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Everything posted by TheRomans

  1. On the image tab, all you get is 1 blank image box/link, no matter how many the tab says are supposed to be there. Opening that image link in another tab or window results in the 'New mods today' page.
  2. Although necromancy magic practice is legal, most necromancers, many necromancers get involved in illegal activities such as grave robbing and murder, or sometimes lose control of their minions which then wreak havoc. I n any case almost all the necromancers you encounter in the game are members of Manimarco's Order of the Black Worm, who are involved in an attack against the Empire's institutions and citizens, trying to kill just about anybody else they encounter, and doing so in coordination with the Mehrunes Dagon invasion, so they are all traitors at war with The Empire. Also, anyplace the worship of the Nine Divines or Arkay in particular is strong, the religious authorities will be watching the necromancers like a hawk, ready to pounce on any infraction, because the practice of necromancy violates the laws/principles of Arkay.
  3. Sounds like you have become a vampire and are being killed by sun damage outside. This would then be unrelated to that particular quest. Have you have contact/fight with vampires recently and then slept in a bed?
  4. I have had that type of crash a coupe times from a corrupted piece of loot, once it was Biography of Barenziah vol 1, and one it was silver longsword. When ever I sold the corrupted loot, the next time I saved it crashed. I first notice the crash would come saving after selling stuff, then trial and error isolated the item. I would avoid the crash by not taking such item, or by ditching it into a respawning container or "trash can". Both time the crash was consistent with any instance of the item. With the silver longsword, I discoverd some time later that the crash had stop occurring, and I suspect that it had been corrupted by a mod which I had later uninstalled.
  5. Could be a mod dependency thing. I see two patches in there: FB Dark Crusader-Unique landscapes and Vernana Brewery-FBDC-Uniques landscapes, but not the mods the patches are for (I am guessing that maybe you have more mods that would be listed under the Plugins tab on the NMM). The patches depend on the base mods and if there are there, the dependent mods will crash oblivion on startup. It is also possible that those two patches conflict with each other
  6. I will backup the mods they are in, and try to edit them in the CS, with which I have little skill.
  7. Nope, the removespell command does not work on leveled lists of spells, it returns you an invalid item message. It works on spells, powers, abilities, and I believe also diseases. Also I note that LeveledSpell is not a sub category of Spell on the outline in the CS, it is an equal category to spell on the outline, along with Enchantment and Potion.
  8. Some of my companions with conjuration leveled lists summon armor or weapons that replace their much better armor and weapons in their inventory. The removespell console command does not work on the leveled list. It there a way to do it with the console, or can it only be done by editing the NPC in the .esp in the construction set? I was not able to find anything about it in the console commands parts of the CS wiki.
  9. Your point, Mortal? Moderator and Demigod at some other game-plane of the Weblivion.
  10. Comments about flaws and mods breaking games are vital to the users, even with an approximate ratio of 2 erroneous comments about a mod breaking something to correct ones. With a little bit of experience it is relatively easy to pick out the true and false ones.
  11. :smug My current Oblivion save-game: save# 11448; 2,000+ hours; 21.4Mb size; 200+ esm/dlc/esp active, 100+ that have been played and then uninstalled.
  12. I do not think there is any such requirement. I am a premium member and all my downloads, including 4 this past 7 days, are manual. I think the errors you got, and that I had off and on on the weekend, were just the result of the server overload for the causes mentioned above.
  13. Thanks for the info. I wanted it in order that I could be more specific in playtest reports. So as I read it, the black may mean either a missing normal map or missing both the normal map and texture with the missing normal map taking precedence for some reason.
  14. Some objects with missing textures are black, and some are light lavender color. Does this difference in color mean anything or tell me anything about the missing texture?
  15. Donate button is also still on my profile, without it being selected.
  16. I do not know Skyrim, but with Oblivion there were two common causes for a location CTD. 1. is a mod added a object to the cell that the the gave save treats as essential, and you have removed uninstalled that mod. An example of the was the famous Bruma crashes caused by having armor/clothing/weapons from a mod include on you statue, and then deleting that mod. I have no idea what criteria cause an object to be treated as essential like that by the game; I suspect this is another form or a corrupted record, but I am not sure. 2. A corrupted record in the cell in the saves. If it is a Vanilla game thing that is corrupted, the only fix is going back to a save before the corruption occurred. If it is a mod asset that is corrupted, there is usually a uninstall the mod, clean save, reinstall the mod option (with some more complications if it is something there resets like a spawn point, in which case you have to stay in the cell while the mod is unloaded until its resets in order to clear the corruption, before reinstalling the mod, Arthmoor has a good article on how to deal with that, on another site, TES Alliance IIRC). The hard part is finding what is corrupted, deleted, whatever, which almost certainly has to be done by your detective work on your own installation. No one can do it remotely. TESIV edit is a useful to search what plugins have modified an Oblivion cell, I do not know if there is yet a similar one for Skyrim.
  17. Here is a thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/155637-list-list-of-mod-lists/ List of Mod lists which has many links to suggested mod lists.
  18. Neither of those mods are being updated, and neither is quest line for fighting the DB. I role played it using the kill the dark brotherhood mod and using console commands to insert myself in the DB questline at the point you start killing off the black hand (and using the console to erase the infamy that comes from that), and then more console commands to let me finish off the BlackHand in the Applewatch Farmhouse and the Night Mother in her crypt. Then since I (my character) despised them so much, I added a bunch of mods adding other DB sanctuaries and cleaned them out (Using a spell to make them hostiles if they were not). However (after I had done the above) there was a mod uploaded more to your want. Versus the Dark Brotherhood http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13139 I have not played it, but it has accrued 9 endorsements.
  19. You should have options of 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 files per page on your preferences tab, but they will still be single column.
  20. Nope, you are not alone, I have noticed that the go button for sorting images is missing, as well as a few other bits. I suspect that will wait until all issues with higher priority stuff have first been dealt with. I only find it a minor irritation that I cannot get rid of the 'males' on the supporter images and I have to scroll past a few hunks better endowed than me while perusing all the females better endowed than my real life harem.
  21. I recall seeing a display error for the Activity points, as listed in your profile. At certain times of the days for reason, your points from posting were added into the displayed total twice, temporarily inflating the total. I went to look at my numbers so see if that was still occuring, and I noticed that the numbers for Activity Points Total points: Level: Rank have just recently vanished.
  22. are you referring to these tweaked settings?: Multi-core CPU tweaks If you have a Dual/Quad core Processor or a processor with Hyper-Threading, then set these values to this: bUseThreadedBlood=1 (default 0) bUseThreadedMorpher=1 (default 0) bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 (default 0) bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1 (default 0) bBackgroundPathing=1 (default 0) bUseBackgroundFileLoader=1 (default 0) iNumHavokThreads=3 (default 1) iThreads=10 (default 3) Do they indeed help?
  23. That was it, sky textures are back after setting bAllow30Shaders=1 and truning HDR on Thanks guys.
  24. I think nosisab has it with the shader change, I had done that a few days ago, and had not been out of a dungeon since. I had almost forgotten. Thanks, I will go check that ini setting.
  25. There are no textures for my sky. Same even going back to old saves that had a sky in them. Using FW (force weather) with a couple different choices does not bring them back. I do not think it is a matter of data files, because since I last saw the sky, the two mods I installed/uninstalled using OBMM did not had any texture files, just a .esp and one had some sound data files. Any idea on why my game does not render the Sky anymore?
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