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Everything posted by theuseless

  1. Cool, looks great! I'll use this in my mod and give you credit if you don't mind
  2. What is the reason that you want these teeth? Is it purely cosmetic or do you wish to free up slots to be used for whisker/nose rings as suggested? It says on the white teeth that it is compatible with scanti's merged teeth. I would install scanti's merged teeth first, then over write the file with white teeth. It might be fun to gimp up the merged teeth and make your own textures for it, making green or red teeth might look cool on some characters.
  3. Hey, if you have trouble with installing the mods, check out my site here: Tutorials Abound. There are some good tutorials there, aimed at making newer people familiar and comfortable with playing and making mods. Please comment if you see anything that needs anything. As far as mods go, I would recommend the Top Oblivion Quest Mods. There are some fancy mods there that have really cool stuff. If that isn't your pace, leave a more descriptive post explaining what you like to play. I hate to admit it, but I prefer to look up on the nexus which mods are top rated or new. I really like the Armamentarium, but it is a complex mod. Meaning that it relies on you downloading and installing other mods in order for it to work. It adds a couple hundred new textures to the familiar armors, making treasure hunting a bit more fun and the characters you kill a little less bland. My favorite castles are Castle Seaview and Castle Almgard. I'm a sucker for the ocean, what can I say? I also can't play without the Cosmetic Compilation. It makes your character genereration so much better, as well as fixing some minor issues like vampirism face change. Alexander's Wings is another favorite. Sure, the wings don't flap and they don't make you fly, but it is cool nonetheless. You can get dragons to ride around on and pirate ships to pilot the seas. It really is up to you what you want to run and play. PM me if you want a list of links. I'd be more than happy to point you in the right direction. This is but a small list of the many mods available. I think that if you search the nexus, you will find what you are looking for and more. As always, have fun theuseless
  4. While I have no time to help with the making of your mod, it might help to give a more detailed description. You never know, somebody might even do it for free. off topic: You should not entice money out of your pockets. Don't get these guys thinking about how to market mods. The service they provide is awesome. And as I hear it, Dark0ne had to come out of pocket this last year to pay for the servers. As soon as I get some free bucks, I'm gonna get a lifetime membership to here. theuseless
  5. well, I finally got around to making this again. The new post is here. Sorry to DesuChan for the lag. Awesome tutorial!
  6. Hey, I just found this pinned article. I had been working towards the same goal. While my list isn't as comprehensive, I think it easier to read. You can find this post at link. It was written more for people new to playing and making mods. With some formating, you could have the best tutorials page out there. It is just kind of hard to read and find what you are looking for. Feel free to use any tutorials on my post, with proper credit to the authors. Thanks for this awesome post, theuseless
  7. Well, I just noticed that this idea had been done and is now pinned, but I had been collecting a bunch of tutorials specifically for Oblivion. While I'm not trying to steal any thunder, I noticed that the list which was originally posted by Zuzaski is hard to read and understand for a newer player/modder. I simply am reposting my original in order to give another outlet for people to start with. The original post wasn't able to be updated, so I re-posted it in hopes that I might continue my work. I will link to the pinned article for more detailed tutorials. Mission statement: This thread was started to make playing mods easier. It is also geared towards making the learning process of modding less painful and more fun! This is also provided as a place to link to when answering questions. I'm a tutorial hound. I love following tutorials and have decided to post this thread to help promote GOOD tutorials. I haven't gotten through too many yet, so I'm starting this out with the bare minimum. As the thread progresses, I will update and add more tutorials. I will also categorize them, but for now there are but the few. This thread will be maintained once per week! This will hopefully allow time for feedback. If no feedback is provided, I will browse the tutorial myself and look for errors where possible. The term "noob" is used purely as a descriptive, as we all started somewhere. Please don't take offense. Also please don't troll this thread, it was intended as a learning tool. Look up "trolling" under the Forum Rules and Strikes if you don't understand. Got a tutorial you would like to share? Wrote a tutorial for noobs? Great! Please post! Tutorials: Noob tutorials: Ben's Oblivion Support - tutorials written by local moderator bben46. A great place to start if you have little or no experience with playing or installing mods. A Beginner's Guide - a good place to start if you seriously wish to start making mods for Oblivion. How to Make Mods - a nifty set of tutorials and instructions aimed at helping make the process more smooth. Written by our own local moderator, LHammonds Modder's Rescources: How to Create New Re-Textured Items - make stuff look how you wish. For the artists out there Working Drawbridges - make a set of working drawbridges with an operator to open and close them for you! Oblivion Modding Links - Zuzaski's links Advanced Tools: tes4edit basics - this is the absolute basics. Whatever you do, don't load Oblivion.esm into the list! Fo3Edit Training Manual - now before you get your panties all bunched up, this manual is usable with TES4edit!. There currently is no version of the manual translated to Oblivion but the program functions are identical. Porting Hair Into Oblivion - written by the