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Everything posted by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah

  1. And you've got all your race dialogue settings settled? You can skip the need for the keywords entirely, scripting in move to node (as an example) and the control of the player. I do know workshop crafting a companion'ish thing or just a dialogue'd npc will break all sorts of stuff with it, so if you're trying that, there are other ways. Workshopobjects vs workshopnpcs vs companions scripts. Etc. Depending on what it is (whether interesting enough to hold my attention or not, heh, being honest...I like silly ridable more than '4 teh ummersionz!!' =P ), I *might* be able to help (as little as my brain remembers anything useful these days) with this if you want to track me down on Discord. Especially if you don't really want to broadcast your ultimate goal.
  2. Also, there was a ridable companion at some point on Beth.net. Might take a look hiw they did it. Some Brahmin thing.
  3. You can add/remove keywords via script. I'm not terribly sure what you're trying to do, but the entry point idea is good. Put the whole riding scripting in the entry point's fragment. Or even, maybe, create a dialog option that does it after Talk. There's also ways to sidestep the use of keywords for ridability completely, via script. Anywho, maybe I'm misunderstanding. Not sure I get the 'overall' intention
  4. Not really what you want (though they do follow), but what the hey: ;-) Drivable, following, big cats https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25201/?
  5. I'm gonna say this, even though it sounds like self promotion, look at The Small Addition mod. Check the settlers/Army Men posted in the Big Master Bedroom. Set them up like that. I've forgotten exactly, but it has to do with locreftype and connectingvthem to the workbench. Edit: Yes, I know it's a lot to download, but it's a good example of how to do it, for sure.
  6. Kitcat's right and, in my case (APC and Tank Turrets you commented on, Dubby that is), the install script does just that (in concept, if not exact code, of course). I do provide the source scripts though, so in *my* case, you can go to CK, load the mod, search for the "install" quest (...I think I named it that), open it up and find the tab with the script on it, "edit source" it, you'll see the line pointing to the esp pretty easily, change that line to point to whatever new names.esp, "Compile" it, "Save" it, close that little Edit window, save the mod, and be on your merry way. =) Not everyone provides their source scripts though (which is not wrong of them, just different).
  7. I don't know, that's pretty darn near what I said. Link workbench to workbench to container...implied that the one workbench won't have container. Oh well, memory isn't what it used to be. :shrug:
  8. I'm not 100% sure I remember, but I think it goes: -#1 workshop workbench reflink to -#2 workbench -settlement container...? ...mer, can't remember... Anywho, I know it's mentioned in here somewhere on some page: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4450545-request-for-a-proofread-of-a-settlement-mod-guide-please/?fromsearch=1
  9. This will at least help with the floppy ear part: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8300/?
  10. I remember helping out both those guys back when this all started...fun days...easier days. Anywho... Stuyk put his back up. Here you go: =) http://stuyk.com/fallout-4-creating-a-new-settlement-location/ (I think he refined it a bit, too, as there was an error in the original that I didn't spot on a quick browse of this new one)
  11. I blame trying to view the image on my phone and not clearly seeing the color well enough. =P (Rather than go back and edit the comment) Anywho, glad you got it all worked out. =) (Althoooouuughh, I swore jump was purple... =/ ...guess I need a refresher course myself =P )
  12. Werr's right, but no need to look for a door if there's no yellow rectangular door marker (unless you've hit M to hide makers), as hitting finalize should clear it out by itself. Related: Always need to Finalize navmesh's, that's their final step.
  13. I can do a cat whatever name you like, even be a big one and ridable...but not great at textures. If you find a texture, or get something going in GIMP (photoshop like program), then maybe I can set it up. Not a great substitute, but we did do a sorta seethrough black cat here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25201/? (It is quite big and drivable, though, hence the "not a great substitute", and at some point needs a bit of speed decrease)
  14. And it's always good to have a nice clean save from just prior to installation, just in case you needing to go back. =)
  15. I'm a little unclear, are you making a mod, using a mod, or are you working with some ingame Command Console changes to an existing actor? If you're making a mod, sounds suspiciously like an Object Template solution is necessary (where all the attachments of robots are handled for what they spawn with when they are first spawned). Mean like you may not shave setup that correctly or at all.
  16. (To bring this poor guys thread back around to being somewhat helpful...) There's little reason you can't do your own worldmap for this area/island, by the way. I can't remember how to actually make it from the actual trrrain, off the top of my head (I do remember it's gotta go through a few different programs, including FO4Edit), but getting it into the game is not terribly difficult (though a few peculiarities).
  17. Always looked at Tina's like something to be installed, played/experience and removed when done, then return to a save prior to install. Never thought myself to just let it sit in a game. Kinda even feel the same about our own big'ish mod, things like Maxwell's, 50 Ways To Die At Nick's, etc, actually. But yeah, conflicts will happen, just the way of mods. <shrug> (Unless I'm completely misunderstanding this thread, of course)
  18. Hmm, few other things with an island. Use those Distant Clouds, great effects. Remember to raise them a bit higher than you might expect, otherwise they might seem as if *in* the water. Takes a bit of trial and error. Give yourself ample water surrounding the island. It'll make your LOD and overall mod size bigger, but it will help with wiews. Mer, I'm not explaining that well...umm, so if you cut off your cells too close to the island, it will be very easy to see. The water will be too easy to just see it stop instead of like fading off unto the horizon.
  19. I can remind you (because it seems like a lot of us forget the functionality and how useful it came be, even myself) of using Region Editor to place your environmental stuff (e.g.: trees, rocks, shrubs, etc). Can be very useful. Otherwise, it sounds like you *know* about or *are aware* of the other stuff, at least. I mean it'll all be a bit different depending on *your* land, but you already make mention of the difficult things I can think of off the top of my head. It'll all be situational so can't draw you a straight line, but as long as your aware that you'll need to deal with them eventually you'll be one up on most. Ooo, one cool thing Ibalways forget to do is the waves hitting the shore/rocks/cliffs, those are fun and often forgotten about.
  20. Do you mean worldspace or interior? They both differ (in different ways) from one you'd create in the Commonwealth worldspace.
  21. Could do a perk with an entry point add an activate choice to the actor. Like "E to ride" is always there, but can add "R to do something else". Would need a perk with a small bit of scripting and then a tiny quest to give the player the hidden perk. I'm not sure I remember how to set it up the quest and perk fragment though, as last time I had to have someone remind me, hah. =P
  22. Not to be a jerk, but maybe it would be good to pick one of those things and start out with that, maybe like the damage one. Learn a lot about other stuff almost by accident working on separate things, heh, making it easier to move forward with the next type/area of this stuff. =)
  23. There's a Vertibird that is just a door, none of the actor Vertibird stuff. What about using that instead? Otherwise, you'll have to call to exit the minigun idle somehow...or Kill the Vertibird.
  24. Ahh, the (not at all) subtle differences between a) reproducing something from elsewhere, and b) fully using an existing asset from elsewhere. ...is it really that hard of a concept to grasp? ...though, I'd be forever damned if I didn't admit to myself being sorely tempted every so often to grab some specific things from FNV or FO3 (but never would, of course). =/
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