Hearthfire. As an example, I made a plate of candy (taffy, honey treat, shrunk-down moonsugar bowl, on a glazed plate) which is static. The code should be xx0071B6A. Typing that as a "player.placeatme <ID>" returns "invalid reference for ObjectID" or something close to that, I cant' remember at the moment. I've tried it with the full code, with only the last 5 letters/numbers, and so on, but I can't get created objects into the game. If this has been asked and answered, could someone point me to which page of the 100 or so in the thread? Thanks! *EDIT* I figured it out. Model and texture the item in whatever way you usually do so. Open the CK and add the item, in this case a box I made -- AND slightly modify, and give a new name to, something simple. I used "bread" and called it "Crusts" so it would force a "Create new" in the CK. Drop the "Crusts" and the Box into a blank holding cell. Save the plugin. Load Skyrim, and type <coc MyHoldingCell> in the console to go to the cell where you dropped your stuff for "reference". Type <help "Crusts"> in the console. This gets you the long ID of the item -- and the preface IS NOT the same as the plugin load order. For me, the "Crusts" was 1300539. Get the last 5 numbers/letters of the item you want to add. For me, this ended up being 130 (prefix) plus 0538 (the Box, when I clicked on it in the holding cell). Now, go to whatever cell you wanted to add the new thing to, and proceed with the <player.placeatme XXXXXXXX> where the Xs are the hard-won ID numbers for your Box. If that explanation is too confusing, you can message me and I can "talk" you through it in a messenger program or something. No, I don't do yootoob... No sound =)
  20. Dark, can you give a little more info? What are you doing with the bones? Are you creating new bones or moving existing bones to new locations? Are you "nudging" out of place bones into better alignment? TLDR, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking either, but, when you make the item, in the "Weapon" window, with the Game Data tab selected, you'll see: ID Name Enchanting (with a drop-down) Enchantment Value Template (with a drop-down) Play with the value in the "Enchantment" window. For instance for the Wabbajack, that value is 3000 and for Dawnbreaker, it's 5000. I *think* that's the value you change to alter the number of charges the item has. I'm trying it out this week to see. If you try it out, post and let us know if that was the correct value to change. Personally, when I do a "mash-up" such as what you're mentioning, this is my work flow: Export the NIF for Thing One Export the NIF for Thing Two Alter Thing One in my modelling program Alter Thing Two in my modelling program Export each item as an OBJ or 3DS file, and NOT a NIF file Go back to NifSkope and open an item similar to what I want Duplicate relevant branch and import Thing One into it, copying all relevant data Delete the ORIGINAL branch that Thing One replaced Repeat that step with Thing Two Export the whole thing, then re-import it into a "clean" instance of NifSkope in the usual manner for such things Texture it -- Which may include making my own texture, and may also include editing the UV files within NifSkope. This post, on another thread, may also help you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also -- To all of us out there looking for tutorials, answers to questions, and so forth -- Be patient with the people who take the time to answer you. Remember, not everyone speaks, reads, or writes the same language. If you don't understand what someone has written, then by all means, try contacting the person in a private message or something, and ASK! Most folks are quite willing to explain more, or to help you with problems or questions relating to something they've written. To those of us out there who write tutorials, answer questions, and so forth -- Be patient with yourself as well as the people asking questions. Write your stuff in a word processing program that lets you check spelling AND grammar. Remember, if someone is trying to translate your work into a language they can read, even minor errors such as "its" (possessive neuter) versus "it's" (contraction of It and Is) or "affect" and "effect", and so on, can render a given sentence completely unintelligible.
  21. oh! gotcha. Well, I'm definitely interested. As you say, it's always been irritating that you can destroy the DB but not the TG.
  22. I'd be a lot more inclined to check out the mod if your vid hadn't fast-talked through the options available, so that I could actually see what the mod does. Also, how are you handling this if the player has NOT done Season Unending, or if, for instance, the the player finishes the war prior to ever going to Riften, and so on? Does Laila just never leave Mistveil, or what? I'll admit I didn't watch the entire video (and I don't have sound), so a little more detail in the explanation would be welcome!
  23. I've searched but don't see anyone else with this problem. Lately, I've had a couple of problems with Skyrim. 1) Missing "quest offer" dialogue, specifically in Falkreath. Siddgeir doesn't offer his "Gimme some Black Briar Mead" option, nor does he offer his "Go kill these bandits cause they made me mad" dialogue. His father, Dennigeir, doesn't offer the "Go swipe Lod's Letter" dialogue, and he doesn't offer his "Go kill my vampire ancestor" dialogue. The steward offers only one bandit-leader-kill quest and nothing else. 2) NO quest in the "Miscellaneous" category shows up "under the line" once completed. Side quests and main quest objectives, such as "Golden Claw" and Dawnguard-entry quests, do show up. Civil war miscellaneous quests such as "Join the Stormcloaks" and "Join the Legeon" don't show up when completed. I've used Falkreath as an example, but it seems to be Skyrim-wide. I'd made a mod called The Little Cottage, where the player did a quick quest to earn a small house in the wilderness. When I was given Hearthfires for a holiday present, I naturally uninstalled that, because I didn't need it. I wondered if uninstalling that mod had been what caused the issue; it was a start-game-enabled quest, and there had been some bugs with those. So I moved the ESP and BSAs, and uninstalled it, and deleted the SEQ for that plugin from the folder in Skyrim > Data > SEQ. It didn't work. I thought the issue might be related to some other mod somewhere (I don't use many, and all but two are mods I wrote anyway, which worked up until Saturday) so I uninstalled EVERYTHING -- and I don't just mean I unchecked it in the NMM, I moved the plugins out of the Data folder. It didn't work, so I deleted the Data folder and told Steam to reinstall Skyrim. I also had Steam validate the CK, thinking I might somehow, some way, have screwed something up in that. It hasn't helped. I'm still not getting dialogues, and I'm still not seeing finished Miscellaneous quests in the "Finished" area of the Journal screen. I *am* having the Courier show up and present me with a letter from whatever town's Jarl, but when I follow the "quest arrow" and activate the Jarl, I do not get the dialogue to purchase, or even to talk to the steward about purchase of the land-plot. Before I deleted and reinstalled, I owned Breezehome (doesn't everyone? lol) and went to Proventius. He did give me the option to turn the alchemy closet into a child's room, and the courier appeared with the letter from Constance in Riften (I'd killed Grelod, obviously). I went to her and spoke with her, and chose a child -- and again, nothing showed up in the Finished section, even though the "COMPLETED" message showed on screen. Right now I have this installed: Creation Kit Skyrim Script Extender SkyUI Skyrim Update High Res Tex Pack 1 and 2 Dawnguard Hearthfires You'll notice other than the official downloads, and the SkyUI, I'm not running *any* mods at all, not even body texture replacers (which of course don't touch Quest information anyway.) Everything actually *runs* fine, and the game is playable, whether starting "new" or using the load screen to console-start in a cell such as Riverwood. It's just that I'm not getting quest dialogues and I'm not getting the list of finished Miscellaneous quests. Anyone have any ideas? This is making me quite crazy. *Edit, with both HF and DG "unchecked" after the clean reinstall so that they don't run, I DO get the quest dialogues. However, I still DO NOT get anything in the "Finished" section of the journal window.
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