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Everything posted by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah

  1. Ooooo, actually, looks like m150 did the Giddy just today. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23963/? Good job, m! =) (I haven't tried it yet, though)
  2. Out of curiousity, are you using any sandbox triggers or other triggers that encompass the area where beds may be being placed?
  3. Talking about the WIP here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5590257-wip-driveable-things-coming-eventually/
  4. =) That and the toy rocket will probably be the easiest ones, and may even be ready by the end of the week for testing. I (and I think most others who are interested) really want the Giddy sooner...but the skeleton needs work, adjustments t movement type (thing is so fast, it freezes every few seconds trying to load cells...not to mention I run into a *lot* of walls...but I also may just be a horrible driver, hah) and I was thinking an actual horse textured alternative might be good to have in place first (talked to one other person about the texture so far). Not too long though. Have talked to both Atomathrone and CarBot people now and pretty well on my way (mostly just looking for time to do it). Sadly, though I've tried for a few months, I can't get non-player/companions to use them...the settler minigun's scripts (which themselves are broken, and why they are no t in vanilla game) are too much for me to handle. =/ Edit P.S. Another reason why the initial duo of flyers may be done first, as they are kind of integral to this area I'm also trying get done:
  5. You can double-click on the Bodyslide executable outside of NMM also, if you know what folder it installed to.
  6. I assume he knows about it, but sometimes I get stuck on the big, showy problem when it turns out it's something more fundamental. And objects can be bugged and never work correctly. It never hurts when stuff refuses to work and you think it should to go back over the basics to make sure they're set up right.Yep, fully agreed, always worth checking. The little common things can throw us all for a loop once in a while.Only takes one common little innocent nail in the tire to make the whole car not work. =)
  7. Oh yeah, that's a good one, package order makes a difference. Good job. Maybe ThuggySmurf knows that already, but man, it really screwed me up until *I* realized it.
  8. There is absolutely something indelibly cool about building 10+ follower versions, popping Dogmeat on one, and then getting on a drivable version, and cruising across the Commonwealth with your toy UFO armada (and second in command, my good buddy Dogmeat) all following and attacking behind....the swarm attack is pure win. ;-)
  9. As yet, this'll be accessed via drawings on the wall of The Big House (the main mod), just another area. I have been on a kind of 'release bits and pieces as standalone' kick lately, so that chem idea is kinda interesting. =) The 'cartoon'ified screencap' idea is pure fantastic, though. I did some similar type diorama walls for the house (screenshot the horizon and stuck in on a 6 cell length flat mesh), but I hadn't thought about it in this. Ohh, that's good Montky, good job. =D Holograms too! ...but maybe for a different area. I know you've mentioned it before, but how far have you progressed? I'd guess just decals, but with less real texture and more shadereffects, right? Very interesting, indeed. Released as resources? Probably not...there's not a huge call for most of my stuff and it's hard to keep track of it all already (some might even see me and think I bounce around to much already...like, I'm doing driveables now?! Where'd that come from, HAH! ). Edit: Still soliciting doodles/simple stick drawings, if anyone pleases. =) I've got about 7 done myself, but they all start to look the same after that. =P
  10. Thank you. I ended up doing my own (with blue'ish lines, in a couple different line heights) since this didn't seem to garner much interest (which is understandable, as it's a bit silly). However, it might be nice to have 2 different styles, and that is definitely paper looking (I do like the little inconsistencies of that sheet, for sure). Either one, though, I'm having trouble getting a nice grainy feel...that's the n, right? (I know, textures and materials are not my strong point)
  11. Lame, I hit the wrong forum again...I don't know why I can't seem to get that right. =/ Asked for it to be moved to Mod Talk. Sorry. Edit: Thank you kind Moderator! =)
  12. The Small Addition - Standalone Driveables :happy: Big work-in-progress...lots of bugs still (obviously). Started out as something else, but I got a bit interested in this and think it may actually work out. =) Won't be as detailed as the Motorcycle mod (not gonna do "ran outta gas" type stuff) or really lore friendly ("no one rode toy rockets in the Commonealth, you say? NoWay! Liar! ", hehe). ...but that's not really the type of mod I make anyhow (and no one has ever confused me for a perfectionist, hah). <shrug> :wink: I don't have a time-frame (I work as I can eke out the time) and I've also got my larger project to work on, but eventually. :laugh: Here's some progress: Posting here because maybe some will enjoy conversing about it or can call out bugs they've dealt with in these types of mods early before they get a chance to bite me. I already know that (like the others) it's going to have compatibility issues with Button Lowered Weapons, Lowered Weapons, etc. Kind of a note: Any and all animations will come fully last, by the way, in case anyone was curious. More interested in functionality first.
