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Everything posted by secksegai

  1. Certain bugs are pratically hard-coded. It really depends on the buy menu crashing. Is it crashing when you buy something (duplicates of items that have scripts can crash the game like caseboxes of cases, or duplicate cards). If its crashing any time you enter the buy menu before actually doing anything, that's a different story.
  2. Having done both, I can say the only true difference between blowing the damn and activating the additional securitrons is the ending. But then again, I assume the player can wipe out both sides solo by the time they hit this part of the quest. Once you've activated the override trip in the main control room (the one that's guarded during the Dam Battle by 2 salvaged Power Armor Rangers), use your map to get to the door to the new tower you have to go up (which takes you back out on the top of hoover). Note, prior to entering the control room, its wise to stealth in unless you don't mind killing NCR too. East side in the quest's terms basically mean head towards legate's camp.
  3. Look at Beware of Girl's Type 3 Description on the nexus - lists a solid archive order. Assuming you're using the old FO3 and follow her directions, you should resolve those issues.
  4. disabling mods doesn't always remove the changes they cause. Sounds likely to be a texture issue or a system issue. First thing I'd recommend you do to test is disabling all mods, start a new game, and see if the problem persists.
  5. Yeah, with the game world so large, either you did something (or several things) different or a patch caused some instability with a mod/mods.
  6. It's just a manual file removal - as in go to directory its residing in (should be main FONV) and delete it (it has a dll file as well) Just remember NV has its own Geck ;)
  7. I doubt its hardware related, sounds like more of a scripting issue causing the crash, like being unable to run a script properly for whatever reason. First thing I'd check is if it's still an issue with all mods disabled to see just how far the corruption goes - from there it's a matter of narrowing it down. While you may have made it through before, a simple official patch can wreak havoc. First thing I'd drop is the caravan card fix since its "mostly" fixed from the last patch now, though if you buy duplicate cards in same transaction it breaks. Oh and Nevada Skies... the extensive changing mods would be your primary suspects
  8. House will order you to blast the brotherhood and yes man is dependent on certain quests, mainly the choosing which "tribes" to keep/kill I think. Never destroyed brotherhood, but my guess is that's what locks you in for House, NCR locks in after telling Moore what the deal is with the Khans. Couldn't tell ya Caesar's, but you could always check the wiki if you really want to know.
  9. Yep, there's no way to justify the AI as even adequate. Even the Original Doom seemed to do a better job. Which also would explain why it seems a lot of us tend to gravitate towards the humanoid targets, as we have to derive most of our "pleasure" in eradicating folks we don't like. I always make it a point to take out Caesar before finishing the end quest, even though he wouldn't matter by that point anyway. I did find it surprising how insignificant Caesar himself is by the end of the game. Yeah, talk about disappointment - actually putting the effort into killing him and his guards (not hard with a stealthboy and silenced sniper rifle but still) and it doesn't have a drastic change... I wouldn't expect it to completely end the war, but you'd think it have a bit more impact.....
  10. Yep, there's no way to justify the AI as even adequate. Even the Original Doom seemed to do a better job. Which also would explain why it seems a lot of us tend to gravitate towards the humanoid targets, as we have to derive most of our "pleasure" in eradicating folks we don't like. I always make it a point to take out Caesar before finishing the end quest, even though he wouldn't matter by that point anyway.
  11. I would have modded the pre-existing NPC templates as opposed to creating new ones - when you create new ones, you've got to implement them in game, setting spawn locations and the like. If you just modified the NCR templates by hand, the changes should all be reflected by 3 games times if not instantly in all the NCR npcs you affected.
  12. I know I myself tend to do certain things in a particular order because of problems in the past. In fact, I had no idea that discovering Hidden Valley made a difference. As there are a number of people that can speak the key words, unless you leave ed-e for late late end game, you should still have at least a few people who can get the logs activated. I honestly have yet to find a quest where I needed to set a quest stage manually after several playthroughs, although having to spawn/move npcs has happened here and there - aside from the Raul companion quest bug.
  13. First thing that comes to mind is a mod problem, depending on how many mods you've got and where you saved will make it more difficult to test with the commands above.
  14. The fact that you're running a large number of mods should be your primary suspect. I'm guessing you've done little to know modding of your own as if you did, you'd be aware of how patches themselves can cause issues to arise by effectively becoming incompatible with certain mods (at least until said mods are updated). While I will complain about the implementation of steam, it's the game itself that really deserves the bad rap. Steam just adds additional complications to an already problematic game (no real manual patching). Considering I'm able to go hours without crashing now on less than a decent system (on the latest patch) - its more than likely certain mods you've been using have resulted in your severe instability. Half the mods I use I write myself, and the other half generally involve textures and meshes, something I don't plan on ever learning and will generally have a minor impact on performance and stability (when installed correctly). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if your archive list is the problem, as you can't just have archive invalidated at the beginning of the list if that applies to you. The fact that powdergangers are causing a crash screams mod incompatibility, but if you'd rather just blame the game.....
