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Everything posted by TheRomans

  1. Thanks, the search tool at the CS wiki is a bit feeble and I did not find that page searching for length. edit: That unit system is rather Kafka-est.
  2. the height and distance increment are in the format of 0000.0000 what is the length of 1 unit? a millimeter?
  3. Does anyone know where to get TES4files (deleted Nexus file 8489)? Or has that tool been depreciated?
  4. What is the practical difference between a a spell level list LL#something100 and LL#somethinglvl100 the names seems to suggest one might be for NPCs that scale with the PC and the other for fixed level. They both have ascending layers of lists, but I cannot tell offhand looking at their components in the CS what their different uses are. I am creating some NPCs that scale with the Player and adding appropriate spell LL to them
  5. There are more than one. Search Oblivion mods for 'uncapper' and you will find a few versions. I use Elys uncapper version .98
  6. addspell does not work with leveled list form IDs. Is there a console command to add a leveld spell list to an NPC in game?
  7. I had already removed the practice ranged package from their AI in the CS. They are running the Practice Melee package but still sometimes do practice ranged.
  8. I have noticed that NPCs in a practice melee package sometimes practice ranged instead. Is there a way to prevent this other that simply removing the practice melee package from their AI? I do not want companions wearing out their bows and using up the magicka charge in them. I have previously removed any practice ranged packages from them.
  9. I had recently seen something about this posted but I cannot find it again.
  10. Use F1 look in its rightmost tab (misc player character stats) for murders: and note the EXACT number use the console modpcmiscstat 32 -(that exact number) to make it 0. remember the negative sign - and do not reduce it to below 0, that register does not play well with a negative value.
  11. Just a failure on the part of whoever made the NPC. Lots of those internal inconsistances where there do not matter to quests, AI Packages, topics etc.(and quite a few where they do matter, as well).
  12. Basically only one .esp, the last loading, that edits the same "object" will take effect. Wrye Bash finds .esps that edit the same object, and then duplicates these edits into a single .esp, called the Bashed Patch, which you put at the end of your load order.
  13. I do not see anything about it on the walk thru page https://reclaimingsancretor.fandom.com/wiki/The_Earth_Warrior Edit Did not find anything about it in the support thread http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4420-reclaiming-sancre-tor-support-thread-ii/
  14. It should be fixed by the optional UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp that comes with the UOP
  15. So, disabling may save resources in the video card and Deleting may save resources in both the video card and and the machine RAM?
  16. Is there any significant difference in the RAM usage saved by deleting clutter from a mod cell as opposed to disabling it?
  17. The is a common one that includes large buttocks as well as breasts, including, IIRC, a variant of HGEC. Look for the acronym DMRA
  18. It is an inherit engine limitation in all 3d games, It has to do with the mathematics of millions of iterations of the calculation of "is there a surface?" and "is there an intersection of surfaces?". The probability is sometimes inversely proportional the the number of vertices and polygons in meshes, but adding more vertices and thus polygons slows performance on the graphics card. If you have have a powerful system, using high resolution mesh mods may reduce the amount of glitching through surfaces. here is a youtube video describing the problem
  19. I believe that the Engine Bug Fixes mod also addresses this.
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