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Status Replies posted by Spaceritual

  1. 11th March DAO 2 is due :)
  2. I uninstalled f3... I feel a bit woozy
  3. 11th March DAO 2 is due :)
  4. 11th March DAO 2 is due :)
  5. 11th March DAO 2 is due :)
  6. Good morning, dear, sweet bacon! Where would I be without you?
  7. Home saved from fire.
  8. "World Cuisine" Post your Local or Favourite food. :D
    1. Spaceritual


      apple crumble and custard for me...it's a childhood thing..
    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  9. New favorite game, Mass effect 2!
  10. Uh-oh! Real life just showed up at my door...may be a couple of days until I'm back. At least it will be quiet without me talking about myself all the time...
  11. Posted only one: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=79635 .For the reason, see the status update below. Very special credit for anyone who can guess its reference.
  12. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  13. New favorite game, Mass effect 2!
  14. the New Vegas Legion story line was only marginally more exciting than tryong to be Enclave in FO3 so I killed my character off...nice chap but dull..
  15. Tries to do MUSIC the Sequel again (Lets see how long this one lasts) *chuckles*
    1. Spaceritual


      I keep missing the music threads...very annoying..really need to move around a lot faster :)
    2. (See 76 other replies to this status update)

  16. My new status update: Please Blue, don't hurt me! Spam away :-)
    1. Spaceritual


      nice octopus....hope this doesn't start a sea based them though...mind you Blue would be fine as he is a pirate ....
    2. (See 97 other replies to this status update)

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