  13. As long as the package has 'allow swimming' (package flag, checkbox) and the NPC can swim (race, check box and animation available), it really should just work. (I'm making assumptions because I've never actually done it, but it's not a hard process and you're pretty adept at this from what I've seen) That's a weird one. Wonder if maybe because it's (in the water) the one place where height matters...? Edit: Maybe loosen the 'within distance' of the marker you want to travel to? Regardless of ownership, try it with the NPC linkref'd to one of the 3 markers as a start point just for good measure? I'll take a look in a bit, too, because it kinda sounds like something I'd like to do myself. ...I bet it's something silly stopping it though.
  14. Zilav's region generator idea sounds good. Could probably skip the FO4Edit part though too, by using ctrl+f when in CK and choose 'entire world' (or something like that, it'll be obvious when there).
  15. Off topic: I don't know why, but this made me remember that I've come across a few of seddon's mods lately, and I was surprised they weren't higher downloaded considering all the great and helpful vids s/he's done. ...just thought I'd say that. =)
  16. I've seen one only that doesn't list them in some form or fashion (pretty sure, at least, but maybe I just couldn't find it). Can't remember the name, but starts with a 'K' I think.
  17. ...heck, I think I've even ran into the *same* "tilt" problem he had. =/
  18. I should note, I'm gonna fully credit him no matter what (regardless if I need full permission, and get, or if not) needed. I don't think I would have ever figured out the issues with my script without his. =/ Good guy.
  19. (seems you can only post 2 videos at a time, mer) ...so... Anywho, that's what I've got so far. Between this and this , I've kinda got my hands full. =P Still haven't figured out why Fast Travel won't work (which is still my main interest). SkyrimLu let me look at Car Bot's script, and that helped me figure out a few problems with mine own script. Where I'm running into some (non-process) trouble is that, even from his words, we were really close on the tracks we took to get here. I'm fairly worried now about the actual build of the script being too close (they were already really close, is my point, now even closer after I fixed the broken bits...but even also the overall process, not just the script). I don't really know how to say that...maybe I worry too much. I'll ask him again (sometimes he's unable, for good reason, to get back very quickly) to clarify permissions just in case someone sees this and says I've just copied it. ...my usual stuff is so far out there that I hadn't really had to worry about stuff like this before. =/ (and hopefully this post itself doesn't make me look too bad) ...might put up a post in the regular forums, too.
  20. ...that doesn't sound fun at all, walking in circles about an object while randomly swinging the mouse pointer around until I find the line...especially on street lamps with the line a few dozen feet off the ground... But yeah, I'd guess it would be helpful to some builders, so why not. =)
  21. It may be because the workshop isn't fully tied to the mapmarker without all the stuff to make it a real settlement, this the things built there wouldn't fully tie in either. ...but that's only a wild guess.
  22. That's the same way I am about the whole thing, hehe. Still working on the Fast Travel thing first, since that's still at least *my* main objective before anything else. Think I may do a separate thread tonight over in the regular Creation Kit area for that, because I'm stumped. =/ Anywho, I'll send it along a little later. By the way, maybe this is what *really* happened to the horses of the Commonwealth:
  23. Iirc, it's in the workshopscript or the workshopparentscript. One of those.
  24. I just finished separating my ridables out of my other mods. I the process I clearly made wrong turn with Combat Style (I'll have to recheck what it was in the main mod, because right now, 'ranged' is much farther than it was) and I think I broke what I had prepared on the eye guns (was fully set up on the cat as a test, aside from the earlier mentioned overall issue of not actually being *fired* by the cat...but I lost something I think...or maybe I was just too tired and changed a bunch of stuff and then forgot, hah! ). FlowerGuy, if you want to give it a look-over, I'd be happy to PM it to you. I'm shooting blind on that process myself, so a second set of eyes (and a brain not full of holes) can't hurt. ;-) Also, this would give a clearer picture of what I had setup already (though, as noted, I may have made it worse), so it would be an easier way to respond to a few of your points. =)
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