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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Hi. Remember how you can replace the lighthouse bulb in Point Lookout to start it up again? Well... It really annoys me that you can only get one light working. The lighthouse's beacon has two broken lights, but you can only replace one of them. Even if you spawn another Lighthouse Bulb with the console, you still can't replace the other one. Could someone please make a mod that corrects this? This could be done one of two ways. Either there's a second Lighthouse Bulb somewhere in Point Lookout that you can use on the other side of the beacon, or the other bulb of the beacon is still in-tact and functional, so you still only need the one bulb. If you ask me, that's how the game should have been. Both lights. Not half-a-lighthouse. Anyone else wish there was a mod for this? And does anyone have the know-how to make it?
  2. Uhhhh... why do you immediately assume I acquired my copy of the game illegally?
  3. Hi. If I wanted to check everyday to see if a patch for New Vegas or the New Vegas Script Extender was released to stop Dead Money from crashing the game at startup, where would I look for updates on that?
  4. Weird... last night, I had a dream that Obsidian came out with an official patch so people who's games were broken by Dead Money can play it without crashing right at the first opening slide... When I woke up, I was quite sad that it had all been a dream... a very, very wonderful dream...
  5. Wow... this is the last place I expected to hear a Battle Angel Alita reference... Actually... this is the first time I knew of anyone who's ever even seen Battle Angel Alita... I always thought it was one of the older, more obscure anime... Hugo's death... I have yet to cry harder for an anime since...
  6. Oh? A return of the Highwayman? Perhaps involving the crash site of the one used by the Chosen One?
  7. Oh. Then perhaps chocolate, flowers, and romantic jewelry? Radioactive Choco-Bars! Color-coded wrappers for your convenience! Red = Milk chocolate Blue = White chocolate Purple = Dark chocolate Yellow = Nuts Orange = Crispies Green = Nougat Each Companion could have a favorite kind. Same with different flowers and different gems. Actually, that's starting to sound a bit like Harvest Moon...
  8. Raul is too old. And I don't mean that as in chronological age. Age is just a number when it comes to love. I mean his spirit and soul are far too weathered for a relationship. I can really only see it happening with a Courier on the far right side of the age scaler.
  9. Hmmm... I read that, but I thought my system was the problem... I'll try getting rid of all the meshes and textures. Nope. Still crashed. Is an update to NVSE available?
  10. Hi. I suddenly started crashing, even with all my mods disabled. Deleting Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini did nothing. I'll post a detailed topic about it if my system is up to specs, but right now I just need to know if my system is too outdated after the last update. If you need any other information, let me know. Though I felt I should tell you that the options for my New Vegas setting list my NVIDA GeForce as a 7900 GS, while my system information lists it as a GeForce 6150SE nForce 430. I'm not sure if that's a problem or not...
  11. Actually, my last post brings up a good point. Perhaps a mod like this will bring the comeback for Jimmy Hats from Fallout 2? Blue = Ribbed for "her pleasure" Green/Yellow = Slathered in spermicidal lubricant for "added protection" Red = Yummy cinnamon bun flavor... or so I've heard.
  12. Not exactly. Followers joining requires not only changing the Game Settings, but also editing the Dialogue Topics that involve asking a companion to join. I'm more concerned with fixing the break in Unlimited Companions that Dead Money causes. That would depend on what exactly the change is that Dead Money makes that breaks the Unlimited Companions mod. If we can figure out what's causing the breaking, we can correct it. But I'm no good at the more complex forms of modding, like script-writing. I sent a message to the guy who made the Improved Companions mod. Hopefully he can help us, but he's been missing from the Nexus for a week or two as well...
  13. Ah, that explains it. The setting didn't show up in FO3Edit. That's weird... I wonder why... Thanks! I'll let you know if it works.
  14. Hmmm... strange... I've done searches, gone through the list alphabetically, but that setting is nowhere to be found... Are you sure it's a vanilla setting? You might be looking at a setting found in one of your mods... What's the ID for it? And something tells me that using a script to make their weapon unequipable won't stop them from picking up better weapons laying around or off corpses... the need for a better weapon would still be there, I figure, they just wouldn't be able to equip what they pick up.
  15. Hmmm... Read through each of the game setting files individually and didn't find anything about "find better weapon"... I wonder where it could be... Ah. There's also another mod I'm making that requires me to find and adjust this game setting. It may sound silly, but I'm intending to make a mod for people who like to roleplay while playing, such as by giving their followers certain weapons and armor to play out characters or roles. The roleplaying players don't have many mods to suit their playing style, aside from "Playable Professions". Since followers will just replace a bad weapon with a better one they find on a corpse or lying around, that makes roleplaying hard. I'm trying to find a way to either prevent the looting or make any weapon you give your followers "sticky" so they won't just replace it with a better weapon they find, or possibly make better weapons "invisible" to followers so they don't pick them up. Still, I'd like to find the NPC looting setting so I can make a mod that makes it adjustable...
  16. I'm trying to make a mod that allows you to adjust the frequency of NPC and follower looting. To either turn it off so that all loot stays where it is unless you say so, make all NPCs realistically fight for loot, and several levels in-between. So it would be in the Game Setting section of the game files is what you're saying?
  17. I asked a nice staff member to help me. It's done. Thanks, The Vampire Dante! Now... I need to find the script or feature that handles NPCs and followers looting the corpses of other NPCs. It's essentialy I find it for my mod, but I've done multiple searched and found nothing. Can anyone please help?
  18. Okay... then how do I get ahold of a mod to have him or her move my topic there? I don't know if any mods are online...
  19. It's not possible for ghouls to have children. But it should be possible for a child to become a ghoul. I think it just wasn't implemented for the same reason that all children in the game are unkillable: Legal issues with violence and death applied to children. It's illegal for a child to be shown dying even if it's fictional. I'm guessing the lack of ghoulified children is related to that. Bethesda planned a lot more for children than what they were allowed. For example, there's actually unused dialogue in the game for children spouting battle lines.
  20. The Abominations on Mothership Zeta. Seriously, they freak me out. Especially when they point at you and shriek, but they're just really creepy-looking and disturbing in general. Every time I see one, I try to kill it as fast as I can, and I'm practically whimpering during the VATS slowdowns against one. Everytime one of those things sneaks up on me out of nowhere, I jump twice my height and s*** myself. But for second place, I would say the Dunwich Building (in general) and the Vault 106 hallucinations in third.
  21. Oh. I'm sorry. I need to fix that broken script, so I thought I was supposed to ask in technical help. Which mod should I ask to move this? One for the modding forum, or the technical help forum?
  22. Excuse me. Which script is it that causes NPCs and followers to loot the corpses of other NPCs? I can't find it in FO3Edit or GECK...
  23. Yeah, I mean, look at me. I have a thing for amputees. Even an eyepatch gets me excited. Wait... nevermind. Sorry. Heh... For the record, ghouls are fully capable of having sex. They're just completely sterile. So, really... you don't need a Jimmy Hats with a ghoul. Though I do think sex with a ghoul is a bit... different... from human sex. Nova in FO3 says she has limitations with "johnnies that are squishier" than her. But Dukov mentions having had a ghoul "party girl" once just to see what it was like. And considering how he oversexes Cherry and Fantasia, I'm sure ghouls can have sex just fine. And Charon is the hottest guy in the Fallout series to date, in my opinion. So it's nice to see this thread isn't ignoring the potential that ghouls and super mutants have. Shame about Arcade being gay, though... And Veronica being a lesbian (or bi? Not sure...). They're two of the hotter companions for their respective sexes.
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