generous DesuChan. Only to be used for personal use, don't release anything publicly with knowledge obtained from this tut ;) Tutorial Criteria: 1: The tutorial must pertain to Oblivion or programs used for modding it! (hey, people make mistakes :stupid: lol) 2: Submit working tutorials only. I hate to state the obvious, but make sure the tutorial is complete. It may be also finished through easily identified links or replies. Basically, don't post an unfinished tutorial here. Period. If you want help completing your tutorial, please start your own topic. I would love to post it when its done! 3: You must add new material or explain existing material in a new way (don't regurgitate somebody else's tutorial to get posted! >:( ) 4: Please make sure the tutorial follows forum rules (ie no profanity, no specifically nude tutorials, sorry) 5: The Tutorial can be posted on any website but must be viewable by all 6: Always check for any copyrights and get permission if you didn't write the tutorial. This is just common courtesy and will help eliminate erroneous tutorials. Posting from the wiki or the nexus is obviously acceptable. I will send notification to the author upon posting otherwise. 7: Please try to use proper English as some people who read here use translators. (ie babblefish) If the tutorial is posted in a different language, please state so in the post and link to either babblefish or similar program. 8: may be video or text. If video is submitted, please include a detailed description and provide a link to the video. Please do not simply post youtube video as some readers will undoubtedly be on lower end computers with lower end connection speeds. Well, that's it for now. I'm hoping that people will post cool tutorials here for me to explore! It is less painful than reverse engineering scripts out of mods and then contacting the authors. They sometimes need to be bribed with new scripts, milk and cookies, etc. in order to use their work :P Also needed are good tutorials aimed at noobs! If you plan on writing a tutorial, please include some fun! We don't want tutorials written by chimpanzees or robots lol. If a tutorial you wrote got posted here somehow without your permission, notify me by PM. I will remove it promptly. The same thing goes for broken links or broken tutorials. I will remove or update them as soon as I can. I hope this thread is of help to somebody out there. Please post! :mage: theuseless
  8. Looking Fraggin Amazing! I don't know anything about 3ds Max, Blender, Anim8or etc, but would it be easier to add the pauldrons (shoulder pieces) to the gauntlets, making the arms covered entirely from shoulder to finger? That would also enable some customization with other armours, allowing the gauntlets (with pauldrons) and helm to be worn over other custom armours that didn't clip out too bad. Like I said, it is just an idea. Probably a bad one, seeing as I have no skills whatsoever. I'm not even sure if it is possible. Your progress is great. It is looking simply incredible. I'm not that into anime style armours for Oblivion usually, but that one is an eye catcher. The sword is amazing too. Great reproduction of the classic GoW. Maybe with a black retex it would fit the armour set. Are either of these aforementioned files usable as modder's resource? If so that would be awesome, I wouldn't mind having a boss suited up like that for battle in my mod. theuseless
  9. Well, I'm not sure how "cool" I am or the mod I'm making, but Hey! How ya doing? Hope that you find what you seek. This forum is more friendly and helpful than any of the others I have found. If you do a detailed search, you can almost always find an answer to your questions. If not, there are always people here willing to lend a hand. Also check out some of the word games on the Lounge/Off Topic forum. Some are entertaining to say the least (my favorite is Ban For Fun) I also like to peruse the Mods Released and File Requests areas. They seem to geve me more than the simple name on "New Files" feature on the nexus' and have an easier format to read. As always, have fun and when it becomes less fun, ask for help. theuseless
  10. Maybe the "Kobus Character Advancement System" is what you are looking for? The paths of destiny mean anything to you? I advise you post a more accurate description of the mod on the topic, "Oblivion Mod Detectives" They are more knowledgeable and could potentially find it for you.
  11. I will be more general than specific, as many of my favorite quests (vanilla and mod) have already been mentioned. Challenge: It must have something to make you work towards Plot: The story must at least have some common elements. Character Devolopment, Climax and Peak, Foreshadowing are all nice Wow Moments: Places in the story or setting that make you say wow. This can be a plot twist to aesthetic artistic value I realy liked the Castle Seaview quest. I use the castle in almost every save game I make (I also live on the ocean in real life). The quest didn't have too much in the way of challenges, but it did have moments that made me realy think "wow, this is creative, unique and fun!" I won't spoil it (even in a spoiler box), but let's say that it had some originality to it, it didn't feel like a canned, cheesy quest (I like cheese too, just in its own place). theuseless -edit- Yes, you can get a freeware program, called JoyToKey. You can also get a program for $10 called xpadder. Both do the same thing, making your joystick input keyboard and mouse information. Simply configure either program to your tastes and disable the joystick function in the Morrowind.ini file. There is a post here if you search for "morrowind joytokey" that somebody figured out the closest configuration to xbox version. Found the link here. I'll pm you too I use both (I paid for the xpadder before I found JoyToKey). I run a batch file to start both oblivion and xpadder at the same time, then another batch file to run my MTGO and JoyToKey. Batch files are complicated and I don't know how much translates over to Vista. I just wanted to show that I have experience, and am still, using both, they both work fine.
