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Everything posted by TheRomans

  1. Ignore the prior ,placeatme console advices, they could add duplicate references and complications to teleport to where Shawdomere is use Player.moveto 32BF5 if you have unarmored shadowmere Player.moveto xx001C25 if you have steel armored Shadowmere Player.moveto xx002122 if you have Elven armored shadowmere the xx is the 2 digit load order index of the Horse Armor DLC Alternatively if you want Shadowmere to move to you use prid 32BF5 or prid xx001c25 or prid xx002122 depending on which Shawdomere you have lost and then use moveto.player As noted immediately above, if Shadowmere appears to be disabled (although I suspect that resulted from buying an armored Shawdowmere which is actually a different reference in the game that the unarmored one)use the appropriate prid 'RefID' from above, and then do enable remember to clear the refID from console (by clicking twice on something else) moving on to something else..
  2. Tehy are loading now. Tracked Files and Files News Feeds for Oblivion
  3. Not for me, no combinations of fiddling with preferences have brought it back.
  4. Windfall and Dibella's Watch are the first to come to my mind.
  5. It is a graphics glitch of unbroken arrows sticking in you when you cross into a new cell, they will vanish at the time arrows usually fade. If you get shot up, drop the arrows and then pick them up before you go into a new cell, and then they will not be sticking in you anymore.
  6. The Tracked Files feed tab on my nexusmods-Oblivion front page has not been loading for me since around 9 hours ago. It just keep showing the spinning loading icon in the top left corner. Same with the File news feed tab. The other four feed tabs work fine. Edit: I see a better place to posts this in Bug Reports/nexus websites.
  7. I hunt down and banish-kill every enemy whenever I enter Oblivion, except for the timed great gate quest. But, I go back and clear out that world later.
  8. I have run a game for over 2000 hours, about 220 mods running, another about 150 mods played and unloaded, save size around 23MB, using Just OBMM rather than the more sophisticated wrye-bash and Bain. It is still running fine. I have had to go back to older save a few time when a mod mangled the data or save and I could not continue after it was unloaded. I have had to clear corrupted spawn point or other objects in a cell 3 times. I have twice had to go back a few save when the saveline was otherwise corrupted. With better game hygiene that my limited skill can apply, I suspect you could play a game almost indefinitely. Pay particular attention to #3 and #4 in the post above.
  9. Even on the PC you cannot undo a quest stage with the console. The only way to undo a queststage in a save line would be to directly edit the save with a hex editor or other utility, if that is even possible for this purpose. On PC you can force earlier quest stages, if you need them to run scripts, however, that will not fix what appears to be you problem, with a condition for SKrivva's dialogue. The script will still read the highest queststage achieved for >, <, =, x-queststage condition, regardless of the order in which the quest stages were obtained, so you cannot get dialogue that was obsolete by the quest stage triggered by getting the ring.
  10. Begger: Me children are starving, Please help Me: I am sure that your children are perfectly capable of starving withou any help from me.
  11. Thanks. I think I will first try intsalling the formID finder mod to get the baseID of "maufactured" items. If it works that would be easier than sorting through the savedump.
  12. Do custom enchanted items, and items enchanted with sigil stones and the like, have their own baseID, or are they treated by the game as the orignal base item with addtional information added? If they have their own baseID, I am guessing this would be stored in the game saves.
  13. After saving the Shivering Isles, I reorganized the place a bit, cleaned out a few threats, Used some of its resources to fight Dagon, and then put a eccentric Wood Elf companion of mine on the throne with the regalia and staff, and enough enchanted equipment to make sure she beat the crap out of any challegers, to let her do the apotheosis, while I got the hell out of there.
  14. The game indeed does not explain the wild conjurers, sort of leaving us license to explain them ourselves. Because they conjur mostly Mehrunes's beasties and a hostile to all of creation other than themselves and their minions, I imagine them to be some sort of Mehrunes Dagon Cultists, but not members of the Mythic Dawn. I call them "Dagonistas". The wild conjurers have many outdoor spawn points than do the Necros (who have just Fort Linchal that I can recall) and are much more likely to encounter traveling NPCs. Never the less I have observed random encounters between Necros and other NPCs, in addition to thoses with me, companions, and Orc adventurers; when some NPCs from a mod passed within detection of Fort Linchal; and when a Necro from Linchal chasing deer stumbled upon a legion patrol; and when an NPC fleeing from beasts on the road west of Skingrad made the mistake of fleeing into Fort Istirus. In all case the Necros waged war upon the NPCs. I do not believe the timing of their attacks along with Dagon's was coincidental.
  15. The various Necromancer NPCs have an aggression of 100, meaning they attack anyone for which they have less that a +95 disposition bonus, except when quests temporarily stop them from attacking the PC . That means everyone and every creature other than Necromancer faction, Necromancer Cult Faction, and Undead faction. If you wander by some Necromancer, inside or outside, he will attack you whether or not you are in the Mages Guild. He will attack your companions, your horses, any wandering NPCs, any Imperial Legionare, any City Guard, or Orc Adventurer, regardless of whether they are in the Mages Guild. Anyone who comes into detection range. Those coming into range are few, absent some mod that put them near necromancers or necromancers near them, but the necros are just waiting for the opportunity. For fun, get some to chase you into a town.
  16. Search the Oblivion Technical support forum an elsewhere for information on INI settinga to get some use out of your additional cores. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Ini_Settings#Multi-core_CPU_tweaks http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/413707-low-fps-on-a-decent-gaming-laptop Performance improvement from these is rather limited because the Oblivion processes that you can thus tweak are not the ones making the must demand on the CPU core.
  17. Is there a mod that restores the normal behavior of the Boderwatch residents sometime after the Sheogorath Daedric Quest, maybe with a quest.
  18. For PCs who not using a beast race with a tail, it could be put in the tail slot.
  19. Hmmm, I do not recall ever having had a crash caused by the CM Partners mod in over 2000 hours of gameplay, just one caused by an individual partner mod that was missing a custom animation file. Most of the crashes associated with individual custom partners, particularly crashed on startup, are cause by not having necessary data files installed.
  20. That sounds like maybe you just reach the each of the developed worldsapce, can you specify which Oblivion wolrd your are taling about, wan which corner by compass direction?Here is a page listing the oblvion worlds to whcih gate link http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Planes_of_Oblivion
  21. Yep, that would mean the registry entries are still there.
  22. OBMM does not have much of any ordering AI beyond .ESMs go before .ESPs, and sometimes dectecting dependencies and was not intended to, so far as I know. You have to decide the order of your .esps if you are using just OBMM. I do so using this BOSS list in HTML http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/26663 as a reference, but I do not use the BOSS manger utility because it (and sadi list) do not get enough things correct. I have found around a dozens instances where a different order than BOSS has worked better for terrain and other location conflicts.
  23. list the specific custom CM partner mods you have tried, maybe they have some additional dependencies.
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