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Everything posted by Soolie

  1. Agreed. We can probably get away with making a decent amount of landscape textures. Also, if we can gain access to the alpha cut-offs (unlikely) We could change them to alter the amount of visible of leaves on branches.
  2. Just a random Idea..... this is a fantasy world.. why should we be limited to 4 seasons? ;) Lets have 10.... But on a more serious note, perhaps we could have each season cycle twice per year? Also, here's another Idea. When the season changes, we don't have to change all the objects at once, the transition could even last almost a week. For example, consider the transition from Winter to Spring. On the first day of the transition the snow on the trees could become lighter, the next day, the snow material shader becomes very slightly browner and less 'dense', The next day snow becomes 'mushy', the next day Trees lose all their snow, the next day the snow material shader is 'turned off', the next day foliage becomes greener, the next day remaining snow melts and ground is muddy, next day grass becomes denser and more flowers start to appear. If we expand this transition out over a months, it will allow the user to experience 'changes' without having to play for large amounts of time. And thus we can get away with having 4 seasons per year as in the real world.
  3. _n = normal map, used for manipulation of the surface normal during lighting calculations (gives the object the appearance of greater detail) _m = Metallic map, used to represent the reflective of the texture, black = no reflection, white = complete reflection. i.e It acts as a mask for the environment map _e is a cube map (or environment map) which contains what is visibly reflected of surfaces
  4. Seriously Sensational Sublime Seasons o Skyrim and Solstheim or S5 as the code name Hahaha, Perfect :D
  5. How about Spanking Sublime Seasons of Skyrim xD or... splendid seasons or Sup3r S33zons M0d 2013!! Adaptive landscapes? Changing Climates? Living Landscapes?
  6. Each land texture is assigned its own texture set. These texture sets can be changed in-game with the function 'SetNthTexturePath(int n, string texturePath)' This function can also be used for any other static objects. But not trees, flora or grass :(. Also, this will not be gradual and the textures will change immediately (on new cell load). So I suggest creating a few 'transition' textures between seasons. Also LOD will be a problem, I don't expect that there will be any way at all to gradually change lod textures, and so it will have to change when the player sleeps or enters an interior. The only solution for lods is to store each seasons lod textures in the lod folder, and rename the required seasons folder to tamriel, with the use of scripts. Im not sure if this is possible, and If it is, then it will definately require SKSE. (sorry if this is a bit incoherent, I'm just scribbling down ideas :P )
  7. I actually had a go at this a few months ago, I was able to change terrain textures in game on demand. But hen real life caught up with me, and here I am studying for exams :p But the good news is that Exams will be over at the end of next week, so I may be able to bring some things to the table :) . I also had the idea of contacting ianpatt, although I never got around to it :\ Please let me know what his reply is :D
  8. Their necks are made of steel :)
  9. I just thought I should let you all know that I have a computer science exam tomorrow, and revision takes priority over this. So unfortunately I have been forced to postpone the release date by 1 day. :sad:
  10. Sweet stuff, mate! 3. How about the ENB .196? It has new customizable external shader parameters. You think it'd be possible to fiddle with that to tweak the clouds? Like adding something into the effect.txt or enbeffectprepass.fx? I dunno I'm not a coder. I don't even know if the new external shader parameters work that way... 5. I think Dawnguard AND Dragonborn would look a lot better with your clouds, especially Solstheim which is basically a big dusty ash pile. 3. Not 100% sure what will happen with enb yet :P I'll have to wait and see if boris can do anything. 5.I'll try and add suport for additional worldspaces :) (dlc's)
  11. 1. It should perform exactly the same as vanilla Skyrim but perhaps with one less fps :D 2. The textures actually blend together really well :) With the exception of a few very rare occasions at sunrise/set when they are a little too dark 3. I tried having a little fiddle with enb, and the clouds can be modified with the settings under the [PARTICLES] section. 4. Currently there are no cloud shadows. However, there is very likely to be some collaboration with Mr.Boris ;) 5. I don't have any of the dlc's so the clouds only appear in the Skyrim world space. However I can probably just add a few lines to the code to make them appear in other world spaces too :)
  12. Oh I forgot to mention, It should be compatible with pretty much everything.
  13. Real Clouds by Soolie Coming soon...... (2nd August) Pretty much does what it says on the tin. These clouds are real 3D objects which will react to the current weather. You can touch them, fly through them, fly over them, fly under them, drink them when they rain on you (you can see rain in the distance)....THE SKY'S THE LIMIT :D Clouds are controlled by a script which will give the cloud layer a random height and coverage based on the current weather type. There are also chances of 'extreme' events, such as 100% coverage at a low height, or even no clouds at all. In addition to regular clouds, you will also encounter rain clouds which dump their load off in the distance. Rain clouds also double as fog at close distances as the rain effect can look like fog up close. And all this with no noticeable performance hit! :D AND it should be compatible with pretty much everything :D Please feel free to leave any comments suggestions or questions in the comments :smile: http://i.imgur.com/4PlA0LN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JgEF9Us.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Xc5b5UF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pbGbso6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EoLL17H.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WE0NVdp.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6nSd0eg.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eozZOHq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PmJPJNp.jpg http://i.imgur.com/i4nlbaZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FT0AzZa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WOUcBdY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HxTGEJk.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1mjhF5l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7GXdQ0g.jpg
  14. Okay, the fact that you can see the outfit ingame means that the texture is working fine. However because it crashes when you equip it there must be a problem with loading the actual model for the outfit. I would suggest checking the Nif's for mistakes.
  15. I've fixed this in the v1.1 update :)
  16. That invisible wall is caused by the collision mesh being bigger than the the visible mesh, i'll fix this in a later version.
  17. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT IS DONE ... BEHOLD http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33017
  18. Of course, I'll put a link in here when it's all ready to go :)
  19. I haven't started yet :P I only just woke up. (I'm in Australia)
  20. @crimsongekko. Whaaaat O_o. I thought I was the only one who could see that??? @koira hahaha, but the thing is, without this texture, all the costal rocks and cliffs will be reflective like ice :P
  21. I had a bit of a problem with the upload and I wasn't sure if it uploaded properly, but Dark0ne confirmed that it works, so it's all good. But I have run into another small bummer.. There is one texture I forgot to put in the zip file >_<. So I will have to upload that as a separate file :/ So in the morning I will Upload the texture, add some stuff I forgot to put in the description and........ Publish the mod :D Also the mod page is hidden so you shouldn't be able to find it yet :P
  22. @ bongo: I've let it upload overnight and it's still going :/ @ adidertulpendieb: yes, I have added new jungle sounds. Also it is a replacer with an esp.
  23. Yeah I guess, I just want to update the before and after ones :)
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