  12. Hey, installing and playing mods is less daunting than you might think. It is actually somewhat easy. If you are hesitant to install mods with the save game you have now, back it up using bben46's reccomendation. If you are still hesitant, then install a mod then make a new character. This will help prevent the muddling of your existing save. I will sometimes start a new save game just to test out mods, make sure that they are working properly before applying them to my more precious save. I second all the advice given thus far, especially to have fun! Don't worry and start small, slowly building up your collection. I personally suggest you download a castle or other player home as a beginner mod. You can visually tell if you installed it correctly and there is a whole lot less guess work. Always follow the readme, it will rarely lead you astray. If you want a good place to start, check out my tutorials page (under construction): Tutorials Abound! There are some good tutorials there, I especially reccomend the one, Ben's Oblivion Support, written by bben46. It will point you in the right direction and get you started with downloading and playing mods in no time. I wish that I had read that one when I first started playing mods. Hope this helps, theuseless
  13. I enjoy quest mods, especially when they include new content of any kind. I used to download just about any castle that looked large, now I get bored with them if they don't offer a little plot line. The only weapon mods I download are those that add to the leveled loot list. One of my biggest pet peeves was that the weapons all were the same after a while. Now a mod that would add leveled loot as you progress in the story, that would be a mod! Just my two cents, theuseless
  14. Not to be a stick in the mud, but it is illegal to cross port Oblivion and Fallout 3. You would only be able to release the mod by word of mouth. It might be easier to get some custom tilesets that are themed to Oblivion, then ask the creator if it is cool to port. You could also then make weapons that were non-projectile, just using meshes and textures to look similar to Oblivion. All in all this sounds like a great project, check out the list of modder's resources. I don't have my bookmarks uploaded to my comp (just did a wipe). I will post back an edit later if nobody links to the site before me. Sorry in advance. I know that there is a great list out there. theuseless
  15. Hey there and welcome to the nexus. I have a collection of tutorials aimed at people like you! Don't worry, I was a noob a few months ago and now I'm in the middle of a large scale mod. Check out the tutorials at: Tutorials Abound! It won't let me update the more advanced tuts but I will be remaking the post and will link to it from the original when I have time. Hope these help, theuseless ps - If you are new to installing mods, check out bben46's tutorial, Ben's Oblivion Support. LHammonds supplied a great tutorial to get you started with the modding aspect of the game, called How to Make Mods. If either of them helped you, please give them kudos. I'm not so focused on it, but they deserve it.
  16. hmm, do all the people use the same mods on the same directory? are you limited in space on your hard drive? you could deselct the mod with wrye bash or obmm if so. and yeah, i believe that ren's does make one nude. at least that's what i thought was doing it from the cosmetic compilation? theuseless
  17. I hope that they include new scripting functions that can be ported to fallout 3 legally
  18. Did this project ever see fruition? If not, let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. If you need me to make a room for the cases (or a dragon lair kind of cave), let me know. I should be done with re-downloading my data from dvd back to my hard drive. Sorry that I lagged for so long, but I had to make sure for certain that my hard drive was clean before going all crazy and getting my stuff back. Also had to scan that stuff for viruses, etc. I think that I'm safe.
  19. fcom is fairly difficult to install. Wrye Bash doesn't make mistakes like that. You should try to follow one of the many fcom installation guides out there and make sure you do it properly. Also make sure that you have all the required mods fcom is dependent upon. "Requires MMM 3.7, OOO 1.34" Make sure you have both these exact versions of the files.
  20. Still (patiently) waiting. Just got back online. Thanks for the tapestry mesh again Unavi! @Revan97111: That looks cool as hell but the proper way to go about getting it made is to post your own request in this topic.
  21. This is weird. Did I leave this topic alone for too long? I can't update the first post with an edit. I get the following message: IPS Driver Error There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here Do I need to start this as a new topic in order to be able to update it again? I'm sure that my computer is 99.9% healthy (other than a missing driver disk for my wireless lol). -edit- I was able to edit the post above but not the original post
  22. I prefer Cradle of Filth when it comes to black metal, then Draconian. Thrash and crust are way better. DRI till I die!!
  23. @ DesuChan Sorry but it might be a couple of days until I am able to review that tutorial. At first glance it looks Awesome! I have a gnarly computer virus and I'm uploading everything to database. I will post anyways as I know that your rep is good. I will edit this post as soon as I do my wipe. -edit- Looks awesome but for some reason it won't let me modify original post. Probably a problem on my end, got some seriously weird crap
  24. lol. Frag mcCrappy. Doing a system wipe now. I've posted to every tech forum that I like and gotten the same crud. -edit- I learned a lot. I can't remember who said it, but "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you were looking for." lol
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