  15. I think you're missing the point - steam itself isn't terrible. It's when you make a single player game with an engine that's got a history of instability and make said game require steam. MMOs take care of themselves as the majority of content is serverside, and short of private servers, to be part of the actual community, you'll be paying the subscription fee. But with a single player game like this, it can lead to additional complications. The game already has enough problems as is. Steam is great when its working great - but its usually not steam that breaks, but the software (game) requiring it. With something like Half-Life, HL2 or CS, Steam doesn't bother me mainly because I don't worry about those apps being unstable.
  16. Ah, that makes sense. Probably because it modifies the templates for the respawns thus affecting more than just the guys that attack your fort
  17. Usually its a matter of dps/damage - NPCs will favor higher numbers generally speaking Also, make sure you include ammo, one bullet will give them infinite ammo unless you check the npc uses ammo (not recommended as they burn through shots quick). Don't know why you got to nerf the poor NCR boys even more, unless you boosted the pistol dramatically.
  18. looks like one beware of girl's type 3 bodies - that or the type 3 with super huge breasts.....
  19. I did things a little different this time around and I did end up having an issue with this quest. I can't remember for sure what triggered the brotherhood dialog, I believe it was finding the patrol in repconn. When I saw the quest update it mentioned lorenzo so I assumed I was to talk to him. When I eventually got around to starting all the Hidden Valley Quests, talking to him did nothing --- waited several days doing other things and nothing.... eventually I bothered to read description and it says I need to find the repconn patrol (which I already had) so I ended up revisiting them (after finding hidden valley) and that allowed the follower aspect to trigger. Also, pretty sure you'll want to load from a save prior to messing with the quest stages to save yourself problems down the line if this resolves the issue. The problem with setting quest stages is that it doesn't account for all the scripting
  20. Without going over the tutorial, I've had the geck cause issues myself from time to time - While I don't have a decent rig (at least these days) I've found the Geck is pretty damn finicky. Putting all that time and effort is frustrating when it suddenly craps out on you. I myself have to work certain files several times, do some work, save, do some more save, until the functionality starts to break then I save, close it out, restart geck and continue from there. Keep in mind that when you save, it saves folks with what they're wearing, so you'd want to wait at least three days (in game) to see what changes during respawn.
  21. Is the display not centered properly (guessing that's what you're describing)? Fresh install and modding bad juju with a game like this, not everyone has a stable experience with the vanilla game, let alone modded. Now is that a problem just for the game or is your desktop not centered as well? ---that would be a monitor setting issue Otherwise, first thing that comes to mind is uninstalling, removing additonal files from mods (game directory and documents ini files as a whole) manually, then reinstalling. If the vanilla setup has a problem... If it works fine, then the likelihood is that a mod or mods caused issue, whether by improper installation or poor coding.
  22. That's not entirely true. Certain mods should have absolutely no effect on stability, as some "mods" are merely changing a value or two. The thing to keep in mind is that the game isn't entirely stable to begin with. Even the latest patch, certain fixes can add more instability - for example a script that was meant to be a fix can actually crash the system in situations where there is more than one of the item invovled. Some Mods can lead to a bit of instability - a lot of that is dependent on how extensive the changes are.
  23. yeah, was confronted by regis. we talked, same ol' oh my paps mission etc. it made no difference. Quest was stuck like a mule. Anyways. i found a way out. I was vilified by the khans way before i stepped into their base. It was confusing as they seemed friendly no matter. Even as i killed em one by one their fellows just stood there watching. QUICKLOADED. And i was lucky. I talked a little with the ceasar's ambassador, and confronted him in front of Pappa Khan. So they killed him in their turn for being such a d**k. The moment he dies, system tells me i gained some fame with the khans and the next thing you know quest updates as if i killed the khans, though i didnt touch em at all. Go figure. When you're villified and they don't react as such, that probably was what led to the problem. Been getting reports of people being hated by a faction yet still treated as friendly, not sure what mod or combination of mods has been causing the issue though. Worst rep I've had with Khan's was wild child, so I can't confirm that the game would mark them friendly for the sake of the quest, but generally speaking vilified has always been attack on site behavior for me.
  24. I didn't like Fist of the North Star all that much, but the FONV changes does make unarmed fun, particularly with a ballistic fist
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