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Everything posted by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah

  1. In the nif itself, there is a flag...I think...iirc. Not actually sure it has any real affect on the game (you know how some of them are just carryovers...haven't messed with it), but it is there.
  2. This...and it's kinda fun to pull up that cell in the Creation Kit...lines everywhere! =P(I'm easily amused) Haven't (noticed) an issue yet with cleaning any/all of it afterwards.
  3. Yep, talked to them a few weeks ago.Anywho, after going through 3 people, they *will not offer* students 2013 at all. ...they eventually stopped replying. =P Might try short subscription myself, but with only 9-10 things I want to do, that's a hard pill to swallow/tough on the pocketbook. Actually looking again, if I did the subscription, just talk to them and request the 2013? (Option to do so is not obvious) ...not that I look forward to chatting with them again...wasn't bad, just too much back-and-forth, this person to that person, miss this call miss that chat...=/ I've never had to deal with them for old-older versions before, only ever for newer /currently support d ones and their sales department for longer term/larger buys.
  4. Yeah, it's finicky. I usually open the actor window, then a static object window, hit the A key, close the static object, click on the actor render pane of the actor window. ...that usually does it. =/
  5. You can take a look at my file, as a jump height multi is literally the only thing it does (though it applies/unapplies [is that even a word? ] it based on location, and the perk is originally given by a "book"). http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/ajax/downloadfile?id=83037 Under Optional Files of: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17128/?
  6. There is option in Creation Kit>World>Workdspaces>YourWorld to turn off grass. Maybe you checkmatked it by accident?
  7. I'm not sure I could muster a walk through on how to do it exactly, but that concept is possible. Obviously a quest is needed, probably started with a trigger (maybe in the room, so that as you enter the room you enter the trigger). Quickest way to learn dialogue is by checking how that's done in companions. Same with camera angles. At some point, to make the 1st radscorpion become unfriendly, I'd say there will be a line of code/short script that changes its aggression level towards the player (setaggressionlevel...I think? ). At that same time, a placeat call for a second radscorpion to be placed at coordinates (the coordinates part is where I completely fail at, ...possibly not use coordinates at all, maybe just place at an xmarker outside the doorway the player entered through and have the second baddie spawn at that). I know it's not much, and someone else may walk you through it better or have a better idea, but also maybe that will give a head start at least. Good luck. Edit: Akav1r clearly had a better idea and clearer explanation while I was typing (truly not sarcasm). =) ...I might have to ask them when I start adding my quests, hehe. ;-)
  8. I remember one time not clicking "is player" or something like that (top right hand corner), and this happening. ...wish I could be more specific, sorry. I'll try to look later.
  9. But do they snap like LEGO? ;-)Alas no. Being able to assemble cinder block walls lego-style could be quite interesting, especially if alternate colors/textures were available.Feel free to try mine, in the above linked mod, with 3 CINDER BLOCKS that also snap *like* LEGO. =) Edit: Not trying yell, just trying to be clear...which I'm clearly (heh) not very good at today. =)
  10. "like" ...you know what, I'm just too tired, so never mind. Try Homemaker.
  11. It's been a bit since I looked at this, but there is an actual separate Naming object for each power armor. Iirc. P.S. "8 hours" ? Nothin'. ;-)
  12. I've got a few in Betho Blocks, but not many. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21457/? https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/21457-0-1485029124.png Edit: I think it's only 3 in there, actually. Just the singles for sure. I mean to do the stacks and walls eventually...but getting distracted, as it's boring laborious work. =/
  13. I don't know why I kept thinking Oscape. Well, maybe I do know why, I think I was confusing myself with Oscape's output of the RAW file. Point is, I'm totally mis-remembering how to do this. ...be glad if you never have these issues. Anywho, I've got to get the map first. *Now* I have this thought about xEdit (FO4Edit) and alt-F3. I'll go fool with that. =/
  14. Well, I'm kinda confused myself now. I already have all the textures and meshes for the LOD ready (and they're working well). ...so am I just completely mis-remembering the steps to just get the pip-boy map? Do I even need Oscape at this point?
  15. Hello, Doing a worldmap for custom worldspace. LOD created with no hitches, but having a rough time getting the actual map ready with Oscape. Errors out on "saving UV tile (24; -8)" or "Placing hi-res points (current mesh error 0.000000)" I believe (I'll have to run that again to double check the message). Only real thing I see that could be a cause is the world defaults are (intentionally) sealevel: -15500 and landlevel: -15000. (much lower than my normal maps) Maybe just too low? Any other ideas? Is there another way to do maps these days? Thank you. =) P.S. Took a look at https://www.darkcreations.org/hoddminir/generating-lods-for-your-worldspace to double check my settings. Edit: Worked all fine the last few times I've done it, but I must admit that was 5-6 months ago (and before that a few years, heh). Must be forgetting a step or 2 like usual.
  16. Recently I took another look at this (felt an urge for self-applied pain I guess, heh). 4 things stuck out as new possibilities. -The way I name my my 0 node (I always just stick with Scene Root). Fooled around with a test but maybe I've still not got the right idea about that. -DummyFXSkin.nif. I remember something about this...something I saw...somewhere. Something about being referenced in the actor nif. -The above and also in general with the bodypartdata object's part data entries. Again, I vaguely remember the DummyFXSkin...something that I missed linking in the bodypartdata maybe? Something about the bodypartdata object's part data entries regardless. -Some random string somewhere that I overlooked. ...MER!!
  17. Anyone wanna test a very early version of the drivables? =) ...and hopefully someone can provide insights into the current bugs or workings? ;-) (I'll send it through PM) Some feedback on the progress would be good to find out if this is worth continuing or not *right now* (as I'm interested on this concept, for sure, but I've kinda put everything else on hold during it). Current bugs I'm on are: -On entry, you have to manually adjust the front/back tilt before switching to 3rd person (it then stays corrected until next full reentry). I'm actually okay with this myself, but I know it won't go over well with users. -APC and Tank are only controllable at a distance (I don't know the exact distance, but keep scrolling back and it'll eventually work). Again, kinda okay with this, but users...will most likely not be. -The drivables can be directed off a cliff or other long drop, thus becoming useless as they've then crippled a limb. Point is, having trouble fully turning off crippling effects/response (or limb damage as an alternative). -The flyers are just...I don't know, odd. Stay in 1st person upon entry and they work *well'ish*. Leave first person and they become *very* stupid (even if you scroll back into 1st person). =P Included so far: -Giddy -Dark Giddy (from something else I'm working on) -Giant Cat -Giant Dog -Toy UFO -Toy Rocket -APC -Tank
  18. To answer this question would require me to play the game... ...too busy modding to play the game. =P
  19. m (m150) just posted a Giddy a few days ago, for those interested: =) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23963/?
  20. Try one of the Vertibird movement types (search for _mt), possibly the 'whileridden' one. I think that was the one.
  21. If it is and the author didn't include the source scripts, search the Nexus for the Papyrus Decompiler.
  22. It can be done all sorts of ways. Case in point, my menu injectors install/uninstall upon entry/exit of settlement locations....and even further 'case in point', Betho Blocks still shows the message when it does because I forgot to remove the debugnotification and have been disinterested in uploading a new version just because of that. =P
  23. Is it in the top left corner of the screen? Maybe it's a debugnotification in the script.
  24. The Brahmin you can turn off through the placed workbench's script (on the script tab after right-click>edit). I don't remember about the max settlers, but I think it's inside the actual script (not a changeable property type deal) which could maybe be affected by an 'extends' script...but it's been a while since I looked.
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